I'm on the "No Gall Bladder Diet"! (Comments welcome)

I'm up 1.5 lbs.:sad:
Well, it makes sense. I didn't exercise at all hardly last week since DS was out of school due to an ice storm and I didn't really pay a whole lot of attention to portion sizes a couple of times. We went out to dinner with the ILs Sat. night and I had a steak and mashed potatoes and a big salad w/ranch dressing and several Rice Krispies treats AND a small bowl of ice cream w/chocolate sauce. :faint:

I didn't make my last goal, which was to lose 5 lbs in one month's time. So now my new goal is 2 lbs over the next two weeks.

Miniwheats w/milk


Boston Creampie Yogurt (OMNOMNOM!)

Leftover bratwurst on toast w/mustard
1 bag Sunchips


6 chicken nuggets
1 portion brown rice

airpopped popcorn w/ICINB spray (0 calories???)
40 min walking outside
5 min balance games
20 min yoga
10 min aerobics
Tues Feb 3

miniwheats w/2% milk

Rasberry cheesecake yogurt
Peanut butter (2 tbsps I think)

Deli ham w/mustard

24 oz Dr. Pepper

2 grilled chicken snack wraps from McDonald's

Sugarfree pudding

So this morning, I went out and hiked for about 30 min or so while geocaching. I came back, piddled around on the internet for about an hour then went back out again. This was a DUMB idea. I hadn't eaten in nearly 4 hours so I was a little hungry but I ignored it. I went out anyway and walked around for nearly an hour. By the time I got back I was shivering and felt freezing cold even though it's not that cold out. My blood sugar had plummeted and I felt a dizzy. I gulped down two glasses of Koolaid so fast I gave myself a headache. I ate the yogurt and then went for the PB because I thought maybe the protein would help me feel better. I sat under a blanket, shivering and watched last night's "Secret Life". I was STILL freezing cold when it was over, so I hopped in the shower and turned it on as hot as I could stand it. I was FINE while I was in the shower and I didn't want to get out. The minute I got out, my body temp dropped and I was freezing cold again. Right now I'm sitting here in DH's sweatpants, a teeshirt and one of his heavy sweaters STILL freezing and shivering. I ate lunch but it was like my mind was fuzzy. I had a hard time deciding what to eat, because I couldn't think clearly. After I ate and about 15 min passed, I felt clearer although still freezing.
This really freaked me out. I'm beginning to wonder if I should go to the dr to see if I'm prediabetic or something.:confused3 I should probably call DH too, but he'd just freak out and want to take me to the hospital or something. He JUST passed his EMT basic course and is going to take the state licensing exam in like two weeks.

I went from being freezing cold to burning up with a headache that makes me feel like my head is going to explode. My eyes feel like they're going to pop out of my skull and I'm slightly nauseated. I just took my temp--it's 101. My body's starting to ache too. Dammit, I bet I have the flu. :sad: I could barely bring myself to eat dinner but I knew I had to, so I could have SOMETHING in my stomach.
I think I might be losing a little weight this week after all. I think I've come down with the flu. :( Yesterday I was shivering all day and couldn't get warm but last night I was burning up. My head ached and my eyeballs felt like they were going to explode. This morning, around 2 am, it was the worst. I got up to use the bathroom and about near fainted from the pain in my head and eyes. I took my temp it and it said 101.8. Lovely.:rolleyes: We don't have any Theraflu but DH did find some Dayquil in the back of the medicine cabinet. I took that and the pain is mostly gone. Gone enough that I can function even though I still feel lousy and am still running a hundred degree fever.

I don't know if I'll be able to keep anything down..I tried eating my normal breakfast this morning and couldn't keep it down. :( So we'll see.....
I just hope DS doesn't get sick. That's ALL I need..a feverish, puking kid.:crazy2:


I had some cereal this morning, but I puked it up. I've been drinking water like crazy all day and I ate some brown rice with sauteed mushrooms. Was able to keep that down. I've been running a 100 degree fever all day and as long as I'm semi-upright, I don't feel like my head's going to explode. I've been sleeping on and off all day on the couch in a half-sitting up position because I don't think I slept very well last night. I remember at one point I was having conversations with people..I don't know if I was dreaming or hallucinating. :eek:
Day two of being sick. I took some Dayquil (it was all we had in the house) when I went to bed last night and I think it quit working around 2 am, because that's when I woke up sneezing and coughing my brains out. I've got some regular decogestant and I might try that, just to clear my head out so I can not be in pain when I take DS to school here in a bit.

If I'm still this weekend, I'll probably end up going into the local CareNow clinic on Sun afternoon after DH gets off work. I hate being sick. I barely have enough energy to do anything and the house is a disaster. :(
I am sorry that you are sick!

I hope you feel better soon. The flu is no fun!!!

I got a Wii Fit this week! I love it!!!! :)
Day three (or four, if you count Tuesday) of being sick.
I'm beginning to think it is less the flu than it is a TERRIBLY bad cold AND a sinus infection on top of that. Still sneezing and coughing my brains out and there is a pain, like somebody drove a knife into my skull, that never goes away. Even when I take Dayquil, it doesn't fully go away. It's still there and when I move or cough or sneeze it gets so bad I have to lay down. DH thinks it's just a really bad cold but I know better. I'm going to try and get into the emergency clinic tomorrow night after he gets home from work or Sunday after he gets off. Because I honestly think this is getting worse, even if he doesn't.
Last night DS had a performance at school..their class (and everybody else's class) were doing nursery rhyme songs. I feel SO bad I had to miss it. DH told me he talked to the principal and explained that I was sick, so they would excuse DS if I decided to keep him home today. I looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Those hours when DS is at school allow me to get the rest I need and take care of MYSELF without having to worry about him. I get to be with him for the next three days (no school MOnday). I won't get any rest then, I'm sure of it. I need this day off..I mean yes I've had all week, but I need this one extra day. I am sick. I am in servere pain. I don't need or want DS crawling all over me, begging me for this that and the other. So I'm a bad mom for feeling this way. Sue me.
Every Mom I know feels that way. Those hours they are in school are precious hours to get stuff done! FOR those sweet kids!

And if you are sick...definitely need to rest!

Don't feel bad! :)

And you can get back to working on your Mii after you feel better!

I hope you feel better!!! :)
Day what..five? of being sick
I'm feeling better than I was and now DS is sick. Lovely. :(
Starting OVER!
DS is finally well so he can go back to school and I'm not sick anymore either so I can get off my butt and get back to working this out.

Leftover pizza from last night


Deli ham sandwich w/1 tsp Hellman's
1 pkg French Onion Sunchips
16 oz Dr. Pepper
5 solid chocolate candy-coated 'easter eggs' :(


1/3rd grilled chicken breast
Mushroom-flavored rice-o-roni

1 chocolate/strawberry 'bonbon' from DS's Valentine's Day bag from school
1/2 cup Candy Jar ice cream

45 min walk outside (brrr!)
20 min yoga
20 min strength
5 min balance games
Way to go!!

I am glad you finally got better. That flu is going around here, too and it is no fun at all!! :sad2:

Congrats on your starting over!

You can do it!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I was so glad for DS to go back to school today. I was able to get out and walk, which I haven't done in 2 weeks and work out on my Wii. I lost that 1.5 lb s I gained from who knows where plus another half pound so I'm back where I was before I gained the 1.5 lbs.:cool1: I actually LOST weight while I was sick and tending to DS even though I didn't work out at all. I set a new goal of 2 lbs in 2 wks, which I know is totally doable.

I also need to get back in the habit of doing small weights on my arms (I have a pair of 3 lbs weights) and strength training on the Wii Fit. I haven't done that in FOREVER and when I did it today, I thought I was going to keel over and die. I did one set of 10 reps on my legs for the squats (I tink that's what they're called) an d it felt like my thighs were on fire.:scared: I did 30 jackknives and HOLY SMOKES my abs hurt after that but I was determined to press on and do some more strength exercises. I didn't want to, but I did.

I am SO afraid of becoming morbidly obese. I see shows like The Biggest Loser and World's Fattest Man and I can totally see that happening to me if I'm not careful. I LOVE to eat so much..which always gets me into trouble. We went out for dinner on Friday night at Chilis and I had NO problem wolfing down one of their Big Mouth Burgers and about half of my fries. :( I tried to limit how many Dr. Peppers I drank too and I think I only drank maybe 2 and a half of another one.

Saturday I had a normal weekend breakfast of pancakes w/butter and syrup and bacon and Dr. Pepper to drink. I don't think I pigged out too badly on Saturday and I did meh..maybe ok yesterday. 2 small cinnamon rolls w/Dr. Pepper for breakfast, a ham sandwich and baked chips w/Dr. Pepper for lunch and only 3 smallish slices of pizza w/Dr. Pepper for dinner. I had 4 small pieces of chocolate from a box that DH bought me for dessert.

I'll be glad once this bottle of Dr. Pepper I bought at the grocery store this weekend is gone. Once it's gone, I'll have nothing but water, juice or Koolaid to drink and I won't have to worry so much. Dr. Pepper is one of my worst demons.
Tues Feb 17

Leftover pizza (again..but it was the last of it)

Orange Creamsicle Yogurt

Deli ham on white w/1 tsp Hellman's
Baked chips

24 oz Dr. Pepper

1 Bratwurst w/mustard
Baked Beans

1/2 cup Candy Jar ice cream
30 min walk outside
30 min free step
20 min yoga
5 min balance games
20 min Wii Tennis
10 min Exercise bike (My legs were SORE so I couldn't do much more than this)

I don't know WHAT I did yesterday but my back is SO sore. Owie. :headache: I didn't do strength today..I'm planning on doing that only every other day (so like M, W and Fr). At least for now anyway.
Weds Feb 18

1 cup frosted miniwheats w/2% milk


Leftover bratwurst from last night
Baked chips
1 'funsize' milkyway
1 small choc bonbon from DS's Valentine's Day stash

16 oz Dr. Pepper

Grilled chicken
Potatoes w/cheese garlic sauce

3 pieces of chocolate from the Valentine's heart DH gave me
1 piece of string cheese

Walking--2 hrs (yes, two hours. I walked approx 5 1/2 miles)
20 min Yoga
20 min strength
5 min balance games
I'm going to do my strength training today, even though my back is still sore from doing it on Monday. My legs ache, but I've got to push through this and keep working.
No pain no gain right? Besides, what was it Jillian said last season? If you're not puking you're not working hard enough. I haven't puked yet so I guess I'm not working hard enough. Sorry Jillian...:(

*edit--I decided since it was nice out today, I'd go geocaching after I dropped DS off at school. I looked up one cache that was a fairly easy (2/2) difficulty that was about 3 miles from my house. I thought I'd save my gas and walk there. My GPS navigated me there fine although I didn't find the cache. Oh well. Maybe next time. Took me about 45 min to walk there, fifteen minutes of messing around hunting for the cache and then another hour or so to walk back. By the time I got back to my house, my legs were KILLING me. Ouchies. I got hydrated and had some yogurt and got right back up. I did my yoga and my strength exercises even though my abs are killing me from the jackknives. By the time I finished the Wii exercises, my legs were just quivering. But I felt good that not only was I able to walk so far, but complete my other stuff as well. I'd never have been able or had the desire to do that before I started all this. Before I would've said, "Eff this. I just walked for TWO STINKING HOURS!" and collapsed on the couch. But I didn't today. I walked my little booty off and then did some more, even though I was in a bit of pain. :)
Thurs Feb 19

1/2 cup miniwheats w/2% milk

Blackberry yogurt
large orange

Deli ham sandwich on white w/1 tsp Hellman's
Tortilla chips w/fresh salsa

3 'funsize' Reese's PB cups from DS's Valentine's day bag
1 Charms Blo-Pop

1/2 cup Hamburger Helper Cheesy Ranch w/bacon

1/2 cup Candy Jar ice cream

Walked--2.5 miles
1 session advanced step
1 session advance rhythm boxing
5 min balance games
Vacuumed--5 min

I am down a whole 'nother pound and a half! WOOHOO!:cool1: I've already met my goal of 2 lbs in 2 weeks, so I set myself another goal of 2 lbs in 2 weeks. I AM NEARLY JUST OVERWEIGHT INSTEAD OF OBESE!:woohoo: Another 2 lbs and the Wii Fit will move me down from Obese to just plain Overweight. YIPPPEEEEE!:banana:
Fri Feb 20

1/2 cup miniwheats w/2% milk


Deli ham w/1 tsp Hellman's
Tortilla chips w/fresh salsa





Walked 30 min
20 min yoga
20 min strength
1 round advanced step
5 min balance games

I think from now on, I'm going to follow sort of a schedule as far as my workouts go.
S,Sun--Free days
Tues Feb 24

1/2 cup miniwheats w/2%milk
Orange Juice


Deli ham w/1 tsp Hellman's on white
leftover cheesy garlic potatoes from the other night..about 1/2 cup



45 min walking (was out geocaching)
15 min exercise bike
20 min yoga
20 min strength
5 min balance games

I didn't exercise at all yesterday because I woke up SO sick. I woke up at 2 am with this horrible pain in my abdomen which I thought was gas, so I took some Mylanta and part of the pain went away. But on the right side, just where my ribs are, there was a pain like somebody'd jabbed me with a flaming hot fishhook and it wouldn't go away. I vomited so much..like every 20 min and it wasn't just stomach acid. It was a thick, mustard-colored stuff. No matter what I did the pain refused to go away. I don't know how I drove DS to school..I felt like I was going to vomit the entire time. I got home, managed to eat a piece of plain toast and some water and I fell asleep because I was so exhausted. When I woke up a couple hours later the pain was gone.
I asked the CB (because you know that's where all the DIS doctors hang out.;) ) and done some research on my own and I may have had a gallbladder attack.:guilty: I'm going to the dr on Friday anyway for my annual exam, so I'll have to remember to talk to him about that. Urgh. I hope this doesn't mean I"ll have to have my gallbladder removed. Bleh.
Weds Feb 26

So I had gallbladder surgery yesterday and I didn't really eat anything all day. I wasn't allowed to. I had a couple of graham squares..bleh. No flavor and they stuck to the insides of my mouth. Yuck. I managed to eat some chicken veggie soup for dinner, but that was it. This morning so far I've had half a bowl of cereal and a handful of plain, unsalted tortilla chips. I just don't have the desire to eat, even though I know I need to.
Well, I guess you can call my new diet "The No Gallbladder Diet". I've discovered that since the removal of my gallbladder on Weds that if I eat ANYTHING with the least bit of fat or grease in it, I get ill.

No kidding.

Thursday, I had part of a piece of leftover pizza from DH's dinner the night before and it made me nauseated.

Today, I had a couple of slices of bacon for breakfast which gave me abdominal cramps. When I had lunch (a deli ham sandwich w/Hellman's, a mixed greens salad w/ranch dressing and 16 oz of plain ginger ale) I got the runs. Bleh.

That's not fun.:(

So I guess it's no more hamburgers or french fries or chicken fried steaks (my favorite!!) for me. :( I'm going to have no choice but to eat more fruits and veggies because everything else makes me ill. :(

Sunday 3/1

2 small cinnamon rolls
18 oz Gingerale


Tuna sandwich on white
1 snack-size pack Cool Ranch Doritos
16 oz Ginger ale

4 GS cookies (I forget what they're called..Samoas I think)

5 chicken nuggets (baked)
16 oz Arizona Iced Tea

1 cup air-pop popcorn w/butter
16 oz Arizona Iced Tea

2 hrs of housework
I managed to clean our bathroom, straighten our bedroom and make the bed, do three loads of laundry, vacuum, clean DS's bathroom, straighten his bedroom and clean the kitchen. This is the best I've felt in several days.:banana:
Monday 3/2

1/2 cup miniwheats w/2% milk


Tuna fish sandwich

24 oz Dr. Pepper

Oven "Fried" chicken
Brown rice
1/2 a pear

2 GS Samoa Cookies

I didn't do anything today..I wanted to but when I got back from dropping DS off, I just suddenly felt so EXHAUSTED that I couldn't. I did get two HUGE loads of laundry done, picked up our bedroom as well as DS's, gave his bathroom a quick scrub down and vacuumed the living room. And put together DS's train set for him...he's been begging me for a couple days now. Most of my pain is gone now, except for a small, stabbity sort of pain just under my ribs on the right side. I have NO idea what it is, other than annoying. It's not very painful at all..I'd say a 1 or a 2 on the pain scale. It's just annoying as heck.
Tomorrow, if the weather is good (and heck even if it's not) I'm going to go for a walk after I drop DS off. I am SICK of being stuck in the house and being inactive. This is driving me NUTS.


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