I've Been Vaccinated (No Politics Please)

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Middle son up and making coffee and ready to log on to book his second appt at 7:30 am.
Gets into the queue (3 million people ) just after 8 am.
At 8:05 he gets a message from Walmart that he can get his vaccine tomorrow at 2:10.
Oh my gosh it feels like we won the lottery ..... So very happy for him!

Glad your son will be doubly vaccinated early.
My nephews girlfriend is now thinking of getting her 2nd shot at Costco as I think they have Moderna and that is probably what she will get in Ajax for her next shot anyway which it isn't until August 13th. I know they are supposed to be sending out emails for new bookings but I haven't heard that she got one yet. She was adamant that she had an appointment for August and wasn't changing it (that is the way she is) but I am glad she is open to getting her shot earlier now as she does work at Costco and is around people all day long.
ugh, I should have jumped on a July 6 appointment for #2, but we are technically supposed to wait for our invite email. They are saying 35 days in between MRNA doses, which would be next Tuesday for me.

So now I am checking the portal multiple times per day. I know they are asking for people to wait until they get notified, but I kinda want to get it booked and over with it.
Glad your son will be doubly vaccinated early.
My nephews girlfriend is now thinking of getting her 2nd shot at Costco as I think they have Moderna and that is probably what she will get in Ajax for her next shot anyway which it isn't until August 13th. I know they are supposed to be sending out emails for new bookings but I haven't heard that she got one yet. She was adamant that she had an appointment for August and wasn't changing it (that is the way she is) but I am glad she is open to getting her shot earlier now as she does work at Costco and is around people all day long.

Yeah I think with that nasty variant (Delta) that the sooner the better.
My son's 2nd shot was scheduled Sept 1. (He does have severe Asthma).
ugh, I should have jumped on a July 6 appointment for #2, but we are technically supposed to wait for our invite email. They are saying 35 days in between MRNA doses, which would be next Tuesday for me.

So now I am checking the portal multiple times per day. I know they are asking for people to wait until they get notified, but I kinda want to get it booked and over with it.
All the sources, including my public health unit, that I have seen are saying 28 days. Is that the directive from your PHU? I know that they are all different and so confusing!
What a night. I had my second dose of Moderna yesterday at 10am and almost exactly 12 hours later my symptoms started. Fever, chills, headache and body aches. And my arm is just as sore as the first dose. My mother and DD25 both vomited after their first and second doses so I’m happy not to have that symptom along with the others.

That said, it’s all worth it to do my part against Covid and get on with life!
I feel oddly worried because I didn't have a reaction to the Pfizer at all... I got it Sunday afternoon so it's been over 48 hours and I don't even have a sore arm! I did with AZ for sure, and a jaw/headache with that one too. I hope it's still working... I do feel bad for ya'll that are having a hard time. Think of how hard your bodies are working and how protected you will be! Worth it in the end I am sure

When Dh and I went for ours we had opposite reactions. I didn't any anything except a very sore arm. I woke up and my arm was throbbing, the injection site was HOT, but that was all I had. DH...his reaction was worse than we has had our AZ vaccine. He had fever, chills, body aches, dizziness and nausea. But I also test positive for covid a week after my Az shot. Everyone I talk to, seems to have a different reaction to the second. We also got Pfizer for our second shot.
ugh, I should have jumped on a July 6 appointment for #2, but we are technically supposed to wait for our invite email. They are saying 35 days in between MRNA doses, which would be next Tuesday for me.

So now I am checking the portal multiple times per day. I know they are asking for people to wait until they get notified, but I kinda want to get it booked and over with it.
And in Alberta, it's 28 days between doses. I had to book ds's at day 28. It wouldn't let me book any sooner
When Dh and I went for ours we had opposite reactions. I didn't any anything except a very sore arm. I woke up and my arm was throbbing, the injection site was HOT, but that was all I had. DH...his reaction was worse than we has had our AZ vaccine. He had fever, chills, body aches, dizziness and nausea. But I also test positive for covid a week after my Az shot. Everyone I talk to, seems to have a different reaction to the second. We also got Pfizer for our second shot.

And in Alberta, it's 28 days between doses. I had to book ds's at day 28. It wouldn't let me book any sooner
You are right on the different reactions. I feel badly for everyone who I hear have had some difficult times. We were very fortunate that we had no reactions other than my sore arm. I hope the vaccine has done the job!
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Got my second shot today at lunch, Moderna 9 weeks after AZ. Now I'm on pins and needles waiting for that 12 hours to kick in to see if the mack truck hits me like it did for AZ, lol. I work in a hot spot with a pop-up clinic, I think I waited longer for the post-shot, than in the original line, awesome! Now cancelling my Apt for July 14th, feel much better have it way earlier.
All the sources, including my public health unit, that I have seen are saying 28 days. Is that the directive from your PHU? I know that they are all different and so confusing!

There are two types of recommendations... scientific and practical.

In Ontario, the time interval is based on "practical" due to vaccine availability. In many other parts of the world, the time interval is based on science.

According to the CDC in USA, it's 21 days for Pfizer and 28 days for Moderna.


These days, Ontario allows 21 days (ie, May 30 or earlier) to book their second dose in Delta hot spots.
My brother and I got our second shots today - first time was Pfizer (back on April 13th) and this time we got Moderna. I am going to be of the mind set that I am not going to get any symptoms and keep my fingers crossed. I am just sitting back chilling now having a nice cold glass of water, a container of yoghurt then I am going to snack on some chocolate rosebuds.
My brother and I got our second shots today - first time was Pfizer (back on April 13th) and this time we got Moderna. I am going to be of the mind set that I am not going to get any symptoms and keep my fingers crossed. I am just sitting back chilling now having a nice cold glass of water, a container of yoghurt then I am going to snack on some chocolate rosebuds.
Great positive attitude Hon!
Hope all goes well.
Yeah I think with that nasty variant (Delta) that the sooner the better.

You are absolutely right. If the news is correct, the original COVID needs about 15 minutes to be transmitted. It has been said that the Delta variant takes only 14 seconds!


"The epidemic prevention and control personnel discovered that one of the first infected persons in Guangzhou only met the confirmed person in the same toilet and was infected in just 14 seconds. This case reflects that Delta has a strong transmission power, which makes it difficult to control the epidemic."

I hope our vaccine works on it. I can see why our government is targeting Delta hot spots as soon as they can. This variant needs to be contained.
You are absolutely right. If the news is correct, the original COVID needs about 15 minutes to be transmitted. It has been said that the Delta variant takes only 14 seconds!


"The epidemic prevention and control personnel discovered that one of the first infected persons in Guangzhou only met the confirmed person in the same toilet and was infected in just 14 seconds. This case reflects that Delta has a strong transmission power, which makes it difficult to control the epidemic."

I hope our vaccine works on it. I can see why our government is targeting Delta hot spots as soon as they can. This variant needs to be contained.

I don't buy this at all. At this point we know it is aerosolized and therefore hangs in the air for large periods of time. So an infected person could be somewhere, you cross paths for 14 seconds but then sit there for 20 minutes in their aerosol cloud that they left behind
All second doses booked for both daughters, one of the hubby’s and my oldest GS! All have early July appointments on the same day, all were moved up from the last week in August and the first week in September. We even got our one holdout Son in law booked for his first shot at the same time as the others.
I’m happy and grateful that things are moving along for the adults in the family, I will be over the moon when the two youngest grands can be vaccinated… maybe it will happen once they are back to school. 🤞🏻
Our health unit is supposed to announce today that anyone who got their 1st shot May 30th or before, will be eligible to move their 2nd shots up. My 14 year olds got their 1st one on May 30th and their 2nd one was scheduled for in 56 days. Are kids eligible to move theirs up too? Has anyone moved their kids (12-17 y.o.) appointments up ?
Our health unit is supposed to announce today that anyone who got their 1st shot May 30th or before, will be eligible to move their 2nd shots up. My 14 year olds got their 1st one on May 30th and their 2nd one was scheduled for in 56 days. Are kids eligible to move theirs up too? Has anyone moved their kids (12-17 y.o.) appointments up ?

I think it depends on health unit . I saw a man from Peel on Twitter quite upset his kids couldn’t be moved up.
DD 15 had her first May 23 at sunnybrook her second was scheduled for sept then august and yesterday we got an email it’s next Tuesday so about 5 weeks . Its def not clear communication when every health unit is doing something diff
Got my second dose yesterday at noon, both shots were Pfizer.

Same symptoms both times, sore arm but this is it.

Wife got 2 doses of Moderna, she had some bad 24 hours after the second one (had to call in sick which she never does).

2 older kids scheduled for end of August. If we can make it sooner, we will.

We still have hope to drive to Florida at the end of August, but I will only do it if we don't have to quarantine on our way back due to our youngest one not being eligible for the vaccine yet.
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