Is this normal???

I get the "disapproval" or the "you're going again" from co-workers and luckily never from Family.
My true friends know that Disney is "our thing" just like I know my friend Cynthia's thing is going to the beach for a week (which I can't sit still that long) and my friend Tammy goes to Cape Cod every summer. So
We have DVC and my parents bought into DVC before us so we all have the "dis bug"!!
I was just wondering if anybody else encounters the same "dissaproval" of going to WDW that I get. My in laws could care less about anything....especially going to WDW. My DD and I as well as my parents are very much into WDW. The in laws were all about us "wasting" money....'y'all don't need to go and throw money away like that" and so on and so forth. But of course when it came to us bringing them something back...they were all for that! Does anybody else encounter the people I'm starting to call "the bringer downers"? How do you respond to their foolishness?
People think we are strange. Our last trip was 12 days and they ask "what do you do for 12 days at WDW?" Some people have no clue. LOL Our adult children think we have lost our minds because we (mostly me) are addicted to disney. However is there anything else to be addicted to? LOL If I had my way we would be there a month but I doubt that will ever happen. LOL
I usually just end up ignoring my in laws now a days. They don't get it and probably never will. There's no reason for me to get all worked up for people who don't care. I just talk to my mom about it and come on the DIS to get the magic I need in between trips!
We are surrounded by bringer downers too... and they all seem so very very concerned about our finacial state when ever vacation comes around. so every year I say the same thing... it's cheaper and nicer than family counseling and our family is quite happy to be together... ALL OF THE TIME!! I see so many other families where the kids are so bored on their trips, aren't excited and are totally disconnected. Ours are as engaged as it gets... they don't want to miss anything... and I gotta tell you that even when we are not at Disney it is a tool for us... we can spend hours talking about the last trip we took or plan the next one... how many other parents with 16, 13, and 4 year olds can all have something major like this in common and WANT to share it with each other...

I say the family that does Disney together, stays together...
My sister's husband is like this. His son, my nephew is the same age as my DD (10), and my bil has repeatedly told us that his son is "Disneyed out!!!" 10 years old !! My DD and DS say that he is dieing to go back. He has been for 2/ 4-5 day trips, but that is it. The reason my bil says this is because HE doesn't like Disney (he's 1 of those !) So whenever we talk about it, we just say "Right___, he's Disneyed out ( while lol !). Mostly tho, we just ignore him!!:thumbsup2
"You're going again!????

Yep, and lovin every minute of it. DH is not as big a fanatic as me and DS, but he goes becasue it amkes us happy and we always have a great time. My favorite is the one's who told me when DS was 1 week shy of his 3rd birthday last year "why are you wasting all of that money? He will never remember anything" I say Phooey to them. He still talks about riding the goofy roller coaster and the race cars with Daddy. We are going this year, again 1 week shy of his birthday (the Big 4) and he is already telling everyone I'm going to ride the train roller coaster - it goes fast!
This is why we go every year. To see and hear DS's excitement.

Granted my parents live there, so it is even a bigger excuse to visit because as DS says I get to see mom-mom, pop-pop AND Mickey Mouse!
That's really what it's all about. Seeing your kid(s) face when they go. Doesn't matter how old they are. My mom said she even got a kick out of seeing my face light up again when we were there! And I'm 31!!
I have been "listening" to this same stuff forever, it seems! My MIL cannot understand what I see in the mouse!:scared1: even though she has been numrous times with my BIL and his family. My Dad thinks that it is a waste of money and that I should save. That is what he did his whole life and now he is too old (85 and blind) and so he cannot go anywhere. At least I will have memories for my old age!:rotfl: My DH gets it, but due to work is not able to go as much, but he still sends me for my "Disney Fix" every year with my granddaughters. This year, I will be with the granddaughters and also my DS and his family!!! I cannot wait for August!!!!:love: :cool1:
When it gets to be too much, I turn on the Disney music from Live 365 and come to the Dis!!! These people understand me!!!!:cool1: :love:
I call it the Disney gene

I agree, and I certainly have it! :) I only wish my DW had it. We normally only get to go every 4 years, but this year I talked (begged) her into going a year early so that we could take our nieces with us, since it coincided with my sisters cruise and she needed someone to watch her DD's.

Sometimes I think we all need a regular everyday spouse, and then a Disney spouse! :rotfl2:
"You're going again!????

Yep, and lovin every minute of it. DH is not as big a fanatic as me and DS, but he goes becasue it amkes us happy and we always have a great time. My favorite is the one's who told me when DS was 1 week shy of his 3rd birthday last year "why are you wasting all of that money? He will never remember anything" I say Phooey to them. He still talks about riding the goofy roller coaster and the race cars with Daddy. We are going this year, again 1 week shy of his birthday (the Big 4) and he is already telling everyone I'm going to ride the train roller coaster - it goes fast!
This is why we go every year. To see and hear DS's excitement.

Granted my parents live there, so it is even a bigger excuse to visit because as DS says I get to see mom-mom, pop-pop AND Mickey Mouse!

My inlaws are also not Disney people so we usually don't even tell them when we are going (they live a few states away)

We brought both of our boys to Disney for the 1st time when they were a few weeks shy of their 3rd birthday's (Hey, they're still free :rotfl: ) Anyway we had so many people say to us that they won't remember. Well, they are 11 and 16 now and guess what - they don't remember but DH and I do and it was SO wonderful watching their little faces as they hugged the characters. They definitely remember all the trips after the almost 3yr one and we remember fondly the ones when they were so little.
Enjoy what your family likes to do! I dont get camping but I dont feel the need to bring anyone down for it. DH does not get why people around here love going to the Jersey Shore every weekend or have houses down there. He goes but it is not his favorite thing, I think he would rather to do Disney then that all though that is a much easier thing to do for us since it isnt far!
We do Hershey park every year because it is only 1 1/2 hour away and people are like you are going again???? So what people! You do your vacaton I will do mine!

Different strokes for different folks!
Sometimes I think it is kinda sad that people just don't understand the magic of Disney. My parents don't. :scared1: In fact my Dad is so disaproving that he doesn't even know I'm going this year in August. AHh well... I love the quote...the Family that does Disney together, Stays together! I will also adopt this! :goodvibes
I agree THEY annoy me. I love the oh you guys didn't get it all done last time? I just smile politely and say no it will take a few times I am sure. I have actually been shocked at the amount of people that DO get it. I think a lot of that is because they are aware of how accesible it is for DS so it a vacation that makes sense for us.
We will be taking our 6th trip to Disney in Sept. to take advantage of the free dining. We have 6 kids (ages 12,10,8,7,3,1) and that really adds to the "bringer downers" comments. I love this thread because there are many of my friends and family that just do not get how much we love our Disney trips!!!!!! Thanks for adding to the magic.
My girls and I go at least twice a year, more if we can,:thumbsup2 and we are always hearing "why do you waste your money like that!". My DIL tells me that I should go to six flags instead because it is cheaper, closer, and just as much fun.:rotfl:


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