Is there something in strawberry margaritas that would cause insomnia?


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
Last weekend I had one or two (or maybe it was three ;) ) and then I couldn't sleep all night. I wondered if it was something about it being the strawberry kind that kept me awake b/c I never had that happen with the lime kind. I hadn't had a margarita in a very long time but I know they never kept me awake before! Is there caffiene in the strawberry ones?:confused:
I always have the strawberry margaritas (with tequila) and have never had a problem falling asleep. Shouldn't be any caffeine in it so I dont know.
I don't know, but I would be glad to be part of a clinical trial to test the caffienne level of strawberry margaritas! :D Somebody start mixing!
I've never even heard of strawberry margaritas. Sounds very good! :)
Strawberry Margharitas are the best. I love them. I always have trouble sleeping after drinking alcohol. I will fall asleep then wake up 2 hours later and be up for hours. It's very frustrating.
can have that effect on you. You said you hadn't had one in a while so it's possible that your body chemistry has changed a little since your last one, and now you are kept awake by it rather than getting drowsy.
Just like OTC cold medicines; most people take them to fall asleep, yet I take them and I'm bouncing off the walls.

yep, can do a number on you.
I had a huge, delicious strawberry daqueri at TGIFridays last night, and I slept like a baby!

What's the difference between a daqueri and a marguerita?
I think a daquari is made with rum, and a margarita is made with tequila.
Thanks Denise! I guess I should know what I'm drinking, huh? lol


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