In Search of my Body...Not The One I Ate.. #4 "Inspiring Others... 1 Tiara at a Time"

Stephanie ~ Is your son doing better?? I can possible through a few cyber-kicks toward your in-laws for you.

Yes thank you for asking.. his sugars have FINALLY come back down to NORMAL! I can't blame anyone.. for his sugars being high except for him and us and really not him because he is only 8 years old. And not really us either because we weren't there. My in-laws kept an eye on him and gave him the appropriate insulin for what he was eating, but he snuck the candy and hid from everyone while he ate it! He should know better as we have had this discussion many of times but then again he is eight. But then again SIL had him help bake cookies and what kid or adult for that matter can't take a few bites of the dough! She NEVER THOUGHT of it! I have always said even before Zachary was diagnosed that well nate and now Zachary need to learn that they sometime just can't have what everyone else is having or eat as much as everyone else. I have told zac a hundred + times if you want something ask I can give you a shot don't sneak it! It doesn't sink in. I have now gotten rid of all snackie stuff in the house NOT only because of his eating it but because of MY EATING IT! If it's not there it can't be a temptation. It's hard for the both us ! Him wanting to be a "normal Kid" and us wanting him to stay Healthy! Thanks for asking!
***JANUARY CHALLENGE*** (in progress...still putting the chart together)

Name.....Weight Goal.....Exercise Goal..............Other

Erika......-5 pounds...........1800 min + abs 5x.........TRACK
Liz........159 pounds..........4x/week......................track
Lyz.......-5 pounds............4x/ thougtfully
Lisa/PR..-5 pounds............25 mi/wk + 4x/wk.........
Steph....-5 pounds............n/a............................track
LisaV.....-5 pounds............6 on/2 consciously
Paula......n/a...................2x/wk + swim...............
Amy......-5 pounds............5x/wk.........................
Dawn....-12 pounds...........5 x 60........................No soda
Nancy.....n/a....................1500 min....................track 5 of 7 days/wk
Aimee.....-8 pounds............3 x 30.......................scale 1x/wk
And Steph--I know what you mean about the movie. I liked it...but it can never compare to the mental one as you read the book. I mean, she made the Cullens too beautiful to be personified, you know?

Yeah it seemed to rushed! Not only did I think of the cullens to look different but Bella to. I had the mental picture of Edward to look like he did in the movie only because Amy has it in her siggy, but as for the rest of them No!
Yes thank you for asking.. his sugars have FINALLY come back down to NORMAL! I can't blame anyone.. for his sugars being high except for him and us and really not him because he is only 8 years old. And not really us either because we weren't there. My in-laws kept an eye on him and gave him the appropriate insulin for what he was eating, but he snuck the candy and hid from everyone while he ate it! He should know better as we have had this discussion many of times but then again he is eight. But then again SIL had him help bake cookies and what kid or adult for that matter can't take a few bites of the dough! She NEVER THOUGHT of it! I have always said even before Zachary was diagnosed that well nate and now Zachary need to learn that they sometime just can't have what everyone else is having or eat as much as everyone else. I have told zac a hundred + times if you want something ask I can give you a shot don't sneak it! It doesn't sink in. I have now gotten rid of all snackie stuff in the house NOT only because of his eating it but because of MY EATING IT! If it's not there it can't be a temptation. It's hard for the both us ! Him wanting to be a "normal Kid" and us wanting him to stay Healthy! Thanks for asking!

Heck, I would eat all kinds of cookie dough, yum. I can imagine that it is very tough for both you and him. Hang in there! I am sure eventually he will come around to understand.
Holy crap we are doing some soul-searching today! I say good!

yeah...gets a bit heavy at times, doesn't it? :laughing: But a good soul searching and "crap purging" once in a while works wonders.

I just need another heroine.

OMG. I just read that as you need HEROIN. :eek: I think I need sleep :rolleyes1

lost .7 pounds... nothing much else to report...

:woohoo: :woohoo: Yay for Paula!!!

ummmm and can I just point something out? I was just finally reading my WDW Endurance email that they taunt me with....and there is a NEW race. A "Princess 1/2 marathon". First weekend in March. And...the medal? Glad you asked. It's a TIARA MEDAL! :dance3:

Goals in a moment...
Nancy, I am doing the princess half for the sole reason of the tiara medal!!!must have it!!!!
OMG. I just read that as you need HEROIN. :eek: I think I need sleep :rolleyes1

No honey, haven't you been paying attention??!?! Alcohol is my drug of choice. :rotfl2:

:woohoo: :woohoo: Yay for Paula!!!

ummmm and can I just point something out? I was just finally reading my WDW Endurance email that they taunt me with....and there is a NEW race. A "Princess 1/2 marathon". First weekend in March. And...the medal? Glad you asked. It's a TIARA MEDAL! :dance3:

Goals in a moment...

I know. Liz and I discovered that a while ago. But no way I can finnagle yet another trip this year. As it is, I will have gone in November, December, and January. March is flat out of the question.
Night the Oprah blogs and want to say that you all have my head thinking...

Better me...not being afraid to look good enough for just me...regardless of men...and wanting to not sabatoge my food choices by indulging..not splurging...

My goals E - 5 x a week excersixe for 1 hour minimum...loose 12 pounds..that is 3 pounds a week and I have....

a crapload to loose...

Today...after gaining a few pounds...over the weekend and over Disney and yeah...just gaining...

so I have a goal of losing 100 pounds total...

Starting weight...247....ending goal 147...and then...fine tuning...but 147 at 5'4 would be doable...I think...

Anyway..hi all...I am reading..will post more in the morning...
My January challenge....

I'm not going to set a goal of "pounds lost" for January. I'm at that tricky weight where as I work out more, and gain muscle mass, my weight will either remain steady or even increase a bit before I see the "fat loss" numbers kick in. So setting a goal of "pounds lost" will just be a source of frustration for me.

My Jan Challenge, then, will be two-fold

1) tracking. I do best with WW points, so that's what I'm going for. My personal goal is to track a minimum of 5 out of the 7 days a week. (starting from zero...I think that's realistic) I will post my food - if not my actual "food list" at least my daily point totals.

2) exercise. I need to up the effort. :laughing: My workouts have been consistant, but not what they should be for weight loss. Now that the winter months are here, and I have much more time off from work, I can devote more time to working out! Again...going for a minimum of 5 days a week...more strength work with heavier weights and longer cardio sessions...

(working out the numbers in my head :headache: 5 sessions x 60 minutes x 4 weeks...or is it 5?)

I'll go with a minimum of 1500 minutes this total this month. It's a bit more of a stretch than I initially was going to committ to....but that's what makes it a challenge, right? :goodvibes
Nancy, I am doing the princess half for the sole reason of the tiara medal!!!must have it!!!!

(in my most obnoxious whiney voice)

I WANT A PRINCESS TIARA TOO (where is the kicking-and-screaming smiley?)

k. Going to bed. Didn't sleep well last night, so I'm exhausted right now. Catch ya'll tomorrow....

oh and KAT...even if you can't POST, I hope you are able to READ...or you'll be havin' a bit of catchin' up to do!!! :goodvibes
Ok, here goes. I might have said this before , but I am so glad that I found this group ~ wish I would have found you a long time ago. I for one have found more confidence and motivation just in the short time I have been here.

One of my short-term goals is to stop weighing myself excessively. I used to be so paranoid with my weight that I would step on a scale multiple times per day. Isn't that sick?!? Well, I recently noticed myself starting to slip back into that habit. This month I am going to allow myself to weigh in 1x per week.

I want to lose 8 lbs this month. That's an odd amount you say? It gets me back to my pre-pregnancy weight and I am so close (4 1/2 years later). I'm coming up on the 5 year anniversary of kicking my ex out of my life and I would like nothing better than to feeling phenomenal. Almost nothing! Guilty!

I don't exercise regularly enough, so I want start out 30 minutes 3x per week. If we do this again next month, I want to say that I was like Roy Scheider in Jaws and blew this goal out of the water. Sorry gang ~ had to some pain meds, a little loopy!

So that's my goal: 8lbs lost, 1.5 hours per week exercise

Good Night,
One of my short-term goals is to stop weighing myself excessively. I used to be so paranoid with my weight that I would step on a scale multiple times per day. Isn't that sick?!? Well, I recently noticed myself starting to slip back into that habit. This month I am going to allow myself to weigh in 1x per week.

Hey Aim...just needed to respond to this because I totally relate. Totally. Back when I was teeny tiny (as in a size 2), that is exactly what I did. It was SO unhealthy. I would get on the scale a ton of times each day. And God forbid it didn't give the right number. I would play all kinds of games with myself. Not allow myself to eat until the right number showed, etc. Bad stuff.

So then I went to the other extreme. WAY other. Like, I didn't get on a scale for like 9 years. Really. Technically, I got weighed during my pregnancies, but I turned around and wouldn't let them tell me the number. (This was more proactive, though. I didn't want to get all crazy about the number on the scale and not do the nutritionally right thing for the baby, so I figured it was better not to know.)

Well, then THAT became my issue. Not being able to get on the scale. And I really mean NOT. I could not make myself do it. Until I came here. I finally got on it. And it didn't kill me.

I am still wary, though. I don't get on often. Just enough to keep things in check. For the challenge I am going to try to get on once a week.
Hey Aim...just needed to respond to this because I totally relate. Totally. Back when I was teeny tiny (as in a size 2), that is exactly what I did. It was SO unhealthy. I would get on the scale a ton of times each day. And God forbid it didn't give the right number. I would play all kinds of games with myself. Not allow myself to eat until the right number showed, etc. Bad stuff.

Wow, complete flashback for me. Bad stuff here too.

So then I went to the other extreme. WAY other. Like, I didn't get on a scale for like 9 years. Really. Technically, I got weighed during my pregnancies, but I turned around and wouldn't let them tell me the number. (This was more proactive, though. I didn't want to get all crazy about the number on the scale and not do the nutritionally right thing for the baby, so I figured it was better not to know.)

Well, then THAT became my issue. Not being able to get on the scale. And I really mean NOT. I could not make myself do it. Until I came here. I finally got on it. And it didn't kill me.

I had no clue that I made it up to nearly 230 until I changed to a different doctor. I went a few years myself.

I am still wary, though. I don't get on often. Just enough to keep things in check. For the challenge I am going to try to get on once a week.

Thank you for sharing. Once again, so many of us are similar in so many ways.
So you are saying that you LOST through the holidays???? GODDESS!

yes, yes I am.... I'll take the goddess title and bike with it...

Hey Aim...just needed to respond to this because I totally relate. Totally. Back when I was teeny tiny (as in a size 2), that is exactly what I did. It was SO unhealthy. I would get on the scale a ton of times each day. And God forbid it didn't give the right number. I would play all kinds of games with myself. Not allow myself to eat until the right number showed, etc. Bad stuff.

So then I went to the other extreme. WAY other. Like, I didn't get on a scale for like 9 years. Really. Technically, I got weighed during my pregnancies, but I turned around and wouldn't let them tell me the number. (This was more proactive, though. I didn't want to get all crazy about the number on the scale and not do the nutritionally right thing for the baby, so I figured it was better not to know.)

Well, then THAT became my issue. Not being able to get on the scale. And I really mean NOT. I could not make myself do it. Until I came here. I finally got on it. And it didn't kill me.

I am still wary, though. I don't get on often. Just enough to keep things in check. For the challenge I am going to try to get on once a week.

Erika - I am so proud of you for wanting to face the scale again... think of me holding your hand (not that you need it superwoman...) when you step on the darn thing...

remember, the scale only tells you a number at that point it time... it does not define us... it merely is a machine that tells you a number...
I am so with you on the self-sabotage. My LIFE right now.

Hoping to get back to it by the end of the week and stay on target for a while.

I still haven't caught up. And I likely won't until tomorrow. But, I just wanted to add that in. :)

Hi Kat!! Hope you're having fun with your folks. Can't wait til you're back back. But hope you're having a ball.

Lisa - no editing, till I get a minute to comment. K. Later. I better not come back and everything gone.

Liz-Love it.

I was a good girl Lyz! See. :lmao:

I just hate - so hate - the fact that my soul searching has to seem so ___________. I don't know what the word is. That's what I hate the most about sexual abuse. It's there - sometimes/lots of times has no meaning at all - nada - sometimes has some. And when it creeps in your adult life and you want to simply fix up a few things - then you feel like crap just to say the word. But how the heck do you fix something without saying the facts of what to fix??:confused3 So it's like a round and round and round. When it just is. Once again, my issue. ;)

I'm so not talking for sympathy or drama or whatever. I can't express the fullness of these weight issues without its rearing its ugly head. And that I hate. I'm scared to be smaller. And that needs to change. Like right NOW. :laughing:

Did some awesome hiking today,a trail I never could have done before since it was pretty much all uphill.i felt no muscle burn and was just a little winded mostly from my cough. It felt so good and the views were spectacular. It was only a few miles total but some great cardio!

Ah Amy. You so took me there. So did. Nice. :lovestruc

Lisa and Liz - I so get what you both are saying...

Even know looking at the pictures from Florida, I still can't believe that the image I am looking at is me. The trainer I met with last night asked me what my weight / size goals were and I couldn't answer him because I couldn't really visualize myself smaller than I am now. I so need to get past that if I want to move on, but I just don't know how to do that...

We need to find a way to let ourselves accept happiness in our new forms. Let's make that a goal for 2009 - more self acceptance...


Bravo Paula. Yep. I too don't know where to end up. I feel like I'm almost there but have no idea - is it ten more? twenty more? Thirty more? Don't know. So weird. Is he cute? :laughing: :love: It is a he, right?

God first I'm obsessed with your biking. Now with your trainer. :lmao:

There are some personal trainers in my building. But all I feel is - don't you want to hit your client on the head? :confused3 . :lmao: There's so many that chat - chat - chat while the trainer is trying to get their heart rates up.

We are in the same boat....just on a different lake! :laughing:

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: OMG you are too funny woman! Too funny.
Give myself the gift of unconditional love and's what I'd do for anyone else in the why not myself? Really. I'm the one I have to LIVE with 24/7....why not spend my time with someone I like? :confused3 [/B][/COLOR]

Yep. It's the truth Nancy. I'm so into giving myself a break these days. It's a nice feeling to be kinder to yourself.

Steph I lost your quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OR maybe I will ACTUALLY OPEN THE BELLY DANCING dvd I bought MANY months ago! I am not committing to the exercise but I will give it a shot!

Let me know how it is Steph. Really. I'm intrigued.

I need a MAJOR kick in the a$$.

That's what I was feeling. I was feeling like I was hiding behind what was going on.


forgot to report on my JC appointment...

lost .7 pounds... nothing much else to report...

very excited about the new year and the new challenge though...

talk to you all in the morning,


Fantastic Paula.

***JANUARY CHALLENGE*** (in progress...still putting the chart together)

Name.....Weight Goal.....Exercise Goal..............Other

Erika......-5 pounds...........1800 min + abs 5x.........TRACK
Liz........159 pounds..........4x/week......................track
Lyz.......-5 pounds............4x/ thougtfully
Lisa/PR..-5 pounds............25 mi/wk + 4x/wk.........
Steph....-5 pounds............n/a............................track
LisaV.....-5 pounds............6 on/2 consciously
Paula......n/a...................2x/wk + swim...............
Amy......-5 pounds............5x/wk.........................
Dawn....-12 pounds...........5 x 60........................No soda
Nancy.....n/a....................1500 min....................track 5 of 7 days/wk
Aimee.....-8 pounds............3 x 30.......................scale 1x/wk

Thanks for doing all that Erika.

so I have a goal of losing 100 pounds total...

Starting weight...247....ending goal 147...and then...fine tuning...but 147 at 5'4 would be doable...I think...

Anyway..hi all...I am reading..will post more in the morning...

Dawn - break it up. I think you are. But really - 75 would have seemed too much for me if I thought about it. But 20 here. 40 there blah blah blah.

But then again everyone is different. Ignore me.

My January challenge....

I'm not going to set a goal of "pounds lost" for January. I'm at that tricky weight where as I work out more, and gain muscle mass, my weight will either remain steady or even increase a bit before I see the "fat loss" numbers kick in. So setting a goal of "pounds lost" will just be a source of frustration for me.

And this is why I :lovestruc you. You are so darn smart.

I want to lose 8 lbs this month. That's an odd amount you say? It gets me back to my pre-pregnancy weight and I am so close (4 1/2 years later). I'm coming up on the 5 year anniversary of kicking my ex out of my life and I would like nothing better than to feeling phenomenal. Almost nothing! Guilty!

Good Night,

I :lovestruc ed this Amiee. I have been thinking about you while you were off.

I phoned my friend Christmas morning, the one that had the lovely husband not unlike your ex, and she was so low going into the holidays. She was okay Christmas Day but could hear her hurt. And hated that I couldn't take it away.

You are one strong woman Amiee. One strong woman.

Hey Aim...just needed to respond to this because I totally relate. Totally. Back when I was teeny tiny (as in a size 2), that is exactly what I did. It was SO unhealthy. I would get on the scale a ton of times each day. And God forbid it didn't give the right number. I would play all kinds of games with myself. Not allow myself to eat until the right number showed, etc. Bad stuff.

So then I went to the other extreme. WAY other. Like, I didn't get on a scale for like 9 years. Really. Technically, I got weighed during my pregnancies, but I turned around and wouldn't let them tell me the number. (This was more proactive, though. I didn't want to get all crazy about the number on the scale and not do the nutritionally right thing for the baby, so I figured it was better not to know.)

Well, then THAT became my issue. Not being able to get on the scale. And I really mean NOT. I could not make myself do it. Until I came here. I finally got on it. And it didn't kill me.

I am still wary, though. I don't get on often. Just enough to keep things in check. For the challenge I am going to try to get on once a week.

Me too. Me too. I still don't know what is best for me. Time will tell.
Liz - Jodi's news was wonderful. I was very nervous about her odds. Please Lord, make this work out.


To be truthful I have more to say about all this. My eating feels very emotional - suddenly. After I said I felt I had that taken care of. It's come again. And it's been quite a long time since it has. It's not the emotional eating of the past - out of control - so that is gone. But it's still not wanted. It's just plain unconscious all of a sudden.

Three weeks ago, after the end of the last BL, I saw a big body change in the mirror. And part of me takes it in and says "nice". But a bigger part of me doesn't want it at all. It feels scary to me. Ridiculous in general terms. But it takes me to men. To sexual attraction. To things that I'm not facing.

Are you getting that I'm frustrated!?!??!?!??!:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

And I refuse to look in the mirror and feel sad or scared or ashamed of flippin' success!!! It's ridiculous. It's so ridiculous.

So if you can't make a word out from my blabbering. I'm eating because my looking good/better made me feel vunerable. Beyond vunerable -scared sh!tless. And I won't fu#kin' have that happen.

I just shoved down a lovely homemade buttertart. My mom can still make them - thank God. Now you know I eat everything in my weight loss and that includes buttertarts. But I shoved it. Shoved it in three seconds flat. I can't believe I'm here again.:sad2:

And yes I know I'm not alone. I know as I write. Different stories - same
sh!t. We obviously all have reasons we put roadblocks in front of ourselves.

Done. :lmao: :lovestruc

And cutie - I'll try not to edit. :lmao:

Lisa!!!! Totally get it. I totally sagatage when I'm on track. WTH? Why would I do that. It makes no sense. Logically. Emotionally, maybe. I wish I could take that away for you. Don't hide. Hiding is the wrong reaction. You are worth every look in the mirror.

1. Your beautiful gym. That sucks.

2. And I say bring back the scales. How many times have you mentioned that you are sad you didn't know the number?

I am so with you on the self-sabotage. My LIFE right now.

Hoping to get back to it by the end of the week and stay on target for a while.

I still haven't caught up. And I likely won't until tomorrow. But, I just wanted to add that in. :)

Kat - didn't realize you were eating! Is it just normal Holiday crap or bigger crap? And I never heard about the Brazillian Steak House.

So often I keep all the *bad* stuff crammed far away, safe way in the depths of my some old junk in a closet that you don't feel like dealing with. Out of sight, out of mind, kwim? Until...someone opens that closet door, and all the crap comes tumbling out. Just like that crap in the closet, I need to "purge" the crap in my head. Allow myself to feel those things that are unpleasant....then...toss them in the trash. Be done with them. Give myself the gift of unconditional love and's what I'd do for anyone else in the why not myself? Really. I'm the one I have to LIVE with 24/7....why not spend my time with someone I like? :confused3

Yes! Nancy, you are in my head again.

Me to having to work the holiday this year put me in a funk and I ate and ate and ate! I also noticed that not only am I eating when I shouldn't be but I am back eating the one thing that I said I need to STOP eating and that was BUTTER! We used to go through a stick a day before WW and I stopped eating it and using it! And I was buying a pound a month, now back to buying a pound every two weeks. I Thought I was going to start back today and I didn't not proud of myself in fact, I even skipped WW, because I knew I would be disappointed in myself more so than I already am. I haven't really tracked in months and it shows!

Ok my Mini Month of January goal will be 5 pounds to lose! Back to tracking actual tracking on WW site and not in my head!
I would like to incorporate some type of exercise. I now own an iPOD so maybe back to walking or maybe the couch 2 5k. OR maybe I will ACTUALLY OPEN THE BELLY DANCING dvd I bought MANY months ago! I am not committing to the exercise but I will give it a shot! But the 5 pound is a MUST! I own a pool now and need to look good by summer!
Zurg WELCOME!!!!

Ohh belly dancing. Sexy! lol. My body does not move in grace with my mind.

So you are back on the butter. Not good. I am back on the salt. Tell you what, I'll quit the salt and you quit the butter.

Liz--about the fast. I love to do this like once a year. Just a toxic purge type of thing.

I could never fast. I'd get the headache. The one that can only be appeased with a jr. bacon cheeseburger.

I have an appointment with my favorite chiropractor on Wednesday (he's out of town until then) and let me tell you, he is pleasant to look at! I really have to sit down and think about some goals. Never really had any true goals before where fitness is concerned. Might as well make a new start.

Take care,

Amiee - I must say, it's very good to see you posting more. You kinda only showed up sporadically before, and I find I get what I put in. Make sense? Glad you are "here".

And Steph--I know what you mean about the movie. I liked it...but it can never compare to the mental one as you read the book. I mean, she made the Cullens too beautiful to be personified, you know?

Hmmm, interesting. Maybe I don't want to watch.


forgot to report on my JC appointment...

lost .7 pounds... nothing much else to report...

very excited about the new year and the new challenge though...

talk to you all in the morning,

:banana: :banana: :banana: (yeah, I'm also calling you bad words. Who loses .7lbs over the holiday?)

A "Princess 1/2 marathon". First weekend in March. And...the medal? Glad you asked. It's a TIARA MEDAL! :dance3:

Goals in a moment...

A TIARA MEDAL! I want one. (Well, not bad enough to run 13 miles in a row. I do have standards.)

I'm coming up on the 5 year anniversary of kicking my ex out of my life and I would like nothing better than to feeling phenomenal. Almost nothing! Guilty!

Woofreakinghoo! Yes, you must lose that weight!

Hi to all I didn't quote directly.

Tired. Going to bed.
Liz - Jodi's news was wonderful. I was very nervous about her odds. Please Lord, make this work out.

:hug: Yes Liz. She's been on my mind.

Lisa!!!! Totally get it. I totally sagatage when I'm on track. WTH? Why would I do that. It makes no sense. Logically. Emotionally, maybe. I wish I could take that away for you. Don't hide. Hiding is the wrong reaction. You are worth every look in the mirror.

1. Your beautiful gym. That sucks.

2. And I say bring back the scales. How many times have you mentioned that you are sad you didn't know the number?

Thanks Lyz. I needed #2 desperately. Thank you for being someone who is not afraid to speak and push. I so need that in my life. So need it. I'm back on the dreaded scale on Friday. And I signed up for the next BL. Varied thoughts on both. But why the heck am I turning my back on things that brought success. I'm a tad suspicious of myself.

Kat - didn't realize you were eating! Is it just normal Holiday crap or bigger crap? And I never heard about the Brazillian Steak House.

Yes. Birthday talk. And pics of the Christmas party outfit Kat.

Yes! Nancy, you are in my head again.

I know. So darn smart. So smart.

Ohh belly dancing. Sexy! lol.

Smiling. :lmao:

I could never fast. I'd get the headache. The one that can only be appeased with a jr. bacon cheeseburger.

Me too. I'd be killing someone. And jail ain't that pretty.

:banana: :banana: :banana: (yeah, I'm also calling you bad words. Who loses .7lbs over the holiday?)

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

A TIARA MEDAL! I want one. (Well, not bad enough to run 13 miles in a row. I do have standards.)

Oh how I missed you cutie. Don't let Edward take you away again.

Thanks for being frank Lyz. Thank you.


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