If You See It: Eat It! Via Panama to Disneyland - Completed and Link to New Trip Report 2/24

Congratulations on your new tags Magdalene :thumbsup2

Thanks! I am still excited about them - even if the pink one makes me appear to be at least 100 years old!!

Fabulous update. I am so sorry that Michael wasn't feeling well, I can just imagine how he must have been feeling on that boat with no breeze and the sun beating down. I really hope it didn't ruin the rest of your trip.

Fortunately the virus was not one that lingered and by the next day Michael was feeling much better!

I was telling DH just yesterday about the option to eat at BBB in the evenings and he seemed really keen so I guess we will be one of those many people who seemed to eat there a lot (he doesn't like to get all dressed up in formal gear so we are likely to eat there on formal nights at least). Such a shame that the CM was less than friendly when you arrived there that night, but glad you had a nice meal anyway.

I think it is a great option that far too few people know about. And especially if you want a more casual meal, but not only a burger, it works out great. If you time it so that you are there for sunset, you can have a wonderful meal watching the sun set, if you are lucky from a table at the windows.

Coming to the end of the cruise really is so bittersweet - who am I kidding, it is just bitter! I find I always get a little cranky towards the end of any trip and I know it is just because I don't want the trip to end. When we came home from WDW last weekend, I was actually snapping at everybody the night before our flight home. It culminated in me bursting into noisy tears the next morning when DH asked "Just what IS wrong with you" after I bit his head off for no reason.

I can totally understand the end-of-trip-crankiness!! :goodvibes I always try really hard to not let the sadness about the trip ending affect me too much and I try to enjoy the trip up to the last minute. But it is difficult!

I am sad your cruise is nearly over but looking forward to hearing about your trip to Disneyland since you may recall, at the beginning of your report, we were in two minds as to whether to visit after our cruise. We have now booked 2 nights at Grand Californian so will get to see Disneyland after all :)

I am glad that you added on time at DL! I really love those parks! And the GC is a perfect place to explore them from because it is right there. You really could not be closer to the parks!

Yes, I too am sad this TR is coming to an end soon...you do a great job at journaling a trip - great pics with just enough commentary. We just booked our flights tonight for our PC cruise!! :cool1:

Just wondering, would you do anything different in any of the ports? Choose a different excursion, not do an excursion, sight-see on your own?

Thanks for the nice comment about the TR! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it! And yeah for booking flights!! :thumbsup2 That always makes trip plans far more real for me.

Interesting question about the ports. We knew that we did not want to spend a fortune on excursions, so we only had one pricier excursion (the sea lions). And I am really happy that we did the sea lions. Even though the La Calettas (or so) excursion sounds fantastic, too and that had sea lions as an option there as well. But it would have been pricier. I also think at Cozumel the Secret River excursion would have been great, but again pricier than our beach excursion.

Looking back, I think we are happy with all our choices and they fit our budget and I feel we got good value for our money.

The only place where I think we could have just explored on our own was Cartagena. However, having never been there and not speaking any Spanish, I am glad that we were on an excursion for the added feeling of security. For someone who has experience of travelling in Latin America and who speaks Spanish, I think this is a great place to explore on your own.
I have no idea when that happened, but I just realized that I was visited by the tag fairy!! :eek::eek::yay::cool1::rotfl2:

I have no idea when I posted those quotes, but I know that I wrote them!!! I am now wondering how long it took me to notice them!

You have had those for a while. I remember reading them and not thinking anything of it as if you have always had them. You did say the one about sea days in this report, maybe the other as well.

Too many things to comment on, but I am all caught up from being on my cruise.

We did go to that Walmart in PV on our Mexican Riviera cruise. The sea lion encounter sounds fun.

We too had a lot of sitting around on our excursion, but half of that was our fault. All the meals look great, ours were nice, but I think that they go all out on the PC cruises.

I'm sorry to see this coming to an end, but at least there is still a week at DL to look forward to!
When we finally started to move we saw something very funny: A lot of the boats returning to the port were fishing boats. And nearly every one of them had a sea lion hanging on to the back of the boat. At first we thought they were just being lazy and going for the ride. No, they wanted the left over fish!!!



We saw the sea lions hanging on the backs of the boats when we were there too. We were coming back from a whale watching excursion and our hosts knew them by name :rotfl:

I really loved Cabo when we stopped there on our MR cruise. I can't wait to see it again next year.
OMG, I didn't know the tag fairy was still alive! Congrats on the new tags!

Jill in CO
I fell a little behind, but am all caught up now...Your photos with the Sea Lion are so cute - looks like you had a great time on that excursion!

That is so funny that you had to wear 3D glasses to read the Toy Story dinner menu.

Your Cabo day looked really enjoyable, aside from Michael not feeling well. We went to Cabo a few years ago and had guacamole there every day - so good.
Hooray for the tag fairy!

There were some chipmunks having fun:

I thought I would join them!


This reminds me of one of my favorite pictures of Scotty!


So: If you ever end up changing your cabin, make sure to let the DVC people know. Otherwise you might miss out on freebies and who would want that!!!!!

Excellent point!

Today’s dinner was the Toy Story Dinner. The menu is printed in 3-D and you need special glasses to read it. So, I had reading glasses! I felt like my mother!


We also got the message that we would turn the clocks back one hour. This is definitely one advantage of doing the Panama Canal cruise from East to West: you get three additional hours!

:woohoo: I love traveling back in time!

At some point some people started to throw the poor entertainment CMs into the pool. I could not really tell whether everyone involved was really having fun or whether some of the CMs were just being nice to the guests…

I hope they got big tips!

And then there is an “Escape” but it is only for Crew Members… I guess the guests are not allowed to escape???


We had a great view from our stateroom of the rocks at the port entrance of Cabo (you will see more of them…). Cabo is at the southern most point of Baja California, a peninsula on the West Coast of Mexico that is kind of the continuation of California in the US. The part of the Pacific that is between Baja California and mainland Mexico is called the Sea of Cortez (or Gulf of California). And those rocks are kind of the barrier between the Pacific and the Sea of Cortez.

I might repeat myself along the way here, but the photos of the rocky coast are beautiful!:thumbsup2

We met at 9:45am in Diversions for our snorkelling port adventure. Michael found it really difficult to get started and was very tired – and not just because of not sleeping in. He tried to get fit with the help of some coffee.

Uh oh...

I love those snorkelling excursions, but I can’t be out in the sun on the sea for hours. And it is never enough shade on those boats…

It's the curse we fair-skinned people bear!

In the area around Cabo, if the water gets warmer in the summer, there are jelly fish around. They told us that if anyone of us wanted to cancel because of that information that we could and would get a full refund. The jelly fish did not scare us. I had read about them and they were more like mosquito bites supposedly and the people on the excursion had stuff to treat your skin with in case you encountered them.

There is this lovely sandy beach between some of these rocks, it is called Lovers’ Beach and it is very famous. It continues as a beach all the way to the other side, the Pacific side of the rocks and there it is called “Divorce Beach” supposedly!


Another famous spot in those rocks is this natural arch:


I think we had an hour or so in the water, but Michael told me that he was swimming back to the ship after already 20 minutes or so. He really was not feeling well at all! I was perfectly over that nasty bug, but now he was suffering from it!

Poor Michael. I hope it didn't last long.

All it did was that Michael now has a strong aversion to any excursions that include a small boat…

That's the worst. There are 2 stages to seasickness:

Stage 1: You are afraid you will die.
Stage 2: You are afraid you won't.

When we finally started to move we saw something very funny: A lot of the boats returning to the port were fishing boats. And nearly every one of them had a sea lion hanging on to the back of the boat. At first we thought they were just being lazy and going for the ride. No, they wanted the left over fish!!!

They aren't dumb! :rotfl2:

Once I felt refreshed I headed up on deck 10 to watch the ship leaving port. This really became one of my favourite things to do! And I guess it really has become a tradition for me. There is something romantic about leaving a port and heading out into the open seas. It is also fun because there are always other people hanging out there as well and you end up chatting about the port and your adventures there. It always seemed a rather social crowd!

I can definitely see the appeal! And the romantic side of it.:thumbsup2

And leaving Cabo was really beautiful. So you will have to suffer through many pictures!!

Ok, twist my arm.

The photos are great!
Wow catching on well too many updates.

The Seal swim was cute- a cute seal and great pictures.

Then Cabo - Sorry the snorkeling was so sickness inducing with the heat and Michael not starting out too well.

Somewhere in there I had to laugh because your cast off time was before the all aboard. :lmao: I was wondering how that was going to work.

The Ooh lala and the Blue Margarita looked great

Pirate night was somewhere in there too and who can not like fireworks.

I also had to laugh at the Prospector's dish with all the onions.... :lmao:

The rocks around Cabo look great.
BBB looks like a great alternative to the regular dinner rotation when you are cruise "dinnered " out.

Well, I guess I was busy while you had fun in California! :goodvibes

I was really happy with both our excursions. And that Michael felt bad on one day during the trip ws unfortunate, but not too bad in the grand scheme of things. Especially since it was not on the day that he was looking forward to the most!

The cast off time was the real departure time, the all aboard time was the time we were told we had to be back on the ship. I guess if everyone was back early, we could cast off a little early.

I really liked the Ooh La La. And Margaritas are always good, haven't found one I did not like!

You have to explain to me why the Prospector's dish and the onions are funny. I have no clue what made you laugh!

BBB was great, I am sure I will make a point to have a casual dinner there (or at Cabanas on the other ships) at least once every cruise!
I have never seen Remy and Emelie out like that, anywhere. How fun is that!

A 3D menu? That's pretty fun, love that. And the toy story theme as well.

Cabo looks gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have loved that excursion but I do know exactly what you mean about finding parts of those excursions a little pointless and you are just sitting there getting warm! Poor Michael though, it sounds like a rather miserable day for him.

The sea lions hanging out for the extra fish were a riot.

I confess to going to a show with my swimsuit on (cover up on of course) and having that same debate of not wanting to miss the show, or miss the limited relaxing time slipping away. I was so glad I went to the show but didn't skip the hot tub first either1

How odd to get that kind of response at BBB, I am glad it worked out ok and you ended up having a nice dinner after all.

I think the Pixar characters is something new they added for the Alaska cruises in recent years. Maybe you need to do another Alaskan cruise? But it seems that you have no more problems getting Jeff on a boat, even if it is not Alaska! ;)

I really liked Cabo, it seems a beautiful place! I would like to explore there more. And hopefully with a healthier Michael!

How funny that you went from hot tub to theater! I sometimes felt a bit guilty as we often went to show first and then got dressed for dinner. A lot of people were already dressed up for the show. But they don't state any dress code for the theater, so I think I am free to do whatever suits my way of cruising! :thumbsup2

I think the CM at BB stood out so much because we really had only encountered extremely helpful and cheerful CMs during the two weeks of the cruise. So one that is not like that was a total shock to me. Michael was much less concerned about it than me.
You have had those for a while. I remember reading them and not thinking anything of it as if you have always had them. You did say the one about sea days in this report, maybe the other as well.

Too many things to comment on, but I am all caught up from being on my cruise.

We did go to that Walmart in PV on our Mexican Riviera cruise. The sea lion encounter sounds fun.

We too had a lot of sitting around on our excursion, but half of that was our fault. All the meals look great, ours were nice, but I think that they go all out on the PC cruises.

I'm sorry to see this coming to an end, but at least there is still a week at DL to look forward to!

How funny that I had those for quite some time and did not notice them! I know that they are both from this TR, so I guess the tag fairy ready my TR! :goodvibes I just never expected getting tags, I got the impression that most people get their tags on the community board...

So, was the Mexican Walmart different from one in the US? It is a shame that they stopped doing those Mexican Rivera cruises, I think those would be great itineraries, I really liked the ports there!

I think that some of the extra menus on the longer cruises are really great. But I love the standard Menu in Triton's as well. Sorry that you felt like your food was not as great!

I hope I can do Disneyland justice. I absolutely loved our time there, but I do not have a lot of notes as I just got so tired of not taking...
I better get caught up quickly. For some reason I'm guessing yet another update is coming quickly........... :scratchin

Still waiting on that mailing address BTW. :)
We saw the sea lions hanging on the backs of the boats when we were there too. We were coming back from a whale watching excursion and our hosts knew them by name :rotfl:

I really loved Cabo when we stopped there on our MR cruise. I can't wait to see it again next year.

How funny that they even have names!! It seems to be a fun local quirk! I have read quite a few rather negative reports about those Mexican Riviera cruises and people being unhappy about the ports. But I loved both of them and would love to cruise there again!
I fell a little behind, but am all caught up now...Your photos with the Sea Lion are so cute - looks like you had a great time on that excursion!

That is so funny that you had to wear 3D glasses to read the Toy Story dinner menu.

Your Cabo day looked really enjoyable, aside from Michael not feeling well. We went to Cabo a few years ago and had guacamole there every day - so good.

The sea lion excursion was really wonderful! It wasn't my pick, but I truly enjoyed it. And our sea lion was indeed really cute!

The Toy Story menu was readable without them, but it was a fun addition to the night! And it looked better with the glasses.

Guacamole every day sounds like a vacation in paradise! I really liked it there and could imagine a real vacation there.
Hooray for the tag fairy!

And I think you helped me to one of the tags - I think the pink one is a comment I made in reply to something you said...

This reminds me of one of my favorite pictures of Scotty!


Great picture and funny how similar they are! :rotfl:

I hope they got big tips!

No, those poor cruise staff CMs working in entertainment don't get any tips. But I guess if you decide to work in that position it is part of your job description... :confused3

I might repeat myself along the way here, but the photos of the rocky coast are beautiful!:thumbsup2

Great to know that at least one person appreciates pictures of rocks! I do, too. That's why I love the pictures in your current report. And your rocks rock even more than my rocks! Even if they are drier!

It's the curse we fair-skinned people bear!

Exactly. I think next time I am on a sunny vacation I need to get a rash guard shirt so that I can swim without being afraid of burning off the skin of my back.

Poor Michael. I hope it didn't last long.

The cruise virus was something quick fortunately, it only took him out for one day really bad.

That's the worst. There are 2 stages to seasickness:

Stage 1: You are afraid you will die.
Stage 2: You are afraid you won't.

I am really lucky that I have never gotten to stage 2. I had bouts of motion sickness where I got into stage 1, though. A bus ride on roads in the Alps will do that to me.

They aren't dumb! :rotfl2:

Those were really smart sea lions!

I can definitely see the appeal! And the romantic side of it.:thumbsup2

Something on the ship that you find appealing! ;):rotfl2:

Ok, twist my arm.

The photos are great!

Thanks! :goodvibes
Day 19, May 16

Day at Sea
Dress Code: Cruise Casual
Dinner Menu: ‘Til We Meet Again
Show: Dreams
Weather: Sunny, 82°F/28°C

The last day of the cruise! And I had a lot of plans. Of course I had only been on this ship for two weeks and there were still plenty of things left to do!!

The first one was to go to Jimmy’s morning show. No way would I miss out on the last one! Especially since I had to miss two due to feeling under the weather. So, I got up at 8 am, got some tea and headed to the Morning Show.

This was a lot of fun. For a last time Jimmy was fired by the Captain who called in again. And there was another trivia question no one knew an answer to, but me. After winning once I did not guess on the answers anymore. But this question I just knew what the answer was: Which capital city is located on two continents. I think most Europeans would not have any difficulty with that answer as one of the continents is Europe. But in the room no one knew and after no one had a guess left I thought it was fair to answer and win a second prize.

After the show I said goodbye to Jimmy and Ashley. And I finally took the opportunity to ask Jimmy what he did in his “dark years”. He had mentioned quite a few times of how he had started out with Disney as a Youth counsellor, but then at some point had left Disney. He was never clear of what he did during that time and it had become quite a mystery to Michael and me. So, I asked and he told me. He left Disney to gain more experience and worked for Holland America Lines, mainly in Alaska. And that’s how he came back to Disney when they were searching for people with experience in Alaska when they expanded the fleet and started the Alaska cruises. So, I guess he will be a regular cruise director for the Wonder’s Alaska sailings.

After the show, I decided that I did not have enough sit down breakfasts at all, so headed to Triton’s where I was greated by Josip, our head server. My server did not let me pass on the pastry tray and I got some sweet yeast bread:


This was delicious with butter and jam.

I got some orange juice and coffee and read the menu:


My server then convinced me that I had to have a starter and recommended the Mango Mountain Hike - fresh blend of Mangoes, Honey, Granola and Low-fat Yogurt. I had heard a lot of good about this on the DIS and also remembered the new rule about Mango and eating it that we came up with. So I ordered it:


This was absolutely delicious. After I had it, I was already looking forward to my next cruise for the sole reason of being able to eat this again! It was amazing. And I find it on the last day of the cruise…

For my main breakfast I had the Disney Cruise Line Breakfast Trio - French Toast, Belgian Waffle and Buttermilk Pancakes served with Cinnamon Butter, Syrup and Whipped Cream accompanied with Bacon:


I liked it a lot, but it was far too much food for me with the bread and the mango thing.

After breakfast the plan was to get a drink from the drink station and then view the ocean from deck 4. I found out that by then there was no more Coke Zero available at the drink station. The CM working there told me that we drank all the Coke Zero they had. Seems like it was a popular drink on this cruise!

Down on deck 4 I found a deckchair and ended up kind of in the same area as where Graham, Corinna’s (dolphingirl47) husband was sitting watching the wildlife. We ended up chatting quite a bit that morning and he helped me spot all kind of wildlife that I had missed out so far. We saw flying fish, seals, dolphins and sea turtles. We talked about that supposedly on this day we had the best chance to see whales, but that it was actually to late in the year to have a really good chance.

It was a great morning with reading a bit, chatting a bit and watching wildlife. The seas were incredibly smooth that day:



The only halfway decent picture of some seals:


At some point I went to get Michael and passed through the Atrium when they had another photo opportunity with all the characters:


Michael and I then went to hang out on deck 4 together for some time as well before we decided to have another lunch at Triton’s.

Once again we were greated by Josip (our team was working there that day and we would have dinner at Triton’s tonight as well). I decided to ask for a window table and we got one!


I started with the cold fruit soup. The chilled Tangerine Soup with Lemon-thyme Cream:


It ws really good! I love those fruit soups!

Michael went with a salad instead:

It was the Mixed Field Greens with Máchè, Feta Cheese, Cherry Tomatoes and a Raspberry Vinaigrette. I think he might have asked for a balsamic vinaigrette instead, looking at the picture…

After I had seen the burger on the menu every time we ate there and we also saw it being served regularly, I finally just had to have the dining room burger:


When I got it, Michael was getting big eyes: He loves steak fries and is not really fond of the standard Disney fries we had been getting all the time until then.

He had ordered the Steak Frites – Sirloin Steak with French Fries, Grilled Tomato and Herb Butter:


He was so disappointed that he got the “boring” fries (I actually prefer the standard fries). Our server was quick and offered to bring him a portion of steak fries as well. He was so happy about it! I have since noticed that steak fries seem to be a standard on the kids menu for dinner. I guess I need to let him know before our next cruise that they should be easy to get!

We were both very happy with our meal choices. The burger was quite good, but I would not say that it was far better then the burger on the pool deck. But the atmosphere was totally different!

Of course we had to have dessert for our last meal at Triton’s. I got the Viennese Apple Strudel with Vanilla Ice Cream:


This was nice and tasty, but the pastry was far too dense. Apple Strudel pastry needs to be very thin. This was rather thick, but more crumbly. So, while it might not be totally authentic and taste as something in Vienna (not sure, they might have a different type of apple strudel there than what I am used to), it still was a very tasty apple dessert. And I like all kind of pastry with apples.

Michael had the Apricot-Amandine Tartlet with Almond Cream:


He was not thrilled with it, I think he had expected something different.

After lunch we decided to start the packing. But then we got to the room and our stateroom host was busy cleaning the room. So, we changed plans and headed to the pool.

Somehow, I also took a picture of our stateroom door:


We had two magnets, one was a gift on one of the days we got DVC gifts. On my last cruise we were told to come by the DVC desk every day to pick up a gift as DVC member. I thought that was cool! On this cruise we were told to only come by for a gift on the days we were in port. I guess, you don’t get more gifts, even if your cruise is longer… We got some nice things. A print of the picture of Walt and Lillian on an ocean liner that is also in every cabin. Since I had one from last year, I gave this one to Michael. And then we also got a print that supposedly is in the rooms in Aulani. One day was the new DVC magnet (it was really bad magnetic quality, it kept sliding down the door!). There was something else, but I forgot…

We also got a small magnet on the top left corner from a couple who we chatted with a few days prior when we were in line waiting for the Captain’s signing. I had noticed the couple early on in the cruise and kept thinking that they were on the same cruise as us last year. So, when we were in line just behind them, I just asked them and yes, they were on the same cruise as us last year! They had been on the same excursion as us in Cozumel and I remembered seeing them around the ship quite a bit. It is funny how on a cruise you seem to run into the same people again and again. But it is even more crazy to see them on your next cruise again! We talked for a bit and it turned out that they were DISers as well. I am sorry that I forgot their screen name, I am sure it was something with Eve/Wall-E. They gave us a magnet for this cruise, I think they had them made for their Fish Extender gifts. And I thought it was a cool gift!

So, all in all I think our door ended up nicely decorated!

Obviously the time for last minute pictures was here, so here are some random ship pictures:



While we were hanging out at the pool there was an announcement that they had spotted whales! So we headed up to deck 10 to look and indeed, we saw whales. They were a bit off in the distance, but they were still really impressive! So, in one day, I had seen so far more animals than during the whole cruise before!!

At some point we decided to head back to the room to get started on the packing. We decided that we wanted to put our bags out to be taken off the ship instead of trying to take our luggage with us. I had my small carry-on suitcase that we would pack with the things we needed for the night and that would be our only luggage to take with us off the ship. That worked really well as it meant that we were done with packing early in the evening and then could just relax and enjoy our last evening on board. The last time we had carried off our luggage on our own and it got a bit hectic that last evening late at night.

Unfortunately packing took far longer than we had thought and we did not really have time to head back up to the pool before the show started. Tonight’s how as Disney Dreams and last time we both had liked this show the best. It is really a great show, even if the whole story is a bit sweet. I think I can’t watch it too often, but once every few years should be ok!

After the show we went for a last visit to the Outlook Café to enjoy the view and being in our favourite spot. And then it was time for the last dinner on board. Back to Triton’s. Tonight’s menu was Till We Meet Again:



I think Michael had the Edamame and Napa Cabbage Salad with Chopped Bok Choy, shredded Carrots, and Daikon Raddish with Sesame Seeds and Rice Wine Vinaigrette:


I think he liked that salad.

I had the Sesame-crusted Tuna Sashimi, Wakame Salad, Pickled Ginger, Wasabi and Soy Sauce:


Another really good tuna dish. So far I have not had any tuna on the ship that I did not like.

I also had the Cranberry Salad – Mixed Field Greens with crumbled Blue Cheese, Sunflower Seeds, Craisins and Cranberry Dressing:


And either did I totally fail, or we did not have any entrees. I could well imagine that we skipped the entrees as we were getting so full from all the cruise food (and I had a huge breakfast and lunch).

The next pictures I have are from dessert. I had the Baked Alaska. Now I know that it is not really that exciting!


Michael had the Sweet Temptations – A trip of Celebration Cake, Chocolate Decadence and Cappuccino Mousse:


He was once again not in love with desserts and we came to the conclusion that the dinner desserts really are not that great at DCL. They are rather univentive (especially when you are on a long cruise like ours) and they keep being the same think in variations. We both can be rather critical of food at WDW at times, but we both agreed that WDW restaurants have far better desserts than DCL.

The dinner ended with a flag parade of all the servers through the dining room, but it is near impossible to get a good picture of it! We gave our tipping envelopes to our servers and said goodbye to Josip, our head server as he would be getting off the ship the next morning for some time off before he would be back two months (or so) later.

After dinner we had to do some last minute purchases in the shops and then we headed back to our room where we found a really nice surprise:



It was a large printout to commemorate our cruise and on the back it had the daily information that I included at the beginning of each day about distances, weather and times. It was really nice to have! It was about the size of a double Navigator and obviously printed on board. It really is just a small thing, but to me, it was something really special, because it was so specific to just our cruise. I whish they would do something like that for every cruise!

We also had gotten the questionnaire about how we rated everything on the cruise. So, we took that and headed back to the Outlook Café for one last time to sit there and fill out the questionnaire. We had done that on our last cruise and I think we will make this a tradition. It is a fun way to reflect on your cruise experience. We noted a lot of CMs in the section where you can say who made your trip special. On a cruise as long as this, you do get to know quite a lot of CMs and we overall had very good experiences with all, but some really stood out.

And then it was finally off to bed. We were both looking forward to heading to Disneyland the next day!

Up Next: Chaos in San Diego…
I hate the hassle of having to pack on the last day - I guess you have to do it sometime but it just seems to cement the fact that you have to get off the ship the next day. Maybe I will pack 2 or 3 days early :rotfl:

Sounds like a nice relaxing day - how lovely that you got to see so much wildlife on this cruise, keeping my fingers crossed we are as lucky.

So, the cruise has finally come to an end but now it's time to read about your time at Disneyland - although I'm a bit worried about the "chaos in San Diego" :crazy2:
What a lovely last day and how fab to see so many sea creatures!


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