Is it really that hot in the summer?

Suggest lots of sunscreen and maybe an umbrella to provide constant shade. Wearing what you described in 100 degree plus (heat index) temperatures could be dangerous. Dont risk spending your vacation hooked to an IV because you have heat stroke.
Going to WDW in late June, and my plan is to wear long pants, a jacket, and a large hat in the parks everyday because I get sunburn easily. I’ve never been in Florida that time of year. Is it really as hot as people that talk about how hot it is say? I tend to be a little cold in air conditioning so maybe I’ll be ok?

Please do not do this. You do not need a jacket under any circumstance. Look into the UV protection athletic shirts and buy a very good sunscreen. I burn easily, too, and I find that the Aveeno sunscreen is the absolute best. Bring a UV light weight hat and an umbrella. Please do not wear long pants and a jacket. You will get heatstroke.

I am from south Louisiana and I almost fainted in MK last September. Bring a small personal fan and drink plenty of water. You'll be fine if you plan early mornings and evenings. Try to leave the parks from 1-4 at least.

Good luck!
I was born and raised in Florida....WDW in June wearing pants and a jacket would be unbearable for me. Have you looked into specialty clothing intended to block sun without being thick?? Perhaps you can find something moisture wicking and breathable? Summer humidity in Florida is no joke!!
Columbia makes great clothing for exactly this purpose.
Leave the pants and jacket at home and bring lots of sunscreen.
Going to WDW in late June, and my plan is to wear long pants, a jacket, and a large hat in the parks everyday because I get sunburn easily. I’ve never been in Florida that time of year. Is it really as hot as people that talk about how hot it is say? I tend to be a little cold in air conditioning so maybe I’ll be ok?
Where are you from? I'm assuming from up north, as you think long pants & jacket will feel okay midsummer in Florida. They won't. The temps will be in the low 90's & humid.

We're from central Texas, which is hotter than Orlando midsummer, so we're fine at WDW in summer. But we also prepare for the weather (just like you'd prepare to be outdoors for hours at a time in winter weather up north). We wear wide-brimmed hats or carry a small UV umbrella, we wear waterproof shoes (it typically rains every day in Orlando in summer), we wear cool, lightweight clothes (no denim), and we don't lug around large or heavy bags. We drink water frequently, but we don't carry it with us as it's heavy. We tour at a relaxed pace and also take midday breaks, so we're not touring during the worst of the heat.
I get cold when a breeze passes over me, so I would say a LIGHT cover-up would not be the worst thing in the world. And sometimes I wear those outdoorsy cargo pants that are long, you know, the kind with parachute fabric? And you miiiiiiight want a little something more for dinners and late nights. If you are not used to the humidity, it can feel chillier than it actually is!
I burn extremely easily, (the girl calls me Snow White) and I'm on medication that makes sun exposure a much bigger deal than just a sunburn; more like hospitalization due to actual sun poisoning. We'll be in Orlando in late May and I would never dream of wearing what you're describing. A jacket? Do you want heat stroke? My doc said sunscreen, which I use daily, wide brimmed hat (which I do anyway) and a UV protection umbrella. I'm SO not a fan of hauling crap around in the parks (what the heck are these people carrying around), but I will make this concession for my health. I worry that the type of clothing you describe will do more harm than good.
As others have said, yes, it’s hot. Very hot. And humid, which just makes it feel hotter. I burn easily too, so I wear a hat, lots of sunscreen, reapply the sunscreen often, and get in the shade when I can. You will not be comfortable in a jacket.
Get a UV umbrella (seriously amazing product), a good hat, and La Roche Posay Anthelios sunblock. That is the absolute best sunblock I have ever used. It lasts several hours and you won't even get tan (I'm pale and burn easily and this stuff doesn't even let me get tan at all).

If you want to wear sleeves and long pants, it needs to be the kind made for hot humid climates, so an outdoor/hiking/expedition line of clothing, REI carries a lot of this kind of stuff.

If you get cold in the AC, bring along a lightweight large scarf/wrap/pashmina to wear indoors.
We lived in Tennessee for years, and it was very hot and very humid, like Florida.
Our first visit to WDW was in July!!!! We were used to hot and humid and it did not bother us. One day, about mid day, we were in line for a ride when I turned around and saw the family behind us. There was a husband, wife, and 2kids. They were ghostly white, mouth open panting, with a panicked look in their eyes (especially the parents). They looked absolutely miserable. I asked where they were from, and it was Minnesota. I was really worried because they looked like they could pass out. I talked with the Dad and said that if he wasn't used to this weather, he should not be in the parks at mid day in these temps and humidity. I recommended they go back and get into air conditioning and drink plenty of fluids. They thanked me and left. I hope they got to air conditioning soon.
So, I guess it gets down to if you are used to this type of thing.
funny, but we live in Mn. now and I wouldn't go in summer for anything now. :) I'm a true northerner now!
No. There are many ways to keep hydrated. There is usually a warm summer breeze. It is beautiful in the summer. You just have to stay out of direct sunlight from noon to 5 or so.
Yeah, it's hot...but it's Florida in the middle of the summer, what else would you expect? Millions upon millions of people live there, so it has to be manageable. A little common sense goes a long way.

But most of us don't spend hours standing/walking outside in the direct sun on a daily basis.

Definitely visit your local sporting goods store. Most of them carry Columbia type clothing that breathes, but keeps you covered. Invest in some good sunblock and apply it regularly. I typically wear a dri fit type short sleeve or sleeveless top and shorts. And we usually head back to the hotel early afternoon.
As a family of 5 we have always tried to avoid summer due to the 'temperatures', however, the past 2 times we have gone we went in July and August. We truly didn't really notice that much of a difference in weather apart from much less storms than September. As some have said, its Florida lol its hot. It's always hot to someone from the PNW so choose a time that works. Having done it the past 2 times, I would have no issues with going in summer for the heat. In addition, there are no 'down times' anymore, its always ridiculously busy, so trying to avoid peak times seems to a little moot.
It will be extremely hot. Do as people have already stated and buy spf clothing specifically for hot climates. I grew up in South Carolina and we didnt have air conditioning. You don't get use to it, it still feels hot, but you learn to adapt. We would be sitting down in front of multiple fans with ice cold drinks during the hottest part of the day, not outside walking/working. We went to Disney when I was a kid in July. Third day of our trip my dad had a heat stroke (before 10 in the morning) and had to be taken to a hospital by ambulance. That will happen if you try to wear what you are talking about.
I just came back from my first ever trip to WDW, and was surprised at how hot/humid it was. Everyone who's been told me "Go in May, it's hot but there's no humidity!"

I went from May 6 - May 9 and it was 90+ and really humid every day except Wednesday. Either I got pranked or got "lucky" and hit a patch of humid weather. If it's that bad in May I can't imagine what it's like in July and August.
I can't recall comment as to your clothing plan, as everyone is different (I would die - 50+ degrees is shorts weather for me). I will say that you should (if you haven't already) look into mineral sunscreens (zinc or titanium oxide). They tend to leave you with that slightly ghosty/sparkly look (Twilight vampire, perhaps?), but in my experience, don't lose effectiveness over the course of a day (except where abraded off through hand washing or sweat wiping). My wife is very light skinned, and even she gets by with one application in the morning before leaving the room, and can be out all day with no change in skin color at all (no burn, no tan, nothing). I imagine with a repeat application, you could be totally ok. We use Banana Boat Baby, because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to find (and I have confirmed I have no allergic reaction as I have to chemical sunscreens), but there are a number of other brands that offer higher percentages of minerals that may be even more effective.
Going to WDW in late June, and my plan is to wear long pants, a jacket, and a large hat in the parks everyday because I get sunburn easily. I’ve never been in Florida that time of year. Is it really as hot as people that talk about how hot it is say? I tend to be a little cold in air conditioning so maybe I’ll be ok?
Yes 100% yes
I can't recall comment as to your clothing plan, as everyone is different (I would die - 50+ degrees is shorts weather for me). I will say that you should (if you haven't already) look into mineral sunscreens (zinc or titanium oxide). They tend to leave you with that slightly ghosty/sparkly look (Twilight vampire, perhaps?), but in my experience, don't lose effectiveness over the course of a day (except where abraded off through hand washing or sweat wiping). My wife is very light skinned, and even she gets by with one application in the morning before leaving the room, and can be out all day with no change in skin color at all (no burn, no tan, nothing). I imagine with a repeat application, you could be totally ok. We use Banana Boat Baby, because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to find (and I have confirmed I have no allergic reaction as I have to chemical sunscreens), but there are a number of other brands that offer higher percentages of minerals that may be even more effective.

Get the La Roche Posay Anthelios sunblock. Its mineral based and does NOT make you white. At all. It is magical. Rubs right in, isn't greasy or tacky. Honestly, it's the best stuff. I use the "water lotion" version. A little goes a long way, so don't be put off by the price tag. I buy it at Target.


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