Interview the person below you ..

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White linen trousers, brown top, brown sandals.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Getting to grips with my Iphone and chilling out.

What are your plans??
Not much really, getting my hair cut tomorrow, that's about it.

Is it sunny where you are?
Yes, I think its going to be a hot one today :)

What time did you get up?

Are you going out tonight?
Meeting a friend for an early dinner before he goes to work.

What about you??
Going to Ikea after work and then home to chill out.

Is your hair up or down today?
Down and v-e-r-y curly.

What was the last thing you bought yourself??
The Ting Tings album

Are you going out for lunch today?
No, trying to be good since I'm going out for dinner.

When was the last time you were angry??
Last week.

Who was the last person you spoke to?
My friend Karen at work.

Who is your favourite cartoon character??
Don't really have one, I do like Tom and Jerry though.

What have you had for breakfast?
Haven't had it yet, will be melon later.

What is your favourite shampoo??
Either Aussie or Fudge.

Do you use hairspray?

What perfume are you wearing today?
Gucci by Gucci

What jewellery are you wearing today??
Bangle, necklace, earrings, watch.

How many times are your ears pierced?
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