Johanna and Dustin's SBP adventure! 6/23/08 No more swag at SBP


DIS Veteran
Mar 28, 2008
I'm very excited to finally begin my planning journal. I'm new to all this and have no idea how to post pics or anything! So until someone volunteers to help me out (pretty please!) I'll just explain how a Disney Wedding came to be!

I'll start of by how I met my DF. When I was in high school my friends and I would go to the local pizza place after softball practice. We knew how cute the cooks were and as silly high school kids we were hoping to catch their attention. Well, Dustin was a cook there at the time and we met eyes one day and that was it... Seriously. lol. We have been inseperable ever since. That was in 2002 and now we have a three year old son and one and half year old twins (a boy and girl). We're a bit unconventional having kids first, but we were just taking our time in deciding when and where to tie the knot.

Since we had already had our kids and knew that it was just a matter of timing before we got married I don't really have an engagement story. It kinda happened like this... Me: How would you like to get married in Disney World? Dustin: Sounds fun? Can I choose where and what we get to eat for the reception? Me: Absolutely. Dustin: Well then, I guess we're getting married at Disney World. Me: Yup.

So that's my engagement story. :rotfl: We're not very mushy lovey people, so it worked out great. No engagement ring, just a promise ring from freshman year of college, but there are hints of one coming! YAY!

Anyway, this was about a month ago that we decided Disney it was! I, by the way never thought of having my wedding any other place. It was always going to be at my favorite place on earth! So, I called to ask about availability for December, 2008 because I loved Florida weather at that time of year and I've never been to Disney during the holidays. After going back and forth on dates with Brie (she's great :thumbsup2 ) from Disney weddings, we decided on Decemeber 1, 2008 at 5pm at Sea Breeze Point. We're having an escape wedding and coordinating our own reception at Shula's at the Disney Swan. We wanted to make sure there was no transportation involved, just our feet and I think it works out perfectly.

Yesterday I made our hotel reservations at the Beach Club for the first two nights and then our honeymoon (sounds silly saying that after having kids)will be at the Wilderness Lodge. Kids are going to Grandparents for the days following the wedding, so Dustin and I can really just have fun without strollers and naps! Love our kids, couldn't picture life without them, but Mommy and Dadyy need a vacay! :laughing:

And that's where I am now, awaiting my contract! I've been looking at dresses and all the other goodies that come along with planning a wedding, so when I learn how to post pics... I will!

I want to add that I enjoy EVERYONE's trip/planning journals and want you all to know how much great advice I've recieved and how much this had made my planning just a bit easier. You all are great!

Looking forward to posting more soon! :surfweb:
Congratulations! So far it sounds pretty fantastic! Sea Breeze point is beautiful, its the one we are leaning towards choosing!

How is it working with Shulas? I am thinking of using them as well!

I think December will be AWESOME! Everything will be decorated for the holidays, so you will get some spectacular pictures!

Have you seen the Osborne Spectacle of Lights? UNREAL! The first week of December is typically pretty slow, thats the week we go to Disney every year, just gotta find out when the Pop Warner kids will be there, they tend to all stay at the All Star Resort, you might want to steer your guests away from that one if its the same week.

I am looking forward to hear more about your planning!
Thanks for reading! So far it's been great working with Shula's. They are super nice and wanting to help. We chose them because I was having a hard time with private dining at the Disney Resorts. They all had $2000 and up minimums, which is fine because we were planning to pay that for the convenience of a private room, but it was getting complicated. Plus, we're staying at the Beach Club, getting married at SBP, and we wanted someplace within walking distance... voila... THE SWAN. Fate intervened on this one and I couldn't be happier.

I have never seen the Spectacle of Lights, but DF and DS (Brandon, 3 years old) did two years ago. So, I'm excited to be there that time of year!

When are you planning on getting married?
I can't wait for more!!!!!!!!! I am going to start a thread soon too once I figure this stuff out too. We will learn along the way together!! :goodvibes

I am so excited for you! Keep the new info coming. As I am sure you know we LOOOOVE thsi stuff.

I hope we can meet up in Disney since you will be u pthere when I am.:hug:

Have you eaten at Shula's? It is to die for! Everything is awesome there so your guests will enjoy it so much!

I haven't ate there yet, but my family is a steak eating family, so I'm sure we'll fit right in. I'm glad for the good review though! It eases my mind a bit! We'll definitely meet up... I can't wait to put a face to a name!
Yay, yay, yay! party: Who knew I would be this excited over a pack of papers! We're going to send it out tomorrow or Tuesday and then the waiting begins............. Hopefully only two weeks until I hear from a coordinator. My main thing is if I can change the look of the cake slightly without it being too much money... I'm just not sold on the look of the one that comes with the package. To anyone who has had an Escape Wedding... was the cake nice? Also, how about flowers for our bouquet, can we change them at all or do we have to stick to what is on the Wish Book? Am I asking questions that will probably be answered for me by my coordinator... I thought so.... :rotfl:

I'll post again when I get more info from Disney..... Bye for now!
Decemberbride great start on the pj! It sounds like you have so much planned already which is great. I know I've gotten most of my stuff together while waiting for different Disney milestones to get here and I think it makes things go so much smoother so that when Disney does get in touch at different times you can just ask your questions and run with it you know? Hopefully we'll all get to meet up while we are all down there it sounds like it could be a great time!

Christine princess:
Congrats!:woohoo: Cant wait to hear all about your plans!

We too are going about things a little upsidedow: backwards! Our DS is 2! Better late than never I guess!
I have learned how to post pics from my twin on this site, Dawrobin and lurkyloo. Thanks girls!

So, today I booked my room and signed my contract for my private room at the disney Dolphin, at Shula's steakhouse. I'm very excited... Everything is coming together regarding to dates and times, so that's good news.

On the other hand, I have no idea about dresses, flowers, shoes, invitations or hair. I will post some ideas I have... beware, lots of pics. Oh and also my colors hot pink and light pink. So keep that in mind when looking at pics!
Here are the invites!




My hair is still up for discussion. I want it up, but everyone says it looks better down. Here we go with two ideas... plus I'm not sure if I'm having a veil or not. Might just be flowers or a comb.


And finally shoes... if I'm having pink in the wedding, my shoes will be pink... lol. I demand it!



So, that's it so far... let me know what you think. Oh, I have to find pics of the guys suits, but their either khaki or blue with either aqua or pink ties...
I love the pics :thumbsup2

OK here is what I like:

The 2nd BM dress. Cause to me it really is a dress I would wear again.

The calla lilly bouquet, but that is what I am doing in orange so I may be biased ;)

I like the first shoes. If you are keeping it casual I think they will be perfect.

I feel prettier with my hair down and i think it is less "formal" than an updo so I think that works for your look you seem to be going for.

I also like the first wedding dress you posted. With long flowing hair and minimal accesories it will be beautiful.

Either way you go, I am sure you will be beautiful!!!:bride:

We're totally on the same wavelength... do you realize our dresses are similar, but yours is a halter? By the way your dress is gorgeous! I love it. Is your color orange? Or just your flowers?
Hi ya Johanna,

I do not have any bridemaids or anything. So I don't have a true color theme. I LOVE orange so DF and I wanted the flowers in those colors. I am incoporating some yellow for my mom, but I also love champagne so my invites will be that color. That is pretty much it. I guess I don't really have colors since I have no bridal party.
Hi! Welcome tot he DIs Boards! I LOVE the first wedding gown you picked!
Johanna- I have exactly 18 guests right at my max. I don't have a bridal party really. No MOH or BM. My niece and nephew will be the extent. He is 3 and will be the ring bearer and she is 5 and will be the flower girl.

How many guests do you have? Is your son going to be in the wedding?

Keep the updates coming!
Hey dawn,

I too have the 18 max for guests... it's a good number I think, for me. It's small enough for as less stress as possible and also friends and extended family don't get their feelings hurt because they understand how small it is. We're still debating an at home reception when we return.

My son might be the ring bearer, but he's a bit rambuncious (sp?) so it's up in there to see if by the wedding roles around he's calmed down. lol. Our twin daughter and son will be two, so they might just sit with my parents... unless we decide to do something that includes all three of them in the wedding. I don't know what it could be, but I have time to figure it out... hopefully.

Goldeelox, thanks for the welcome. I love the first dress. I'm no where near how skinny that model is... a really really far cry actually, but i think it would still be flattering. I'm debating a pretty, colorcoordinated shawl to wear since I'm not fond of my upper arms. I saw a cute style on a model months ago and it looked classy and elegant. So, that's always a possibility. Thanks for the comments, they are needed and appreciated!

Congrats on your Cruise wedding! Sounds fun. I'm actually about to read your planning journal now! It's so fun!



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