Is there a way to secure your stroller?


DIS Veteran
May 4, 2003
Hi! I've read a lot of threads about concern over strollers being stolen - is there a way (that someone has sucessfully tried) to secure or lock your stroller wheels that is acceptable to CMs? I know CMs move them - but can you lock 2 of the wheels so it helps prevent a potential theft? If so, how/what do you lock them? Anyone ever try this? Thanks :earsboy:
I have never locked our stroller. However, I would think that you could get a lock with a cable that you could run through the wheels. You could probably get a lock for a bike and do this.

We have never had a problem with anyone stealing our stroller. Is this becoming a problem at Disney? Unless things have changed, I would not worry about anyone steeling it. I remember when we started going with our stroller I was concerned about this also, but have had no problems in two years.

Hope this helps.
I totally agree not to worry about stroller getting stolen...
Yes they do move them at sometimes - so my suggestion ifpossible put a big ribbon or something so you can find them in
the parking lot of strollers.
I kept everything in our stroller - which was a small cooler for milk, juice & dad's Mt Dew - backpack of change of clothes, diapers, etc.... and had not problem.

Have a magical time!!!
Hi - Thanks for the input. I worry about this silly stroller since it's my first "fancy, new one" :p We finally got a lightweight one after our second baby - and the silly things cost a pretty penny!! But it's a great traveling stroller and we can't wait to take it to Disney!! Thanks again!!
I bought a Maclaren Daytripper just for my trip a few weeks ago. I didn't bother putting on a lock as it seemed more a pain then anything else. No one touched it and I feel certain many knew that it was a fancy one. I had so many people tell me that it was the one they had wanted to get but it was too expensive. That had my mother wondering if one of them were going to swipe it! It was fine. I figured if someone stole it then I would be at the nearest Babys R Us buying a new one and then maybe getting a lock this time!:D
I was reading the unofficial guide today and they seem to think that people usually don't steal strollers with items in them----only 'bare' strollers. They recommend tying something to the handle, as another poster also recommended. They also said that the odder the item tied to the handle, the better. One item someone tied was an old sock. The most interesting/disgusting item used as a tie was a disposable diaper in a plastic bag which the people poured some root beer on. EWWWW.
Just go to Spencer's Gifts and get some of that rubber puke. Leave it on the stroller seat and I'm sure you'll have no problem.


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