Jane E.'s Fitness Journal

Greetings from the UK!!! I'm glad the tree thing is all straightened out. How frustrating!

Your dentist story is my worst nightmare. That is exactly why I have not told the dentist about my crown sensitivity. I think I can chew on only one side of my mouth for a while. That is why I had them give me a shot before they took off my temp (in addition to the 2 Xanax...).

I'm glad you are back on track. I am so far off it's not even funny. I ate so much on the plane I'm lucky I didn't explode on landing... :rolleyes1 At least there is a workout room in this hotel. Starting tomorrow I am going to hit it daily!

Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Hi Jane!

I get busy and am away for a while from the journals, but you always have entertaining stories when I return!! :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Glad the tree episode is finished. Good for you getting back at DS!

Sorry about your crown, I HATE going to the dentist, and fear I have passed on my attitude to my DD's.

Good luck with your eating/exercise in October. Let's both try for a successful month! :sunny:
Today I did 30 minutes of pilates - ab & upper body work

Dinner last night was chicken stir fry
I also had lf cheese & mini pitas last night

#1 veggie burger, lf cheese, pita, 1/2 apple
#2 2 ww mini pitas, hummus, 4 orange pepper slices & mini carrots, hot pepper cheese
#3 2 cinamon rolls

Amy, I'm glad you made it safe and sound. :sunny: What a great trip! Hope you're able to get in lots of workouts and/or do lots of walking. Enjoy the local cuisine while you're there. Most of all HAVE FUN!

Kate, its great hearing from you. :cool1: I'm glad your doing well. I agree that this will be a successful month for ALL of us!
Your eating has been looking much better! I am assuming those are mini cinnamon rolls you are talking about and not Cinnabon...

Oh I've been enjoying the local cuisine, believe me! Tomorrow we are going to an Indian place. That ought to be interesting. It's been ages since I've had Indian food, but I remember I really liked it.

Keep up the good work with your exercising, you are really sticking with it! :thumbsup2
Jane, so sorry the tree event kept going, but at least it is over now.

I'm not sure 2 long islands would have been enough after your dentist visit. Yikes!! Your eating has gotten so much better and you are getting daily exercise too. That is great! :woohoo:

Amy, the best indian food I ever had was in London. It was 20 years ago, but I still remember it was awesome! Enjoy!

Have a great rest of the week. :cheer2:
Today I did 10 minutes of cardio.
#1 1 banana & 1 slice pnut butter toast
#2 handful of concord grapes, 1 slice pnut toast
#3 curry chicken salad, 1 lime coke
#4 1 chix quesadilla, 1 lime coke

I had the worst stomach ache and the coke always seems to settle my stomach. I'm getting alot of mileage out of my grilled chicken.

Amy, how cool that you're posting to us from England. :smokin: You were right those cinamon rolls belonged to the Pillsbury Dough Boy. Not only do they taste good but they make the house smell great. I love spicy (medium) Indian Curry. We have a fantastic Indian restaurant here but dh doesn't like their food as much as I do. Have a great time in London tomorrow!

Anna, I'm just grateful that the tree episode is OVER! :sunny: Right now we're dealing with her a/c but that should be finished by tomorrow. She has an older home, and its one thing after another. My brother told me that he went to take out the garbage & he could not move one of the bags. Apparently, Mom had filled it with sawdust, & it was so dense he could barely move it. I told him he should have asked Mom to take it to the street. :teeth: He said that wasn't funny because she probably WOULD have!
Thanks for your encouragement!
I'm glad to be posting, it makes it feel a little less like a biz trip when I can talk to my WISH buddies and still keep on top of my work e-mail. So I guess lugging the 30lb laptop bag around is worth it...

You are doing really good with your workouts! I love those Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls. I remember my mom making them when I was little and she'd always let me put the frosting on. I guess my kids will not have memories like that since I don't make sweets at home. I guess they can have fond memories about how I forced them to eat broccoli and cauliflower and try things like vegetable meatloaf. Yep, I can sense another Mom of the Year nomination coming up!

Keep up the good work! I hope your stomach is feeling better today!
Ds woke up with pink eye! Personally, I think that there should be an age limit on that illness. I just hope I don't get it.

#1 2 slices of pb&j toast, 1/2 banana
#2 1 slice homemade pizza w/white sauce, grilled chix, onions & artichoke hearts
#3 same, lean cuisine eclair
#4 cinamon roll, cranberry juice

Amy, I'm glad you brought your laptop. I can't wait to read how your trip is going. Thanks for posting while you're on the trip and watch out for those English irons! :thumbsup2
Bummer on the pink eye! I haven't had those Pillsbury Rolls in years. I remember them being really fun. I bet my kids would like them and they would eat them all up instead of me! Your eating is really getting back on track. The eclair was lean cuisine and the cinnamon rolls are small and you only had one of each. Slow and steady progress Jane. Good Job! :thumbsup2
I had a bad clothes dream last night. :scared1: Nothing fit! In my dream dh and I were getting ready to go to the wine festival at Epcot. Friends from my past showed up. They kept getting in the way so we couldn't get started on our trip. I went to wash a pair of size 14 jeans for the trip and when I got to the washing machine an old friend of mine had already started the washing machine. It was full of clothes that were already washed. I was mad because I couldn't wash my jeans until those clothes finished and it delayed our trip. Everytime I went to use the washer someone else was doing MY clothes (that didn't fit). Then I couldn't find anymore size 14 pants to wear. All of the clothes I had ever worn from size 5 junior to 18 were hanging up but nothing fit. I had no clothes to take to Epcot. By the time it got dark I gave up and we cancelled our trip. All of my friends who showed up kept slowing me down. It was very frustrating.

I know its bugged me that my size 12s are too tight.

It didn't help matters much when I woke up and weighed in my weight was 163.:sad2:

On a positive note it did encourage me to workout! I did 60 minutes of biking and walking. I rode my bike to a park and then walked thru their trails. Afterwards, I rode to a bridge and walked 1/2 across that.

#1 oatmeal, 1 apple, raisins, nf milk
#2 veggie burger on bun
#3 crackers w/turkey and nf cheese

Thanks, Anna. I love reading about your beach and zoo hikes. Its very motivating! :cool1:
Wow, what a freaky dream! Isn't is bizarre how some things that are bothering you come through in weird dreams? Keep it up with your workouts, that weight will eventually come off. You might want to try to limit your carbs to 1-3 per day. I've found that has helped me more than anything else. It really keeps my bloating down. And I know you love your fruit juices, but my ND said to stay away from them (too much sugar). You'll get back to the 140's, it'll just take some time.
What a crazy dream. Maybe the scale and the dream are what you needed though to really get back on track. You know what you need to do. You are already exercising which is great. And you are getting your food back in line. The weight will come off again. Amy's advice is a sound as always. Try substituting a piece of fruit or veggies for a carb. I think the fruit juice too doesn't give you the fiber/bulk of eating the actual piece of fruit so it isn't as filling. Sometimes when I really want juice, I'll have a glass of sparkling water with just a splash of juice. It is refreshing and satisfies my juice craviing without being a lot of calories.
My weigh in this morning was 159.8! :dogdance: A little later in the day it was up to 160 but I'm taking the 159.8. I really need it now!

Last night dh and I went out for dinner. We split the jambalaya. I also had 3 slices of sourdough bread with butter. That stuff is good! Also 3 cosmos.

I wanted a late night snack but did not give in to temptation.

This morning I did 40 minutes of pilates.

I didn't eat until the afternoon.
#1 veggie burger on a bun, 1 banana, cranberry juice (ouch! - I know)
So far sooo good. I want my jeans to fit! Even the 14s were feeling tight on me.

Amy, you're right about the carbs. I'm a carboholic. I just can't live without'em but I know I need to decrease the amount I do eat. Welcome back! How was your trip? :goodvibes

Anna, great idea about the sparkling water. :thumbsup2 That dream scared me to death. I woke up feeling horrible, & it really motivated me to wake up and start eating better and working out more.

Kate, thanks for stopping by! :sunny:
:cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: Yay for getting back into the 150's! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: Good job resisting the late night snack. I was reading someplace about diet "myths". It said that late night snacks aren't any worse than day snacks - a calorie is a calorie. I don't believe it though. History for me has proven otherwise. :sad2:
Yay on getting rid of the 160's!!! I bet you were so happy to see that number on the scale! And great job resisiting the late night snacks. I decided that I lived for 5 days without snacking AT ALL and I am going to use that fact to make sure I don't get back into the evening nibbling mode that has been killing any chance I have of getting to my goal weight. It never ceases to amaze me that we all now how to succeed, we just choose not to... :confused3

When is the food and wine festival? I bet that is going to be so fun! :thumbsup2
Our weather is so beautiful! I love this time of year. I hope it stays nice for Epcot! On the other hand, 0-4 things don't look so good for The Bucs. :sad2: We came so close to winning - at least we can't blame the new quarterback for this one.

I took the dog on a trail walk for 25 minutes then came home and got out my bike. I ended up riding to the beach. I did one of my hike n bike rides. I walked at the beach & at the bridge span. I was able to get in 60 more minutes for a total of 85 minutes. I felt great.

Yesterday I did 20 minutes of jog walks to start my day.
#1 oatmeal, 1/2 apple, raisins, nf milk
# 2(during game at home w/friends) 2 mimosas, hummus, raw veggies & 5 mini pitas

#3 at Mexican restaurant to watch the rest of the game with friends - 2 margaritas (they make the best margaritas - add some sort of orange liquer so its sweet), 10 chips, salsa, 1 bowl of soup

#4 dh & I went to another restaurant for dessert - we split their signature dessert - choc bread pudding - yum! its was rich with icecream, whiskey sauce & a homemade choc cookie which is more like candy

#1 a glass of iced lemon water
#2 veggie burger on pita, lf cheese, 1/2 banana, 1 apple w/cinamon

I think today I'm going to fix a Contessa meal for dinner.

Anna, now if I can just STAY in the 150s. :wizard: Its still too close (160) for comfort. While watching The Biggest Loser I noticed that with more exercise they were able to lose more weight. I kept thinking I could only lose 1-2lbs per week & that thought really UNmotivated me. Seeing that they were able to lose 5, 10 or more lbs in a week helped. I think thats why I'm working out more.

Amy, if you can do it I can too! :yay: The evening nibbling is the worst. I've been concentrating on eating healthy - instead of cheese & crackers, I'm fixing pitas & hummus or veggie burger & fruit. That way I don't feel deprived, I get something to eat, but I'm staying on program. We'll be heading over to the festival on Thursday or Friday. We only plan on staying one day at the F&W festival. Dave Sanborn is there, & dh wanted to see him perform. We're planning on going again before it ends for some more wine sampling. I love trying all of the different foods. Just pray it doesn't rain! If it doesn't rain dh & I take all day to go around the world & see the different concerts in between our food fest.
You are going to have so much fun this weekend!

You are really doing great with all your working out. I wish I had more time to devote to exercising, I have really been in a rut this past week. But I'm sure once the kids are no longer living at home I will miss them and wish I had these hectic days back! :confused3

I loved the restaurant hopping! Everything sounds so yummy! :thumbsup2
You are doing a great job with your exercise Jane! :cool1:

That chocolate bread pudding sounds heavenly :cloud9: . I think the orange liqueur is Grand Marnier and it is great in Margarita's! Yum! Now I want a margarita ...

Have a great week and here is some :sunny: for you for the F&W festival.
My weight today was 159.6. At least I'm going in the right direction.

Yesterday's dinner was a Contessa veggie & beef dinner
I had a tv snack of cheezits & lf cheese at about 9:15pm.

Today I was swamped with stuff to do so I didn't get in a workout.

#1 chicken fajita soup, 1 muffin with butter
#2 10 cheezits with lf LC cheese, LC eclair

Tonight I'm making salmon patties.

Amy I'm looking forward to the festival; however, we weren't able to book a room at the resort we wanted. Disney must be packed. With all of the stuff on your plate right now I can see why you'e having trouble fitting in exercise. You've always done a good job with getting your workouts in. Hopefully, after your cruise things will calm down & you'll get back to your schedule. Thanks for your encouragement!

Anna, it may just be Grand Mariner. They say its a secret ingredient but someone told me it was some sort of orange liquer. They've spoiled me because I don't like regular margaritas anymore! Thanks for your wishes for a dry F&W Festival. We've been there when its rained & its miserable. Everything is out in the open & there is nowhere to sit & enjoy your food without getting drenched.


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