
We're big xbox fans so we're going to get empty game cases and incorporate them in the case (will post pictures when they are months lol)

On the front cover, a picture of us, and inside (where the manual would be), all gooey details - dates/times, hotel info. The pictures from our engagement trip (thanks Disney Photopass), will be on the "game disc". Because our wedding will be small, I don't think we're going to do RSVP cards.

Now to go and buy a copy of Print Shop!
I have been trying to figure out what to do for save the date cards, how to fit in personalized m & m's since I am worried they would melt at the actual wedding.

I think I will do save the date with m & m's. One set will say "save the date" and another set with the date. Maybe our pictures or names on the 3rd set. The only problem is they only have 2 or my 3 wedding colors.

What should I package them in? I will also be sending along Disney travel books.

Thanks for your help.
Did any of you guys use your own artwork? Where did you get them printed???
I have a friend who owns a graphic design company so he just took our engagement pics and chose one he liked and designed the rest. He gave us two options and we chose one.
I actually just created my STD boarding passes.

I plan on making them into magnets and when I do my invites I am going to stick to the same theme and again use boarding passes since we will all be flying for my wedding


I love your STD Boardin Passes and that was the same idea we were going with. I have the boarding pass template from Aylee designs abd canno for the life of me make ours look as beautiful as your's yours will be an inspiration for me. Thank you.
some truly awesome work people!!!!especially the room keys and those ticket ones.... i am having visions now of an "E" ticket wedding!!!!!

we've just finished our save the date cards...
DH & I made our invites. They were a brides packet from Micheals. We changed the ivory ribbon, took off the pearl on the front, added a monogram on the top. Then took a ribbon color green that matched our wedding and looped 2 pieces together and that separated the monogram from the invite wording. So easy, and still people ask where we had them done...


You used the same ones my DSil and DBil used for their invites but kept them assembled as they came. Hopefully your font didn't show up as light as theirs did.
I wish the picture of my Castle Wedding Announcements would show up clear enough for me to post on here. They are all white with a pearly white embossed castle and embossed stars. We ordered them from a company that was giving DH's company a discount on them and I can't for the life of ne remember who the company was and can't find my receipt from them either with the website. They came out beautiful and we were going to use them again foe our invitations foe our Vow Renewal.
I haven't done my invitations yet but here are my STD's :-)lmao:)

They were super easy to do and I think they turned out pretty cute. I was having trouble with invitations, etc bc everywhere it seems that 25 is the minimum and I only needed 11:confused: But I found these really cute invitations at and then they print through zazzle so they're super cheap. I found an invite I liked but not in the right color (she had purple and teal) so I e-mailed her and within the day she posted them in my color request (lime green)! I highly recommend her to anyone, she has been really great to work with.

So here they are:


Then I took the KTTW cards I picked up in December and put a self adhesive magnet on the back and a clear label on the front and magically I had STD magnets as well!


Since we can only have 8 at the ceremony but we have other family members that have insisted on tagging along even though they have been well aware from the beginning that they would not be able to come to the ceremony, only the dinner. So I put different wording on some of the magnets. Those only coming to dinner reads "Save the Date 12/6/2010 for a casual dinner celebrating Adelia and Ryan's Wedding". I don't think there was any confusion to start with but I felt it important to make sure it was clear.

Then to package it all together I just took some silver cardstock, made slits to hold the magnets, and glued it on the back. (the back of the STD was green to start with- so cute)


I got some cute silver envelopes from (because they sell them as singles). At first I didn't buy the zazzle stamps but after I had the finished product I thought it would really pull it all together so I ordered them!


I had originally planned to make my own invites but I think since I'm not very crafty and this gal has been so easy to work with I will probably just get them through her as well, she has already posted the whole collection (invites, response cards, menu, favor tags, place cards, etc) that I used for the STD's in the color I wanted:thumbsup2
We made our own invites. Here they are!:




All of them together (they each had different paper flowers on the band):
I never posted my engagement announcements or invites. :eek: The pics aren't the best since my camera bit the dust so they are from my BB.

We sent engagement announcements out a couple months after our engagement (which was a year before the wedding). They were from We knew we found the ones b/c the silhouette actually looks exactly like me and DH. A lot of people thought we had them custom made! ;)

Our Invitations were Vera Wang Fine Papers and we ordered them through Swoozie's. I fell in love with the classic invites and was happy that (even though no one else would realize) I could get my exact wedding colors on the invites b/c my girls and FG wore Vera Wang bridal dresses.




We used this logo from zazzle on water bottle labels and stickers too. Love Zazzle!! :thumbsup2
Thank you to those of you who added your invites! They all look great! :thumbsup2

We made our own invites. Here they are!:


Wendy - these are really great! They are very much like what I want to do!! :yay:

Did you use cardsandpockets? Was it hard to get everything printed properly? Do you have any tips, pros or cons you could share? thanks so much! Also, would you be willing to share the text of the inserts?

I never posted my engagement announcements or invites. :eek: The pics aren't the best since my camera bit the dust so they are from my BB.

We sent engagement announcements out a couple months after our engagement (which was a year before the wedding). They were from We knew we found the ones b/c the silhouette actually looks exactly like me and DH. A lot of people thought we had them custom made! ;)

Kelly - wow your engagement announcements are lovely and your invitations are very, very elegant! thank you for shairing them! :)



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