Interview the person below you....

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Yes-i have Thumper on my back right shoulder with my girls names around it.
I have a unicorn on top of my left arm+a rose going thru a heart on my top right arm.

Who would you most like to be stuck on a dessert island with(not inc family/friends)?
Molton Brown

What is your favourite perfume?
David Tenant :love:

What posters did you have on your wall when you were younger?
(im getting really confused with what answer goes with what question:lmao: )

Poster question----
Michael Jackson,Bon Jovi+ even Shakin Stevens was one of them:lmao:

What about you?
aha and duran duran

what did you have for breakfast today?
havent had it yet but will be having toast

what time did your alarm clock go off this morning?
ive got dd off school :) we are off to see a friend of mine for a cofee morning

what are your plans for today ?
My plans for today are to carry out my duties

The duties of a Turbanator.

Do you have any robotic metal parts or are you completely human?
dd7 in school until 12-15pm then off to the bakers for lunch with dd3 as well.

What's your fave song at the moment?
Turbanators favorite song in this timeframe is We are the robots by Kraftwerk

Have you ever wanted to travel through time and why?
The clothes I took from a man in a bar, a pair of sunglasses and an Uzi 9 milimetre

What is your favorite food?
I don't like driving so avoid it as much as possible.

Which is your favourite smilie?
because that dude in the middle cracks me up.

What about your's?
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