It's alright, I'm still alive! a TR -- Day 11: Aquatica-- Updated 27/4

Just found this trip report Laura and loving it, cant wait to hear more:thumbsup2
Fantastic updates Laura :thumbsup2 .
We love Suess Landing,and as much as i am 34,i cannot wait to ride High In The Sky when we went last time it was'nt a working ride.Also love Spiderman and hoping that both of our girls can get on this ride.
I am so like your Mum-i don't do many rides at IOA-Hubby does-he loves it there.x.

Thankyou :) I hope both your girls can get on this ride, it's such a fantastic idea for a ride!!

Thanks for the update, I enjoyed reading it. We love Universal and Islands.

Just found this trip report Laura and loving it, cant wait to hear more:thumbsup2

Thankyou!! :goodvibes
A new morning brought with it a new park, Animal Kingdom. I was so excited about visiting this park again, especially as I had heard fantastic reviews of EE and I was psyched to ride it! We woke up early again as I was determined to see the opening show, I'm so glad I woke up early, I got my breakfast and sat outside on our little balcony, this was the first time I had been able to see the view from our balcony properly and boy was it amazing, I was completely in awe, it's such a fantastic site to wake up and see. If you look closely you can pick out a few 'landmarks'!




It was so hot so I decided to make use of my newly found Winnie the Pooh and Tigger clips that my friend had bought me for my birthday one year, they definately put me in the mood!


The drive in the car was uneventful but I was happy because mum had decided that she wasn't keen on sitting in the front on the wrong side, so I got to sit upfront for the rest of the trip, which lead to some awesome photos!


As we wandered into the park the towering tree came into view, it always amazes me how they've made it.

We made it into the park for the opening show and I'm so glad we did, it was fantastic!!

We followed the rush after the rope drop towards EE, I love how the CM's deliberately walk slowly, it made me laugh! We followed them s..l...o..w...l...y towards EE and into the queue, I was amazed by the sheer amount of people who headed towards to the FP machines, it seemed to have a bigger queue that the ride itself!! (My only gripe was the amount of tourguide leaders in there putting what seemed like hundereds of passes in there at one time, I can understand why they didn't want to send every member of the group through at one time as by looking at the wadge of tickets it would have been ridiculous, but surely WDW can sort something out where they just give them the FP's, they must have used up at least half an hour in FP time to get all the tickets through!!) Anyway.... We made it through the queue and we surprised to get on to the platform to see 2 empty trains pull away, then when we were loaded into the trains it was announced that we were riding the first train of the day :cheer2: I don't know how we managed it, but we had got on the first ride for Soarin' two days before and now the first on EE, we were loving this Disney luck!!


I loved EE!! It was fantastic, soooo good! Definately lived up to the rating's that I had read! When we were last at WDW we saw EE being constructed and now to ride it was definately something special. It soon became my favourite ride in AK!! As soon as we came off it we got a FP for it, we had to ride it again!!

After EE we headed to Dinosaur, this ride ALWAYS scares me. I wish I had bought the photos that were taken each time we rode it, they were hilarious. I did sneakily snap a photo of one ride we had, it still makes me laugh.

After Dinosaur, we headed to our all time favourite family ride at WDW, don't ask me why, we just have so much fun riding it... Primeval Whirl :) As we had expected it was fantastic, and we laughed the entire way through. That's what Disney is about to me!


Once we had laughed our way off we walked round to the Maharajah Jungle Trek as we fancied a walk through ride, I picked this plainly because I love seeing the Tigers, they're my favourite animals, I think it may be because they reminded me of Tigger when I was little and I have loved them since then!! I snapped some good-ish photos of the animals.




It was soon time for our EE FP (we got a pretty early time which we were pleasantly surprised about!) so off we went, spying these as we walked on by

We were getting hungry after coming off EE (which was fantastic again, we were sat a row from the front!!) We walked to the Kusa Firi Coffee Shop and grabbed some cakes



It was getting quite hot by this time, so spying that the queue for Kali River Rapids was quite low (a respectable 20minutes) my family headed for that, I of course sat out on a bench and soaked (without getting wet!!) up the atmosphere, the time flew by, but I did make sure I watched my family getting soaked by the water jets by the exit!

We went for a wander after that and happened to walk past the Nemo theatre where a show as 20minutes off starting. Now I had read reviews of it being full a good hour before at the busiest of times, and seeing as it was less that 2 days before Independence day I didn't hold out much hope. We asked the CM as we walked past and she said there were still spaces with a view so we followed the advice and headed on in.

It was a good show, I can see why it's so popular, but in my opinion I think that the Lion King show is better.

We had had enough of AK for the time being as seeing as we had a ADR booked for a Tusker House breakfast in a few days time we decided to head to a water park to cool off. We had gotten into the habit of just leaving our swimming costumes in the boot of the car so whenever we fancied a cool down we could just drive there instead of going back to the hotel. We drove to BB as that was the closest but we soon realised that was a mistake as the car park was just full of yellow school buses, we turned around and headed to TL instead. We had a great time and even managed to grab a good spot on a 'beach'. However it was cut short somewhat by a huge thunderstorm that decided to hit just as we were getting settled meaning that we had to evacuate the pool. We decided that instead of waiting it out to just head back to the condel, so we did!

Stay tuned for our first glimpse of the castle (I know we waited this long!!) :)
Lovely report again Laura, love the way you put four food photos all together, very effective.
Awesome photos, I look forward to the rest:thumbsup2
I have loved catching up with your trip report, Laura. I love MIB and I also always do better at that than Buzz for some reason. Ariel is my very favourite princess too! Looking forward to more.

Laur's xx
Lovely view from your balcony Laura and it sounds like you had a great day at AK :thumbsup2
Great Report!!!! Very Detailed although there are not many pictures of yourelves enjoying the parks. To Shy ehh!!!!! haha
Looking forward to the next installment and i hope uni is going well.
All the best
Lovely report again Laura, love the way you put four food photos all together, very effective.
thankyou!! Made me crave disney cakes when I looked at it though!!!

Awesome photos, I look forward to the rest:thumbsup2
Thanks! I should get more done on sunday or monday, I'm at home at the moment and stupidly forgot to take my 'notes' home with me!!

I have loved catching up with your trip report, Laura. I love MIB and I also always do better at that than Buzz for some reason. Ariel is my very favourite princess too! Looking forward to more.

Laur's xx
aww thanks :) I think we all do so much better at MIB because it's far more easier to hit the targets, you can get them anywhere, whereas Buzz has one little target zone, and I am no good at lining up my gun with that at all!!

Lovely view from your balcony Laura and it sounds like you had a great day at AK :thumbsup2
I did indeed and that view was amazing, the pictures can't do it justice!!

Great Report!!!! Very Detailed although there are not many pictures of yourelves enjoying the parks. To Shy ehh!!!!! haha
Looking forward to the next installment and i hope uni is going well.
All the best
Haha thanks! There aren't that many pictures coz most of them have my family in them and I'm not entirely sure they like having their pictures put up on the internet, I assure you though there are lots!!!
After our rest was over we realised that we had been in Florida for a total of 5 days, seen all the other Disney parks but the most magnificient of them all, why hadn't we been to MK?! With this in mind we jumped in the car and without any hesitation followed the road to MK. We parked up and hopped on the monorail, usually we take the boat on our first trip but we were so eager to get there. Soon we spied this


and 2 minutes later this:


It's like a wave of excitement, emotion and joy hit you all at the same time, I didn't quite know how to react, no matter how many times I go it still has the same effect of me, the castle is just magnificient!

We were fairly hungry as we hadn't eaten anything since our snack at AK earlier in the morning as as it as early evening we decided diner was probably in order, so off we headed to Cosmic Rays, partly because we wanted to see if there were any FP's left for SM (we didn't hold out much hope... and there weren't) and partly because we love to see this guy


doing his bit :)

I love the way Cosmic Ray's is set out, different counters for the different types of food, my parents knew what they wanted but my brother and I couldn't decide to we were handed money and told to find them when we were done. After about 10minutes deciding we finally settled on BBQ chicken and ribs between us, my parents got chilli cheese dogs each- they love them!!



After we had finished our food we made straight to Buzz as we had picked up FP's for them before we had eaten, it was seriously surprising just how many FP's there were left, we got ones that were about half an hour ahead of the time we picked them up and by the time we came to use them they had only increased by 20 minutes or so. Buzz was great but as I have already mentioned not as good as MiB is, we still had a whale of a time though as my brother and I are seriously competative!

After Buzz a new ride to us, Monsters Inc beckoned, so we answered the call and dutifully joined the queue, I wasn't sure what to expect but I loved loved loved it. We managed to get a showing where a women who had been on earlier and who had obviously picked as person they were going to pick on all show had returned and the 'monsters' immediately recognised her, they spent all show ridiculing her for what she was wearing (she looked like a jail bird in a black and white stripped shirt and black shorts!), I later found out after we rode again that they were completely ab-libbing and not sticking to the script at all!! It was hilarious!!


Once we emerged back into Tomorrow Land we wandered around MK for a bit and sound found ourselves in Fantasy Land, where I begged to go on one of my favourite favourite rides, Winnie the Pooh, I am a HUGE fan as this ride has always been my favourite, especially as we don't have one in DLP. I was totally in my element singing along and what not, the CM's loved it and started to make me dance too!


Don't you just love the bit where you bounce with Tigger, he's my absolute favourite character so I adore this bit!!

We came out of Winnie the Pooh just in time for Wishes and stood between the castle and Dumbo watching it. It's a good viewing but doesn't half ache your neck, you're constantly moving back and forth depending on where they're firing from, but it really did feel like you were right in the heart of it, was amazing!!


As we wanted to catch the later showing of Spectro we hopped on IASW quickly as there was a minimal queue and as is expected from everyone, sang along

The good old English!


(I do love how these are our icons!)

We had just enough time to ride HM as well so off we trotted, I don't have any pictures but I definately like the new updates, good move Disney!! The face on the bride in the attic scares me though, it doesn't belong there and looks more like a man!!

We hightailed it to Liberty Square in time for Spectro and as the music started I got that tingly feeling I got when I walked into the park. Spectro has to be my favourite parade, I love everything about it, the lights the cars and of course the music, I challenge anyone to listen to it without getting a smile on your face!!







Did you know the float with the 3 little pigs on it transforms from white lights to colour lights to show the transformation of Disney from black and white to colour... how exciting is that?!!

Spectro was fantastic and by the time it had finished we were knackered so we made our way down Main Street out of the park into the car and back to the Condel to gain a well earned rest!!

Tomorrow: amazing burgers, shopping shopping and more shopping and more competativeness!!
Thanks for posting, I know what busy lifes you students live so appreciate the time taken to write up this report. I am looking forward to the next one, hope you have settled into Newcastle Uni life again.
Great update - I am finding we have more and more in common - not only are we both called Laura and have the same favourite princess, my favourite ride is Winnie the Pooh and my favourite parade is Spectromagic! Thanks for sharing the info about the 3 pigs float, I didn't know that.

Laur's xx
Thanks for posting, I know what busy lifes you students live so appreciate the time taken to write up this report. I am looking forward to the next one, hope you have settled into Newcastle Uni life again.

aww thanks! It's a bit hectic here at the moment, I have an essay due in for tuesday which is still mid progress and we're in the middle of a mission week with my CU so everything is all go go go! I miss updating this report though so with a bit of luck I'll find time gaps here and there!!

Great update - I am finding we have more and more in common - not only are we both called Laura and have the same favourite princess, my favourite ride is Winnie the Pooh and my favourite parade is Spectromagic! Thanks for sharing the info about the 3 pigs float, I didn't know that.

Laur's xx

Haha fantastic!! Obviously great minds think alike! They're all fantastic!! :) And no worries on the info, I never knew either but it makes perfect sense when you look at it!!!
Today we decided to go back to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure to do the rides we hadn't done a couple of days before, and to combat the fact it was the day before 4th July when we knew Disney would be heaving. This was however not without a lie in. I think it was safe to say that we were shattered! It was non stop the previous days as we were trying to get as much done as we could before the holiday crowds came in for July 4th, so today we fancied a lazy day around a park where it didn't matter what we went on!

We arrived at US around 12:30pm and followed our ears until we reached this show going on outside of Mel's Drive In, I forget the name but it was good none the less


Not long after this appeared carrying all the universal characters,

does anyone remember the bus at Epcot? I loved that bus and I'm gutted they stopped it. I remember that on my first ever visit to WDW I was so excited to see it as it as the first park we had been to and the first ever characters that I had seen, when the bus stopped Minnie came off, grabbed my hand and I was first in line to see her, that made my entire holiday! :goodvibes

Anyways after that we had a wander around and eventually ended up at MiB, which had a wait time of all of 10 minutes so we took advantage of that and rode it a couple of times!

We were just in time to catch the next showing of Beetle Juice when we came out of the ride so we quickly hurried towards that to get a seat. I'm ashamed to say I got so caught up in the show I totally forgot to take pictures but you'll have to take my word for it that it was amazing! I love the way they act and the way the effects that they use, it's a definate must see for us!!

We had had enough of US by the time this had finished so we exited the park and walked over to IoA, not before I spied and bought this though :) I love it, it's a huge because it's a man's hoodie (size small and it still swamps me!) but it was a steal at about £7/$15 because it was in the sale and it's great to wear around my flat when I'm having a lazy day!


close up of the design:

We didn't really fancy any rides straight away when we got into IoA so instead we decided to walk around and admire some of the beautiful scenery around the lake. We stopped in Seussland because I was getting a bit peckish and had spied something a couple of days before that I had to try...


Doesn't it look fantastic!! Unfortunately it wasn't quite as nice as it looked, I'm not a big fan of toffee and despite asking the staff whether it did have it or whether it was just a chocolate coated apple with M&M's it had toffee on it. It was good to start off with but it made it such hard going trying to eat it and the chocolate just went everywhere so eventually it ended up like this...

:rotfl: I did eat the chocolate that I chipped off though!! The apple was goood!!

We wandered and wandered and eventually came across the space set out for The Magical World of Harry Potter (or whatever it is!), it didn't look like anything spectacular though

Here are some more shots that I took as we wandered

(another amazingly themed land!)


As we walked past the Hulk we noticed that the ride time had dropped considerably from 60minutes to 15 so we (by we I mean my dad, brother and I... I had finally persuaded my brother to have a ride!) took advantage and queded up leaving mum to soak up the sunshine.

When we came off the teacups... or the 'Storm Force Accelatron' :rotfl2: were empty so my brother and I took mum for a ride on those as a thankyou for waiting, what we neglected to tell her was how fast we liked it, I think she was laughing until she cried!!
We had spotted the Hard Rock Cafe before we had entered IoA and knew we definately wanted to eat there as we loved the one we ate in Barcelona last summer so after regaining our balance from the tea-cups we had a wander to see if there were any tables. There were, we were in luck :)


It was so pretty in there! I love how the decorate all the HRC, I've eaten in 3 so far, Barcelona, London and Orlando and the theming in all of them is so unique and 'historic'! They have lots of famous guitars and merchandise from various rock bands, I couldn't stop taking photos!



The car in the centre, it was moving round in a circle,

We ordered our meals, each of us, apart from Dad who just got a caesar salad, ordering a variation on a burger as theirs are literally to die for!!



They were delicious! We got pudding but I think they were gone too quickly for me to take a photo of, they were also very good!!

It was approaching time for Universal 360 so after we had finished our meal and paid we quickly visited the shop attached to the HRC, I have a habit of collecting t-shirts and have started to collect the HR ones as well, I have one from Barcelona but not from London (they were the same designs at the Orlando ones and I didn't want 2 of the same and I figure I can go there whenever and get one!) so I needed one from Orlando, well I found this one and immediately bought it, I love it!!


Close up of the design:

The back:

After we had finished, my brother bought a tshirt too, we made our way back into Universal and round the lake thing to watch Universal 360.

At first I wasn't entirely sure what was happening as all we could see were these giant white balls in the water until suddenly they lit up and displayed different movie clips on them to go with the music they were playing



at different intervals fireworks were going off and buildings were lit up too


It was quite exciting but had nothing to match the grandour of Disney, we were glad we saw it but didn't want to see it again!!

With that another day ended and we headed back to the condel for a mega early start in order to get to MK before the 4th July crowds (we're stupid yes?... no!!) Stay tuned!
Sounds like you had a great day Laura. :thumbsup2
Great installement Laura. I never know they had a nighttime show at universal the last one we saw was a stunt show on the lake and that was a long time ago.
Looking forward to the next installement.
Sounds like you had a great day Laura. :thumbsup2

We did :goodvibes It's so good to have a relaxing day in the holiday but feel like you're not missing out either. We're not the type of people who sit and lounge around a pool so this was perfect for us!

Great installement Laura. I never know they had a nighttime show at universal the last one we saw was a stunt show on the lake and that was a long time ago.
Looking forward to the next installement.

I think it's a new-ish show, it definately wasn't there when we were there last. I think they've stopped a lot of the fireworks now though because of the building for Harry Potter, so this was their compromise

Great report Laura cant wait for the next instalment. :cool1:

Thankyou :thumbsup2
All caught up now Laura :thumbsup2 .Thanks for the updates.
I can't stand Primeval Hurl(sorry Whirl :lmao: ),it made me sooooooo ill :sick: the first time i went on it-never again.I can just about tolerate Storm Force-as long as no-one spins it.I laugh to make it look like i am having fun-but really i want my Mummy :lmao: -what a wuss i am.I love your t-shirt+your pics are great :thumbsup2 .
Hope Curious George is still there when we go in April-Dd4 loves him+watches him on tv every afternoon.Have they any merchandise+can you remember what they have?.x.


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