Jamie's Journal (comments welcome please!)

Hi Jamie! :wave2:

Sounds like you had a great weekend! ::yes:: On Saturday, you were an exercise princess:. Great job!!! :cheer2:

Have a happy and healthy day today! :flower: Thanks for your encouragement in my journal! :goodvibes
Hi Jamie - Your weekend looked really good! You better get some more turkey hot dogs or you won't know what to do for dinner! :goodvibes I think that 2 small chocolate chip cookies are WAY better than the 5 or 6 you would have had in the past, don't you think? And you did excellent portion control at Long John Silvers! And so what if you didn't workout on Friday, everyone needs a break and it sounds like you more than made up for it on Saturday! Awesome job! :cool1:

It sounds like you are doing really well. I'm BRAVOing you on not taking those treats!!!! Way to go - you should be very proud of yourself. I haven't told many people at my work that I'm losing either. I want to wait and see if they notice once I get some significant weight off. My boss is on vacation and doesn't return until the 1st and I hope to have 10 pounds off by then, we'll see if she notices (I can notice already with just 5 but I look at myself every day). They have got to think something's up with all the trips to the bathroom that I'm making and the amount of food that I'm eating at various times (yesterday it seemed like I was constantly eating but I was just trying to spread my food out over the day and that worked for me).

Keep up the good work and keep on :banana: :banana:
karynnix said:
I noticed that you eat turkey hot dogs. How are they? We have switched to turkey bacon and sausage and absolutely love it. i enjoyed reading through your journal. You are very detailed. It's good to look back and see what you ate on a good day and it gets you back on track. Good job so far!!

I love them! It seems that I eat them all the time. But I just can't get enough of them. How is the turkey sausage? I don't like normal beef (I guess that is what they are made of :confused3 ) sausage so I never buy it. I was a little worried on the hotdogs, but it is a choice I am glad that I made!
Hi.....Thanks everyone for posting in my journal. This is really what keeps me going. So many thanks to everyone. Not just people posting, but reading other journals too!

So yesterday was a good day. I got in some pretty good exercise too. My water intake was good. About a 100oz. May just a little shy, but not by much. The only "cheat" was the cookies, but I just could not pass them up!!!! It felt good though too!

So tomorrow is weigh day and I am really hoping to see something! I don't know though. TOM is suppose to be coming this week and I hope that does not make things bad. I am trying to stay postive though. I just can't forget to get on the scale tomorrow morning!!!!!

B at 5:301/3 cup cereal and 1/2 cup milk, I had way too much milk.....what was I thinking!!!
S at 8:45 string cheese wrapped in mustard and turkey
L at 12:00 3 small corn cheese enchillada's with 1/2 cup rice
S at 3:00 1/2 cup strawberries with Splenda. Someone here at work told me that Splenda was bad for you because it was not natural. I was don't know if that is true or not, so I was going to try and do some research, I just have not had time!
D 1 serving of soup. Yes soup. It was different. Call me crazy but it was good. It was the Lipton chicken broth soup. YUM!!!

I did 25 minutes on the bowflex yesterday morning, worked everything. I am not sore this time! I think my body is getting used to that! I took the dogs for their walk, about 15-20 minutes. I walked to and from the parking garage to work. Finally I took another 45 minute bike ride. This time my DH went with me. We had a good time. The only thing I don't get is how one can exercise and then come in and have ice cream !!!! Yes this is what DH did last night. We got done with the bike ride and he came in sat down and proceeded to eat ice cream, and then went straight to bed!!!! I don't get him!

Well I better get back to work. Hope everyone is having a healthy day!

Take care!
Hi Jamie,

First off, any time is right for ice cream!!! haha! :flower:
Secondly, go you on getting in some great exercise and yummy food!
I hope that you get a nice "present" on the scale tomorrow!!!

Have a great night!
Mike :goodvibes
Hi Jamie!!

You are doing a great job with your exercise!!!! :banana: Way to go!! :cheer2:

Sending some :wizard: for weigh-in today. :goodvibes

Have a healthy and happy day, Jamie! :flower:
Jamie...just popping in to say I HOPE YOUR WEIGH IN WAS FAB THIS MORNING!!! :flower: :goodvibes

Sometimes it's hard to resist things like cookies...sometimes we can...as long as you resist sometimes, moderation is key...don't eat ALL the cookies, but 1 or 2 won't make you overweight!!! :teeth:...as you move forward resisting becomes easier, or for me it has anyhow...

hope your day is THE BEST!!! keep swimming!!! :fish:

Jen :fish: ;)
Well I only have a few minutes. I spent most of the morning, reading other journals!

So I weighed in this morning, and I don't know if this is right or not, but I am going to take it. I was down 9 pounds!!!! Can that be possible? 9 pounds in one week???? I got on and off several times and it was the same reading. I just don't know if that is right because it does not seem to be.

I don't know but at least it is a loss........
WHOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Yes, it is possible. I've lost 7.5 pounds since last Wednesday. So it definitely is possible. I keep thinking I've really been at this for more than a week because of the loss. The most I've ever lost in one weeks was 5 pounds.

Good job!!!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
eeyore25 said:
Well I only have a few minutes. I spent most of the morning, reading other journals!

So I weighed in this morning, and I don't know if this is right or not, but I am going to take it. I was down 9 pounds!!!! Can that be possible? 9 pounds in one week???? I got on and off several times and it was the same reading. I just don't know if that is right because it does not seem to be.

I don't know but at least it is a loss........

No doubt it's all that SWIMMING you've been doing ;)

Jen :fish: ;)
Wow, Jamie that is AWESOME!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I think I have found some of your lbs on my hips... :rolleyes1 Maybe it is the turkey hot dogs? Or more realistically your great exercising and eating habits!

Please don't say Splenda is bad for me! I figure even if it is, I use SO little of it that I'm not going to worry about it. "They" can always come up with a negative side to anything, so poo on them, I'll still sprinkle Splenda on sour strawberries! :p
eeyore25 said:
Well I only have a few minutes. I spent most of the morning, reading other journals!

So I weighed in this morning, and I don't know if this is right or not, but I am going to take it. I was down 9 pounds!!!! Can that be possible? 9 pounds in one week???? I got on and off several times and it was the same reading. I just don't know if that is right because it does not seem to be.

I don't know but at least it is a loss........

As someone who lost 13 one week and 10 the next, heck yes it is possible!!
Go you!!! So happy for you!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
(One dancing banana for each pound!)

Hope that you have an excellent day!
Mike :goodvibes
Wow....I have been trying to log back on almost all day and I have not been able to!

Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragment. They really mean a ton! (no pun intended!) This is just hard for me to get, losing the 10 pounds. I really want to lose more this time!!!!! I used to get so frustrated when I would get on the scale and see nothing and then I would give up. Even though I know people can't really see the difference right now, I can tell it in my clothes. That is the best feeling in the world~

So I joined the cheat free! I started with yesterday as my 1st day because I didn't cheat at all yesterday. I stuck to everything that I wanted/planned for. Even with my DH telling me at 9:00pm that he had a sweet tooth and wanted me to get up and make cupcakes! I was very proud of myself, I told him that I would make them but he would be the only one eating them! YAY me!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


B at 5:30 two waffles with no butter 1/4 tbsp syrup
S at 8:30 1 hard boiled egg with the yolk
L at 12:00 turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/2 serving of goldfish
S at 3:00 1 hard boiled egg, no yolk
D at 6:00 3 small corn tortilla tacos with low fat cheese
I drank 96 oz of water. I was going to go for a bike ride but BB was on and
i didn't go afterwards. But I did do the elliptical for 30 minutes. I kicked it up a notch yesterday morning. Oh boy that felt good!!!!!

I really need to get to the store to get some more hotdogs. I really want a hotdog tonight but i don't have any! I think I am making my list tonight and I am going to stop tomorrow and grab a few things.

Well I am going to check out a few other journals and then get back to work I guess!!!

Have a great night!
Way to go joining the cheat-free challenge! I have actually found that it is getting easier for me to resist snacking. I don't even dwell on it like I used to, I just tell myself - "nope, you can't eat it so don't even think about it anymore" and walk away. I hope it will work for you the same way!

Actually seeing the scale go down is a HUGE motivator, I am happy for you! Now go get those hot dogs! ;)
Hi Jamie!
Congrats on your great progress again and on joining the challenge!
I would have told your husband to make himself a cupcake at 9pm at night! hehehe!! Shows you are a better person than me! :flower:

Have you ever seen the Legally Blond movies? In the second one there is a quick one liner by the woman who plays the hair dresser, "That makes me want a hot dog real bad!" Whenever I am with my friend Abbey and we hear someone say hot dog we immediately spout that impression! hehehe So when I see you talk of hot dogs it keeps coming to me! hehe Thanks for the unintentional chuckle! :goodvibes

Have a good night!
Hi, Jamie! I am a little late in doing this but I wanted to welcome you to WISH so welcome! From what I have read you are really doing great! Great job on saying no to the cupcakes!
hotdogs YUCK!!! 10# LOSS...YAY!!! :teeth:

keep up the good work jamie, people will be noticing in NO TIME AT ALL!!!

I'm so proud of you for your hard work and dedication! Keep swimming! :fish:

~Jen :fish: ;)
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for posting in my journal and the kind words of encouragment!!!

Day #3 - Cheat free (couting today)!!! I was afraid that it was going to be tough as we have bithday cake, my all time favorite - carrot cake!!! YUMMMY. But I passed it by. I didn't even smell it! I knew that if I smelled it, there went the cheat free and I didn't want to start over. I know only 3 days so far but I still didn't want to start over!

So I am pretty busy and I apologize, but this is going to be short today!


B at 5:30 1/3 cup cereal with 1/3 cup milk
S at 9:00 string cheese wraped in mustard and turkey
L at 11:45 turkey and cheese sandwich and 1/2 service gold fish
S at 3:00 1/2 cup strawberries with splenda
D at 8:00 (YIKES that was late) 1 quesadilla with lowfat cheese and corn tortilla's
I had about 70 oz of water. I did 25 minutes on the bowflex....that felt good. I walked the normal walk to and from work to the garage about a mile. I was going to go for a bike ride, but the weather turned and it did'n't happen. I am hoping to get it in tonight before BB starts!

Mike, I have seen the Legally Blonde and I totally love that movie. However I don't remember the part about the hot dogs...I am going to have to watch it again!!!!

Hope everyone is have a great day!

I will try and check in later and write in more journals if I can.


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