In Search of my Body...Not The One I ate...#3 "Crowning Goddesses As We Go"

Hi all - are those pics huge? I resized them but tey still look big on my screen? :confused3

Anyway - E - soooo glad that Kelly is home...hope she is feeling better by morning...:wizard:

Liz - you are 75 pound of skinny minnie!:worship:

Goof - Looove that saying...:lovestruc

My favorite bumper sticker was....

"I have been in a bad mood ever since the house fell on my sister."


I picked up Carsyn after school and we had our first day at the YMCA together - she signed up for Mission Mexico with Treyner for next summer and wants to build homes there side by side with Treyner and needs some pounds off acording to her...:yay: (I think she is getting hit with the fact she will miss him more than she is willing to announce to anyone...I mean with only Baylor left...she will not get to be bossy mother hen to more than one any longer! ) :lmao:

Treyner was just thrilled that he will be over 18 and not need a parent permisssion signed...:woohoo:

I walked on the dreadmill for 30 minutes at a 2.5 for a total of 1.25 miles.

I was sweating a bit...even at that low pace...but it was a good start...and I did a small amount of leg presses...

Night Night all....:grouphug:
Ok so I know that everyone is doing some type of walk or run.. So here is mine, I am doing the walk for Juvenile Diabetes research fund. Last year I raise alone $1000.00. I would love to reach it again.

As you all know Zac is a type one diabetes and so is my step son Nate. Nate was diagnosed at age 4 and Zac at age 5. Typically type 1 runs in families, not our case. Both boys got a virus and bam their body attacked and knocked out the pancreas. Both boys depend on insulin to live, both boys use multi injection insulin, which means that they get a shot every time they eat. Each boy get anywhere from 4 to 8 shots a day. As you all know when Zac is sick, it's long hours for me as well. Zac and I check his sugar about 6-8 times a day. AS you guys know it's scary for me at times to live with this I can't imagine how scary it is as an 8 year old.
Times are changing years ago kids weren't allowed to eat what they wanted and had a strict diet, now with medical advancements the boys are pretty much able to eat as they would if they didn't have diabetes only they get a shot to cover the food they eat. There is also a pump which would limit injections to one every three days. Zac is afraid it is right now and Nate chose to get rid of his.. Didn't like it hanging off of him???
JDRF is making advances in research every year and someday in Zac and Nates lifetime they hope to have a CURE for this disease. This would mean for the boys and every one else No more shots No more pumps No more finger picks. If you figure out how many finger picks just zac has had in the last year and a half it would amaze you lets see 7 picks a day x 635 days (rough estimate) would be roughly 4,445 finger sticks on little fingers. That is a lot when you only have ten little fingers.
So on September 28,2008 I will be walking and raising money for JDRF. It is a beautiful walk on a bike path along Lake Champlain a 3 mile walk. Last year all the kids walked it with me and we had a great family outing. If you would like to donate towards a cure for Juvenile Diabetes here is our donation Web site: Team ERO
This is ZAC
This is Nate
And no he isn't wearing LIPSTICK!!! Bright red Frosting!!!!!
Hi All--I had planned on getting back here earlier for a complete update and all sorts of witty responses, but I can't keep my eyes open. Will hit it first thing in the morning. :)
Good Morning Ladies!
Hope everyone has a great day
E~ good thoughts for you and your family on Kelly's results.

I have another child home sick today, Sam who has a stomach ache and feels a bit feverish.

LYZ where are you missing your snarky comments!:rotfl2: :lmao:

Liz I hope you get done work SOOOOOOONNN!

Nancy, I hadn't even thought it apple season because I hadn't been to town, I went to town and there I knew it was Apple Picking Season. How did I know... a picnic table full of Jamaican men here to pick apples. ( I have the biggest MacIntosh orchard in the US right here in my town That is all they do is ship the apples out no farm stand or anything else....BORING).

Hope everyone has a great day!
I walked on the dreadmill for 30 minutes at a 2.5 for a total of 1.25 miles.

I was sweating a bit...even at that low pace...but it was a good start...and I did a small amount of leg presses...

Night Night all....:grouphug:

You go!

Hi All--I had planned on getting back here earlier for a complete update and all sorts of witty responses, but I can't keep my eyes open. Will hit it first thing in the morning. :)

Family first. You second. We'll be here when you come up for air.

Nancy, I hadn't even thought it apple season because I hadn't been to town, I went to town and there I knew it was Apple Picking Season. How did I know... a picnic table full of Jamaican men here to pick apples. ( I have the biggest MacIntosh orchard in the US right here in my town That is all they do is ship the apples out no farm stand or anything else....BORING).

In addition to fruit we've already picked, we do "pick-your-own", wagon rides thru the orchard, and field trips. UGH. Field trips. Hundreds and hundreds of pre-school children...(not all at ONCE :laughing: ). Ya know, for the most part, the kids are GREAT. The parents, however....:sad2: ...many of them need a good swift kick in the @ss. ;) Today we have a group of roughly 75 - 7th I have to be in early. And these kids are known for their "buying power". :laughing: Lots and lots of cookies, etc...and apple pies! Can you imagine - a bus load of 12 year olds and they are all carrying big boxes with apple pies in them. :confused3

Family first. You second. We'll be here when you come up for air.


:grouphug: Yeah - what Deb says!!

My bike is ready to be picked up - didn't get there yesterday though - so looks like another day to RUN.....yipes that'll be 3 in a row...:cheer2:
ABU. That's it. You're a monkey now.
As long as nobody calls me a damn dirty ape. :rotfl:

Talk like a pirate day? Who does these things??? I think we need a new librarian around here...
Actually it was my idea. We tried it out last year and it was such a success we decided to do it again this year. And we had a BLAST! There are two storytimes--ages 0-3 at 10:15 and 3+ at 11. The 0-3 storytime was PACKED..I mean packed. The kids were having a blast though, listening to the stories and singing and dancing and everything. It was very cool. For the older kids, at the end we had a 'treasure' hunt where they followed a marked path outside and dug for 'buried' treasure (plastic "gold" coins buried in sand in a wading pool).

Well, yeah - they are. Plus (not to be disgusting....) if I'm not mistaken - all that diet change, water intake & exercise is going to lead to some serious colon cleansing....
I suppose I just need to start working out nine hours a day and I'll lose all my weight in like..two weeks then, huh?:lmao:

OMG! I think you are my soul sister!

The big joke in our house is, "mom is in a paper bag. Both ends are open, AND the bag is wet. Mom STILL can't figure out how to get out of it!" Sad but true.

Is it wrong that I suddenly had the hip-hop version of "Lady Marmalade" in my head? Soul sister go sister, better get that dough sister...:rotfl: I tend to think in music.

ARG. Ye better be gettin' a chest full o' booty....

Wait. That sounded better INSIDE my head...

hmmmm....Johnny THERE'S a pirate for you.
I've got already got plenty of booty in the treasure chest. That's why I'm working out..too much junk in the trunk.:laughing:
In addition to fruit we've already picked, we do "pick-your-own", wagon rides thru the orchard, and field trips. UGH. Field trips. Hundreds and hundreds of pre-school children...(not all at ONCE ). Ya know, for the most part, the kids are GREAT. The parents, however.......many of them need a good swift kick in the @ss. Today we have a group of roughly 75 - 7th I have to be in early. And these kids are known for their "buying power". Lots and lots of cookies, etc...and apple pies! Can you imagine - a bus load of 12 year olds and they are all carrying big boxes with apple pies in them.
AAAHHH yes we have a place like that in Peru , Ny about 20 minutes away. They have all that pick your own apples peaches berries and pumpkins. They have pies and THE BEST HOT FRESH doughnuts around. Thanks god they are far enough away the it is inconvenient to go there on any type of regular basis. They also do hay rides and field trips. Our school used to go there in Kindergarten but now they use another orchard and I don't like it as much... I guess because they don't have doughnuts like the other place.
Oh my I couldn't imagine letting Sam carry any type of PIE, not if I wanted it WHOLE!:lmao: Well Good luck with them!
Is it wrong that I suddenly had the hip-hop version of "Lady Marmalade" in my head? Soul sister go sister, better get that dough sister...:rotfl: I tend to think in music.

Me too...there's always some kind of song running thru my brain. The "soundtrack" of my life is so diverse...and random. Really random. I spent all day yesterday with that stupid "Lipgloss" song (Lil' Wayne I think?) running thru my head:rolleyes1

I've got already got plenty of booty in the treasure chest. That's why I'm working out..too much junk in the trunk.:laughing:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Oh my I couldn't imagine letting Sam carry any type of PIE, not if I wanted it WHOLE!:lmao: Well Good luck with them!

I know! It's crazy! But it must work out o.k. because every year the teachers let them do it...:confused3

Fall feels like it's arrived here....beautiful cool, crisp mornings....bright warm sunny afternoons...I just LOVE this time of year!!!

Have a great one ladies - and Erika - take good care not only of little Kelly but of yourself as well. :hug:
Hey - can we get on all will not believe this morning...
You know it's going to be a good day when you pull up to a stopsign corner where there's about 20 middle schoolers waiting for their bus and they all sing along with the music blasting from YOUR car.:rotfl:

It's quite a sight (and I was laughing so hard I had big, fat tears rolling down my face) to see/hear 20 kids all going "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrroxanne! You don't have to put on the red light..".:rolleyes1
Hey all -

I will be in my car for a bit - then home - picking up Carsyn for day 2 of YMCA - hey I am on a roll...then Treyner has a game at 5...I love his sports...but I will be looking forward to the end of fall sports cause it is costing me a enterance tickets and gas a write off for school expenses? :confused3 :rotfl2:

Dan says hi - he will be posting more after today...;)
Ha! I know, right. I am going out with my sisters today. And to do that, I actually had to work yesterday! Can you believe it?!?!?

I'll be back late afternoon to snark.
Sure you'll be here later to SNARK and I will be at WORK! DAm I wish that wouldn't get in the way! Well off to deliver snack for Tylers class. Monday was Zac's snack day! Then home to get ready for work.! YUCK

Oh and TOM is here and I have gained HELLO ARE YOU READY FOR THIS 3 pounds! WTH!!!???? It Best be gone before MONDAY when I finally make it to WW after missing three weeks!
Good Morning Ladies!
Hope everyone is well! Things here are pretty good... I have discovered the joy of fat free cream cheese... Only 30 calories for 2 tbsp!! I think tonight we are doing buffalo chicken for dinner... This time I won't eat so much extra sauce... Hopefully I don't get sick again... LOL... Other than that DH is on day shift today and tomorrow... Poor guy couldn't fall asleep til like 1 this morning and had to get up at 7... for him thats no bueno... LOL... Not a lot else going on... I actually did workout last night and with any luck I will do it again tonight... Weight is coming off slow this week but thats prolly because I haven't been this weight in a looooooong time... At least its coming off... I am thankful for that...

E- You and your family are still in my thoughts. :hug:

Way busy day for me. Did pretty good with my food (did have wine with dinner....or should I say, dinner with my wine? :rolleyes1 )

:lmao: :rotfl: Aaaah wine. Nice dinner Namcy. Envious. I have rosacea. So wine is in my past. :sad2:

A friend sent me this and thought I would share it with you all since we are powerful women (and one dude)....

To the powerful women in my life - Keep the faith!

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning,

Satan shudders and says....

Oh sh!t...she's awake.

Ponder that the next time you are faced with a hard choice....


Loved this Paula. Thanks. Made my day.

You know it's going to be a good day when you pull up to a stopsign corner where there's about 20 middle schoolers waiting for their bus and they all sing along with the music blasting from YOUR car.:rotfl:

It's quite a sight (and I was laughing so hard I had big, fat tears rolling down my face) to see/hear 20 kids all going "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrroxanne! You don't have to put on the red light..".:rolleyes1

Could actually picture it. :lmao: :rotfl: Quite the sight.

Steph - Loved :lovestruc the pictures of the boys. Thanks. Nice to see everyone.

Diabetes runs on the other side of my extended family. One has the pump. And is okay with it. I so wish they would have named those two diseases differently. Because they are so different. I and II I mean. I mean diabetes is serious no matter what. But I don't think many know how serious Type I is at times. So hoping for a cure.

Dawn - such fun pictures. Thanks
Lisa - do you have aim? If so what is your user name?


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