It was a Horror-ible, and then Not-So-Scary (but exhausting!), October/NovTrip!! Completed 3/13!!!

I was super surprised during the Marathon weekend 10K how many people use the woods!?! It was very early on in the race, too, so I was really taken aback, and I hadn't even THOUGHT about the wildlife!!!

OMG, it's all I could think about but Mike was getting desperate enough that he was almost willing to risk it. To be honest, I guess I didn't realize how absolutely miserable he was because we ran past some Porta-potties and I talked him out of stopping and made him wait till we got to DHS…nice wife I am :rotfl:

I did, too!!!! What's with that!!!?? Once I saw my 5K pictures, I tried to be more aware of what I was doing during the 10K pics :) I was dressed as Buzz, so there was a lot of saluting or using my arms like wings....not sure those turned out any better LOL If I ever start my TR, you'll be able to let me know which was worse!! LOL

Yes, could you PLEASE start so I don't look like the only weirdo?! :laughing: Oh, and I'm also excited to read about your trip!
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After relaxing a bit in the DVC lounge, we headed to

Soarin' and took a ride around the world.


Afterwards, we walked over to the festival center, which ended up being very hard to find for us. I knew the general vicinity but for whatever reason, couldn't find the walking path. We ended up walking around in a couple circles before we found it, and then discovered that there wasn't much there anyway :crazy2: We did get our AP pins and a free chocolate, though.

When we came out, the monorail was just going past and I thought it would make such a pretty picture but of course, I didn't have my camera/phone ready. So we decided to wait for the there for the next monorail so I could get my shot but it ended up taking like 20 minutes. So pretty :love:


While we were waiting I noticed my very first Survey Marker.


It was around 1 and we were getting hungry for lunch so we started walking through the WS to eat at some Food & Wine booths. Mike wanted some Penne Ala Vodka and I can't even remember what I wanted, but frankly, once we saw the food booth lines, we totally ditched the idea anyway. World Showcase was absolutely crazy and just a terrible idea this day. I think the fact that this was the last Saturday of F & W, combined with race weekend just brought so many people out. Maybe if we hadn't been up since 3:30 am, we would have had more patience, but we both just wanted to eat and then get out of there.

We ended up splitting up and I went back to Boulangerie Patisserie and got my favorite sandwich,





while Mike walked over to the UK for some Fish & Chips.


After we ate, we got the heck out of there and took the monorail back to the Poly.

Continued in next post...
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Loving your trip report so far! Our next trip is scheduled for November, right during the Food & Wine runs. I've run many 5ks (including one during Princess Weekend) and I've always dreamed of trying a longer Disney race. So now I'm finally at that point where I need to make a decision! To run or not to run! I think I definitely could with some intervals. Can't wait to hear about your half and more about your overall impressions of the race weekend :)
I feel you about being a little less patient having been up since 3:30am! Our 5K day, I took that a step further and was a grouchy bear until I'd had a nap. :P
Once back at the Poly, we went to our room and rested for a little bit and then Mike walked over to Moorea and threw in some of our laundry. A couple hours later we felt better and decided to go poke around at the gift shop. Mike was eyeing these while he was there and ended up buying the small clear glass one but I ended up getting the tall one for his stocking for Christmas. He's obsessed :bitelip:



We just walked around trying to decide what to eat for dinner. We had previously made an ADR for Homecomin' this night but had cancelled it after we ate lunch there on Halloween day. While we were waiting around thinking about dinner, I was texting @ariane37, who was flying in this day and heading to the Poly. We decided to meet in the lobby and I sent her this crazy pic so she would know who she was looking for…


Despite this, she and her husband Steve showed up to meet us anyway :laughing: The were fresh off the plane and anxious to get to EPCOT for Food & Wine, but they were gracious enough to meet and chit chat for a bit before they went on their way.

Wait, why does she look adorable and I look like I just got off a three hour plane ride :crazy2:

It was so nice meeting Ariane and Steve, and I'm hoping our paths cross again someday and we can hang longer!

After much debate, we finally just decided to head to the Contemporary and eat at the Contempo Cafe. This was partially due to laziness and partially due to the fact that we had been up since 3:30 and had to get up again the next day at 3:30 so we just really wanted to take it easy.

Mike and I both got some Pasto Pasta which was actually pretty tasty and not overly filling.


We poked around in The CR for a little bit,



and then headed back to the Poly where we watched HEA from the beach.


Total Steps this day:
15.04 miles!
(and we still had to run the half the next day :sad:)

Up next-Half Marathon Day!


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What, why does she look adorable and I look like I just got off a three hour plane ride :crazy2:

I think you both look cute! Great to squeeze in a quick Dismeet :)
I was SOOOOO crabby by the afternoon of our 5K day, so I completely get that "can't deal with people, just need to eat feeling." On the next day for the 10K, I definitely scheduled an afternoon nap, so I wouldn't be such a crabby beast LOL
I think you both look cute! Great to squeeze in a quick Dismeet :)

Aw, thanks!

I was SOOOOO crabby by the afternoon of our 5K day, so I completely get that "can't deal with people, just need to eat feeling." On the next day for the 10K, I definitely scheduled an afternoon nap, so I wouldn't be such a crabby beast LOL

Glad it's not just us :crazy2: We tried napping the next day but I'm just not a good napper and neither is Mike, and we were super cranky! More to come on that :P
Besides being crabby, I was also delirious by the end of the night!! I was reaching down to move my shoes near the sink outside our bathroom and totally clunked my forehead on the counter when I misjudged. Ouch. #racerookie
Love EE and you got some beautiful pictures from the Safari
The Poly is so beautiful and relaxing
We discovered Flights of Wonder last March and really enjoyed it
Congrats on the 10K :thumbsup2
Gorgeous pic of the monorail
Glad you got to meet up with Ariane
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Besides being crabby, I was also delirious by the end of the night!! I was reaching down to move my shoes near the sink outside our bathroom and totally clunked my forehead on the counter when I misjudged. Ouch. #racerookie

Ouch! :sick:

Love EE and you got some beautiful pictures from the Safari
The Poly is so beautiful and relaxing
We discovered Flights of Wonder last March and really enjoyed it
Congrats on the 10K :thumbsup2
Gorgeous pic of the monorail
Glad you got to meet up with Ariane

Loving your trip report so far! Our next trip is scheduled for November, right during the Food & Wine runs. I've run many 5ks (including one during Princess Weekend) and I've always dreamed of trying a longer Disney race. So now I'm finally at that point where I need to make a decision! To run or not to run! I think I definitely could with some intervals. Can't wait to hear about your half and more about your overall impressions of the race weekend :)

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you, I think your post was sandwiched between two of mine and I missed it!

Here's my advice for people on the fence about signing up for a race…if I can do it, ANYONE can do it! I have never been athletic and never thought I could do a 10k, let alone a half. That Jeff Galloway method made it possible, for sure!

Thanks for reading!
Sunday, November 5, 2017:

Another day, another 3:30 am alarm


So, here we are at 3:44 am, eager to get started…

This time, Mike was determined to not be miserable needing a bathroom for the first few miles, so we spent MOST of our time here in line for a port-potty. We didn't even enter our corral until the very last minute. Of course, by then all the lines for the porta-potties were clearing out and we noticed that if we had just kept walking down the line, we wouldn't have had such a long wait. Oh well, live and learn.

We ended up being in the very back of our corral and didn't even start until 6:02 am.

Mile 1-6:18 am

Mile 2-6:34 am

Mile 3-6:49 am

Mile 4-7:05 am

Somewhere between mile 4 & 5 we reached Pandora…7:20 am. Up until then the race had been pretty boring with not much to see. This was pretty cool to be running through a completely empty Animal Kingdom.

Mile 5-7:27 am

Mile 6-7:42 am The pictures were too bad to post, which is funny considering some of the pictures posted above! So you know they're bad :rotfl:

Mile 7-7:56 am And in case you couldn't make out the HUGE number 7 on the sign, let me block it with something weird I started doing here and continued for the rest of the race :crazy2:

Continued in next post...
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I didn't have my camera/phone ready. So we decided to wait for the there for the next monorail so I could get my shot but it ended up taking like 20 minutes. So pretty :love:

Totally worth the time. This is gorgeous!

While we were waiting I noticed my very first Survey Marker.

I had no idea they had these at WDW. So cool! Odd aside, I work for the government Agency that amongst many other things, leads geodetic surveys and GPS monitoring for the nation. We have put many of these around the world, but I had no idea they had a WDW connection

It was around 1 and we were getting hungry for lunch so we started walking through the WS to eat at some Food & Wine booths. Mike wanted some Penne Ala Vodka and I can't even remember what I wanted, but frankly, once we saw the food booth lines, we totally ditched the idea anyway. World Showcase was absolutely crazy and just a terrible idea this day.
We did the exact same thing the following Friday. It was just too crazy to wait for anything so we ended up at Tokyo Dining last minute instead

This has got to be one of the unsung treasures of Epcot- Perfectly fried fish for like $10 is a thing of wonder!


Despite this, she and her husband Steve showed up to meet us anyway :laughing:

ile 7-7:56 am And in case you couldn't make out the HUGE number 7 on the sign, let me block it with something weird I started doing here and continued for the rest of the race :crazy2:
Thanks for the asssit. I would have been lost otherwise :P
Those arms are just totally confused about what to do during races I guess!!! You two are just too cute :) Looking forward to the race finish!
I had no idea they had these at WDW. So cool! Odd aside, I work for the government Agency that amongst many other things, leads geodetic surveys and GPS monitoring for the nation. We have put many of these around the world, but I had no idea they had a WDW connection

That's so cool! You probably have access to a map of all the locations. I have to say, I don't really understand what these are all about, but I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for them from now on :-)

Those arms are just totally confused about what to do during races I guess!!!

:rotfl: At least I'm consistent!
November 5, 2017
Half-Marathon continued

Ugh, Miles 8 and 9 are just a blur...


Mile 10-8:42 am found us back in DHS. I was ecstatic to get to this point since, A)there was more than the boring highway to run on, and B)only 3 more miles!!



The one time I don't have my arms raised, but it still looks like I do from the people behind me :laughing:


Eat my dust, Hollywood Studios!


Mile 11-9:01 am. Apparently, Mike got there first and didn't wait for me to take the pic...

9:12 am-finally hit EPCOT and since it was later, it was lighter. I took a bunch of pics of the construction going on back there...

Continued in next post...
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Half-marathon continued:

More France construction pics…Kind of cool, huh?




Mile 12-9:18 am

Lots of Photpass photographers here to catch all these beauties...


I was literally dying at this point and falling behind. Mike caught this on his camera and I didn't even notice :rotfl:

But of course, as soon as I did, my hands went up :laughing:


Mile 13-9:36 am

Continued in next post…up next, The Big Finish!
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If this trip report is dragging anything like those 13 miles, I feel really bad for you guys!

9:38 am-Mike had a decent crossing the finish line photo...

I, on the other hand…well…let's just leave this here...


Doesn't that photo just scream, "Victory!" to you all?? I was literally dropping my sweater and trying to catch it, and trying to snap a finish-line pic on my phone, and it just made for the most disappointing picture ever.

Anyway, we wrapped up the race by getting our medals and taking the "I did it," pics and then quickly found our Poly bus and made our way back.




We were back at the Poly by 10:21...




My RunDisney thoughts:
The half took us 3 hours, 36 minutes to finish from the time we actually started and I have to say that I did not feel good running this day almost from the start. My legs felt heavy and I was just kind of tired overall. I ended up walking a LOT more than I usually do and I think we averaged about a 15 minute mile. Mike and I would run together at times and then split up and meet at the mile markers for the most part. I was totally fine with that because I felt like I was holding him back.

This was the longest run I've even done in my life and while I am not sorry that I did it, I don't think I ever need to do it again, especially the day after I run a 10K.

We also kind of missed out on any of the fun characters and things because we started in the last corrals and the lines were insane by the time we would have gotten there. Plus, had we waited in any lines, we may have met the balloon ladies and it wasn't worth risking that.

I could and would do another 10K (or less) in a heartbeat, but I'd be hard-pressed to sign up for another half. I also think that had we done this earlier in the trip, I may have felt better. But coming at the end of our trip kind of stunk. It was kind of looming over our heads and we had to plan to have two very early nights and this kind of cut into our park time or time we could have gone to Trader Sam's or Jellyrolls (which we never got around to).

Am I sorry I did it? Not at all! I just think I want to keep my Disney trips about the parks and having fun, and not racing. But I have always wanted to try running a half and I'm glad I can check it off of my bucket-list now!

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Congrats on finishing the half!!!!!!!! Your "thrilling" victory picture aside, that is a huge accomplishment!


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