"I'm With Sneezy!" A Mom-&-Me/Solo October Trip! Upd 12/16

I didn't do the castle tour at IOA - I went on the ride and just tried to see whatever I could in the castle (big mistake - I should have done the tour), but I don't remember it being so dark - I remember being able to see a lot (and it was AMAZING!)
I really loved the ride, so I think you should definitely try it if you ever go back (but yes, it is a bit jerky and I can see why you wouldn't want to risk it).

Did you go into the stores? What did you think? There were insane lines to get inside when I was there, so I just looked through back windows mostly, but I thought they looked cool.

I've been there when they needed the winding lines ... not fun. But I do kinda like their lines - much better than just ropes.
I love everything in Seuss Landing, but I think Cat in the Hat is my favorite - you should have done more Seuss!! But I can see how you would not be impressed with US/IOA - I wasn't very impressed when I did it as a kid, and the only reason I went back a few years ago was for Harry Potter ... and the only reason I will be going back eventually is for Diagon Alley.

I love the daisy bag! That's such a nice pattern, I'm glad you finally got it after all this time!

The tour just went alongside the queue, but at the end it went left and the queue went right (if I'm remembering correctly) and it was DARK. I felt a little bad I'd insisted on going.

We did go in quite a few stores, but either they were too too small or way too crowded. Can't imagine them in high season!

Thank you for the compliment on the bag; I really love it. I was never a purse person until DDBs came out, and now I have quite a collection. I have a family picture I'll post when I'm done with the TR!

Man, what a lot of rain! Thank goodness for the break so you could do some rides!

I always skip something at the parks thinking it's the best decision at the moment and then thinking I made the wrong choice when I get home. It happens, I guess.

The dr suess part of universal looks cute. I'd like to see the Simpsons part and the minions too! ::yes::

Your purse is SO SO SO cute! I'm glad your mom was there to talk you I to getting it!

It was so funny - the sun came out for about 10 minutes and pretty quickly sparked a "let's go ride wet rides!" discussion.

I wish we'd have rode the train. Live and learn.

We went past the Simpsons and Minions, but I thought they were best avoided. I wish we'd have tried the Hulk, Rip Ride Rockit, and Spiderman. My only regrets. But we were just tired of being wet!

Mom is SO BAD with purchases. We went to Pandora to get me a bead for my Essence bracelet and I walked out of there with a bead for it and two beads for my Moments bracelet as well. Trying to leave some room on that one for my Disney charms. :lovestruc
Catching up...

Great hub photos before your tour, love the tank tops. I have the Beauty and the Beast one, but so need that Olaf one!

Thank you for posting details on the tour, definitely will pass on that one. Having to go through FP+ instead of walking on would totally bum me out.

The photo of your Mom on Buzz is awesome!

Totally agree with you on the wet feet issue, the worst! Glad you had sandals waiting for you.

That was nice of the bartender to give you another drink instead.

Sorry you ended up at the wrong park for Gringotts, that wouldn't make me too happy. Glad you loved the ride though. I can't wait to visit the Harry Potter world there, unfortunately I have no idea when that will be.

Boy you guys sure had a good amount a rain...such a bummer.

Margaritaville food looks super yummy!

I love the photo of Walt and Mickey while we were in the hub. Nice not to have the rabid crowds - but I would have rather slept in just a little. :) She did get the Olaf shirt at Hot Topic, of course! :)

I wouldn't have paid for FP+; at least not that much. It would be worth it at half the price if that's all you got (and that IS all you got).

That photo of her on Buzz just cracks me up!

I agree it was nice of the bartender; she did nothing wrong at all, it was entirely my fault. I was expecting something different. Was glad to get a drink I could actually drink!

Totally missed that last post.

Sorry to hear about your disappointment in US/IOA. The Dr Seuss area does look pretty neat. I really want to go specifically for the Harry Potter stuff, but with my kids being so young, I just feel like they'd enjoy more time at Disney instead.

That Daisy purse is SO cute, it was their last one, it was meant to be.

Love your Mom's bag too, so cute!

There are so many cute bags, I'd have a horrible time deciding on just one.

Can't wait to hear about your time at MNSSHP!

The disappointment was just based on our expectations, really; I can see why some people might prefer it, and why they'd keep going back. I think I'm ok for awhile, but I do wish I'd have taken more time in the Harry areas. Overall, I prefer WDW.

Ha, that's what my mom said too - "It's the last one, what if there are no more?" I am in a DDB group on facebook, and one of the women there posted about a week ago that they were considering buying the Daisy Lucy - as it was the "last one" in WOD. I had to laugh; I think they're just bringing them out one by one to entice people just like me into buying for that very reason! :laughing:

There ARE so many cute bags! I'm lucky, as I usually carry a small bag and therefore most of the DDBs don't appeal to me.

I hope to have MNSSHP up tomorrow!
To be honest, the next morning was boring. We woke up early and went to Perkins for breakfast, which was delicious, and drank a lot of coffee, which was ok, and then we headed back to the condo, where we sat on the balcony and chatted and surfed the web.

We had plans to do our laundry tomorrow during the day, so this morning was just relaxation; I took a nap, and I think my mom watched a movie. We also went to Walgreens, as Mom's allergies were really starting to bother her, but I think she decided to try and tough it out (bad idea).

At 3:30, we headed out. It was a beautiful day, and we were supposed to only get afternoon showers so we had our fingers crossed that the Headless Horseman would ride tonight!

Look at these clouds.

So white and fluffy! We got to the ferry just in time for it to be leaving; but we could see another heading our way, so we weren't concerned.

Finally on Main Street!

It was just before 4 p.m. now; we did come in on our MNSSHP tickets and got a wristband right away. We thought we'd be too early, but nope.

We had FP+ for PotC, HM, and BTMRR (of course) and still had a little time, I looked in Uptown Jewelers for the HM DDB. I knew it wasn't there (my group would have told me) but I wanted to check. I fell into conversation with a CM there, who told me the most helpful thing I'd heard in weeks about the HM DDB - he told me if I was looking for a HM bag, I "might want to visit Monday morning" as there would be "lots of additional staff scheduled and on hand to help anyone who might be looking for the same bag I was". AH HA! Our dates might be right! I thanked him and headed out.

We got a coffee at Starbucks and then walked for a while towards Adventureland. I wanted to actually drink my hot coffee, so we sat down for a minute so I could put some ice in it.

I loved that red Mickey shirt on the far right; I kept thinking about buying it but never did.

After drinking my coffee, we headed for PotC and miraculously it was up! We jumped in the FP+ line and winded through before coming to a stop - wow, the FP+ line was backed up! We ended up with about a 15 minute wait before boarding.

They sat us in a row with two other adults and a little girl; I wish they would just let your party sit together alone. We were all shoved up against each other!

BTMRR was next.

We went through without our FP+ first, as the line was super short.

I got a lot of pictures I liked from the ride.

And then we got off and went on a second time, WITH our FP+ this time.

We paused after the ride to rest for a minute.

And then we headed towards HM. After our ride through the mansion, we headed to CHH for dinner. I, of course, had the broccoli.

Once the party started, we wanted to try and ride 7DMT standby; so we were killing time at this point.

Yay, Peoplemover!

You know, I didn't hate the color scheme as much as I thought I would.

While on the ride, the clock struck 7. It was now party time!

We checked out the wait time for 7DMT, and it said 20 minutes. We figured, where else did we have to be? and jumped in line.

The queue is so nicely done.

Except every time we thought we were close to boarding, we weren't. And then suddenly, we were right there!

What is it with us having big guys right in front of us?

That's better!

We loved it at night. I know there are a lot of complaints about how short it is, and that it's not a "thrill ride," but I honestly really love it myself!

We walked towards IASW and PP now, but both still had long lines. So did HM. And then we noticed the crowds for the parade and we found a nice place to watch it that no one was at! So we set up shop, and across the way I spotted a vendor with cotton candy and popcorn! I headed over for a cotton candy and a water; by the time I got back, the parade was almost there.

My foot started hurting pretty badly from standing still for so long, and when I turned to tell mom, I noticed she wasnt looking so hot. I suggested we sit down to plan our next move, and she snapped at me. That was VERY unlike her.

Come to find out, she was feeling very awful. She didn't want to say anything, but she was in pain in her legs and her allergies were definitely starting to get the best of her. She wanted to leave, but she knew I wanted to stay.

I did not want to leave at all, but I didn't want to tell her that. She looked so miserable. So I just said we could see Wishes with our FP+ on Saturday, and that it was ok if we left - what else could I say? I didn't want her feeling terrible all night.

We headed out during Hallowishes. I was pretty upset leaving while the fireworks were going on, but I knew we had to go so I tried not to look back too much and just listen. We got on the ferry, back to the parking lot, and on the tram.

When we got back to the condo, Mom went straight to bed after taking all her allergy medication. I stayed up for a bit, watching the balloon change colors in my room next to the tv. Then I headed off to sleep as well.

The next day was Friday; we only had plans to do a short stint in HS and possibly go to DTD. We thought we'd be tired after a late night at MK for MNSSHP. I wasn't sure how our change of plans would change now that mom was starting to get very sick and the weather had changed for the better....
Oh no! How horrible that she was feeling that bad. And how horrible that you had to leave the party.

We went to US/IOA October last year and it wasn't really for us either. We'll probably go back sooner that we would have since we haven't seen Diagon Alley. My then 9 year old went to Mummy and that ruined her for all other roller coasters the rest of the trip (with the exception of RnR.) She mainly didn't like it because she is very skinny and felt like she was going to slide out of the ride.
All caught up again :) . Excellent updates!

So sorry to hear you were disappointed in Universal, and even sorrier to hear that your much-anticipated MNSSHP was cut short because Mom was ill :(. I know how much you were looking forward to them both. You are a good girl to put moms needs ahead of your personal pleasure.

We just purchased our Premier APs for Universal, so those are the parks we will be doing for the next three trips if all goes as planned. Your pics of Seuss Landing made me all excited to return. And I desperately want to meet a minion. After reading your balloon story, I may just splurge and buy myself a minion stuffie to take home. Yes, I am a 40 year old kid.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment!
Relaxing, not boring! Sounds like an awesome morning!

The ferry! We haven't ridden that in years and never with the girls. It used to be my favorite way to get to MK until we started staying on property. We might have to do it some day just to do it!

That's a bummer they squished you in on PoTC. That's why I don't like eating at Biergarten--I just want to sit with my family. They're bad enough! :rotfl:

2 BTMRR rides? So lucky!!!

The people in front of you on 7D sort of look like the people on the ultimate thrills tour who were with you. Are they stalking you?!? :laughing:

What a bummer that your mom was feeling so bad! I'm sorry you had to miss the end of the party but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Our party didn't go exactly as planned either. But-it's a great reason to go again and do another party sometime, right? ::yes::
Sleeping in, having a leisurely breakfast, watching a movie...sounds heavenly actually!

I so can relate to leaving a MNSSHP early! The heartbreak! But it sounds like your mom really needed to take a break. Hope things turn around for her!
I really like the second photo on 7DMT, neat angle.

Awe :( I am so sorry to hear that your mom was feeling so awful & that your leg was in pain and you had to leave the party. What a major bummer.

Love your shirts, really cute!
Aww, I'm picturing you in your room watching your balloon wishing you were watching Hallowishes :(. You are a good daughter! I'm sure your mom appreciated it.

Loving your updates. Can't wait to see what your purse count gets up to :). I love the scheming that goes on each time you deliberate buying another bag.... It all sounds much too familiar! ;)
Bummer that your tour wasn't what you'd hoped/expected it to be. I did a tour at AK five years ago and it was absolutely AMAZING. Definitely did a lot of stuff on the tour that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own. It was called the Backstage Safari, I think. I don't think they do that particular one anymore, but I know they have other variations of it. But I totally get not wanting to do another one anytime soon. Seems like it was definitely missing something.

OHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That black kitty cat!!!! That would have been dangerous for me! I would be the girl who spent a boatload of money to be in the Most Magical Place on Earth, passing up the opportunity to go on rides and meet characters so I could pet a :cat:

I have no clue what a Gringott is. However... I feel that if I worked there, I would at least know the location one would need to be in to see it? Whatever it is? LOL. I was commenting at work last week that I had nothing to do on my vacation. More than one person emphatically suggested I watch every HP movie. I declined. This is gonna sound stupid, but I don't want to like it. I don't think I have room in my life for that kind of commitment!!

I adore the purse your mom bought!! And I really like both of yours as well, especially the one that looks like little drawings (clearly I'm very in tune with these bags!) I'm leaning toward using the one I bought for the rest of my life!!
I hate when they pack people together like sardines on PotC - so I definitely understand where you're coming from there!

I love your BTMRR pictures ... that's one where I never even try to take picture (I have an intense fear of losing my camera on rides like that).

Glad to hear the good review of 7DMT!

I'm sorry to hear that you left during Hallowishes, but you needed to do what was best for your mom. I hope she was feeling better for the rest of the trip!
Oh no! How horrible that she was feeling that bad. And how horrible that you had to leave the party.

We went to US/IOA October last year and it wasn't really for us either. We'll probably go back sooner that we would have since we haven't seen Diagon Alley. My then 9 year old went to Mummy and that ruined her for all other roller coasters the rest of the trip (with the exception of RnR.) She mainly didn't like it because she is very skinny and felt like she was going to slide out of the ride.

I felt so bad for her; she never snaps at anyone really so when she took a tone with me I looked at her more closely and realized something was wrong. I felt bad, but as one of my favorite authors says, "when there is no choice, hesitation is ever a fault." :)

I think I would have felt better on the Mummy if I felt like I had a chance to slide out; that feeling of being trapped around all the flames really got to me!

All caught up again :) . Excellent updates!

So sorry to hear you were disappointed in Universal, and even sorrier to hear that your much-anticipated MNSSHP was cut short because Mom was ill :(. I know how much you were looking forward to them both. You are a good girl to put moms needs ahead of your personal pleasure.

We just purchased our Premier APs for Universal, so those are the parks we will be doing for the next three trips if all goes as planned. Your pics of Seuss Landing made me all excited to return. And I desperately want to meet a minion. After reading your balloon story, I may just splurge and buy myself a minion stuffie to take home. Yes, I am a 40 year old kid.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment!

I'm sad we missed so much of the MNSSHP, but what can you do? We'll go again, I hope!

Yes, GO BUY A MINION. :upsidedow If it brings you the happiness that balloon brought me, it's worth it! :hug:

Relaxing, not boring! Sounds like an awesome morning!

The ferry! We haven't ridden that in years and never with the girls. It used to be my favorite way to get to MK until we started staying on property. We might have to do it some day just to do it!

That's a bummer they squished you in on PoTC. That's why I don't like eating at Biergarten--I just want to sit with my family. They're bad enough! :rotfl:

2 BTMRR rides? So lucky!!!

The people in front of you on 7D sort of look like the people on the ultimate thrills tour who were with you. Are they stalking you?!? :laughing:

What a bummer that your mom was feeling so bad! I'm sorry you had to miss the end of the party but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Our party didn't go exactly as planned either. But-it's a great reason to go again and do another party sometime, right? ::yes::

Oh man, I am always so leery of the monorail that the ferry is ever my choice unless I'm desperate (i.e. the ferry isn't working or the line is considerably long).

Haha, I would love to go solo to Biergarten and talk incessantly to all my tablemates.

Those people on 7DMT DO look like our tourmates!! Especially the guy!

I agree; another party should be in the works. ;)

Sleeping in, having a leisurely breakfast, watching a movie...sounds heavenly actually!

I so can relate to leaving a MNSSHP early! The heartbreak! But it sounds like your mom really needed to take a break. Hope things turn around for her!

I feel like I can do those things at home so I don't want to do them on vacation. A busy Disney vacation is just what I want, but I had to go a little slower because Mom likes things a little slower. ;)

It was heartbreak, but it had to happen and it's ok. Will just be more to do next time! :scratchin
I really like the second photo on 7DMT, neat angle.

Awe :( I am so sorry to hear that your mom was feeling so awful & that your leg was in pain and you had to leave the party. What a major bummer.

Love your shirts, really cute!

The second angle is definitely better.

I wish mom had felt better too.

I was glad we had a washer and dryer because I got to wear my shirt on another day as well since it was clean!

Aww, I'm picturing you in your room watching your balloon wishing you were watching Hallowishes :(. You are a good daughter! I'm sure your mom appreciated it.

Loving your updates. Can't wait to see what your purse count gets up to :). I love the scheming that goes on each time you deliberate buying another bag.... It all sounds much too familiar! ;)

Aw thanks. I just couldn't stay at MK with mom so tired and sick. :(

Ha, there is DEFINITELY scheming that goes on. And more purses to come, hahahaha. :laughing:

Bummer that your tour wasn't what you'd hoped/expected it to be. I did a tour at AK five years ago and it was absolutely AMAZING. Definitely did a lot of stuff on the tour that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own. It was called the Backstage Safari, I think. I don't think they do that particular one anymore, but I know they have other variations of it. But I totally get not wanting to do another one anytime soon. Seems like it was definitely missing something.

OHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That black kitty cat!!!! That would have been dangerous for me! I would be the girl who spent a boatload of money to be in the Most Magical Place on Earth, passing up the opportunity to go on rides and meet characters so I could pet a :cat:

I have no clue what a Gringott is. However... I feel that if I worked there, I would at least know the location one would need to be in to see it? Whatever it is? LOL. I was commenting at work last week that I had nothing to do on my vacation. More than one person emphatically suggested I watch every HP movie. I declined. This is gonna sound stupid, but I don't want to like it. I don't think I have room in my life for that kind of commitment!!

I adore the purse your mom bought!! And I really like both of yours as well, especially the one that looks like little drawings (clearly I'm very in tune with these bags!) I'm leaning toward using the one I bought for the rest of my life!!

I did a tour about two years ago that was the Epcot segway tour and it was a blast! I was expecting this one to be a lot of fun too. I did write them, and they did call me and worked out a solution for me that I accepted and thought was very generous, so it worked out in the end.

Ha, the kitty was too cute, but was definitely leery of people.

Ha, Gringott's is the bank in Harry Potter. It's also the newest (awesome) ride. You should definitely check out Harry Potter, it's very sweet and not entirely for kids. There's a lot there for adults to like. I actually enjoy taking a different movie every time and watching it one a night.

I like Mom's purse a lot too! I've been toying with buying one for myself. :scratchin I am almost sure I'm going to buy one of the wallets - if only I could get one of those Disney store Friends and Family coupons!!!

I hate when they pack people together like sardines on PotC - so I definitely understand where you're coming from there!

I love your BTMRR pictures ... that's one where I never even try to take picture (I have an intense fear of losing my camera on rides like that).

Glad to hear the good review of 7DMT!

I'm sorry to hear that you left during Hallowishes, but you needed to do what was best for your mom. I hope she was feeling better for the rest of the trip!

My camera was glued to my hand. I used a Wii strap as my strap and attached it to my phone case, so I was able to tighten it around my wrist and not worry about it going anywhere. I took aboiut 15 pictures on the ride, but those were the only good ones. I especially like the one where we're climbing the lift hill and you can see everyone's shadow on the mountain.

I think that the weather played a major part in Mom's allergies up to and after this night. We had gone from being soaked daily, to being hot and humid. I think the mold count skyrocketed and there was nothing that could be done.
This is a bit of a cheater post, as there's not a lot of content. :)

We decided to take Friday OFF, pretty much. Mom was feeling pretty bad and so I made three FP+ at HS and we just ran over there for about 2 hours Friday afternoon.

Every day I took this shot, but most days I don't include it because my picture limits on the DIS are usually pressing:

It was another hot, gorgeous day.

Mom has really started to creep up on me in points on TSMM. How is she doing that? "Oh," she says to me at the end of one game. "I just started listening to what [the toys in the game] said. They tell you what to do." Um, what!?

We left HS and went back to the condo. I was planning on pool time, but it kept raining off and on. I did catch this from the back porch.

Mostly this was a terribly lazy day and we just recuperated. The next day, we were going to do AK opening (since we'd only been for a couple of rides on the tour) and the we had a 1900 PF reservation and a Wishes FP+ for afterwards!

(Speculation was running rampant about the HM DDB coming out the following Monday; some people in my group were saying it absolutely wouldn't happen and some were saying it would. I knew what the guy at Uptown had told me about the extra staff scheduled for Monday, so I was definitely going to be there at opening Monday to see for myself!)
Mom has really started to creep up on me in points on TSMM. How is she doing that? "Oh," she says to me at the end of one game. "I just started listening to what [the toys in the game] said. They tell you what to do." Um, what!?

Oooooh, I may have to try this on my next trip. Maybe someday I'll finally beat DH... :thumbsup2
Looks like a pretty day. And sounds like a nice afternoon at HS. I was too focused on trying to shoot everything to listen to anything on TSMM. Next time I'll have to remember that!
A lazy day can be nice sometimes. I hope your lazy day left you refreshed for your early morning!
Ugh! So sorry the tour didn't live up to your expectations! I love the idea of the tours, especially on longer trips but we have been on two (both at Disneyland) and both have left me feeling not as impressed as I felt like I should be.

So the killing time at Starbucks while US was already open would be a mistake I totally would make. :rotfl: Your review was really interesting to me. We really aren't HP people (I only made it through 1.5 books) but it still interests me on some level because of the praise the theming gets. Someday I am sure we will give it a try.

Ok. I have never seen that F&G bag! Love it and it seems like destiny or Disney magic that it was there! I'm glad you got it!

LOVE the placement on your moms VB. I have been thinking about ordering one for my youngest for xmas in that print but I am worried about placement.

Sorry that your MNSSHP was a bust. I'm sure it wasn't easy to leave. I hope things start to look up for your mom.
Oooooh, I may have to try this on my next trip. Maybe someday I'll finally beat DH... :thumbsup2

I kept thinking "how is she doing this??" I listened myself and couldn't figure out what they were saying that I wasn't doing, so I'm not sure if her strategy was soiund.

Looks like a pretty day. And sounds like a nice afternoon at HS. I was too focused on trying to shoot everything to listen to anything on TSMM. Next time I'll have to remember that!

It was a beautiful day, until I tried to go to the pool. Then it got cloudy and rainy. :laughing:

A lazy day can be nice sometimes. I hope your lazy day left you refreshed for your early morning!

That was the hope!

Ugh! So sorry the tour didn't live up to your expectations! I love the idea of the tours, especially on longer trips but we have been on two (both at Disneyland) and both have left me feeling not as impressed as I felt like I should be.

So the killing time at Starbucks while US was already open would be a mistake I totally would make. :rotfl: Your review was really interesting to me. We really aren't HP people (I only made it through 1.5 books) but it still interests me on some level because of the praise the theming gets. Someday I am sure we will give it a try.

Ok. I have never seen that F&G bag! Love it and it seems like destiny or Disney magic that it was there! I'm glad you got it!

LOVE the placement on your moms VB. I have been thinking about ordering one for my youngest for xmas in that print but I am worried about placement.

Sorry that your MNSSHP was a bust. I'm sure it wasn't easy to leave. I hope things start to look up for your mom.

I was so surprised to see the F&G bag out, after I'd missed it months earlier. I knew I'd regret it if I passed it by! I'm glad I got it too; I've carried it a couple of times since I got home.

You could always check out Ebay, or one of the Disney Vera Bradley facebook groups, so that you could see the placement before you buy. That way, you know exactly what you're getting.

It took her a few days after she came home, but she did feel better. We have a heavy duty Austin air purifier at home, and then she has a standard HEPA air purifier in her room; they knocked her into shape eventually! :rolleyes:
Hi Zehn! I'm super late but am glad I found your TR! I'll catch up, more soon. Looks like an awesome trip! :)


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