In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 7! Princesses? Nope, just us Goddesses!

Jo I am so sorry. I missed your post earlier. Your mid-Illinois right? That is way too much snow. Any updates on your dad?
Jo I am so sorry. I missed your post earlier. Your mid-Illinois right? That is way too much snow. Any updates on your dad?

I missed it too :flower3: I think we posted at the same time and you snuck in right under me!

Nice to see you back! Hope all is going well with your dad...and if you want to send the snow to me, I'd love to have it. ANYTHING to avoid jury duty tomorrow :laughing:

(ok. so the truth is jury duty doesn't bother me. It's the fact that I'm so sure I'm going to get lost in the city :eek:. Yeah, I know. The *big city* of Hartford :rolleyes1)

Goals for today: check. The mp3 issue was not pretty, but I finally managed it. I don't know if maybe there are some compatibility issues with Rhapsody & Windows 7 - because my stuff did not transfer seamlessly. Not even close. And when I called customer support the guy asked what my operating system was. When I said "windows 7" I got "oh" :confused3 great. He tried. He really did. But it took me all freakin' afternoon to fix the mess. :headache:

Goals for tomorrow:

water, track, and seriously to avoid getting drafted for a jury (and not get lost gettting there! :laughing:).
Hi All....

Jo - sending good vibes to you and your dad...

Liz - love it when you are rocking your program. Love it...

Nancy - good luck tomorrow

Ronda - you are so going to rock this race!!!! Keep breathing...

Hi to everyone else. Want to respond to you all, but way too tired to do so. Today was my crazy busy day at work followed by two hours at the gym (the first hour with Jesse and the second hour on the treadmill and stretching). Needless to say I am soon off to work on my goal of getting more sleep. Did alright with the rest of my goals. Not great, but better than what has been going on.

So goals for tomorrow:

- not kill one of my contractors (as much as I would like to)
- stay on food plan (will be difficult for dinner as I will be eating on the road - egg white flatbread sandwich anyone...)
- drink my water
- get 7 hours of sleep
oh, did I mention not kill one of my contractors?

I think that is it for now. I am going to sleep.

Ronda - safe travels tomorrow!!!!
Glad you got her calmed down, EE. And actually, I do what Liz does. Kel is the one in our house who melts down like that and we put her in the shower and it always does the trick. Always. And she's to the point now where she REQUESTS it when she is melting.

Jo--hope he is on the mend. Do you live close?

Ronda--yes, you ARE going to Disney tomorrow! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Goals for today--met. Water, tracked, weight trained, and had my mammogram. No cardio (but that was a stretch goal anyway) as I was at the breast care center for 4 hours!

Goals for tomorrow:

She finally passed out from exhaustion a little while ago. So tired that she couldn't sleep. I love the shower idea.

Paula - hoping you don't kill a contractor, but you can hurt him a little.
Agh! Another call from the school. The kids have a snow day again. They called me at 5:30 this morning to tell me (automatic dial).
I find it hi lar ious that they named the place Angus Barn. Like, just call it Eat Cow Here. :lmao: :rotfl2:

I am sure it is super nice, though, Kat--so I hope you enjoy the night out!

Meat Barn! YUM.

OOOOOH. I forgot my MAJOR daily goal that I am rocking! Taking my vitamins. Multi and calcium. Woot!

Funny story. Emily had to write her full name today. That's three names for my kid, as she is hyphenated. My last name and Lyz's are one letter off, just like our first names. Well, Emily wrote Lyz's last name and not mine! I was laughing. She corrected that minor mistake but it was funny!

Ronda - sucks about the card. I've had that happen. But not with iTunes. All iTunes actually are mine! ;) Keep breathing. So excited for you!

Kelly -well done on your goals!!!

Kat - enjoy the cow. YUM MOOO.

HAHA on the Waller!

It is actually a barn, or looks like one on the outside anyhow. Locally owned and operated, and they have a 1.5 million dollar wine cellar with over 30,000 bottles of wine. We toured it, met the owner, and the head chef (who beat Cat Cora on Iron Chef America). Very nice place.

I have been rocking the multi too. Weird how I don't take it when I probably should be, eating like crap and all, and am great about taking it when I eat healthy.

Kat, looking at the menu. What did you get? I'm looking up WW points for the food now...trying to figure out what I could eat without using all my daily points! :lmao: Darn, when I'm on, I'm ON. It's fun, though. I think the beef kabobs, ask for a to-go container up front. They'd make a nice lunch the next day, and there's a lot of veggies there. Eat half, put the rest away. Oh, and a garden salad and either the sweet potato (love them, Nick doesn't eat them) or garlic mashed. Even with cream, mashed don't come out as point heavy as you might think. Unless they have cheese in them, and that's just wrong.

So. How'd you do?

I ordered a garden salad with blue cheese on the side (yeah, not the best), and then dipped so probably had about 1 tbsp or so of the dressing. They did table appetizers, so I had 1 alaskan king crab claw, 1 HUGE shrimp. Meal was the petite filet and a baked potato. I ate the whole filet and sort of dug at the potato, with a bit of butter but not much. I also had 1 glass of red wine, and some crackers.

It probably wasn't the best meal ever, but oh well. Done, over. I didn't have lunch (not really on purpose but oh well), so that might have helped offset some. I am counting on at least 1500 calories, but I was well under 1000 both of the last two days in preparation. May not have done a thing to help, but makes me feel better about it. :laughing:

I don't like sweet potatoes... wish I did as they are definitely better for you.

Goals for today:
Calories -- so-so
Water -- 80 oz
Exercise -- 10 min on elliptical (another long story, but gym was rather a fail today)

Sorry I don't have much more in me to comment on today... looooong day, I think I sat down for maybe 30 min today at work, and just got back from dinner. Off to relax for a few min and then bed.
Kat, I think that meal sounds great. It was a treat, and you did it well. Not overboard, but you enjoyed yourself. That's what it should be. That's how all those skinny b$tches do it. Like the ones on Orange County. Got sucked into those housewives tonight. Can you tell Nick was out? :lmao:

Gym story?

Goals for tomorrow:
SLEEP - 8 hours.
Goals for tomorrow -

Better on calories
40 oz at work
Make it through another snow day
Walk some
Oh! Forgot goals for tomorrow (I love this btw):

Calories - on track at 1200ish
Water - 64 oz+
Exercise - something (maybe Wii Fit?)

And Liz, thanks. :)
Up, showered. Someone had asked about sleep. Not very much.

Southwest shows us as being On Time. Shove everything in the truck. Drive.

Thank you everyone for your rocking support. This has been a great thread to train in.


It's when you start sizing up the coworkers (or children/animals, in this case) for how much meat they have on their bones that you are truly in trouble! :laughing:

I felt like this when I woke up this morning - my problem is that its my day off work, so Im home alone! I actually looked out of the window this morning at my neighbour and thought he'd be a good snack! :rotfl:

ok. So I know my goal for tomorrow. It is to NOT get picked for a jury!! I have to report to the Superior Court building at 8:00am tomorrow for jury duty. :headache: so freakin' inconvenient. Don't they know that I have a 1/2 marathon to train for :confused3 <sheesh>

Oh I'd love to do Jury Duty! Not if I had a marathon to train for though!

OOOOOH. I forgot my MAJOR daily goal that I am rocking! Taking my vitamins. Multi and calcium. Woot!

Great job on the vitamins! Thats something I always forget to do. I actually need to find some multi-vitamins and start taking them!

Back to the iTunes thing. It wasn't iTunes. I had used the debit card there a few years ago. That card had expired. The last card I used for an iTunes purchase was a credit card.

So, someone got my debit card information and bought themselves some tunes with it. I still don't understand the login difficulty at iTunes, but I don't think I've been hacked/compromised.

And tomorrow I get to go to Disney. Did I mention that?


That sucks about your debit card information. The same thing happened to me last year. It was a major pain in the bummocks as they cleared out my account, eventually the money got put back in but that wasn't the point - it was very annoying!

I am SO excited for you going to Disney! I can't wait to hear about the race (tomorrow right?) and I know you are going to rock it! :dance3:

So goals for tomorrow:

- not kill one of my contractors (as much as I would like to)
- stay on food plan (will be difficult for dinner as I will be eating on the road - egg white flatbread sandwich anyone...)
- drink my water
- get 7 hours of sleep
oh, did I mention not kill one of my contractors?

Please don't kill your contractor, I'd miss your posts on here if you got locked up! I can't see anything wrong with you messing him up a little though! :rotfl2:

So far so excellent on my goals today - I am so ON!!

Tracking - Its only 11.51am but Ive tracked everything so far!
Water - One litre up to yet
Pilates - Not done yet, that is this afternoons job. I have been out to get some groceries though (in the snow) and I walked the long way there and the long way back, so about an hour and 15mins in total walking!

Im not just having a relaxing minute with a cup of tea and Buble on the stereo!

Have a great day everyone :cool2:
Honey, I haven't been on here properly for months, and I have no idea who you are, but I am so sorry to hear about your dad and hope he's okay now.

Hi I'm new, I kinda just jumped into your group. I am a full time working mom of 2. married, and FAT!!!! I use to be in shape, then well life got in the way.
With my fathers health issues, I went to get my own check up. Doc says, lower the carbs and sugar and loose weight. I need to loose 40! I use to love to run, and I love disney, so my goal is the princess 1/2 2011. Thats me in a nut shell

Dad is doing better, should go home today!!! He sounds good. If he stops smoking and eats better he should be fine.
Jo I am so sorry. I missed your post earlier. Your mid-Illinois right? That is way too much snow. Any updates on your dad?

EE, Yes I am about 60 mins outside of the city of Chicago. Let me just say, its been a whole lot of fun driving to work.
Dads doing better, I just can't believe a 3x by bass and carotid artery surgery at the age of 56. Please God don't let that happen to me
Hey everybody. Quick drive by. Ronda have a safe trip. Jo good that your dad is doing better.
I found this FREE Website for tracking, you may all know already but I just found it yesterday

Goals for me today,Well its been a long long week. With my dad and both girls sick. The baby was up all night coughing. so I think I am going to big out today. Meaning I did not bring my lunch to work so i have to pick up something.

But I will go Wii or the Elliptical today after work


I notice you all speak of vitamins, I take a 1 a day and b12, do I need to take a calcium too?????
I take a multi and calcium with vitamin D (to help it absorb) bc I hate milk. And I don't get enough cheese on plan. But that's just me. If your diet is good, you shouldn't need vitamins. I'm realistic. :lmao:


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