Jennifer's Journal to Hotness!!!


Disney Bound!
Feb 15, 2007
Ok, here's the deal. When I was first married in 2001, I was about 40 lbs overweight (169lbs). My husband loved me unconditionally of course, but I know he longed for those days 5 years earlier when I was just 130lbs. He thought I was HOT! ;) It made me feel great about myself and I had a lot of confidence.

After being married for 3 years, we decided to have a baby. I gained about 40lbs during my pregnancy and peaked at 204lbs. After having the baby, I promised myself to lose weight. I started out slowly walking my baby around the neighborhood. Then I started jogging with her in the jogging stroller. When she was just 6 months old, I competed in a sprint distance triathlon (swim .5 mile, bike 12.6mile, run 3.1 mile). It was great and I looked fantastic. I was 135lbs.

Since then, I slowly inched back up to 171lbs. I started having knee issues this year and am in physical therapy...which meant no triathlon for me. That was really upsetting. I had to completely stop excercising too. :sad1:

Now, I have been ok'd to start the eliptical trainer slowly. I started doing it and going back to the gym feels great!! I have already lost 3 lbs!!! I am on my way....

Oh, and just started eating healthy again. Yesterday at Wal-Mart I passed up a Hershey bar, which I hesitated at. I was so proud of myself. :woohoo:
Welcome to Wish...sounds like your of to a good start...that was a huge weight loss from 204 to 135 in 6
Yesterday, I visited my physical therapist. He had me doing all sorts of new exercises. It was great. I even started breaking a sweat!

Before going there, I took my daughter to mommy & me gymnastics class and ran around after her. Then, I dropped her off at preschool and headed to the gym. I thought I would have enough time to do the eliptical trainer and swim, but I only had time for one. I chose the eliptical trainer. I did it for 25 minutes on the fat burn program, which is lower than the cardio. It felt good and was starting to get easier for me.

I thought I had an ok day with excercise and really didn't overdo eating. When I got on the scale this morning I couldn't beleive my eyes...I actually weighed myself 3 times just to make sure. I LOST 3 POUNDS!!!:yay:

Awesome way to start the day!

Jaime, thanks for the welcome and encouragement. Yes, it was quite a thing to lose all that baby weight and more. All my friends and family were telling me how great I looked and how they couldn't believe I lost all that. I'm looking forward to that again in the near future. ;)


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