If you are doing the 2008 WDW Half, Full Or Goofy, sign in here...

Becky- I'm attempting Hal Higdon's Intermediate I plan. I'd be more comfortable with the Novice but I want the back-to-back weekend runs. I'm going to try to always get the LR done on Sunday and make the Saturday run sort of optional (as in I have every intention of doing the Saturday runs, but if my family is being difficult, I'll accept that sometimes LTO and try not to hold it against them!);)

It may turn into a weird mix of Novice/Intermediate. I don't know what to do about time goals! I know I'll want to take a million pictures with the characters and other WISHers, so I'm going to say "just finish." Part of me really, really wants to go for a time goal, but that part will probably get me injured while training, so I'm trying my best to repress it! I keep telling myself that if I still like races after Goofy, I can try for a time goal in a HALF in February or March- there's a couple near me. On the other hand, I may spend those months on my couch clutching the remote in one hand and my medals in the other!

Jen in GA
ScottH (scott) running 1/2 and Lynn (DW) walking the 1/2.
Oh we are also doing the 5K the day before, I'll run that one and Lynn might also run that or run / walk. She is picking up her pace.

Staying at AKV
Hi Judy,

Just realized I never updated our info for marathon weekend.....

I am doing the Full Marathon and John & I are staying at SSR. We are numbers 73 & 74 on the list.

Thanks for maintaining the Marathon Weekend List!

I'm #29, and I have a few changes. I have become a walker! So, I will be walking (dh Dennis is still run/walking) and we have moved to Port Orleans Riverside.

C'ya there!
Hi Judy,

I realized I did not update my race plans (#70 on list). New plan is Goofy, R/W, still at PC.

Thank you! :)
mkymsehi (Jeff) is going Goofy! (OKW & Pop Century)

Running with my friend Moosho Pork.

Honolulu 1995
Disneyland Half 2006
Honolulu 2006
Disneyland Half 2007
Honolulu 2007
Goofy and a Half 2008
Just trying to post throughout -

I have never felt like "eeyore" so I have changed my username to "my" name -

and I dont want to cause any confusion - so I'm trying to post on the threads I visit...

(after watching Oprah and her guest Randy Pausch, I contacted webmaster Kathy and am now Sandy!)

Erin, Lynne and I are staying at OKW for the marathon weekend.
pinky4disney (Sandy) - Goofy - Running (or at least that's the plan for now :goofy: ) - Pop Century

My friend Trisha (non-DISer :confused3 ) will be running the half-marathon and staying at Pop too.
Hi, everyone. I don't post much, but I do enjoy reading and appreciate all the inspiration and motivation I have gained from all of you. I need to hang out here more though and kick up the training a notch. I'm still quite a bit of the 3.8 mph pace.

Anyway, I realized that I never signed in. I will be doing the Half -- mostly walking but with a little running here and there. I had a few set backs with my training and truthfully have simply had trouble pushing myself like I need to. I'll keep at it though, and will, hopefully, stay in front of the sweepers.

Oh, and I don't know where I am staying yet.
I must be going crazy. I thought I signed here, but guess not.

KelNottAt (Kelley) Walking Goofy BWV - DS15 (Doug) Running Half


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