In Search of My Body vol.9 - I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

HI Lisa, how did it go? I hope "things" did not flop around too much:rotfl2::rotfl2:

EE, sorry to hear about your back.:hug: Do you know what you did to it?

So still not great my throat still hurts, but other than that I am good.
Or should I say as long as I am not watching the blackhawks right now. HA HA. Maybe they can recover.

No workout today, I plan for tomorow.

Off to drink more tea

Have a great night ALL
So testing.

No running. :scared1: Nice of the notes to say "running".

Gown but had to leave it open at all times. Yes, back on front. Open on front. Not so peaceful for me. I was continually asking "so I can tie up the front now?". No, no and no. I kept grabbing it when it was moving open.

I asked about sports bra. I almost said, "Nancy says so!". :lmao: But he said nope - we need quick access for the three phases.

They do the hook-up. (that I was used to b/c I've had regular ECG both times) Then the first sonogram. Then the treadmill. They get the HR up by increasing pace and incline over and over. I was like "whatever it's not going to get to 178 walking - I've seen 170 on some intervals once in awhile (stupid of me - I've even seen 182 on an interval once when I was sick - no plus of doing that -most times in the 15-160I "it's just not going to happen" I said in my head. I'm hardly a class A athlete but I do work out hard.

It DID!!! :scared1: I was shocked. I read Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas say this once. That people stare at her in gym because she only walks on incline and they judge. But they have no idea. Yes Ms. Fergie they have no idea. I was schooled.

And then the funniest part. They say the TM is going to stop suddenly and when we say "down" you have to get down as quickly as possible. THEY ARE SERIOUS SH!TS.


Okay, okay, ummm okay. :lmao:

THe second sonogram has to get the heart at its absolute maximum. That's the whole point of the test. To see how the heart reacts in comparison.

The weirdest part. I was fine during testing but he was shocked to see me sweating when he taking off the cords. Like that showed something. :confused3 Ummm, I sweat - heavily - every time I do interval workouts buddy boy. Do people really not sweat?

I tell you - this test was no big deal. But I felt such compassion for those who truly have heart issues. It must be scary. I heard the test before me and the man asked to stop and they were like "lets just do a minute more". Eeek.

Monday is many tests. But no big deal at all now that I give it some "rational" thought. Just laying for CT scans and x rays and ultrasounds. Lazy girl day.
Jeff uses a shot of whiskey, too. And I have to say, it works every time. Me? I don't get sick. It's the vampire gene, like with hangovers.

Speaking of hangovers....DRUNKEN POST!

Jeff actually made his connection (which never happens. He flies from Taiwan to Tokyo, Tokyo to DC and then DC to Portland). He ALWAYS gets slammed with a long line at customs in DC and thus misses his connecting flight and ends up home at midnight. Well, he made the earlier flight, so was home at 7. Which of course means I am buzzed by 9. :)

LISA! Details on the naked treadmill, please! And yes, I love it that my kids play sports. LOVE IT. And of course, you know I am the sports mom from Hell, right? Completely. For soccer season (when I am not a coach), I even have a jersey with the last name on the back and everything. I stop short of an air horn. But just. If I thought I could get away with it, I would. :rolleyes1

Anyway, the forecast for tomorrow is miserable, so it looks like the game will be rained out. But we'll see. Cammie is super excited. Good for her! Me? As coach, I have been plotting different strategies all day..."If I put Emma at 1st base that means I can put Olivia and 3rd, which would free Abby up to relief pitch after Cammie is done..." and on and on and on. They are 8 years old, let's remember! OMG, yes, it is a sickness! :rotfl2:

Meg--I totally understand feeling both ready and not at the same time. But here's the thing, bottom line--you WILL finish. You are ready for that, for sure. And if you don't love your time, well then, that's why you sign up for more races! :thumbsup2 But I have no worries about you finishing at all! Is anyone coming to watch you? Are you running it with anyone?

DVC purchase--stuff to say about this as well, but for another time.

Jo--any better?

EE--glad the back is better! Hope it continue to improve!
Lisa--omg, I sweat, too, during workouts. Nancy, well, she has to visit the bathroom every 30 seconds (at least! :rotfl2:). But I don't need bathroom breaks almost ever. Like for the Princess. I went at 5:30 am, right before the race and then again at 3pm. Nancy went like 8 times in that time frame, maybe more. True story. So yeah, she pees it out, I sweat it out.
Lisa--omg, I sweat, too, during workouts. Nancy, well, she has to visit the bathroom every 30 seconds (at least! :rotfl2:). But I don't need bathroom breaks almost ever. Like for the Princess. I went at 5:30 am, right before the race and then again at 3pm. Nancy went like 8 times in that time frame, maybe more. True story. So yeah, she pees it out, I sweat it out.

Whatcha drinking Erika? :surfweb:

Enjoy your husband. :lmao:;)

AND loved the sports talk. I grew up with softball and tennis and my father coached softball so you brought back so many memories.

So relieved to hear. Oh yeah, I remember your story at the new gym with that silly girl's questioning. Funny.

But I'm still confused. He looked SO STUNNED. It was like he had never seen someone sweat in there. Oh well. :rotfl:
And weird point number two.

My BP is always low. ALWAYS. Below normal. I'm very lucky. And I glanced at his screen before he started and it was high normal. Sighing. It's so weird. Last testing I had a few false BP reads. I'm a little worried. They don't take kindly to even high normal. Okay, letting it go.

They take your BP during the test at many points. Fascinating - I find it all so fascinating. Cutie needs to get her butt back here and be curious with me. :lmao:
Lisa, why all the testing, R U OK?

Wow girl, I hope I never have to do that test.

My father has done it a few times.

I'm Still the same.
Good Morning Everyone!

I woke myself up coughing at 6.45am, that wasn't fun! I don't feel like im coming down with anything just a cough and sore throat - maybe its the change in the weather! (It went from being cold and rainy and around 60* on Thursday to 85* and red hot yesterday!)

Cathie - Good to see you back! :)

Meg - You are so ready for the half :cool1:

Ronda - Hi! I can't wait to hear all about your next race! :cool1:

Kat - My grandad always recommends a shot of whisky in tea for coughs and sore throats. Come to think of it, he recommends it for a lot of things :rotfl2:

My BP is always low. ALWAYS. Below normal. I'm very lucky.

Lisa - so many tests! Naked treadmill running did have me laughing!
I have freakishly low blood pressure too. Always. When I have it checked at the doctors he always tells me to get iron tablets and vitamins!

Oh Lisa - last night me and DH had date night.....we went out for Indian food! :lovestruc Prawn Bhuna, mushroom rice for me, Chicken Balti, Pilau rice for DH and of course we had popadoms and Garlic Naan bread too! :love:

Im back on it today though, tons of water is needed I think! I don't feel too bad about the Indian food - ive eaten pretty well this week and done a lot of walking and gardening!

Jo, E, EE, Nancy, Paula, everyone - Hi!

Hope everyone has a great day! :upsidedow
Boy, this is going to be miserable. DGF and I are doing a race this morning. It's 75 already. We start in an hour. Wheee!

Lisa, why all the testing, R U OK?

Wow girl, I hope I never have to do that test.

My father has done it a few times.

I'm Still the same.

I'm absolutely fine Jo. The testing is for my nephew (Jean's) who needs a kidney. And to everyone - I'm a changed woman. Before (Jo his father lost his life from complications from type I diabetes) I never shared the testing (only near the end when we were cleared for surgery because I didn't want the "look at you" kind of stuff. But eff that - it's been such a wonderful gift to vent, laugh and share.

And I get a lot of "oh I couldn't". Well I disagree if someone you loved was sick you would.

I'm not a martyr. Last tiime a close friend said to me after T passed - will you give the kidney to someone (stranger waiting) who needs it Lisa? Didn't miss a beat. I said NOPE. :surfweb:

The test is not bad. I didn't mean to make it scary Jo. It's not. But I think for someone like your father - for me in my head - psychologically to push yourself to the maximum when you have a heart issue can't be fun at all. I only meant I have great compassion for that. But until they figure out how to evaluate without doing that - it's a life saver for many heart patients. For sure.

And all this testing is great in some ways. I get to know that I'm healthy. Or if I'm not - well get alerted to something that I might never have caught.

Good Morning Everyone!

I woke myself up coughing at 6.45am, that wasn't fun! I don't feel like im coming down with anything just a cough and sore throat - maybe its the change in the weather! (It went from being cold and rainy and around 60* on Thursday to 85* and red hot yesterday!)

Cathie - Good to see you back! :)

Meg - You are so ready for the half :cool1:

Ronda - Hi! I can't wait to hear all about your next race! :cool1:

Kat - My grandad always recommends a shot of whisky in tea for coughs and sore throats. Come to think of it, he recommends it for a lot of things :rotfl2:

Lisa - so many tests! Naked treadmill running did have me laughing!
I have freakishly low blood pressure too. Always. When I have it checked at the doctors he always tells me to get iron tablets and vitamins!

Oh Lisa - last night me and DH had date night.....we went out for Indian food! :lovestruc Prawn Bhuna, mushroom rice for me, Chicken Balti, Pilau rice for DH and of course we had popadoms and Garlic Naan bread too! :love:

Im back on it today though, tons of water is needed I think! I don't feel too bad about the Indian food - ive eaten pretty well this week and done a lot of walking and gardening!

Jo, E, EE, Nancy, Paula, everyone - Hi!

Hope everyone has a great day! :upsidedow

Hope you're feeling better Kelly.

OH man - you're killing me - how I ADORE IT ALL. Yum, yum and yum.

But rainbow trout was in the house this week. :goodvibes

And look missy - saw SATC II. HATED IT! :lmao: I ADORED the TV series. I've seen every episode numerous times. It speaks to me. Adored how they had the perfect balance of depth, wit and light hearted fun. The film -HATED IT. I felt like everyone became some kind of watered down crap. Like a caricature (sp?) of themselves. They lost the realness. And the sily clothes were so distractiing. Yes Carrie has always been over the top so to speak but not the others. Ridiculous clothes. I know - you didn't write it or style it. :rotfl:

I don't believe any of us should feel bad about food Kelly. I know - I know but I don't. You love Indian food - there is no reason for you not to enjoy every bite. And feel fiine after doing that. You know that balance is where successful weigh loss lives.

Boy, this is going to be miserable. DGF and I are doing a race this morning. It's 75 already. We start in an hour. Wheee!


Good luck Ronda. To both of you.
Morning! Last T-ball game today then more work on my back. Still painful but nothing like it has been.
We're done. Saved by overcast skies. The sun didn't peek out until after we'd finished. I averaged about 12:30. A tad slower than a 10k last fall, but given the 30 degree temperature swing, I'm good with that.

DGF did great, too. We used a 5/1 run walk interval. Always a short walk to look forward to. The race is called Hospital Hill. It should be plural. There were some long grinds and a couple of steep ascents. But the downhills were sweet.

Gonna shower and start the weekend. Hope all goddesses are grand!

Boy, this is going to be miserable. DGF and I are doing a race this morning. It's 75 already. We start in an hour. Wheee!


Glad it went well!! Was it a 5K or a 10K?

I started my run at 7AM and it was already over 80. Hit 95 today, I think.

This was a 1 mile slow and easy, 1 mile all-out, and 2 miles slow and easy. I did an 11:45 mile on the all-out and ran most of it. Managed to carry on a conversation, too!

They say I could move up to the 12 mile pace group but I think I am staying with 13s at least until the first 10 mile run. I would rather train a little slower and stay non-injured, esp since the RnR half is less than 8 weeks now.

An older man, probably well over 60, actually passed out, fell, and was completely out of it (bloody from some sort of impact, as well). He wasn't part of our group but they took care of him and called the paramedics, etc.

As scary as that is, it makes me so glad I am doing this as part of a group, esp as hot as it gets here, just in case something does happen.

Came home, mowed the lawn, met a friend for a pedi and lunch, hit Trader Joe's and Wally-world and am now home enjoying some couch and kitty time. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Kat said:
Glad it went well!! Was it a 5K or a 10K?

Both ; ) DGF peeled off and did the 5k, I did the 10. There was also a half marathon. Some friends at work ran it.

Great job on the 11:45! And conversation, too. I'd stay in the 13:00. Protecting yourself from injury becomes a preoccupation, doesn't it? It does for me. I pay so much more attention to my body when I'm training. I haven't trained with a group. That would be reassuring. I'd like to find a buddy or group. As it is, my run routes are teeming with runners in the early morning. I like that.

Just checked in to see how Ronda's race went! Congrats to you and DGF!

I am relatively pain free at the moment, so I am getting some things finished around the house. :cool1: Be back later tonight to catch up.
Both ; ) DGF peeled off and did the 5k, I did the 10. There was also a half marathon. Some friends at work ran it.

Great job on the 11:45! And conversation, too. I'd stay in the 13:00. Protecting yourself from injury becomes a preoccupation, doesn't it? It does for me. I pay so much more attention to my body when I'm training. I haven't trained with a group. That would be reassuring. I'd like to find a buddy or group. As it is, my run routes are teeming with runners in the early morning. I like that.


Yay on the 10K!

Preoccupation, absolutely!! I more than anything want to enjoy it and not wind up injured. Some sore muscles here and there, sure, but nothing that lasts longer than a day or two.

I think a good part of my enjoyment lately has been the group. My pace group has about 20-30 people in it, I think. Different people to talk to, and as those of the group that have met me know, I am sure not shy about talking to people!! :laughing:

Just having the people there is nice, though... when I did my Princess half training, it was too late in the day and likely a bit too early.late in the season to see many people out and about.
I asked about sports bra. I almost said, "Nancy says so!". :lmao:

:laughing: I'm sure that would have changed his mind :laughing:

Monday is many tests. But no big deal at all now that I give it some "rational" thought. Just laying for CT scans and x rays and ultrasounds. Lazy girl day.

ah. Day of "relaxing" tests. I hope they all go easily!

I stop short of an air horn. But just. If I thought I could get away with it, I would. :rolleyes1

Cowbells. That's what we use. Fabulously loud and just on the border of obnoxious without totally crossing the line. :thumbsup2

Lisa--omg, I sweat, too, during workouts. Nancy, well, she has to visit the bathroom every 30 seconds (at least! :rotfl2:). But I don't need bathroom breaks almost ever. Like for the Princess. I went at 5:30 am, right before the race and then again at 3pm. Nancy went like 8 times in that time frame, maybe more. True story. So yeah, she pees it out, I sweat it out.

:lmao: OMG so very true.

My BP is always low. ALWAYS. Below normal. I'm very lucky. And I glanced at his screen before he started and it was high normal.

nerves? :confused3

I woke myself up coughing at 6.45am, that wasn't fun! I don't feel like im coming down with anything just a cough and sore throat - maybe its the change in the weather! (It went from being cold and rainy and around 60* on Thursday to 85* and red hot yesterday!)

I woke up coughing the other night. Felt like I had inhaled a dust bunny! :eek: Coughed so hard on my way to get a drink of water that my back went into spasms :headache:

We're done. Saved by overcast skies. The sun didn't peek out until after we'd finished. I averaged about 12:30. A tad slower than a 10k last fall, but given the 30 degree temperature swing, I'm good with that.

:yay: Nice job Ronda! Quick question. Did you solve your foot issues by lacing your shoes differently? I remember you talking about that as a possibility, and don't recall how that worked out!

They say I could move up to the 12 mile pace group but I think I am staying with 13s at least until the first 10 mile run. I would rather train a little slower and stay non-injured, esp since the RnR half is less than 8 weeks now.

I think that's a very smart idea!


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