Janice's Crew Celebrate at The World - Day 15


Super Shopper
Aug 18, 1999
‘It’s my birthday – and I’ll cry if I want to!’

DAY 15 – Packing – and at last we find an ‘Open’ Harley Shop!

We were all up fairly early as we still have some packing to do. We had a quick breakfast, using up some of the odds and ends, but we still found that we had quite a lot of things to leave in the fridge, freezer and cupboard. It seemed a shame to throw good food etc away so we just left a note for the owners. I had bought a couple of packs of nice new tea towels, as a parting gift for the owners and we left them with the note.

I had quite forgotten that it was my birthday and was so surprised to have cards and gifts from my family. James and Emma had bought me some beautiful diamond stud ear rings in the Magic Kingdom and I found out this morning that the reason Katie and Ian had gone missing just before Illuminations the previous evening, was because I had inadvertently mentioned that I really liked a bracelet whilst we were browsing in Italy, so they had gone to buy me that for my birthday. I now feel so guilty that they almost missed this last chance to see the fireworks just to get me a present. What would you do with them – except for give them the biggest hug possible? Chris had already said that I could choose anything for my birthday from Downtown Disney this morning. Yes, they were taking me back for one last look and to find the Christmas Shop at Downtown Disney.

We tidied the house and packed the car – well pushed everything in as best we could. It was packed! We all had a bad feeling that we were going to be over our weight allowance. The owners rang us just before we left to wish us a safe journey, and I thought that was a real nice thought. They obviously value their guests and we made a nice comment in their visitor’s book. I would certainly recommend them to anyone and would stay in any of their properties again.

We made our way to Downtown Disney, and the mission was to find the Christmas Shop and one last quick visit to The Disney Store. I was astounded when I went into the Christmas Shop at how lovely all the decorations were. There were all different kinds of baubles and tree hangings, but what I wanted was the ceramic Mickeys that you can have your name and date painted on. I had seen these a couple of years ago that a friend had and thought how lovely they were. And how special would it be to have them for the year 2000! No such luck – the wait for the painting was until the middle of February! So I chose a commemorative millennium ceramic hanging that could either be used as a tree decoration or stand on a small plate stand. It was $12 and is lovely. I also bought one of these for my dear friend Marie, who could not come on this holiday with us and my sister in law, who is also a best friend. One last remark about this shop – they sell the most wonderful pieces that you can buy to put a village scene together – really Dickensian and so beautiful. We wish we had more time to browse but we had left it too late!

Now we hike it back to the Disney Store and here is where I come into my own. I am a lady on a mission. I have over the years collected the very small china figures for my mum and this year was not going to be any different. I added to her collection a Winnie, Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger, Dalmatian, Jimminy Cricket and a Millennium Mickey. I bought myself a lovely figurine of Mickey holding a banner with 2000 and this now has pride of place amongst all my family picture frames in my lounge. Then I spotted what I would like from Chris for my birthday. They were Limited Edition Gold Mickey Charms. There was a set of 4, but Chris bought me 2 – Mickeys Garden from 1935 which is LE No: 794 and Steamboat Willie from 1928 which is LE No: 478. They are really nice and come with their own little certificate. In fact, they were so nice that I bought The Sorcerers Apprentice as a gift for Marie, which she absolutely loved. It is now time to go. I quietly go to the car and just sit and reflect. I try not to be too sad, as it is my birthday and I did get to the Christmas Shop after all!

Next – down the 192 to the Harley Davidson Shop for Emma and thankfully, it is open this time. She and James nip in there and 10 minutes later emerge with the gift she wanted for her Dad’s new bike. The items she bought (I cannot remember what they were for the life of me!) were something for the pedals and cost over £80 each here and she got them for $52 per pair!! What a saving. She was really glad that we managed to get to the shop at long last.

Now it was time for lunch/dinner as it was just past 12 o’clock. We had to be at Sanford for 3 so we could not afford to take it slow today but Perkins it was. We explained to the waiter that we were on a very tight time schedule and were so impressed with the speed, yet unhurried way in which our meal was served. Boy, could we learn a thing or two from this chain of restaurants. Our final meal was a pleasure and the standards never faltered during the whole of our stay. When we have been before with our friends, we have been more adventurous and eaten at many different and wonderful restaurants, but Perkins suited our crew for this holiday, as we were all on a tight budget and if you recall, at the beginning of the holiday we had all put a set amount each into the ‘Housekeeping’ purse, which I looked after (of course – what else are mum’s for?) of £250 – about $390 each – for the 2 weeks. This was to cover all our food, meals in restaurants, drinks, petrol, tips and anything else that we did jointly. After this last meal, we had left in the purse the princely sum of $68 (£45) so we did not do too badly, did we?

We now made our way down to the end of International Drive to pick up the road for Sanford, making one last quick stop to buy a new holdall for James and Emma as they were struggling to get all their bits and pieces into their hand luggage.

The drive to Sanford was straightforward and we dropped the car off without any hitch. So easy and without any fuss. We made our way to departures and arrived at the check in desk at 3.05 PM. Made it! We were handed a piece of paper informing us that our flight was delayed by 3 hours – would you believe it?

Now this is where the fun begins.

Again, you will recall that we had paid £60 each for 3 extra legroom seats and £14 each to sit together? The check in clerk had no notice of this fact and said that we could not have the extra legroom seats or sit together but if we write to complain when we get home we might get our money back! I DON’T THINK SO. I quickly despatched Chris, Ian and Katie out side to have one of their many last cigarettes. I then suggested that James take Emma to phone her parents to let them know we were delayed. I then spoke very nicely – but firmly – to the clerk and asked to speak to the representative of Air 2000. A good 40 minutes later, I am still waiting, patiently, while they try to figure out why our seats are double booked and we cannot have the seats requested. The rep from Air 2000 arrives and apologised for all the delay and pressed a couple of buttons on the computer terminal and hey presto – we have seats. 3 Extra legroom seats in Row 31 and 3 others in Row 21. An hour had now passed, the others were all amazed at my resilience and patience, but I thought it best not to pursue the ‘seats together’ option. What will be, will be. I will sort this out once we are home.

Next problem. The luggage. We are, as a group, 36 kilos over our allowance. Chris and I by 11, Ian and Katie by 9, and James and Emma by 16. This comes to the sum of $360! The clerk lets us off 12 kilos because of all the wait – so that leaves $240 to pay. We pay $60, which is left in the kitty and then split the rest 3 ways. By the way – they had given us a voucher for $8 each for food in the departure lounge because of the delay.

So now it is almost 4-30 and we have until 8 till we take off. James and Ian amuse themselves playing pool whilst Chris, Katie Emma and me just take it in turns meandering around Duty Free. This is not a good airport if you get delayed. Take books, snacks and drinks. The food in the main was awful. There is just one part where you can buy sandwiches (sub rolls) which were passable – but the rest was just plain awful!

Anyhow – as I was wandering around Duty Free, I could not believe my eyes. Here on the very last leg of our holiday was what I had searched every shop, in every park for. A complete set of the 7 Dwarf Beanies. I quickly put one of each in my basket, along with Donald for good measure and felt like the Cat who had got the Cream. I had my Dwarfs – and believe me I had looked for these on the last 2 visits as well. Along with a couple of make up items and a special offer Alfie Bear I purchased them and made my way back to Chris. This was another birthday present. I was now a contented bunny, and waited patiently for our flight home.

We were surprised at how quick the time went and were even more surprised when we sat on the plane and the pilot announced that the flight home was expected to take an astonishing 7 ½ hours! What we had suffered on the flight out was being made up for on the way back.

The flight was pretty uneventful – it was not pleasant – but not awful. Unfortunately, a small child sitting behind me was obviously not happy flying and cried all the 7 hours home, falling asleep for the last 30 minutes or so. Then the stewardess woke him up to be strapped in with his parent! I was glad when it was over, but watched the films and read a little to pass the time. I also tried to write some notes but found it difficult to concentrate so decided to leave that until later.

We passed through Customs without any problem at all and our mini bus and driver were waiting where we had pre arranged, to take us home. It was very cold and wet.

The drive home was about an hour, and the driver was telling us all about the millennium celebrations that had happened (or not as the case may be!) here and seemed quite envious of us. I think he may consider Florida next year!

We dropped a very sleepy Emmylou of at her house and then made the final short journey back to ours – where my Mum and Dad were waiting with that most wonderful of things – A decent cup of tea!

Final instalment tomorrow:

The ‘What we did right – what we did wrong – and what we would do again’.

And Reality Bites!!


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