In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 7! Princesses? Nope, just us Goddesses!

Must get one of those shirts!! It looks like exactly the same type of shirt I got from the Minnie 15K, if so they run small so order a size up.
Okay here we go....


Shoes anyone?


How about a hat?


The UN







Some glorious time in the park - Central Park -






Some glorious time in the




Now Liz - I forgot to answer you about pandhanding differences. One day this week I really paid attention in Toronto. I was asked four times - all in my old neighbourhood :laughing:. Not once in New York. However, I forgot about this lovely. We see homeless with dogs but never cats.





You KNOW we played on it!!!! :lmao: And Lyz I did eat candy here. :laughing:




The NBA store. Loved it!!!!:lovestruc







Yes, there must be a window. :lmao: Liz this is your "take the picture":laughing:


Speaking of Ms. Liz - the two buddies





No Mr. Cosby did not run out.




Two of my favourite pictures of the trip -


This one I was bound and determined to get. I was obsessed with these window ornaments. I can still tell you 49th and Lexington. Strangely atracted to them


The last day we went to Jones Beach (Long Island - local NYC beach)








So there is ....


Isn't it lovely? :lovestruc

Oh and Kat - I took this for you and Lyz. And ME!!!:laughing:


At one point I'll have to load them on to FB for friends and family. So FBers just ignore me - I'm not trying to drive you crazy. ;)

Amd that lizard - he isn't a New Yorker. :lmao: He resides in WDW but he snuck in twice when I posted and I gave up.
Must get one of those shirts!! It looks like exactly the same type of shirt I got from the Minnie 15K, if so they run small so order a size up.

Yes! The one that I have from the Mickey Marathon is the same style and does run small also!

Amd that lizard - he isn't a New Yorker. :lmao: He resides in WDW but he snuck in twice when I posted and I gave up.

:love: I love your pictures. <sigh> a story without words. And yes, I got to the lizard picture and wondered where in the heck you found him :laughing: Silly little lizard :goodvibes

Icky, drizzly day here in CT. bleh. I have tons of errands to run. yippee :upsidedow
This will be the picture page.

This is Hamela. She is a friend's travel mascot. Here she's using the treadmill in Guymon, OK.

Sue and me.


These are from Bandelier National Monument. The thunder kept rumbling through the valley/canyon, but we never felt a drop.




I ran this morning. It's good to be a flatlander! Four miles. Whee!

Good morning!

Ronda and Lisa! How happy am I to log on and see all of these awesome pics!!?!?! Thanks to you both for taking the time to post. You know how I have to have my pics! Looks like you had awesome trips. SO funny about the sneaky lizard and hamster!

A whole week-end of soccer ahead of us in this house. 5 games this week-end. Rain is expected today, so I am actually hoping for today's games to be rained out.

Kat and Cathie--check in from WDW please. The rest of us will need a fix!

Have a great week-end!
Lisa and Ronda - so loving the pictures. Loving the lizard and Hamela!

OK - weight training - done, spinning - done, off to do a little retail therapy and buy some clothes that fit and are worthy of going out in tonight. Wish me luck!
Spent 2 hours on the soccer field in the rain...only to watch a 6-0 loss. Painful. Now I am cold and thinking about the right cocktail to warm me up.

And I am tracking! Only at 500 calories so far today, so I budgeted for my beverage. :lmao:
Lisa!!!! OMG!!! So I go on and on about your pictures and your camera, but really - if I had the same camera, I wouldn't have 50% of the level of shots you have. It's in your eye. You have a sixth sense or something for an awesome good picture. Kudos my friend.
Hi gang!
Reporting live from wdw while waitibg for wishes to start! Just got done with spectroand I have to say, it is honestly my all time FAVORITE parade!!!!!!

Rides today have been all walkons and short short waits! The longest we waited all day was 20 mins and that was just for winnie the pooh lol. Its been fabulous!

Yesterday went we'll. Our flight got into orlando a bit early and magical express was great. Our bags arrived at the room 20 minutes after we did! Rainforest cafe was fun as usual.

Today was all magic kingdom, and eveb though its been rainoing most of the day, I really don't mind. At home, rain and overcast clouds would mean COLD and its warm here so no complaints :)

The future in laws are being super with us and generally civil with each other, so there hasn't been any irritating bickering. Thank goodness. They really are nice people when they're not yelling at each other haha!

Crystal palace for lunch today...loved it as always. I have to say...I have read a lot of people complaining about what will you celebrate and it not really being anything but a marketing ploy, but I gotta say beyonces parents anniversary is tomorrow and they have gotten a lot of recognition. Everyone who sees their button says something and one cm threw some confetti on them lol. The crystal palace even went out of their way to do something special for them at lunch. It was reeeeally neat.the service there was phenomenol.

Ok so that's it for the condensed trip report... I'll tey to update yall regularly!

Icky, drizzly day here in CT. bleh. I have tons of errands to run. yippee :upsidedow

Yeah the weather is interrupting my US Open Strange times with Serena today. :confused3

This will be the picture page.

This is Hamela. She is a friend's travel mascot. Here she's using the treadmill in Guymon, OK.

Sue and me.


These are from Bandelier National Monument. The thunder kept rumbling through the valley/canyon, but we never felt a drop.




I ran this morning. It's good to be a flatlander! Four miles. Whee!


Oh I so want to go!:lovestruc

Ronda - you can the difference in your face. Can you see it?

Kat and Cathie--check in from WDW please. The rest of us will need a fix!

I know,eh? :lmao:

Glad we made you happy this morning.

Lisa and Ronda - so loving the pictures. Loving the lizard and Hamela!

OK - weight training - done, spinning - done, off to do a little retail therapy and buy some clothes that fit and are worthy of going out in tonight. Wish me luck!

Can't wait to see birthday girl. Can't wait to hear about Jesse's bday party too!

Must see the clothes and hear about the smaller sizes.

:wizard:HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULA!!!!!!!:wizard:

Oh Paula......

And a one and a two and a one two three...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dearest Paula!
Happy Birthday to you!

Hope you're having a fabulous day!

Lisa!!!! OMG!!! So I go on and on about your pictures and your camera, but really - if I had the same camera, I wouldn't have 50% of the level of shots you have. It's in your eye. You have a sixth sense or something for an awesome good picture. Kudos my friend.

Lyz!! So sweet. But I've seen your pics. They are always fabulous.

I so love taking pictures. Tennis and taking pics - used to be my life. And then one day I just gave them up.

I ruined some great pics in a darkroom once in university and since I'm such a ridiculous all or nothing girl ........

My mother - brother - one of my sisters - a couple of my nieces - artists(could be - my brother is a landscape architect by schooling). I'm laughing. My other sister and I - well no gene there. :lmao::lmao: Like NADA. :lmao: So maybe since I can't draw or paint they left me sumtin'. Can't just have my dad's feet for crying outloud. :rotfl:

But it's relaxing for me. And NYC - it's pretty easy to take some good pictures. Buildings - oh how I love thee. I loved sharing them.

THanks Lyz. That was such an incredibly sweet thing to say. :lovestruc

Hi gang!
Reporting live from wdw while waitibg for wishes to start! Just got done with spectroand I have to say, it is honestly my all time FAVORITE parade!!!!!!

Rides today have been all walkons and short short waits! The longest we waited all day was 20 mins and that was just for winnie the pooh lol. Its been fabulous!

Yesterday went we'll. Our flight got into orlando a bit early and magical express was great. Our bags arrived at the room 20 minutes after we did! Rainforest cafe was fun as usual.

Today was all magic kingdom, and eveb though its been rainoing most of the day, I really don't mind. At home, rain and overcast clouds would mean COLD and its warm here so no complaints :)

The future in laws are being super with us and generally civil with each other, so there hasn't been any irritating bickering. Thank goodness. They really are nice people when they're not yelling at each other haha!

Crystal palace for lunch today...loved it as always. I have to say...I have read a lot of people complaining about what will you celebrate and it not really being anything but a marketing ploy, but I gotta say beyonces parents anniversary is tomorrow and they have gotten a lot of recognition. Everyone who sees their button says something and one cm threw some confetti on them lol. The crystal palace even went out of their way to do something special for them at lunch. It was reeeeally neat.the service there was phenomenol.

Ok so that's it for the condensed trip report... I'll tey to update yall regularly!

Terrific to hear!!!!

Love summer nights in Orlando. Love them. :lovestruc And can't wait to see pictures.

I'm listening to Lisa Rinna trying to teach me how to dance. :surfweb: Oh boy. :scared1: I am a good dancer but NOT with steps at all!!!! Like at weddings where they do any kind of fixed dance - I'm the one turning totally the wrong way :scared1:. If I'm drunk enough to do a fixed dance. :rotfl2:

I don't know why I can't just except I'm more of a boot camp/interval type exerciser. Oh boy.
Good Morning Everyone!

LisaV - Your pictures are fantastic! You DO have an eye for an excellent photograph - they make me want to go back to NYC all the more!

Ronda - Wonderful pictures too, you look great!

Cathie - Keep on updating!

PAULA - I hope you had a wonderful birthday :wizard:

So far so good on the food and water today - however it IS only 10.27am! :rotfl:

I hope everyone has an excellent day :yay:
PAULA! SO glad you had so much fun last night! You totally deserve it! And 3 AM! Wild child, you!

Cathie--thanks so much for checking in! We love live trip reports around here!

Kat--now it's your turn! You should be checking into DVC today, so I am expecting big things...:lmao:

More soccer today. Not much to report. Yesterday's events were all in the rain (no, they don't cancel) so it was a massive suckfest. But today at least it will be beautiful. 4 mile run scheduled in between games.
Hi all!!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. This year's celebration was a little different than years past but it was fun. Had dinner at a great Irish Pub in Saratoga with my family and indulged in a corned beef ruben with fries. My sister baked the most amazing chocolate cake with peanut butter filling that I have tasted in a long time. It was so yummy!!!! Then after send the parents up to their camp and my sister home, I was off to a local bar with some folks from the gym for a few drinks. And yes, we were out until about 3:00AM.

I survived the late night and was up at a bright and early 8:00AM this morning. Yes, I am beginning to wonder if I am starting to be more like Erika every day. Quiet day so far and no ill effects from last night's frivolities where I thanked the bouncer at the bar who graciously asked for my ID and then commented that he was the same age as I was :lmao:. Yes, I was out with a bunch of people from the gym and I definitely skewed the average age of the group up a good five years. I loved the looks of shock I got from the twenty something gals when they found out I was 38. I especially loved the "but you have no wrinkles" comments followed by the questions of how did you manage that. Um - I don't smoke, used sunscreen religiously and moisturize. Its not that complicated. Too funny...

So today, I walked 3.5 miles at a gingerly 15:00 minute mile pace and spent some quality time on the spin bike (30 minutes and about 9 miles). That should clear some of the effects of yesterday's caloric intake (I hope!).

Off to shower and settle in for some football and some Odyssey of the Mind work.



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