I'm on the show for the second week in a row!!!


<font color=ff3399>Member of the Jellyrolls Rocket
Nov 12, 2003
2 week and 2 times on the show love it. I have to call again so I have a better chance of picking a #. I had the show on just now coming home from work and what do I here Pete say The Jersey Block is comming up. There I was Chris From NJ.
Well I will have to Thank Art at BC one more time because of him I have a little more magic with a DIS Unplugged T-shirt.. Got to Love ART If You see him tell him Chris from JERSEY said HELLO.:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Congrats! Thats great! I wish I didn't spend most of my time at work so I could catch the show more :( LOL
Awesome! I really enjoyed your segment because i'll be traveling to the BC this august! I had a question for you actually which I was gonna PM you but i'm really glad you posted!

You mentioned that Art likes to deal with children and shy away from adults....well its my brother and I who are going on the trip, both of us like to trade pins....does Art only wear the green lanyard? Will he "snub" so to speak, my brother and I?
Art will trade witl anybody. If it is a kid he like to deal with the kid have your child do all the pin trading. Like if they would like to trad he like if they ask they pick the pin and hand it to him. This is so the kids will get use to trading instead of there parents doing it for them.Thay also have a more magical time this way.

I you would like to trade with Art he will trade with Kids of all ages.

Say hello to art for me.
Wow! 2 for 2 your batting a 1000 so far. Keep it up. I need to start calling in with more comments and suggestions. I have a pin and lanyard, now I need a shirt.


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