"It's the economy, stupid"


Aug 15, 2008
This week really has me thinking about whether my plan for a $5000 vacation next May is a good idea. Anybody else worried about the economy?
Worried, I work in the financial world, I am wondering if eating ramon noodles is in order.:lmao:
It depends on what one does for a living. The medical field won't see much of a downturn. I doubt education-related employment will either. I would think most of the damage will be where most of the bubble occurred: real estate and financial markets. With other industries being affected around the edges.

Yes a little bit. DH has a secure job as a corrections officer. When one inmate leaves there are 10 more to replace them. I work in the medical field and my job is pretty secure...unless universal healthcare comes rolling in but that's a whole other thread!

But I'm still worried a little. Our vacation is costing us $3000 just for hotel, park tickets and DDP. But we are driving......in March......from NJ. I'm a little worried but DH said we ARE going. We have to go for a wedding anyway. :scared:
Our trip is in 7 weeks and instead of being filled with excitement and anticipation I am worrying and stressed constantly! First, did not get the bonus we usually get in the summer (not that much, but it sure would have helped), then the price of electric bills this summer :scared1: , food increases, etc., I have never felt this concerned before financially. Airline and tickets and house (rented) already paid for so no turning back. Not that I want to, but just wish I could relax a little bit.
Still going to try to have a great time and will figure the rest out when we get back. My mom is 82 and I REALLY wanted her to go this year. Physically, I do not know how many more trips she will be able to do, as it is she is in a wheelchair, but right now can still enjoy herself and I want to make that happen! Hopefully, things will get better for all :wizard: !
It depends on what one does for a living. The medical field won't see much of a downturn. I doubt education-related employment will either. I would think most of the damage will be where most of the bubble occurred: real estate and financial markets. With other industries being affected around the edges.


The schools in Central Florida have reduced the number of teachers this year dramatically. I don't think education related fields are at all safe.

It is beginning to take its toll on tourism in this area. Disney, of course, is always the last to feel it, but other hotels have reported that their bookings are down and continue to drop. Disney has reduced the number of folks they are hiring. Part of that is because they can bring in international college program kids much cheaper than they can hire locals. IMHO, this next year is going to be pretty hard on the Orlando area.

It was reported on the local news the other night that 1 out of 20 adults in the Central Florida area are out of work.
I was hoping to take a short little trip to Disney b/c I could save up a little bit of money. I really wanted to get away to my favorite before my busy season started BUT I am too worried that I won't have enough to pay my bills.
That's a 95 percent employment rate. That's pretty damn good.

Maybe, but you have to remember that most of those folks working in Florida are working minimum wage jobs. Many were working multiple jobs just to survive. Now, they are losing some of those jobs. Life in this area is not all pixie dust for many.
Is there a reason to worry? maybe... maybe not.

DW and I just booked a therapeutic trip for the fams in Nov... should we have booked the trip? Practically speaking, no. But there are times, especially times like these, where escapism is called for!!! It is not a matter of running from/avoiding the realities of our current world, but taking a physically removed time-out from it.

As an aside, our DS turns 10 this year and, as we all know, you only turn 10 once!
I'm pretty worried about the economy. It scares me. Visions of the Great Depression keep flashing in my head. Several economists have said that it hasn't been this bad since the Great Depression.

At first I wasn't worried because the company I work for is basically an outsourcing company for accounts payables, so it's cheaper for companies to hire us to do AP than to keep people staffed to do it. We're getting in a lot of clients right now, but I started thinking yesterday evening, what if all of our clients pulled a Lehman Brothers and went belly up. That would be bad. I am in HR and the people I interview are so sad, some have been looking for a job for over a year, and I feel so badly for them. Most are from the real estate market, some construction.

However, I do agree that in times like this you need SOMETHING to keep your head up, and if that's looking forward to a Disney trip, then I would say the Disney trip is a good thing.
I work in the accounting field and we have a number of clients now in foreclosoure. It's really sad. As far as vacations go, we have 2 opportunities for next summer, one is an 8 day cruise to the Carribbean followed by a trip to Disney. I have a strong suspicion one of 'em has to go. While my job is secure for now, who knows what the future will hold for any of us. So I'll keep planning for Disney and will wait to put down the deposit.
I had the same thought last night as well. I work in live theatre and grants are drying up all over the place. However, I NEED this trip. And, I figure I can eat ramen, cut back on "extras" like movies and meals out, wear last year's clothes, etc. Plus, I figure I am doing my part to help the economy by spending a little money. Hmm...Disney vacations rescue the economy. Maybe someone should put that into their campaign. I'd vote for them!:rotfl:
I am terrified about the economy -- my son and I both work for the same company and the plant we work for announced in early August that they are outsourcing all 290 manufacturing jobs to China within a year. :mad: This means that our entire household income will disappear (my husband is unemployed). We had already planned a Disney trip first week in December and are still going even though I know it's not the financially responsible thing to do. I have no idea when we'll be able to afford to go again and as long as it's already paid for, I'm not giving it up. It'll be a bittersweet trip and I'm going to be soaking up as much magic as possible.
My problem is I don't feel secure about ANYTHING anymore. DH has a good job and we manage just fine....but when things continue to go up (like gas, groceries, insurance, utilities) every week...then I start to worry.

Things we could easily afford this time last year are just out of the question now. Managing our money has become something I hate to do. It doesn't seem like it goes anywhere. And I feel like we're in pretty good shape (the only debt we have is our mortgage), I worry about how other people are managing.
Thanks all for words of encouragement. DW and I started talking a couple of months ago about this trip. I was so excited, I started researching right away. Our first thought was "wow, how did we swing the poly and AKL last two times?" Well we really wanted somewhere with a third bed so we looked at the extremes of ASM suite or a deluxe w/ a daybed. Needless to say there's a price difference but we reaally like sit down restaurants and some of the other amenities of a deluxe so we figured if we saved on some of the extras we usually do it was worth it. This weeks economic anxiety has cast a shadow of doubt over me but the DIS is the perfect place to remember why we book Disney in the first place. Thanks all! You've reminded me that I can pull through and that Disney will be the perfec place to decompress whatever is going on in the world, come next MAY.
We're taking an extra super budget trip that is pretty much already paid for (minus food) However, we've already told everyone that this is the last hurrah and when we get home, life is going to suck as we work to do save save save.
You can't fix it, why worry about about it. Life goes on day by day, nothing you can do to change anything. We cut back where we can but you only go around once and I know a few people who didn't go all the way around and regretting it. We just came back from a 9 night stay at WL, loved it, needed it, recharged our batteries and did nothing different this time then from our other 40 trips. Planning our next jaunt, if it happens , it happens, if not so be it but we live our lives day by day and enjoy them to the max.
Yes!! This is our last Disney vacation unless the economy drastically improves. We have no business going in November but this is an anniversary gift to my parents, who have never been on a "real vacation" in their lives. Plus dad lost his job earlier this year (thank you, economy) and to be honest, I just don't see any of us being able to do this again in the coming years.

Is it responsible for me to keep this trip? Nope, but I know we won't be able to go back again for many, many years. This is the last "hoo-rah" for us. Sadly, I had plenty budgeted for this trip, and now I'll probably be taking out a loan to pay for our dining (I'm not one of the blessed people who got a pin code) because the increase in EVERYTHING else (and loss of all overtime at work) has really messed things up. :sad2:


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