It's The Magic That Can Happen When It's Autumn! - Animal Kingdom Lodge - Club Level

Day 2
Thursday 1st September 2016
Part 4 – DIS-meet and The Diamond Horseshoe!

After lunch we used our fastpass at Buzz.
I did a little better, and Jamie did a little worse :thumbsup2


Then we headed to our next fastpass, stopping briefly for some photos at the Partners Statue.




Our next fastpass was for Splash Mountain!
My favourite ride in the whole of Disney!




It was so good to be back.
Just thinking about Splash makes my heart so happy :goodvibes

During the ride we heard the family in front planning to DAB for the photo.
So, without them knowing…



Hopefully this was amusing to them after the ride.
And my dab is pretty on point if you ask me :scratchin

I saw these cute clothes in the Splash Mountain gift shop!
I like the grey sweater but I didn't buy it, which I kinda regret.



After a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day at the Magic Kingdom we headed out of the park at 2pm.


We walked through the Emporium and found this really weird Mickey toy…?!


Just pull the arm and...



We left the park and headed aaaall the way down to bus stop 16.




There were some big rumbles of thunder because Hurricane Hermine was on it’s way tonight!
It was set to hit a little further north of Orlando but that didn’t stop my mum from worrying, and telling me not to leave the hotel all night :rolleyes:


Soon we arrived back at the Lodge.


We entered through Zawadi Marketplace and walked through to the lobby.
Remember how yesterday when we were checking in, Br’er Bear, Mr Smee and King Louis were strolling around the lobby…
Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!


I have no idea why they were out!
It would make a bit more sense if they were like, Lion King / Jungle Book characters :laughing:
But I was not complaining at all!
I waited approximately one minute to meet the big man himself, in our own hotel lobby!



We went to fill up our mugs at The Mara.
I’m glad the whole outdoor walkway is covered because it was now POURING rain.
Hello Hermine! :umbrella:

We grabbed some diet cokes from the lounge and got back to the room at around 3:15pm.
The animals were all huddling under the trees to escape the rain which was cute!


At 4pm I had plans to meet a couple of my favourite DIS-ers!!
Jamie was hardcore napping so I freshened up and headed out.


So here’s a little back-story as to how this DIS-meet (my first official/organised one) came about!
I’ve been following Karen’s (@dancingtodisney) trip reports – starring her sister Rachel (@RachelDoesDisney) – for a long time.
Karen wrote in her trip report that she’d bought the Cogsworth clock, and I told her I really wanted one to go with my Lumiere light!
I asked her if it ticked, because clocks that tick loudly really bug me, and I would be really annoyed if I spent a lot (I think it’s like $80?) on a clock, to just end up taking the batteries out :laughing:

Karen then inboxed me telling me that the original one she’d bought had a defect where the pendulum was knocking on the side, making the ticking even louder, so Disney had sent her a brand new one.
So she offered to give me the faulty one – which makes a lovely ornament without the batteries – completely free of charge!!
What an absolute angel she is.
This was the perfect outcome for me – no ticking AND $80 still in my pocket!

It also turned out that the end of their trip coincided with the start of ours, and her and Rachel were staying at Kidani!
This one afternoon was really the only time we could meet, so we made it happen!
We decided to meet at Victoria Falls Lounge here at Jambo House for a cocktail!

Here's a picture that I took a couple of days later of Victoria Falls Lounge.
I found the girls sat along the back wall :goodvibes


Meeting Karen and Rachel was so much fun!
They’re both so funny, friendly, and just generally really likeable humans! :lovestruc

Karen and I both had a Captain’s Mai Tai, and Rachel had a Pina Colava!


We chatted for about an hour and a half but the time flew by!
It was a shame they were leaving in a couple of days because it would’ve been fun to have some park time together after getting to know each other!
Hopefully we’ll cross paths again sometime :goodvibes


And here’s the Cogsworth they brought for me! :love:
It was so kind of them to bring him all the way to Florida when I’m sure they had limited luggage on their flight.
Thanks so much Karen and Rachel!!!


At 5:30pm I woke Jamie up and we got ready to go back to the Magic Kingdom!
Sorry mum, I know there’s a hurricane coming, but we have an ADR to get to!

We got the bus to Magic Kingdom and arrived at 6:25pm – 10 minutes before our reservation!

We both got pulled over for a security check, and the security guy said to both of us - totally deadpan,
“please move back behind the blue line”
So we were both shuffling back,
And back,
And back,

He smirked.
There was no blue line.


I stopped to quickly get a picture of the train station.
I angled it right,
Adjusted the zoom,
Adjusted the lighting,
3, 2, 1…






Then we entered the park and made a beeline for Liberty Square!


Being on the dining plan meant we could try a lot of new restaurants this trip, so we started off with The Diamond Horseshoe!
I booked this after seeing a video review by the DIS Unplugged team.


I like the restaurant, it’s like an old dance hall.
I wonder if they ever do/did dinner shows in here.


The food was good!
We started with corn bread (or as we call it, dinner-cake) and a frontier salad (“tossed greens, tomatoes, onion, roasted corn, and cornbread croutons served with house-made chipotle-ranch dressing” – and there was cheese on there too).


Soon more food arrived onto our tiny table.
We got some corn on the cob, baked mac and cheese, BBQ pulled pork, smoked sausage, cowboy beans, carved turkey breast, and braised beef!


Jamie liked the salad and the BBQ pork the best, and my favourites were the braised beef and beans.
It was a lot of food though!
We couldn’t finish it.
Our waiter came to tell us about dessert, and we asked him to just bring one for us to share so that we didn’t waste any.

Dessert was the campfire brownie!
It has melted marshmallow on top!


Overall I enjoyed what I could eat of this meal!
I probably prefer Whispering Canyon Café, which is a very similar concept to this restaurant.
But still, it was very nice!

Click for Day 2 - Part 5!
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Day 2
Thursday 1st September 2016
Part 5 – Hurricane Hermine meets Wishes

We exited the restaurant at 7:30pm.
I spotted the 13 lanterns in the big tree in Liberty Square that I’d read about.
They are supposed to represent the 13 colonies :goodvibes


We wanted to let our food settle, so we headed to the PeopleMover!



On the way over, I saw this on my phone…


“Take shelter now.”


We rode once and exited, then entered to ride a second time, and stayed on for a third and fourth time!
We watched the sky get darker and darker as we went round and round, it was so perfect.




On our third ride the PeopleMover stopped briefly which was exciting :laughing:

Jamie started singing a “stuck on the PeopleMover” song :rotfl:


I posted this on Snapchat:


At 8:30pm we went to find a spot for the fireworks.
We weren’t sure if they’d be on or not because the storm was definitely a-brewin'!



Sure enough, it started raining while we were deciding where to watch the fireworks from, so we took shelter under the walls of New Fantasyland, and it turned out to be a great spot to watch from!



At 8:45pm, the rain rain rain came down down down, HARD!



It was SO. BAD.
The Magic Kingdom was flooding!


We considered making a dash for the exit.
There’s no way that Wishes will be on, right?








* Record scratch *

(Flash forward to today!)

Throughout the rest of this trip I caught parts of Wishes here and there in passing.
But unbeknownst to me, this would be the last time I ever stopped to watch the full show!

I thought they would have something new for the 50th anniversary in 2021, but didn’t think it would change so soon.
Wishes had its last show on May 11th 2017!





Wishes has been the nighttime show since 2003 so obviously it has played a huge role in most of our Disney experiences!
It has such a special place in my heart and I’m very sad to see it leave.

I’ve said on here before that Disney Dreams at Disneyland Paris might be my favourite nighttime show.
It’s a lot much more advanced than Wishes.
And in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!
The castle projections, fireworks, lazers :love:
And the incredible soundtrack!
I LOVE it, and I haven’t even seen it in person yet.

To anyone who is not enjoying HEA and is missing Wishes, I truly hope you give it a chance and allow it to grow on you.

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things!”
- Walt Disney

(Now the following video clip makes me emotional!
This finale music is still my favourite track ever and will forever give me chills :lovestruc )

* Back to September! *

I really love this video I got at of the end of the show.
I loved watching Wishes from our little shelter in Fantasyland, and I love the sound of the rain coming down around us.
The rain is so loud at 40 seconds in..!


After Wishes we put up our hoods and made a dash for the exit.



The line for the bus was loooong but we got a seat on the second bus.
I was very sleepy!
We arrived back at Animal Kingdom Lodge at 10pm.


We went up to the club lounge and asked if they had a microwave we could keep in our room.
(Jamie has a problem with his eyelid sometimes and has an eyemask he uses for heat compressions.)
They told us they’d deliver one to our room so we went back, and it arrived about 5 minutes later.

Hidden Mickey?!


We got ready for bed, and had a quick look outside, and spotted a giraffe eating a palm tree super close to us!
How cute.


We finally went to sleep at around 11:15pm.
No alarms tomorrow!

Click for Day 3 - Part 1!
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Real Life Update

@BibbitybobityLu @Leshaface @HomeSweetDisney @Mollydolly334
...and anyone else who might care...

Jamie is in currently in California.
He's visiting San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

He just sent me this.




Omg I am so jealous!!! :sad: I have a friend that lives in San Francisco & she always randomly walks or drives by the painted ladies (that's what those houses are called) - I really want to see them one day!!

Maybe someday you'll see other parts of America other than WDW...although WDW is obviously the best :p
I love your Dab pose on Splash, you definitely were on point with your pose! I love Cogsworth the clock, looks like a nice Dis meet. I have watched a few clips of the new Happily ever after and I think I will really enjoy it! We will see it in August.

The rain looked to be quite heavy for your Wishes show, glad you were still able to enjoy it.

Your review of The Diamond Horseshoe is one of the first I have read, nice to see a review for it.
Other than a bloggers review of the Diamind Horseshoe when it first opened back up yourself is the first I've read. The blogger didn't like it at all so interesting to read yours!
Oh, those pictures of Wishes make me so sad :( I'll be watching HEA for the first time next Friday and I know initial reviews are good, but right now I can't see myself loving it the way I loved Wishes.
Showing my youngest the picture of Jamie with the Full House House :)
You had such a productive morning! (It's a bummer you initially woke up at 2am, but glad you managed to fall back asleep!)

We got a spot near the front on the left hand side and waited for the Welcome Show!
One of my favourite things!

I'm glad you got a chance to see the welcome show while it was still there! I FINALLY saw the whole thing (rather than just catching the end) on my last trip and really enjoyed it!

How do people get good pictures on Peter Pan though???
I come out with a blurry one every single time.


I see beautiful Peter Pan pictures in some trip reports and can't help but think that the attraction stopped mid-ride?! My pictures on this ride area always a blur!

Also, a woman in line showed us how Madame Leota’s grave moves!
I’ve never seen it before, but sometimes she opens her eyes and moves her head!

I can't believe you'd never noticed this! Now you'll look for this every time (I always do!). :thumbsup2


And since we’re on the dining plan, we also got a master’s cupcake each.

I finally ate at BOG for lunch in 2016 and got to try the Master's Cupcake - it was delicious! I'm afraid I didn't try your beloved turkey sandwich, however... I'm not a turkey fan so I got the roast beef instead. It was very tasty!
Visit for longer plz

I wouldn't mind. Convince Ruby to either
1. Start liking Disney.... a lot. Or;
2. Start insisting that I go solo for longer trips.

Now you know that we're not actually generous people for getting those pulleyed pork sliders :laughing:

Yep. I have to go back and rescind all the nice things I said about you.

Errrrm a bowl and a bag I think!

Of course!


Huh I'd never really thought about it! Is it just the curve of the earth?!

::yes:: Google "great circle route".

Tiffin is a chocolatey biscuity cookie-y brownie-y GREATNESS.


ohhhh..... that looks..... goooooood.

:laughing: perfect.

...apparently I'm still on vacation :laughing:


Like a fishbowl! Classy! :cool2:

I am nothing if not classy.

Or classless... I can never remember which one.

Going back to read.
After falling asleep at 8pm I woke up with an adrenaline rush ready to GO GO GO!

At 2am.

This wouldn't be a problem if they just kept the parks open 24 hours.

my skin was trash now YAY


We went to the lounge to get breakfast and it was carbolicious.

Looks like it... and totally delish.

They recently extended the counter area so there was room for more food.
Clearly they heard we were coming.


After breakfast we went to The Mara to fill our mugs with water.

And get some zebra domes. Yes? yes? yes???? hello?

Jamie tested the lid by tipping his mug completely upside down,
And OBVIOUSLY water just flooded out all over the floor.
So yeah, that happened.

Jamie does not do things half way, does he.

Guess where we’re going…
There’s only one option for us on day 1!

You're going back to MCO to watch planes take off and land?

At 8:20am, we arrived at the Magic Kingdom!

I was so close.

It was quite overcast, but very warm.
And it was quiet!


At about 8:40am…


... "Sorry folks. In case you haven't heard. Park's closed today."


I've never seen any Trolley show!

Hi Snow White! :wave:


Nice little wave, just for you.

Me at the Welcome Show like:


Hmmm... green with envy?
No... you're there. That's not it.

Ah! Overdressed for summer!

Got it.

Jamie high fived all of the CMs down Main Street.

Of course!

Some of the blue parts of the castle were white, which was strange! :confused3

Hmmm.... Maybe in preparation for the new castle and fireworks show?

It just looks like I’m flailing my arms around with excitement :laughing:

:laughing: It did kind of look that way.
Just shows how adorably excited you were.

We spun some barrels on the way in, but we couldn’t get all of them going at once for the surprise :scratchin

There's a surprise if you do? Did not know that.

See the emptiness!


The way it should always be when I'm visiting.

Jamie’s learnt a new talent – playing the shadow bells with his big head.


How do people get good pictures on Peter Pan though???
I come out with a blurry one every single time.

Very high speed lens. High ISO.
Even then, it's tough.

I mean, errr… enjoy this artistic photo of Peter Pan.
The blur is symbolic of…how… erm…
How childhood is gone in a blur.
Yeah sure, let’s go with that.
It’s artistic.
That’ll be £350,000 please and thanks.

Wow! That's freaking amazing!!!

I’m sure you’ll all be sad to know that this was a thing.
It’s a Small World is closed for refurbishment :sad2:

Yes. I was very pleased to see that.

Don’t worry though… It reopened later in the trip :thumbsup2

Yes. I was very sad to see that.

After Peter Pan we wandered down to the Tangled bathrooms where we stopped for a drink and tried to spot some Pascals!

I try to spot Fortrans.

Sorry. Nerd joke.

Here are the ones we found!

Not bad. I wonder how many there are.

After swigging some water from our refillable mugs,

"refillable, spillable, mugs"


oooh! A new ride! How cool is that????

While we waited outside to enter, we observed the gravestones.

Love those. Always have.

Or maybe Hymie killed by something slimy :rotfl:


We even got a few other people around us discussing what theirs would be :laughing:
(Tell me yours!)

Here lies pkondz
Nothing rhymes with pkondz.
He died of extreme dullness.

Also, a woman in line showed us how Madame Leota’s grave moves!
I’ve never seen it before, but sometimes she opens her eyes and moves her head!

Surprised you didn't know that! You seem to know so many little secrets.

I love the easter egg of this - for a brief moment in Hercules!

Like this, for instance.

Well hello little Mr. Toad.
Hit by a car
And squished in the road.

Works. ::yes::


When we sat down in the boat a Scottish family were seated behind us.
Jamie being
1) A master of many accents
2) Wildly inappropriate,
heard the family talking and started speaking in a really strong Scottish accent.
Like, kinda loud.

:laughing: I do like that boy.

I can see him doing this:

(He actually does do this all the time :sad2: :laughing: )


Stop looking so cute and making the rest of us look bad!

My camera is just a little point and shoot but I’m always so impressed with how my pictures turn out.

like this?

I was really excited because Princess and the Frog is one of my favourite films and soundtracks!

Didn't know that.

"Daisy. Your man can't keep his hat on."

Mickey: What a moron! Can't even wear a hat!"
Minnie: "Now dear, that's not nice. Even if it's true."

Hmmm first thoughts?


Second thoughts?

Is that an unpopular opinion around here? I’m not sure.

Wouldn't know. I'm not big into the castle shows.

(although I’m sure we can all do with a little less Frozen in our lives, but I won’t hold it against them!)

Especially when 8 months of the year (or longer) you live it.

After the show we went to use our first fastpass at Space Mountain!
I did a pretty good job of looking at the camera!

::yes:: You did a very good job!

Space Mountain knocked me around a lot, but Jamie was fine.
He thinks I lack core strength so I just flop around :laughing:
He’s kind of right.



Then we headed to Buzz!

I'm shocked that it took you this long.

I didn’t do well at all, but Jamie maxed out his score!
First time woo!

Nice going, Hymie!

On the way out Jamie really wanted to get a picture in Zurg’s cage…
Unfortunately I had read prior to our trip that they’d added more bars!
But I didn’t tell him that right away…

:laughing: His face!

That's what his face looked like!

You will never guess what we had…

No.... not again... not...

We both had the turkey sandwich, one with fries and one with beans.

... there it is.

Today we made a major Be Our Guest breakthrough and figured out how to eat the cupcake. :laughing:
Usually we try to either remove the wrapper, or cut the cake in half to share, but the wrapper is INDESTRUCTABLE and we end up making a big mess every time.
But this time we used our forks to simply dig the cake out of the wrapper a bite at a time.
It was much more elegant than two adults hunched over a pile of cake mush :laughing:
Why are we so dumb.

Eating a cupcake with a fork? Savages!

Two princesses and a pantsless prince.
You are so lucky they went ahead with Wishes despite the weather. We always go end of August, so I never actually got to see it, because it was habitually rained out.
After lunch we used our fastpass at Buzz.
I did a little better, and Jamie did a little worse :thumbsup2

You kicked his a.... uh... behind!

nice shot!

My favourite ride in the whole of Disney!

This I did know.

During the ride we heard the family in front of us planning to DAB for the photo.
So, without them knowing…


That's awesome! I'm sure you just made their day!

Hopefully this was amusing to them after the ride.

::yes:: I'm sure it was!

And my dab is pretty on point if you ask me :scratchin

Yup. Not too shabby.

I particularly like the grey sweater but I never bought it, which I kinda regret.

What is wrong with you?!?!?

We walked through the Emporium and found this BIZARRE Mickey toy…?!

The stuff of nightmares...

Just pull the arm and...


Good Lord! It's worse than I thought!!

It was set to hit a little further north of Orlando, but that didn’t stop my mum from worrying and telling me not to leave the hotel all night :rolleyes:


Moms.... everywhere.

Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!


We went to fill our mugs at The Mara.

And get zebra domes??? yes????

I’m glad the whole outdoor walkway is covered because it was now POURING rain.
Hello Hermine! :umbrella:

Whoa. Dumping!

Ladies and gentlemen... the saddest zebra in the world.

A little rain ain't gonna stop you.

Karen wrote in her trip report that she’d bought the Cogsworth clock, and I told her I really wanted to get one to go with my Lumiere light!
I asked if it ticked, clocks that tick loudly really bug me, and I would be really annoyed if I spent a lot (I think it’s about $80?) on a clock, to just end up taking the batteries out :laughing:

Karen then inboxed me telling me that the one she’d bought had a defect where the pendulum was knocking on the side making the standard ticking even louder, so Disney had sent her a brand new one.
So she offered me the faulty one – that makes a lovely ornament without the batteries – completely free of charge!!
What an absolute angel she is.
This was the perfect outcome for me – no ticking AND $80 still in my pocket!

That was really nice of her.

This one afternoon was really the only time we could meet, so we made it happen!


We chatted for about an hour and a half but the time flew by!

Just like when I met you.

Although I'm sure you had the opposite feeling.

Sorry mum, I know there’s a hurricane coming, but we have a Disney dinner reservation to get to…!

A gal's gotta eat. Even in a life threatening situation.

We both got pulled over for a security check, and I walked through the scanner with my camera in my hand HAHA what an idiot.

:laughing: Whoops!

Then the security guy said to both of us - totally deadpan,
“please move back behind the blue line”
So we were both shuffling back,
And back,
And back,

He smirked.
There was no blue line.


I stopped to quickly get a picture of the train station.
I angled it right,
Adjusted the zoom,
Adjusted the lighting,
3, 2, 1…



Much better.


Being on the dining plan meant we could try a lot of new restaurants this trip, so we started off with The Diamond Horseshoe!

I had just read (like 2 days ago) that it was open.
Never knew before.

I like the restaurant, it’s like an old dance hall.
I wonder if they ever do/did dinner shows in here?

::yes:: They used to.

mmmm... that salad looks good.

Holy crap!

Dessert was the campfire brownie!
It has melted marshmallow on top!


I spotted the 13 lanterns in the big tree in Liberty Square that I’d read about.
They are supposed to represent the 13 colonies :goodvibes

Knew about that... and every time I go, I forget.

We wanted to let our food settle, so the PeopleMover was really the only option.

Not Space Mountain? No?

On the way over, I saw this on my phone…


“Take shelter now.”

It's under shelter. Counts.

This picture with the flash on makes it look like it’s snowing! :lovestruc

I like that!

We considered making a dash for the exit.
There’s no way that Wishes will be on, right?


No way! I just assumed...

Throughout the rest of this trip I caught parts of Wishes here and there in passing.
But unbeknownst to me, this would be the last time I ever stopped to watch the full show!


Wishes has been the nighttime show since 2003 so obviously it has played a huge role in most of our Disney experiences!
It has such a special place in my heart and I’m very sad to see it leave.

You're not alone there.

Well in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!
The castle projections, fireworks, lazers :love:
And the incredible soundtrack!
I absolutely LOVE it.
Seriously. OBSESSED.
I haven’t even seen it in person yet and it’s already shot up to my number one spot!
AMAZING job Disney!!!!!!

Good to know! I haven't seen any videos (I'll wait to see it live, thanks) but good to know.


We went up to the club lounge and asked if they had a microwave we could keep in our room.
(Jamie has a problem with his eyelid sometimes and has an eyemask he uses for heat compressions.)
They told us they’d deliver one to our room so we went back, and it arrived about 5 minutes later!
Disney service ladies and gents.


Hidden Mickey?!


Sure. Let's go with that.

We got ready for bed, and had a quick look outside, and spotted a giraffe eating a palm tree super close to us!
How cute.

Pesky guy is always doing that. The palm tree is plastic though.

Jamie is in currently in California.



Ah yes. I do know of your obsession with that particular show.
We walked through the Emporium and found this BIZARRE Mickey toy…?!

You find the most bizarre stuffed animals/toys :rotfl:

Remember how yesterday when we were checking in, Br’er Bear, Mr Smee and King Louis were strolling around the lobby…
Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!

So long story that will be in my TR, but we got moved to AKL this trip, and I didn't see any characters in the lobby :sad:

I wonder if they ever do/did dinner shows in here?

I think they did when it first opened.

Anyway, Wishes had it’s last show on May 11th 2017!

:sad: and also I love Flight on the Conchords too!

Well in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!
The castle projections, fireworks, lazers :love:
And the incredible soundtrack!
I absolutely LOVE it.
Seriously. OBSESSED.
I haven’t even seen it in person yet and it’s already shot up to my number one spot!
AMAZING job Disney!!!!!!

We got to see it the first night and we loved it! It's definitely my number one too.

Funniest thing ever! :rotfl2:

No, wait, this is! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:


OMG, I need, yes need this mug!!!


Jamie will have a great time in California! It is gorgeous. Uh oh, but what if he goes to Disneyland without you?

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After lunch we used our fastpass at Buzz.
I did a little better, and Jamie did a little worse :thumbsup2

I love how you call him out like that on the interwebs...brutal...loves it :rotfl2:

It was so great to be back!
I really am in my element on Splash Mountain.
Just thinking about it makes my heart so happy :goodvibes first time riding was the past trip in Dec. And my 7 year old had to be the one to make me do it :rotfl:I wrote about it in my TR and posted our ride photo...I don't look nearly as terrified as I felt :rotfl:
I did like it though!

During the ride we heard the family in front of us planning to DAB for the photo.
So, without them knowing…


That is AWESOME :rotfl2: Ya'll dabbing is ON POINT ::yes::

We walked through the Emporium and found this BIZARRE Mickey toy…?!


What the....

Remember how yesterday when we were checking in, Br’er Bear, Mr Smee and King Louis were strolling around the lobby…
Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!


Whaaaaaaaaat, that is SO AWESOME. I heard they did this a lot for resort guests when they closed the parks b/c of the hurricane! I wonder why they were out...what luck!!

Meeting these girls was so much fun!
They’re both so funny, friendly, and just generally really likeable humans! :lovestruc

Yay for DIS meets!

Then the security guy said to both of us - totally deadpan,
“please move back behind the blue line”
So we were both shuffling back,
And back,
And back,

He smirked.
There was no blue line.

Sucker :rotfl: I love when people enjoy their jobs LOL

I stopped to quickly get a picture of the train station.
I angled it right,
Adjusted the zoom,
Adjusted the lighting,
3, 2, 1…


Dang it Hymie!!

I like the restaurant, it’s like an old dance hall.
I wonder if they ever do/did dinner shows in here?


How fun! I have never eaten there...would love to try it one day! It's seasonal right?

We wanted to let our food settle, so the PeopleMover was really the only option.

I love this logic :thumbsup2

On the way over, I saw this on my phone…


“Take shelter now.”

The Peoplemover counts as shelter! ::yes::

This picture with the flash on makes it look like it’s snowing! :lovestruc


Awwww I love this :love:

* Record scratch *

(Flash forward to today!)

Throughout the rest of this trip I caught parts of Wishes here and there in passing.
But unbeknownst to me, this would be the last time I ever stopped to watch the full show!

I thought they would have something new for the 50th anniversary in 2021, but didn’t know it would change so soon.
I guess I took it for granted, and figured I would always see it some other time.
Anyway, Wishes had it’s last show on May 11th 2017!

Yeah, we caught Wishes on our very last night in WDW in Dec. I tried to make it a couple other nights and it didn't work out so I am REALLY glad we stayed that last night to see them. I would have been SO sad not to have seen them one last time :sad:

Well in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!
The castle projections, fireworks, lazers :love:
And the incredible soundtrack!
I absolutely LOVE it.
Seriously. OBSESSED.
I haven’t even seen it in person yet and it’s already shot up to my number one spot!
AMAZING job Disney!!!!!!

Ugh I know we already talked about this but YES. IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING. I have watched it a couple times since then and I just love it more and more every time...can't wait to see it in person some day!

We went to the lounge to get breakfast and it was carbolicious.
How every Disney day should start

Your shirt is so cute!


Me at the Welcome Show like:

Me every day at Disney

And then… this guy…


I haven't seen this movie in a looong time but I'm pretty sure there is a way they could have made him look

When we sat down in the boat a Scottish family were seated behind us.
Jamie being
1) A master of many accents
2) Wildly inappropriate,
heard the family talking and started speaking in a really strong Scottish accent.
Like, kinda loud.
I kicked him to make him stop, and I was embarrassed in case they heard, but Jamie’s just like,
My dad does this all the time and it's so embarrassing!

Remember how yesterday when we were checking in, Br’er Bear, Mr Smee and King Louis were strolling around the lobby…
Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!
I've never heard of characters just hanging around the resorts. I wonder if they were training?

The food was good!

We started with corn bread (or as we call it, dinner-cake) and a frontier salad (“tossed greens, tomatoes, onion, roasted corn, and cornbread croutons served with house-made chipotle-ranch dressing” – and there was cheese on there too).


Soon more food arrived onto our tiny table.
We got some corn on the cob, baked mac and cheese, BBQ pulled pork, smoked sausage, cowboy beans, carved turkey breast, and braised beef!


Jamie liked the salad and the BBQ pork the best, and my favourites were the braised beef and beans.
It was a lot of food though! We couldn’t finish it.
Our waiter came to tell us about dessert and we asked him to just bring one for us to share so that we didn’t waste any.

Dessert was the campfire brownie!
It has melted marshmallow on top!

I haven't seen very many good reviews of Diamond Horseshoe, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I thought they would have something new for the 50th anniversary in 2021, but didn’t know it would change so soon.
I guess I took it for granted, and figured I would always see it some other time.
Anyway, Wishes had it’s last show on May 11th 2017!




Actual pictures of me now that Wishes is gone. I watched the live stream of HEA and it's amazing, but the music doesn't compare to Wishes.
During the ride we heard the family in front of us planning to DAB for the photo.
So, without them knowing…



Hopefully this was amusing to them after the ride.
And my dab is pretty on point if you ask me :scratchin
HAHA that's awesome! I bet you made their day!

We walked through the Emporium and found this BIZARRE Mickey toy…?!


Just pull the arm and...

WTH? Who really thought that would be a good idea...

Today Pooh, Geppetto, Stitch, and MICKEY MOUSE were meeting and greeting!

Then the security guy said to both of us - totally deadpan,
“please move back behind the blue line”
So we were both shuffling back,
And back,
And back,

He smirked.
There was no blue line.

Overall I enjoyed what I could eat of this meal!
I probably prefer Whispering Canyon Café, which is a very similar concept to this restaurant.
But still, very nice!
That's good to hear. We're going to be trying out Whispering Canyon on our upcoming trip!

“Take shelter now.”
Clearly the obvious choice!

Well in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!
YAY!! I'm so excited to seeee!! :hyper:

Jamie is in currently in California.
He's visiting San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

He just sent me this.


Jealous! That's so cool!
I waited approximately one minute to meet the big man himself in our own hotel lobby!

NICE! What a treat to meet Mickey with a short wait!

The animals were all huddling under the trees to escape the rain which was cute!

That poor zebra looks so miserable!

We decided to meet at Victoria Falls Lounge here at Jambo House for a cocktail!

What a great DisMeet! Cocktails and DISers... sounds like the best afternoon break ever!

This picture with the flash on makes it look like it’s snowing! :lovestruc

Those are AWESOME pictures! Especially the "snowing" picture!

Well in my opinion, Happily Ever After is like Disney Dreams on steroids!!!!

That is high praise! Considering how much you loved Disney Dreams, your comparison makes me think I may like Happily Ever After after all! (I haven't watched any clips yet as I hate to spoil it, but I'll likely cave as I don't have any trips on the horizon!)


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