Is DVC Getting Too Big ???

Beach_Bound9 said:
Yes, absolutely, without question, DVC is getting too big!!!!!!!

:rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband:

I agree! I remember when there were only 5,000 members and they were celebrating reaching that goal! It seemed so exclusive then. On the other hand, i like having the choice of the many types of resorts and with that, new members. Maybe at some point, only those allowed IN WDW will be DVC members! :rotfl:
As a newer member who owns at the "large" resort, I'm not concerned. Basically, we would like to stay at all the DVC resorts at some point (including HHI and Vero) but will be happy to stay where we own as necessary.

Guess I'll have to listen closer to Madame Leota next time! I missed that DVC plug!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Eeyoregal said:
Basically, we would like to stay at all the DVC resorts at some point (including HHI and Vero) but will be happy to stay where we own as necessary.

That's the attitude to have, I think. If we all felt that way, we'd all be happy with the reservations we got. (I, too, hope that I get to stay at all the DVC resorts. I'm sure going to try.)
I say the more choices the better. I don't think DVC can get too big. However, the more choices we have the harder the decision becomes as to where to stay. What a dilemma.
I do not think DVC is getting too big because as each resort is added so are our choices. But I do think, it is time to change the booking windows to a much longer window exclusively for members booking at their home resort and a much shorter window for those booking at a non home resort. I wish it was a 12 month window for members booking at a home resort and only a 3 to 4 month maximum, window for members booking at non home resorts.
Unfortunately the smallest resorts not only book up fast because they are smaller but they also book up quickly because they are very, very popular with both DVC members and non members. This board represents a very small, minuscule % of actual DVC members and their booking habits and patterns. Just a rough estimate, but what are there-- maybe-- 500 - 900 posters that post regularly on the Dis DVC boards? Compared to 100,000 DVC members. Consequently, polls relating to various DVC matters, are essentially useless. Unless one is only concerned with a poll of the very small subset of DVC members that ALSO post on the Dis.
The smaller DVC resorts located in WDW next to parks, also are the resorts with the highest dues, pt costs (exception being standard view villas at BWV), hardest availabilty-- on a consistent basis, and the higher resale values. Since these members are paying a higher premium for their home resort choice, they should not be locked out of their home resort due to non members booking there with a booking window, that is much too long, for the number of villas available per resort.
We like all WDW resorts and stay in them all, both DVC and non DVC resorts. But when staying at a DVC resort, we might stay 1x at a non home resort vs 6-7x at a home resort. We like all the DVC resorts and would gladly stay in any of them, but we would not invest the cost of a DVC membership, in all of them. We bought where we wanted to stay. As the number of DVC members continues to grow, the perfect solution for everyone would be to increase the exclusive home resort booking advantage window for all members, at their "home" resort; and greatly shorten the booking window, if they decide to stay in a "non home" resort. Considering the vast differences in resort sizes, this would even out the playing field, somewhat.
thelobstershanty said:
As the number of DVC members continues to grow, the perfect solution for everyone would be to increase the exclusive home resort booking advantage window for all members, at their "home" resort; and greatly shorten the booking window, if they decide to stay in a "non home" resort.

While I think this is something to file under "never say never", I think you're vastly overrating such a proposal as being the "perfect solution" in the eyes of DVC membership. As you astutely pointed out, this small little DIS community is not representative of the bulk of the DVC membership. Most owners did not know about the resale market or the ability to buy sold out resorts direct from DVC.

Most owners didn't have much of a choice in the resort they bought--or perhaps only a choice between one on-site and one off-site resort. They bought on the basis of the 11/7 month windows that were promised to them. To change that window would be a disservice to all members, and could have an impact on future sales as well. As it stands, I don't think many people raise an eyebrow at a 11/7 window, but something like 12/3 would give potential members good reason to question their ability to book anything except their Home resort.

I'm also left to wonder how many people really want to be that limited in their resort selection. Are we to assume that BCV owners are willing to sacrifice their ability to book OKW, VWL, BWV or any other resort just to have a couple more months' advantage at their Home EVERY SINGLE TRIP for the next 40 years?

While we could list a dozen or more reasons why this suggestion is a good one, I suspect most owners would label it something other than the "perfect solution."
Had a nice chat with the kiosk rep by the Disneyland Hotel while we were there for the 50th - When I asked about a DVC there he made a comment about the lack of space and then said they had bought up and were clearing some land but that the thing to watch for was an off shore DVC - as in Hawaii. Don't know that I believe him but you just never know until it happens.
When we bought Disney, I really thought that we wold love multilpe trips to Disney every year for the rest of our natural lives ----and we probably will enjoy that. :cool1:

But it is appealing to me to think about more variety for our family within WDW and also outside of the WDW. WE like AKL and would like a DVC attached to that resort. It would be wonderful to be able to stay at a monorail resort etc. :teeth:

We have come to expect a WDW-like experience every where we go and few places can deliver that kind of service so we prefer a Disney touch. :confused3 :confused3 Therefore, it would be very nice to see Disney expand outside of it's current holdings. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc We are talking 50+years afterall so it would be nice to see lots of expansion. :banana:
I agree with lovewdwdvc that after 40+ years you may feel like a change!!!

We own at SSR and DH wants to go to SSR every year for two weeks. I think it would be good to at least try something else at WDW for a few days during the duration of our vacation.

We have already used points for Disneyland Paris and arranged an exchange back home in UK so I am sure we will be looking at all the options during the next 48 years.

I also think that if DTD views at SSR becomes "too" popular perhaps more points could be applied so that you knew what you were spending your points on at time of booking.

mark&sue said:
I also think that if DTD views at SSR becomes "too" popular perhaps more points could be applied so that you knew what you were spending your points on at time of booking.
Legally I don't think they could change the points by making some views higher without having the actual members vote on it. They MIGHT be able to change the points by making other views LOWER and keeping the DD views the same like they did at BWV for standard view. They could always make it a separate booking category like they did with BWV BW views which would accomplish the same thing. But I doubt they will because of the hassle it creates with booking. They'd have to have a major uproar and demand like they did around the BWV BW view to make it worth considering. You'd need not only the strength of the request but major complaints if they are not met. I simply don't see it happening.
castleri said:
Had a nice chat with the kiosk rep by the Disneyland Hotel while we were there for the 50th - When I asked about a DVC there he made a comment about the lack of space and then said they had bought up and were clearing some land but that the thing to watch for was an off shore DVC - as in Hawaii. Don't know that I believe him but you just never know until it happens.
That's interesting, because I have had a guide and several kiosk reps tell me that very same thing! I am actually hoping that is true, because I would probably buy points there in a New York minute!
tjkraz said:
While I think this is something to file under "never say never", I think you're vastly overrating such a proposal as being the "perfect solution" in the eyes of DVC membership. As you astutely pointed out, this small little DIS community is not representative of the bulk of the DVC membership. Most owners did not know about the resale market or the ability to buy sold out resorts direct from DVC.

Most owners didn't have much of a choice in the resort they bought--or perhaps only a choice between one on-site and one off-site resort. They bought on the basis of the 11/7 month windows that were promised to them. To change that window would be a disservice to all members, and could have an impact on future sales as well. As it stands, I don't think many people raise an eyebrow at a 11/7 window, but something like 12/3 would give potential members good reason to question their ability to book anything except their Home resort.

I'm also left to wonder how many people really want to be that limited in their resort selection. Are we to assume that BCV owners are willing to sacrifice their ability to book OKW, VWL, BWV or any other resort just to have a couple more months' advantage at their Home EVERY SINGLE TRIP for the next 40 years?

While we could list a dozen or more reasons why this suggestion is a good one, I suspect most owners would label it something other than the "perfect solution."

When you quoted me, you left out an important sentence, imo, backing up my opinion. That sentence is: "Considering the vast differences in resort sizes, this would even out the playing field, somewhat." And this is true. It is a lot harder to compete for a resort that has a lot less villas then one that is huge, compared to the others. Since the DVC members willingly and knowingly pay higher expenses for a membership at these home resorts, the large difference in available villas, is not realistic nor evenly applied to all DVC resorts, solely due to the size differences, with the existing home resort booking window. It is about supply and demand. Fewer available villas opened up to all members at the same time, greatly stacks the odds for home members being shut out of the smaller resorts without booking somewhere between 11 & 7 months out. Considering these home resorts also are the highest cost wise to members, makes the whole thing even more lop sided.
The 11/7 booking window has always been clearly stated in all DVC literature as something that could change at any time, in either direction. Nothing was ever promised to members regarding this. I also do not see where a change in the booking window would be a disservice to all DVC members. Actually the way it stands now, it is really a disservice to the members that own at the smaller resorts and pay the higher costs.
To say that by lengthing the home resort booking window would cause members to stay at their home resort "every single trip for the next 40 years", is absurb. Members would still be able to book at non home resorts, they would just have a shorter window to do so and the home members would have a longer window to get into their home resorts.
I also find it hard to believe, that just because someone does not read the Dis, they would not investigate all the ins and outs of a purchase, that requires the cash layout of a DVC membership. We owned DVC long before we ever heard of the Dis and we researched our purchase throughly.
I do not see the 12/4 month booking window as being that much of a problem for future sales. This still allows members to book at their home resort and waitlist for a non home resort for 1/4 of the year. It just would be a flip flop of the existing policy. A longer home resort window would not effect the larger DVC resort members, at their home resort, at all; and it would even out the playing field for members with home resorts at the smaller dvc resorts, for the hard to get booking times, for the GVs, the boardwalk views, etc.
I agree one can "never say never". Who knows what may happen if enough members complained or if getting into one's home resort becomes a major problem. The only promises made to members is that we would own x number of pts at our home resort, for x number of years; as long as the resorts are still operating. Other than that, DVC can do whatever they want.
NO! If you understood the system, you would realize that a bigger DVC provides more options for all members. So you cannot get into WLV or BVC at busy times at 7 months! Tough! Buy where you want to stay! NO timeshare allows you to book key times and key properties unless you BUY that specific resort!
Only if it means building even more hotel rooms -- excuse me, "villas" -- on property, and making even more headaches (and people!) for EMH.

I can remember 10 years ago, visiting the parks for early morning entry, and it was a pleasure. (Somewhere, I have a picture of my wife on a deserted Main Street at 8 am, looking like she has the entire Magic Kingdom to herself. This was in late May, too!) It's still a treat, but less so. And the parks now fill up more quickly. And why shouldn't they? In the intervening years, they've built the Wilderness Lodge (and Villas), The Board Walk Inn (and Villas), The Beach Club Villas, Pop Century, the All Star Resorts, Coronado Springs, the Animal Kingdom Lodge and now Saratoga Springs.

Sigh. Maybe you CAN have too much of a good thing... :guilty:
joepoe said:
NO! If you understood the system, you would realize that a bigger DVC provides more options for all members. So you cannot get into WLV or BVC at busy times at 7 months! Tough! Buy where you want to stay! NO timeshare allows you to book key times and key properties unless you BUY that specific resort!

If you understood the dvc resorts, you'd know there is no such place as BVC! :teeth: Sorry, couldn't resist! :earboy2:
Greg K. said:
Only if it means building even more hotel rooms -- excuse me, "villas" -- on property, and making even more headaches (and people!) for EMH.

I can remember 10 years ago, visiting the parks for early morning entry, and it was a pleasure. (Somewhere, I have a picture of my wife on a deserted Main Street at 8 am, looking like she has the entire Magic Kingdom to herself. This was in late May, too!) It's still a treat, but less so. And the parks now fill up more quickly. And why shouldn't they? In the intervening years, they've built the Wilderness Lodge (and Villas), The Board Walk Inn (and Villas), The Beach Club Villas, Pop Century, the All Star Resorts, Coronado Springs, the Animal Kingdom Lodge and now Saratoga Springs.

Sigh. Maybe you CAN have too much of a good thing... :guilty:
It is interesting to read a different perspective of Disney's early morning hours and EMHs. I can not speak for how the rise in WDW/DVC resorts has effected early entry into the parks, because we hardly ever use it. Most times we will purposely avoid the park with early entry hours. Bu, we do like the EMHs, added on recently, to park closings. But, we do not use this time to go on rides, but rather just hang out at the park. We watch the fireworks, the parade, eat our favorite WDW treats, do casual shopping and basically just chill. We really enjoy it and hope WDW never gets rid of the added hours to park closings for resort guests. It is great for breaking up your day and doing the am in the parks, then the afternoon at your resort, followed by a nice dinner and ending your day just relaxing at the park that is opened late.
It is too early to tell whether future WDW/DVC resort expansions will effect the additional park night hours, available for resort guests. I think the recent
promotion offering free dining is what is filling up the parks to capacity, not the addition of more WDW/DVC resorts. We were just at WDW for a 10 day trip, spanning July 4th, and it was mobbed at the parks. But once we got back to our DVC resort, it was no more crowded then many other July 4ths, that we have spent there.


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