Jen's Journal.....Baby Steps to a new me

well i didnt go to curves today--i woke up feelign sick..i am really hoping that im not getting the flu or anything like that....but now, im nervous....ive been laying down and then i have to babysit, but i just dotn want to be sick for florida!!
Emergency healing :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: coming your way Jen!! Make sure you get some vitamin C and maybe some nice chicken noodle soup??

Hope your feeling better in no time!! :cool1:

chicken soup is sounding pretty good actually (which is good because i havent eaten all day!) i just got up after laying down and im now gong to get the bringing them to my house for dinner with my family so its going to be lowkey--the boys can play with my brother...thanks for the emergency healing!! ill let you know how i am feeling tomorrow :)
Hey Jen!

Hope you start to feel better soon. Make sure you get lots of rest and eat some chicken soup. Sending :hug: and :wizard: your way! Get better soon, Jen!
echinecha is an herb you can buy in capsul form at the drug store, tea in the grocery store, and in different forms in a health food store. Whenver I feel illness coming on I start taking the capsuls... I either don't end up sick or end up with a mild case of what is going around school... :flower1:

Hope you feel better!
Oooh Jen,
I hope you are feeling better now. You just have one day until your trip!!!!

Sending pixie dust your way :wizard:

hey everyone--i am feeling a TON over 9 hours of sleep last night...Thanks!
so onto good news--i went to curves today and decided to weigh myself so i have the before and after from disney--i am down to 145! :cool1: ..i started curves at 150, and went up to 152 the first i have lost a total of 7 pounds!! i get weighed and measured when i get back from disney, so hopefully it wont be tooo LOVE to get to 135, but even 140 would be good for down 2 in january already! thanks so much for your support guys!
:thewave: :thewave:

WTG Jen!!!! That is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Make sure you drink your water while in WDW and watch what you eat - at least a little bit! :rolleyes: Have a wonderful time and wear your lime green on Sunday to support all our WISH walkers!! :cheer2:

Have a GREAT Trip!

Jen, I'm so glad you're feeling better and way to go on the weightloss!!! Woo Hoo! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

If I don't see you again before you leave for Disney I hope you have an awesome trip! It's really hot and humid here right now so you'll probably be guzzling the water and since you don't like anything food wise I bet you come back with a loss! LOL

Talk to you soon! :wave:
Michelle and sharon--thank you guys sooo much!! i will be drinking water like crazy--and i HOPE i wont eat toooo really excited for the trip now and am packed and just cleaned the entire house haha
i will be coming back to "check" on you guys when i get home!! haha--have a good week ladies!!
Have a terrific trip. That is so awesome that you made your goal to 145! Way to go! Keep up the great work and I know you have a plan, try to stick to it and don't get too hung up on it if you don't.

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc WTG Jen! Congrats on losing those pounds. That is awesome. Have a fantastice time in WDW! We will want tons of details when you return.

Have a safe trip,
Thanks guys--i really appreciate all your support here-i honestly couldnt do it without you guys..sooo many times i dont want to go and i come here ,read what u say..and i go to curves..
now i have a question for you --does anyone now any exercises or anything that help with your stomach? im losing the weight, but my stomach is still so big! and im at 145 now, but id love to get to at least 140..any ideas on how to get my stomach? thanks guys! keep up the good work while im gone!
Jen, are you doing any type of cardio in your workouts? That's about the only way I know of the get rid of belly fat. You can do ab work to develop the muscles but until you burn the fat off no one's gonna see it. Also examine your diet and see how much fat you are eating, you might need to trim it back a little. I've read numerous times that for women excess fat consumption usually ends up in your belly area.
I think cardio is the key as well. Also I was told by a trainer to do 3 sets of 40 reps of situps. Good luck.
Hey Jen!

Stopping by to WISH you a safe and relaxing trip. Have a great time at WDW and please tell Mickey and Minnie we said hi!

Take good care of you sweetie :hug:
Thanks guys..i knew if i asked on the journal i would get responses! I havent done any cardio really--just curves and thats not much...i have FIRm tapes somewhere,,maybe i can do the cardio one alternating with curves? anyone do that so i can see how that worked out ?
thanks again!


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