I'm going to Disney, even if I have to run there!!

Still not feeling 100% yet. I was totally exhausted when I got home from work yesterday, so I laid on the couch for an hour until I had to go pick up DS13, so no run/walk outside.

I was supposed to drive DS16 to a board of ed meeting at school last night (and wait around til it was over:scared1:), but another mom, who sits on the board, called to offer to drive him both ways:banana:. As much as I wanted to loaf on the couch, I thought I'd try to make good use of my newfound time. I walked on the treadmill for 2 miles and did some exercises on the mat with some weights. Food intake was pretty decent, I did have one piece of candy at work. They try to wear me down, there were donuts, cupcakes, candy. I don't even feel like I enjoyed it as much as I should have, so I was able to stop at one.

In the past, it would start with one, then it would be like crack, I'd have to keep going back for a little more, until I was disgusted with myself. I love not letting this control me anymore. And it feels great when I get on the scale and see results from these decisions. I know a day will come (probably soon), when the scale isn't going to move much, and that's when it's easy to slip back into the bad habits since the rationale is "well this isn't working anyway, why not enjoy myself". Mentally preparing myself for that now, so hopefully when it comes, I won't slip.

Today I have to take Cynthia to the Dr. (she's my ipad). She had a little fall this weekend and has a crack across the screen:scared1: I was messing around with the HDMI cable trying to get a movie to run through the tv, and when I moved the cord from one input to another, I must've tugged on the cord a little and pulled her off the table:headache:. Fortunately someone left their dirty socks on the floor and she landed mostly on that. The crack is barely noticable, but I know it's there. So I made an appointment at the Apple store. I've read many reports about Apple replacing the ipad or screen for free (one time only), but I'm skeptical and a bit nervous about the outcome. If it's rediculously expensive (I've heard reports of anywhere from $100-$400, but mostly free), I'll probably just leave it as it's just two fine lines. While I'm in the mall there is a Disney store and I have $50 in shopping dollars:cool1: (bonus cards from sams with the $100 giftcards). So I'll sooth myself with some Disney merchandise.

So I will get on the treadmill later tonight and maybe do some more stuff on the mat.
Wow despite you being under the weather you did AWESOME this week! Way to go and 2 pounds to boot! You are rocking it! Great job with the candy! I didn't do as well as you but I only had 3 pieces which is next to nothing compared to what I normally consume! But as of today nothing else, I'll bring the rest of our stash to work and hand it out there. I don't want it in my house!

Thanks for all your support! Yes, I didn't even buy any good candy this year, I gave out M&M cookies so I wouldn't have Milky ways in my house. The kids are so territorial with their candy, that I don't even try to steal from them:confused3.
Wow great job pushing thru even though you aren't feeling too good still. Don't over do it though!

I hope Cynthia can be fixed (preferably for free!) ;) And honestly, any crack would disturb me too. I'd just die if something happened to my kindle or my cell phone.
Oh, I'm so ridonk about my electronics it would drive me crazy too so I do hope they can fix it for you. I'm also envious of you getting to visit the Disney store. If they had one here, I'd be broke. That's all there is to it. I'd blow every bit of my hard earned money there each time I got paid. lol.
So, not a bad day yesterday, but I didn't exercise, and ate two pieces of candy. I tried the new snickers peanut butter square, and I must say, it is quite delicious. I had every intention of exercising, but DH has been traveling and that means a little more work for me, and it was 7:30 by the time I got to sit down last night, and I just didn't want to.

As I mentioned, I had to take Cynthia to the Apple store yesterday. It's at a mall about 25 min away. When I got to the mall, it was pretty empty, until I got to the Apple store. There were at least a hundred people in that small store. My hopes were quickly dashed for both a replacement and a quick exit. My appt was for 3:50, I got there at 3:44 and was directed to check in with a certain guy in the back. He took my name and told me to stand by the Mac station. There were at least 6 other people standing around the Mac station, but somehow they knew who was who. After about 10 mins, a nice young man came over to me and asked how can he help me. I showed him Cynthia, and he said usually its $269 to replace, but he will replace it free one time one:banana::banana::banana:. He disappeared in the back and came out with a brand new Cynthia.:worship:

I went to the Disney store afterwards, and am embarrassed to say that I bought nothing:confused3. I mean really, what kind of Diser goes into a Disney store with FREE money and can't find something to buy:sad2:. I saw some cute shirts, but not much else. It's a pretty small store. There were mugs and toys and lots of kids clothes, but I was disappointed in the selection. I really wanted some of those sparkly black and red mouse ears, but there were none. I don't have a trip planned until next Sept, so I didn't want to buy any shirts yet. I guess I'll wait and go back closer to my trip. There are two other Disney stores kind of close, so I'll probably try those.

So today I vow to get back on track. I'm feeling almost better now, so no excuses on the exercises. I brought the vegetable soup for lunch today and some fruit, and it's time to get serious again:cool1:.

Funny (well sort of) side note about the dog. I got a call from the vet saying his lymes was so high that they need a urine sample to check his protein. They gave DH a small cup for the sample:rotfl:. How the heck is that supposed to happen? We're both trying to get the other to do it. He's not just going to pee while we hold a cup there:confused:.
Believe it or not, I actually went into the World of Disney store at DD once by myself. I was in Orlando on business and had all the time in the world to shop (which I took full advantage of). I spent over an hour in the store and walked out with nothing! Well, nothing for myself. I got a friend and my kids something. I was staying at the Contemporary for my business trip so I did at least redeem myself at the gift shop there. lol.
Oh my goodness. I just had to LOL about the mental image of you and your DH trying to get a urine sample from the dog! Too funny. As if they go on command and will even let you do that. Hopefully you can get lucky when you go walk him and get a little something to show the vet!

And YAY :banana::banana::banana: for a new Cynthia! That is awesome that they replaced her for you! :worship:
OH and I mean to add.. why is it when you have money burning a hole in your pocket to spend, you can't find anything you want?!

I wish we still had a Disney store here. They shut ours down about 2 years ago. I miss it so much! The nearest one may be in New Orleans or even Houston. :sad1:
Believe it or not, I actually went into the World of Disney store at DD once by myself. I was in Orlando on business and had all the time in the world to shop (which I took full advantage of). I spent over an hour in the store and walked out with nothing! Well, nothing for myself. I got a friend and my kids something. I was staying at the Contemporary for my business trip so I did at least redeem myself at the gift shop there. lol.

Now I know I would have found something in DTD. I got some really cool salt/pepper Mickey grinders on my last trip. Lots of cool things in that store. I'm impressed you could possibly leave there with nothing. This store was just boring for a Disney store.
Oh my goodness. I just had to LOL about the mental image of you and your DH trying to get a urine sample from the dog! Too funny. As if they go on command and will even let you do that. Hopefully you can get lucky when you go walk him and get a little something to show the vet!

And YAY :banana::banana::banana: for a new Cynthia! That is awesome that they replaced her for you! :worship:

I know, our dog is like this giant 90 lb Weimaraner, who is definitely not going to just let us get a specimen. There's going to be lots of planning and manipulation, and it still isn't going to work. I'm thinking of maybe hiding a coolwhip bowl by the fence he always pees on as my first try. I'm sure if I suddenly put something under him while hes in midstream, hes going to stop going, or worse, move:scared1:.

I love my new Cynthia, and Apples customer service. It was obviously my own fault and they didn't have to do that, so now I'm a fan.

I have 3 Disney stores within a 45 min radius, and never go to them:confused3. They are all pretty small, but I'm just not a mall person. We went to the one in NYC over the summer, and that was disappointing too. I think I'm just spoiled by World of Disney in DTD.
So, I got back on track yesterday. It was a beautiful day when I got home, so I decided to go for a walk/run:thumbsup2. I really didn't run much since my shins are bothering me still, and still not feeling 100%. I did the 3.1 mile loop and only ran the last .5 loop. Food intake was pretty good except dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. I probably ate more pasta than I should have, but it still wasn't bad (had one small meatball). I had lots of fruits and veggies yesterday, so I think I was carb starved.

I'm thinking to suspend my gym membership until February, as I have a history of not going during the busy/cold holiday season. I haven't gone in two weeks now, due to the awkwardness, and now being sick. I'm enjoying going at it myself for the time being, and it's so much easier to do things at home while dinner is cooking or waiting to drive people around. As long as I keep making it a priority.

I did manage to get the sample from the dog:banana:. I put one cool whip container by the fence, but that seemed very unlikely, so I had another in my hand and followed him around trying to look casual:rolleyes1. Finally he went, and was looking the other way, so I got what I needed. It wasn't much since once he realized what was going on, he stopped, but we took it to the vet and they said it was enough.
I'm impressed that you got it! I thought there's no way when I was reading that yesterday. lol.
WOW great job on the run/walk yesterday. Glad you are feeling better! And yay for your Weimeranier giving you that sample! I was worried that you wouldn't be able to get it either! :lmao:
Here we are on Monday again:sad2:. The weekend was rather uneventfull, which was definitely a good thing. I did get in a decent amount of exercise.

Friday, I did a walk/run for the 3.1 mile loop. I was complaining to DH about my shins still hurting a little, and he suggested I switch sneakers. I've been thinking about getting a good pair from Runners world, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I have a few days off at the end of the week and maybe I'll go then.

So Saturday I was going for a walk with one of my walking buddies and I decided to switch to a different pair of sneakers I had in my closet. I didn't feel pain in my shins, but that might have been due to the distraction of the pain from the two huge blisters that formed on each of my feet:scared1:. I have worn these sneakers in the past, and don't recall ever having blisters:confused3, but either way, they are going in the garbage so this doesn't happen again:sad2:.

Sunday, I toughed out the pain. Only one blister actually is in a really painful spot, and with gauze on it, it's tolerable. I put the shin-splint sneakers back on yesterday and did a walk/run, and didn't even feel the blisters (though I can feel it today with my work shoes on:guilty:). I got in more running yesterday than I have been getting, since I feel much better lately. I also did about 20 min of weights/mat before the run.

Foodwise it was not a great weekend. I was having all sorts of cravings, cheetos and chocolate mostly (not at the same time). I wasn't a gorging fool, but I did indulge some. I guess I would classify Friday and Saturday as questionable days. Yesterday wasn't too bad.

So, to summarize week 4,

I exercised 5 out of 7 days, though not as intense as I would have liked
I ate well I'm guessing about 4.5 out of 7 days

I have gained 1 pound:guilty:

I can't say I'm totally surprised, even though I exercised, there wasn't as much effort as previous weeks, mostly due to still not feeling well. This week I'm just about better, so I'll do better. Also, foodwise, I wasn't as strong as previous weeks, and will definitely try harder this week.

Oh, and just to keep you all entertained, I mean updated, about the dog, we got a phone call Friday night saying there were traces of protein in the urine, and they would like another sample:rotfl2: when the antibiotics are finished (probably end of next week).
Here we are on Monday again:sad2:. The weekend was rather uneventfull, which was definitely a good thing. I did get in a decent amount of exercise.

Friday, I did a walk/run for the 3.1 mile loop. I was complaining to DH about my shins still hurting a little, and he suggested I switch sneakers. I've been thinking about getting a good pair from Runners world, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I have a few days off at the end of the week and maybe I'll go then.

So Saturday I was going for a walk with one of my walking buddies and I decided to switch to a different pair of sneakers I had in my closet. I didn't feel pain in my shins, but that might have been due to the distraction of the pain from the two huge blisters that formed on each of my feet:scared1:. I have worn these sneakers in the past, and don't recall ever having blisters:confused3, but either way, they are going in the garbage so this doesn't happen again:sad2:.

Sunday, I toughed out the pain. Only one blister actually is in a really painful spot, and with gauze on it, it's tolerable. I put the shin-splint sneakers back on yesterday and did a walk/run, and didn't even feel the blisters (though I can feel it today with my work shoes on:guilty:). I got in more running yesterday than I have been getting, since I feel much better lately. I also did about 20 min of weights/mat before the run.

Foodwise it was not a great weekend. I was having all sorts of cravings, cheetos and chocolate mostly (not at the same time). I wasn't a gorging fool, but I did indulge some. I guess I would classify Friday and Saturday as questionable days. Yesterday wasn't too bad.

So, to summarize week 4,

I exercised 5 out of 7 days, though not as intense as I would have liked
I ate well I'm guessing about 4.5 out of 7 days

I have gained 1 pound:guilty:

I can't say I'm totally surprised, even though I exercised, there wasn't as much effort as previous weeks, mostly due to still not feeling well. This week I'm just about better, so I'll do better. Also, foodwise, I wasn't as strong as previous weeks, and will definitely try harder this week.

Oh, and just to keep you all entertained, I mean updated, about the dog, we got a phone call Friday night saying there were traces of protein in the urine, and they would like another sample:rotfl2: when the antibiotics are finished (probably end of next week).

I think just for fun, you should give the vet a human sample! :idea:
I think just for fun, you should give the vet a human sample! :idea:

Haha, my husband thought that's what I'd resorted to last week, as he couldn't believe I actually got it. Maybe I'll find a pregnant friend and drop that one off:rotfl:.
Yesterday started off pretty good. I had all my food packed and accounted for at work and didn't stray. When I got home, I was feeling pretty hungry, so I made a half sandwich of peanut butter and fluff:scared1:. Certainly not the best choice, but it was reeeaaaallllly good. Then I walked with my BFFs.

Dinner was shake and bake pork chops and velveeta shells and chedder (and some canned corn so I could say we had a vegetable). Also not a great dinner. I only had 1 pork chop, and a small amount of mac/cheese (and some corn). Then we had parent/teacher conferences for DS13, so I wasn't home to do any further damage.

Conferences are always entertaining when we go for this kid. He's apparently the class clown and the teachers all seem to love him for it:confused3. One even went so far as to say his sense of humor is almost genius he's so quick;). We're hoping for a stand-up comedian career, just kidding of course. He does not enjoy the work that goes along with school, so he's currently at a B level in most of his classes, which we are generally happy to see. Sadly, I think he could have all A's if he put some effort into it, but it's not a priority for him.

Today I will go for a run after work. The BFFs want to walk, but it could only happen around dinner time, and I want to get back running more anyway, so they will walk without me. I'm also going to make pizza tonight. I bought some dough in the store over the weekend, two regular, and one wheat. I also got some vegetables to saute and some fat free cheese (I will probably mix this with some fatty cheese, as fat free cheese tends to be lacking flavor). I'm pretty excited about this.
Yes, I blew off the BFFs yesterday and ran by myself (well, I walked too). They weren't going til 5:30, and its dark by then. I get home from work by 3:30 usually, so I wanted to go while it was still light and beautiful out. I incorporated a decent amount of running into the walk, and today my shins are feeling it.

I also made the whole wheat pizza with lots of veggies, and used only the fat free cheese. I didn't notice the cheese, as the veggies brought a lot of flavor. DH said the cheese was missing something. There were two regular pizzas also, but he kept eating the wheat one, so it couldn't have been too bad.

All in all, it was a pretty good day.

Today I will probably walk with the BFFs and do some weights on the mat, and have the two pieces of leftover veggie pizza for dinner. We have to go over my BIL/SIL house tonight to have cake for their DOG's birthday:laughing:. They have no kids and I don't think they are going to, so they throw this party every year for their dog. He wears a party hat and there are streamers/balloons, goody bags. She actually taught him to bark to "happy birthday" as if he's singing. She's a little nuts sometimes:confused3. There are already pictures of him in his party hat and bandana on facebook (he has his own page), announcing that today is his birthday. Hopefully she doesn't have good cake, so I won't be tempted to eat it.
Good morning! Great job the last few days! That is too funny about the dog's birthday party. OMG that's a first! But I do know people who probably would do such things! LOL
Good morning! Great job the last few days! That is too funny about the dog's birthday party. OMG that's a first! But I do know people who probably would do such things! LOL

This birthday party is better than most I've thrown for my kids. He's going to be 10 this year. She always lines up pictures of him through the years along the counter (of course they are all framed and perfect), so tonight there will be 9 picture frames from the past years, along with all sorts of decorations. It's just rediculous. The kids get a kick out of it. DS16 was panicked last night because he thought it was yesterday and that we missed it:scared1:.


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