I'm having a miscarriage


Apr 17, 2006
I was about 12 weeks but the baby on the u/s only measured 7 weeks. My husband and I are heartbroken. It's just so sad.
Oh I am so so sorry, Please be kind to yourself, My prayers go out to you and your husband....
:grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 15 weeks and it was a difficult time. After that (one year later) along came the little girl in my picture below... (with Jasmine). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.
I am so sorry, I went through this myself and it was horrible. It is a very sad time, but I, like others would not have my daughter if it did not happen. Good things will come, it is OK to be devestated right now. I am sorry.
I was so sad to read your post. No one knows how devastating and sad this is unless you have gone through it yourself. Please know I am thinking of you and know exactly how you feel. Many years later I still feel heartsick when I think of our daughter who was born at 6 1/2 months and survived for 3 days.
I am so sorry. I have also been through it. My prayers are with you and your husband.
I also miscarried at 12 wks, so I can understand your pain. I was devasted and heartbroken. It was a very difficult time for us, but I too then had my son one year later. Although at times I wonder what would have been, I couldn't imagine my life w/o my son. He is such a joy and a blessing.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.
Hugs to you.......please know we are here if you want to talk.... please try to take care of yourself..
I'm so sorry. As you can see, there are a lot of women who have walked in your shoes. I lost my baby at 15 weeks over 15yrs ago, and even though I went on to have two more babies I still sometimes think about the one that didn't make it. It's okay to be very sad. My heart goes out to both of you.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. The heartache can be unbearable at times. I lost 5 babies due to ectopic pregnancy. It was such a horrible time in my life. However, in my experience, there is always sunshine after the rain.

Take it easy for now, and don't be afraid to tell those who love you if you feel overwhelmed.

I am sure that you and your family have many unexpected blessings ahead of you. (I sure did! God's gift came to me through adoption!)

I hope your body and your heart heal quickly.
I'm so sorry for your loss:hug: I have been in your shoes and I want to send you strength.
I feel badly for you and your husband. I had two miscarriages. My neighbor told me that my body was practicing and that I would be able to have a baby. I had a beautiful baby girl a year and half later. I had another miscarriage and then a healthy baby boy a year or so later. I will pray for you because I know how heart broken you are feeling right now.
My sister has been pregnant five times and is the mother of a beautiful son and daughter. The other three, she will have to hold in heaven.

All three miscarriages were hard on the entire family. Know that they care and are suffering with you.
I too suffer a miscarriage on the 23rd of March. This would have been the third child we had been wishing for for the past 11 years. But at my age (38)there isn't much chance of a happy outcome. I'm so sorry you are going through this horrible ordeal too. :hug: I'm lucky to have 2 great kids. But oh how I wanted this one too.


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