I'm having a miscarriage

I too suffer a miscarriage on the 23rd of March. This would have been the third child we had been wishing for for the past 11 years. But at my age (38)there isn't much chance of a happy outcome. I'm so sorry you are going through this horrible ordeal too. :hug: I'm lucky to have 2 great kids. But oh how I wanted this one too.

Please do not think this way. Let me share my story with you. I had my first child(no problems), he is 13 1/2, he was born 5 days before my 30th birthday. I had my 2nd child,she is 8 1/2. She was born one month before my 35 birthday...
Then I went on to have 4 miscarriages in a row:sad1: I contributed to my age, the drs said "More common after 35 " yada yada yada..
After my 3rd miscarriage, my ob/gyn refered me to an RE(Specialist). I went on to have one more miscarriage(blighted ovum). Had my last dnc at the beginning of Nov, and 3 1/2 weeks later I was pregnant again. My last miracle was born Aug 13, 2004. "Faith" was born happy and healthy, 13 days before my 40th birthday...
I knew if I had a girl her name had to be "Faith".

My point is...do not give up..
If want to chat further feel free to PM me...
I too suffer a miscarriage on the 23rd of March. This would have been the third child we had been wishing for for the past 11 years. But at my age (38)there isn't much chance of a happy outcome. I'm so sorry you are going through this horrible ordeal too. :hug: I'm lucky to have 2 great kids. But oh how I wanted this one too.

:hug: I know that feeling. I lost my second child at 15wks, just when I thought we were safe. I was so sad because it isn't easy for me to get pregnant and I was 35.

Then when I wasn't looking, somehow I got pregnant again--and then it happened again! I had my 2nd and 3rd babies at 38 & 40:eek:

Both my sisters had their babies at age 40 also. (the joke in my family is that we don't seem to know how to work that stuff until we hit middle age:rolleyes1 )

I hope it will happen for you. It may, it may not. But don't give up hope just yet. You are not past your prime, by a long shot.
Riverhill....thinking of you this morning and wishing you all the best. I love what the previous posters said to you about not giving up. If you want to try again, then know that there were others that felt what you are feeling now and yet had successful pregnancies and births after their miscarriages..... Take care of yourself....
I had a miscarriage in '97 at 20 weeks, and I still miss that baby and think about him. I have since had 2 smart, beautiful, wonderful daughters who light up my life, but in my heart I still have 3 children. He's still part of my soul. Just cry when you need to, hold on to your husband, and know that while you'll always love this baby, it will get better.
Like so many others who have posted here, I too had a miscarriage and then (a year to the day after my D&C) I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. She is now 14. I also have a 16 year old and a 12 year old. I wish you peace and love through this very difficult time. Know that you are far from alone and we all care!:hug:
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

What courage it took to post a thread about loosing your baby. I hope OP that you are continuing to heal emotionally. Lean on your husband, family, friends, and your faith. In time, maybe you'll try again (if you haven't already done so already). My sympathies to you and your family.
Im so sorry:hug: I have been there too. It helped me to name the baby.The hardest part was that most people didnt see it as a lost life.They were sorry that I had to go through it but they werent sad over my baby dying.The thing that helped the most was when my DH's grandma phoned me and cried over my baby. You need to find someone to cry with.
I am so sorry for the loss of your child. I know that you must be in unimaginable pain. My prayers are with you and your husband. I hope with each passing day you will feel a bit better...it will take time. Know that there are people who care about you and are praying for you.
Praying for you, and hoping you feel a little better everyday. I also have been there, and no one can ever seem to say the "right" thing, so I'll just give you a:hug: .
I am so sorry. I have lost 3 to miscarriage at various stages. I also have 3 beautiful children that I wouldn't have if I hadn't have lost the others. I do think about the ones that were lost sometimes.

:hug: I am so sorry you are hurting.
My prayers are w/ all of you who are hurting.

I lost my angel at 20 weeks. Luckily I had a sweet 2.5 yr old DS to keep me busy while I recovered at home for 4 weeks. I had to give birth to her knowing that she was already dead. The hardest thing I've ever done in my life. A wonderful midwife, pastor, DH, & so many prayerful friends helped me through that time.

I also found the DIS board around then & a few months later decided I wasn't going to wait for another baby or for my DS to be older--I booked our 1st trip to WDW. It was so magical. I think it helped to restore my spirit & sense of hopefulness in magic & miracles.

We joined DVC on our 1st trip & I guess that twinkle in my eye couldn't wait to see the Magic Kingdom, b/c one month later that twinkle was a reality.

Don't give up hope Riverhill. Surround yourself w/ friends & family who understand & can comfort you.

OP hoping you are at peace :angel:


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