I'm not used to humidity. Can I still enjoy June?

I have sworn off summers at WDW, and that is coming from someone who is pretty used to humidity. My favorite times to go are the fall and right before Christmas. Beautiful weather! I also had a good trip in early April once. But never again will I go during the summer, which is a bummer since that's when my birthday is.
First time we went to WDW we lived in NC so we were used to humidity. However, when went the third week of June it was miserable. Being outside in large crowds on that hot ground is just not fun even if you’re using to the heat.

Now we live in Orlando about 15 minutes from Magic Kingdom, have annual passes and we still refuse to go to the parks during the day during the summer months. We will go at night, but during the day it’s just absolutely miserable most of the time. We stick to the water parks during the day on the weekends.
It is really easy to acclimate to the weather in Florida in June. Just fill your pool with boiling water and walk through it on a regular basis. Just like walking through the parks.
My sister and I love off season, but our job flexibility has changed. It can only be on season for us now.

What I'm reading about June is hot and humid. Lots of rain. Muggy. Doesn't really cool off at night and is hot when you get up in the morning. Is this right? Is it really that bad? Just straight heat all day?

I live in a dry state, so humidity is not something I'm used to.

We like to rope drop and take breaks. Is this still something you can do in Covid time? Do the parks stay open late enough?

Our other option is the busiest time of year, Thanksgiving or Christmas break, cooler, but more crowded and more expensive.

Last time we went was late September, early October. Loved it. It rained every day which I loved. It cooled things off. The one day it didn't rain till later, we were in Epcot world showcase, mid day. We weren't enjoying the heat so left to go back to swim, of course as soon as we were ready to enjoy the pool the rain started. This is the gist of my experience with Florida heat.

I would rather go in June for the price, crowds and we would have complete flexibility for when we can go and how long we can stay. I'm just concerned about not being able to enjoy it because of the heat. Advice?
You are asking for opinions so replys will differ but per my experience, this is my opinion: June is hot and humid. My last warm weather trip was actually the third week of May 2019. Very hot and very humid with most days 90+. Yes, "cooler" than a couple of my July trips but still very warm. I have not been to parks since Covid so I won't opine on rope drop. Park hours are update and posrted all the time. I recently read hours will be expanded for March. The first two weeks of December are really quite lovely in my opinion per crowds and price. I have enjoyed WDW about 145 days over the last 10 years. Yes, I know that is not a lot compared to many but per rain: I bet we have only had rain five of those 145 days so rain has not been an issue for us. Final advice per last statements re: heat: You know you better than we. I do not like heat but can adjust and still enjoy. DH would have no part of going in the heat ever. In conclusion: you know what too much heat means for you. Have a great time no matter when you decide to travel.
Our last visit was an end-of-August trip. It was of course extremely humid, but also easy to cool in many places in the parks. DH does not do well with humidity but I was just fine. We stayed very hydrated and took a lot of pool breaks. The day it rained was great because it cooled us off and drove people out of the parks. I would definitely do it again, but DH would not. I am not sure if June is cooler but I'd book different dates if you do not do well in humidity.
When we lived in the South, we got acclimated to the heat and humidity. It still got to us at times but we were used to it all the time.
We have lived in N. Mn. for years now and are used to the cold climate here.
When we go back to disney, we definitely don't go in the summer months.
To us, the extreme humidity is very unpleasant to us. However, we can go whenever we want , as we are both retired.
If that's the only time you have to go, then Yes it is very humid most of the time, but you can take breaks, drink fluids, get into the air conditioner, etc. so it can be done. But I'm not going to lie, it can be miserable.
Also, we don't tolerate masks very well, and the thought of having to wear that face covering in that heat and humidity is not good.

Was speaking with my kids about this (the mask issue) before--- we have gone in July for the last 3 years -- stayed around 10-14 days each time--- lots of down down-- relaxing time--- PLENTY of pool time. Due to Covid, we had to cancel our July 2020 trip.
We used to go in November for Thanksgiving, and stay the next week. It was amazing -- perfect weather. We love the Candlelight Processional. Unfortunately, due to school (they are now 10 and 14) it was too hard taking them of school the week after Thanksgiving, so thats when we started going in the summer.

So, this weekend (we live in NYC), I took them to Manhattan for my son's 10th Bday-- stayed in "the city" for a few days. Took in some great restaurants. (they just re-opened at 25% capacity) -- We to MoMA-- thats when Disney came up--- wearing the mask in the museum was so hard !! It was pretty stuffy in there, and had to use the steps a few time. Even walking 5-6 blocks (25-30 degrees) was rough, and we are all in good shape. Its going to be really hard for us to go back with the mask mandate (and I TOTALLY understand that its 100% necessary)

Hope one day we can get back to some semblance of "normal"-
Something else to consider, we are from California and our theme parks are still closed, so I am coming at this from a bit different perspective. While neither DH or I like the heat and humidity or going to the parks on a rainy day (rarer here, but still happens), we have pretty much decided that once things do reopen we aren't going to let factors outside of our control, like the weather stop us from going. One thing these closures have taught us is how valuable time is and that we need to stop taking it for granted. So, if you can only go in June, I would say go for it, just be as prepared as you can for the weather.

Now, something that may help with masks in the long run for you is it sounds like Disney is starting to sell the same style of face masks (with different prints and colors) that the CMs are wearing to the CMs because many CMs were wearing them everywhere because of how comfortable they are compared to other masks. So, my suggestion is take a close look at the design and see if you can find similar ones and who knows maybe some day soon Disney will begin selling them to the public. Something else that may help is a portable fan, I wouldn't recommend a misting fan as that will make the masks wet and more difficult to breathe through.
South Louisiana girl here...I am "used to" the oppressive heat, although I do not enjoy it. Its been quite some time since we visited WDW in June, but that is our current plan for our 2022 trip. Just consulted with my husband and although it was definitely hot that last time, it didn't make an impression on us. It wasn't like "oh man, we are boiling" or anything. I think if you go into it knowing it's gonna be humid and you strategize accordingly, you will be fine.


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