In your opinion, how considerate are DVC guests of their fellow vacationers ?

In your opinion, how considerate are DVC members of their fellow vacationers?

  • Much more than average vacationers

  • A little more than average vacationers

  • About the same as average vacationers

  • A little less than average vacationers

  • Much less than average vacationers

Results are only viewable after voting.
Participating in this BBS makes me think they are better but the reality is that most people are nice and sometimes things happen. People are people and I think it's about the same.
People are people. DVCers are made up of a cross section of all kinds of people. So I think we are average.
I didn't vote because I don't really have a basis on which to form an opinion. I hardly ever know who is DVC and who is not. Unless I ask someone if they are a member, or they happen to be carrying or wearing something with a DVC logo, how can I know that they belong to DVC? Perhaps they are renting points. Perhaps they made a reservation via CRO. Perhaps they are just there to check out the resort. It must be true that a majority of the guests are DVC, but how do you really ever know?

Most of the people that we interact with while we are at home are very nice. We've found the staff to be friendly and helpful. My opinion is that people are people - DVC members most likely reflect the general population of WDW visitors.
I can't tell you how other people are, I just know that I try to be very considerate to my fellow owners, like making sure the unit is left the same way or better than I received it, reporting problems and abuses I see, it all goes to my beleif in the golden rule.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and/or reply to this poll. :jester:
I don't get it - why would there be a difference between DVCers and vacationers?
I thought that, since DVCers are part 'owners' of the properties, they might be a bit more considerate of the property and of others. The results, thus far, seem to confirm that belief.:cool:
One reason that DVCers might be a little more considerate is that many don't feel that they have to do everything this trip. Knowing that you will be coming back may mean that you will be more relaxed than many other people and you won't be in as much of a rush and hopefully won't be as pushy or inconsiderate as some people get.
I like to believe I'm very condsiderate to everyone,wether I'm on vacation or not. I also KNOW that I'm probably more tolerant then most when it comes to CM's or any other waitress,counter person,etc.. but that's because I'm in the service business and I know that there are always two sides to every story and I know customers sometimes only hear what they want to hear. About the only thing that really gets me mad is rudeness and parents that have no control over their children. In my opinion there is no excuse for either.
Have to agree with Tiggerific, knowing we will be back has certainly mellowed me out. I find I am more thoughtful of fellow guests (especially children) who may be at the World for their only visit ;-(. It's also a lot of fun to help and provide pointers and guidance to folks that are obviously first timers.
Since joining and staying at DVC resorts I have noticed a different "air" about the people staying at DVC resorts. Not sure how to describe it and certainly NOT NEGATIVE, but something different. Almost like a group of people living in an apartment complex, more relaxed and comfortable. I feel people ARE more friendly. Last trip we met a couple who walked the whole way with us to MGM from BWV talking about DVC and I felt like we were old friends by the time we reached the park. There seems to be a lot more groups of people (friends and families) that lends itself to a different feeling than you generally see at the other resorts. I know we are always considerate and respectful of others but it wouldn't matter where we were, that's just who we are.
I agree with the idea that as repeat wdw guests there is less pressure to see everything and have the perfect vacation. We probably enjoyed our first trip (off-site '94) knowing that we were going to return the following year on business with my husband. We never even made it to Epcot on that trip. And now that we are DVC owners we know that we will continue to return.
Another plus to enjoying Disney is when both husband and wife agree that this is where they want to vacation. My husband and I are both Disney Addicts. (As I always say "The Surgeon General has yet to find Disney dangerous to your health." When both Mom and Dad are happy, everyone is happy.
I think people are people and are going to be about as considerate as they are going to be, no matter what the circumstances. I must say though, a couple of times when we were checking out and had some unopened food(sodas, water, snacks)left, we did look around outside for someone who might want them, and have given away stuff a couple of times. I hate to leave good food behind, because I don't know if Housekeeping can take it home. If they can, I don't mind leaving it for them, but if they have to throw it away, even if it is unopened, I'd rather give it away. Maybe I should make a suggestion to the DVC that any unopened food found in the units after people have checked out should be donated to a local food bank!!!


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