Jingle Bells....AKL....Disney for 10 Whole Days! ** Updated June 2015: Videos Added**

A Last Full Day Morning with a Mission…..Do It All! Pt2

Our adventures with Pooh were over much too soon but it was time to move on I suppose.

But not before Sydney attacked Cory with hugs again lol. You can tell from Cory's expression that this was getting a bit old with him. I let this continue on as pay back for his comment on IASW earlier. Don't mess with mama.

We were now in the time frame to use our PP legacy FP but first we had a little pixie dust to spread. Since we had an extra two we wanted to give them away. Another thing I will miss from legacy FP. There happened to be a younger couple quite a few people ahead of us in the FP line and I suppose they were unaware of the line they were in because when they approached the CM who takes the passes that they clearly did not have they had to leave the line. We overheard their disappointment with the standby wait time and they looked so sad to not be able to ride without the long wait. That's where we come in! The look on people's faces when you do this just makes it all worth it. I will have to now find another way to brighten a stranger's day I suppose.

After PP it was now 10:30am and we headed into New Fantasyland. I stopped to check on the construction of the mine train. I understand that it is now opening at the end of this month. Seems unreal after how long they have been working on this. On this particular day I was just excited to see some color on the mountains lol.

We stopped in this area only to see….

The man himself! Unfortunately he was just leaving so I did not get the chance to be swooned.

Wait Gaston! Please don’t go! Ah, well maybe next time.

We made our way over to another of my favorites.

GAH! Never gets old!

Seems we did not even need FP for this as we were pretty much a walk on using standby. We were done by 10:45am and still making great time this morning!
Continued next post…..
A Last Full Day Morning with a Mission…..Do It All! Pt3

At this point Sydney reminded us that she had been asking for popcorn for awhile now and we had an abundance of snack credits still not used. It was time to right that wrong lol. We happened to be right by Maurice's Popping machine.

With her popcorn in hand we headed toward Liberty Square. DD was not the only one craving the use of a snack credit.

We got a little distracted with this going on right outside New Fantasyland and paused for a moment to enjoy the show and share Sydney's popcorn.

Ahhh our destination. Sleepy Hollow. Funnel Cakes. Family Tradition. Enough said.

C'mon lady don't be chintzy with the powdered sugar.

Lol she wasn't .

We found our spot right across from here. Disney themes….GAH love it.

And Cory's expression says it all…..FUNNEL CAKE NOM NOM NOM

While we were enjoying our junk food at 11:00 in the morning we noticed something going on near to where we were sitting. I got curious for a closer look.

Ha! That's neat. Man they were going to a whole lot of trouble to get "that shot". Maybe that's what I should start doing for trip reports? Lol can you imagine….

After getting our snack fix we stopped so the kids could test out how parents used to do time outs for kids

Cory was really hamming it up for the camera.

Since Sydney appeared to be too short to REALLY get the full experience we found one more her size.

After the kids realized that the punishments we give them really aren’t as bad as they could be we headed over to Frontierland to grab some legacy fastpasses for BTMRR.

Once that was accomplished our journey brought us to a new land where we found


Just can't catch a break with a picture on this ride….sigh

All was smooth sailing until we got here at the end. I don't know what happened but we were stuck listening to Jack Sparrow give the same spiel for about 10 minutes lol. Could have been worse I suppose.

It was now 11:50am and time for us to use our BTMRR legacy FP.

After our adventure on the wildest ride in the wilderness DH received a text from his parents that they were in the park and headed to meet us at our next destination…we had a very special lunch planned and must not be late for our very important date. It turned out to be such a great and successful morning.

Oooh Friday the 13th. Perfect!!!

Just to put your mind at ease on the cookie for breakfast... Disney desserts have all the necessary nutritional elements required. They're magic that way. pixiedust:

And IaSW is open... Friday the 13th indeed. :scared1:

I do have to admit (but don't tell anybody; I have an image to maintain), but on the last trip I probably would have ridden for a certain tiny person if it had been open. So I totally get you doing it for your daugher. Thankfully, it wasn't open, lol.

OK, the happy check on the carousel is precious. :flower3: As are all the sisterly hugs. Glad you're getting those pics while you can, lol.

Oh Jenn I so agree. The real "legacy" lost with FP- is the ability to pixie dust. RIP.
Oooh Friday the 13th. Perfect!!!

Just to put your mind at ease on the cookie for breakfast... Disney desserts have all the necessary nutritional elements required. They're magic that way. pixiedust:

And IaSW is open... Friday the 13th indeed. :scared1:

I do have to admit (but don't tell anybody; I have an image to maintain), but on the last trip I probably would have ridden for a certain tiny person if it had been open. So I totally get you doing it for your daugher. Thankfully, it wasn't open, lol.

OK, the happy check on the carousel is precious. :flower3: As are all the sisterly hugs. Glad you're getting those pics while you can, lol.

Oh Jenn I so agree. The real "legacy" lost with FP- is the ability to pixie dust. RIP.
Rob I like your reasoning with Disney breakfast desserts:thumbsup2 makes sense to me! LOL Friday 13th....IASW bahahahaha we are lucky to have escaped alive. Never thought of that! I have always found the room that has all of the dolls sort of white and blue themed to be especailly creepy (ironically I believe this to be the room with the hot air balloon clowns). The ferris wheel dolls all have their arms stretched out like they are zombies and it really creeps me out. And thanks to Cory reading the Kingdom Keepers series a few years ago I now always have the idea that they all come to life when the park closes lol. You lucked out with it being closed lol. Waaah I miss legacy FP :sad:.

While we were enjoying our junk food at 11:00 in the morning we noticed something going on near to where we were sitting. I got curious for a closer look.

Ha! That's neat. Man they were going to a whole lot of trouble to get "that shot". Maybe that's what I should start doing for trip reports? Lol can you imagine….

So jealous! Those are some pretty spectacular shoes, I have been eyeing a pair for months! I think I might have stepped up and volunteered to model a pair. :rolleyes1
Be…Our….Guest Pt1
It was just after noon and we were headed to our lunch destination in a new land.

Our journey into a new land first brought us to a creek

This land was very mysterious and beautiful

Then in the distance we saw it. A castle. But not just any castle. The Master's castle.

We were at tad nervous as we approached the castle. We did have a very important invitation for lunch but would we be allowed in. After all there were several others villagers standing, and waiting just for the chance to enter the castle and feast as well.

We made our way through the hungry and impatient crowd to find the other two in our family and check with the master's staff to see if we would be allowed to enter

I could not get over the beauty of this wonderful place

We received word that we would be allowed to enter for lunch and not have to wait among the others. Ahhh……we felt like royalty.

We were escorted down the path to the entrance into the magnificent castle.

Once inside we were directed to a long hallway where we were told to wait with others who had also been invited to the lunch feast. While waiting I was sure I heard whispering voices coming from the armor….it was rumored that this castle was enchanted.

We made our way to what appeared to be the master's library. This is where our order was taken for the feast. There were so many wonderful things the castle staff was preparing for us that it was hard to choose just one.

Continued next post……

Once our selections were made we were lead into the grand ballroom to find our seats.

This place was breathtaking to say the least!

We found a table located by the window with a view of the snowy mountains. Luck seemed to be on our side today with the spot we found.

We noticed that the master had decided to be festive with the upcoming holiday and had placed a tree in the ballroom for us to enjoy. This also happened to be right next to our table.

We sat and waited patiently for our food to arrive.

Within no time at all our prepared food was wheeled out to us in a very elegant fashion.

Everyone in our party had decided to go with the hand carved turkey with either fries or greens.

Since we had the kids split a meal we felt having them split a drink would be wise out of respect for the master in his castle. No one likes an angry beast and it also makes for a nice picture.

And for our dessert selections we went with the chocolate, strawberry, and master's cupcakes.

My DMIL took note of the edible chocolate piece on top of the master's cupcake and thought it was a nice touch.

DD clearly was enjoying her chocolate cupcake.

After we had finished our wonderful lunch we were granted permission to look around the castle a bit.

I was very excited to make a tour of the once forbidden west wing.

Before long it was unfortunately time for us leave this magnificent castle. After all the beast had more guest to entertain and one does not want to wear out their welcome.

It was such a lovely lunch and I felt so fortunate to have experienced this. Now it was time to bid farewell and get back to reality….well somewhat.

As we exited the castle I noticed DD hanging out with the lions at the entrance. When I asked her what she was doing she responded "Oh nothing…just lion around". I can't make this stuff up people.Ha! She cracks me up lol.

Another wonderful memory made at WDW.

Oh Jenn, what a great write up of your journey into the castle!!! I'm still so darn bummed that I didn't hear the suits of armour though. Next time.

Awww , the kids sharing their drink is too cute.

Ahhhh that's the real beauty of BoG. You leave into Fantasyland!!! Not some random street next to a Walmart... but Fantasyland!!!

"Lion Around"... :lmao: That's awesome!
I have yet to eat at BoG our hope is to get the lunch FP because we can't get and ADR we check everyday for dinner. Everything I've heard is that both lunch and dinner are good. Your experience there doesn't look any different.
Oh Jenn, what a great write up of your journey into the castle!!! I'm still so darn bummed that I didn't hear the suits of armour though. Next time.

Awww , the kids sharing their drink is too cute.

Ahhhh that's the real beauty of BoG. You leave into Fantasyland!!! Not some random street next to a Walmart... but Fantasyland!!!

"Lion Around"... :lmao: That's awesome!

Thanks Rob :thumbsup2
I have yet to eat at BoG our hope is to get the lunch FP because we can't get and ADR we check everyday for dinner. Everything I've heard is that both lunch and dinner are good. Your experience there doesn't look any different.

Oh I hope you get to try it! It's a must do at least once!! I actually scored an ADR for dinner here on our 180 day mark thanks to the 180+10 rule, and its was for our last full day. I thought that was insane! I held on to it for a while but there were so many other TS restaurants that I wanted to try on this trip and I knew that we could get a FP for lunch so......I dropped the dinner and we went for lunch. The food is a bit different and you don't get to meet the Beast at lunch, but the important thing for us was just to be able to eat in the restaurant so it was a good choice for us. You should have no problem getting a FP for lunch. I know that there was a link floating around here around the time we were going in December and I was able to use this with my resort conf# to get a FP at our 30 day mark. Good luck and I hope you get the chance for your next trip :goodvibes
We are Mad for Teacups

With lunch out of the way it was now about 1:30 in the afternoon and we headed to Storybook Circus to grab a legacy FP for Barnstormer. Then we headed over to Tomorrowland Speedway.

After a quick ride around the racetrack we headed toward the teacups

But before spinning we opted for a potty break.

Priorities people.

We waited for everyone to meet back at the teacups.

Then it was time to get dizzy!

Love the anticipation of getting on this ride!!

In teacup number one we have the inlaws

In teacup number two the kiddos were ready to go

And the DH and I in number three. I handed the videoing responsibilities off to the hubs for this one. So glad he finally got over his dizzy fear this year and rode the teacups!

Oh the insane happiness the ride brings....

Another successful ride on the teacups! Next we were headed back to Storybook Circus to use our legacy fastpass.
To be continued
Circus Fun

It was now about 2:00pm and we found ourselves back in Storybook Circus. I cannot get over the attention to detail in these new areas…..it's all about the details people! We had FP's but still had a bit of time to kill first.

I will not ever pass up a chance to see an elephant fly…oh my!

First we stopped at the interactive queue which still confuses the hell out of me lol.

We then headed back into the regular line and watched Dumbo fly above us while we waited for our turn.


Soon it was time for us to board

The kids and their grandparents anxiously awaited for the takeoff

Then we were a go!

How can you not love this ride?! GAH!!

After we landed Sydney wanted to check out stationary Dumbo. Not sure what she was up to in this picture but she looks like she is definitely up to SOMETHING!

We still had a bit of time to kill before Barnstormer so we decided to do a bit more exploring at the Circus

Right on Dumbo...right on!
Killing Time Under the Big Top

We decided to do a bit of exploring in the new tent area.

Upon entering we were greeted with this sight…..BEST CIRCUS TENT EVER!!!!

Big Top Snack heaven……

Almost purchased……

After wandering around we were finally in the window for using our legacy FP so that is where we headed.

I am late to the party, but I am joining in! :wave2: We had a "fool proof" plan that fell apart completely (but quickly and magically came back together) two days before we were to fly out on our last trip. I think Disney vacations should be exempt from last minute worries!
It just amazes me (well not really) the absolute joy such a simple ride like the teacups produces. Not much more than what you'd find at a local fair, yet a million times more joy.

And speaking of simple yet joyous... DUMBO!!! Ca-las-ic.

Oh that shirt. I'm sure you've seen it, but just in the very off chance you haven't... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4_dZPVg8KI
More MK Fun!!!!

It was now 2:45pm and we were finally in our window for riding Barnstormer. On our way we came across the "then new" Casey Jr. Spray park area.

It's December….no thank you!
We paired up and got ready to ride the shortest rollercoaster in the world!

Cory and I took the front row. He was ready to go!

DH and Sydney were right behind us. Love this picture of them!

And then the ride is over…….but it’s a fantastic 10 seconds!

Our goal today was not only to see how many rides we could get in, but also to see how much food we could eat….so off to the Village Haus we went. Seriously though we had so many credits left and this was our last day so don't judge me lol! We shared and assortments of items including….

Pepperoni Flatbread

Chicken Caesar Salad (my personal fav)

And chocolate Gelato…yum

And then the kids went to what they do best here, which is anything to get the attention of the small world boat people

It's kind of a must do for us on every trip now.

After our second or third lunch, at this point I have lost count on how many times we have eaten in one day, apparently Cory and I ran over to use our Space Mountain FP+ that we had scheduled. We were the only ones wanting to ride.

Then it was back across Magic Kingdom town to hop in line for IASW. Once a trip, I know, I know, but the in laws had missed out this morning so here we were again. All for the love of Disney.

I found it fascinating that there were this many people in line.

Then I stalked this guy the whole time we were in line to get a good picture of his hat so I could send it to my sister who I was texting with so we could have a good laugh together. Sorry but this hat was ridiculous. I am all about grown people and mouse ears but come on man you have a holiday centerpiece on your head with dangling stuffed Disney character ornaments. BTW if this person happens to be on the DIS and reading this right now forget everything I just said. You hat is awesome and you are rockin it!!!

Ahh….okay here we go…..round two…..

Funny…..seems like I've seen this before…..hmmmm. The in laws were on the row in front of us with Sydney enjoying the ride while Cory, DH and I sat behind them. Since I had already had my feel of IASW for this trip earlier in the morning I had no problem continuing my texting conversation with my sis while on the ride.

Then I noticed some male giggling coming from the two I was sitting by. I ended the conversation with sis and looked up to see what these two were up to. Apparently they were making funny expression pictures to make the ride bearable. So I did what any good mother/wife would do….


Now the ride was fun!

Apparently we were being a bit loud with our giggling so much that DMIL turned around to see what we were up to. We looked like a couple of kids that just got caught being naughty and quickly said, nothing just taking pictures….here smile and we will take yours…..trying not to bust out laughing. Whew that was close. They smiled and turned back around to continue to enjoy the ride. And no sooner had Syd and DMIL turned back around….

We went back to our little game. Best IASW ride EVER!!!!
I am late to the party, but I am joining in! :wave2: We had a "fool proof" plan that fell apart completely (but quickly and magically came back together) two days before we were to fly out on our last trip. I think Disney vacations should be exempt from last minute worries!

One can never be too late to the party, especially when its almost summer and I am still writing a report from Christmas time lol! So :welcome: and I am happy to have you join in! Yes you are right and I agree about no worry Disney vacations:thumbsup2! Glad to see that your plan worked out in the end and you had some pixie dust too!!! No matter what it does seem that it always works out in the end with Disney....it's just such a magical place :goodvibes
It just amazes me (well not really) the absolute joy such a simple ride like the teacups produces. Not much more than what you'd find at a local fair, yet a million times more joy.

And speaking of simple yet joyous... DUMBO!!! Ca-las-ic.

Oh that shirt. I'm sure you've seen it, but just in the very off chance you haven't... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4_dZPVg8KI

That's because DISNEY IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I can NEVER get over Dumbo....love this baby elephant so much!!! Oh my goodness Rob, No I had not seen the video to go with all of the shirts I was seeing on the trip. That is so funny! Darth Vader and Stormtroopers in Disney can never ever get old and it will always be funny! Ha! My favorite is when he was on the HM and the thing popped up and his reflex was to activate his lightsaber....bahahahahaha! Did you see the outtakes from the Christmas taping with Neil Patrick Harris and them on the Jungle Cruise? Epic! Thank you for sharing this:goodvibes


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