"If We Could Go to Disney I Would Poop My Pants!" A May 2011 PTR UPDATE 4/12

This update was SUPPOSED to be about the way we're going to surprise the girls, but I need to take pictures of everything that's included and I never made it home over the weekend. :headache: After the crazy amounts of schoolwork I had last week, when the weekend finally came I guess I got overexcited and parties with friends all weekend. :rolleyes: (BTW, to all the parents who kids are soon/eventually going to college...all those horror stories you hear about partying? They're TRUE! :rotfl: ) But the weekdays have returned with promises of more exams and essays, and since I'm chained to my computer anyway I may as well update you with the other happenings in regards to the trip. I'm hoping to ACTUALLY get home this weekend so I promise to tell you all about the girls' big surprise eventually!

I did manage to get on the phone with Tracy and nail down some plans. As of right now, we officially have 2 ADRs and a BBB appointment. It probably will stay this way, again, this is a budget trip so we're keeping ADRs to a minimum.

1) We have a T-Rex reservation in DTD on our arrival day, May 16th. It's for 8:30 which gives us enough time to get to ASMo, unpack and chill before hopping on a bus to DTD.

2) We have a ressie at 1900 Park Fare for Friday the 20th at 7:05pm. We wanted one nice princess dinner for them and hopefully since it's at GF I can order them a really nice cake to be delivered to the table. :goodvibes

3) on Sunday the 22nd, our last full day, we have a BBB appointment at DTD for 10:30. Tracy insisted that they get an appointment as early as possible so we get more bang for our buck. We'll try not to run around like crazy on this day, but eventually we'll end up at MK. This IS an evening EMH day, so it will be crowded, but we're mainly going to see the fireworks and parade so I think we'll be okay. At some point during the day Brianna and I are going back to the room to rest until later in the evening...we want to do evening EMH until 2am that night! :woohoo:

I would really like to treat the family to breakfast on our last day somewhere, but I don't know if Tracy will go for that. We'll see. ;)

I've also sorted out CS places for us to go at each park, specifically the ones that get the best reviews/i'm most enthusiastic about since we're on the QSDP. I figure this is a great opportunity to try some new stuff and revisit old familiar friends. :thumbsup2

MK: Casey's Corner I still haven't been!, Columbia Harbor House, The Lunching Pad, Main Street Bakery(love this place!), Pecos Bill(haven't been!)

DTD: I've never done any CS here, so I'm excited for... Earl of Sandwich and Wolfgang Puck Express!!

Epcot: SO MANY CHOICES! Electric Umbrella, Sunshine Seasons(looove it), La Cantina, Tangerine Cafe...just to name a few.

HS: Starring Rolls Cafe, Pizza Planet, Backlot Express...I listed others as a just in case but I doubt we'll try them, you really should just play it safe in HS. :rolleyes:

AK: Pizzafari is tradition! I have GREAT memories from that place, Restaurantosaurus, Flame Tree Barbecue. Honestly, we'll be lucky if we try anywhere other than Pizzafari. We're only at AK one day. :confused3

And of course the Food Court at ASMo!

For snacks I'm really excited about a Butterfinger cupcake at Starring Rolls, any baked goods at MS Bakery, ice cream on Main street, and Candy from Goofy's Candy Co. Not so big on standard park food like Popcorn, funnel cakes and pretzels, so I can definitely save some snack points from those...

So those are our only plans as of yet. Our daily schedule has stayed the same so far. As the time gets closer I'll double check and make sure EMH and hours haven't changed...drives me NUTS when that happens but I always make it work. :upsidedow At some point I'm going to make a To Do list and share it with you guys to make sure I stay on top of things!

COMING SOON: The girls' big surprise, What's Left to Do, and a Movie Marathon!
Ooh how I miss those Uni days when you could party all weekend!! :rotfl:

Yay on getting your ADRs and BBB appointment! :thumbsup2 Love your QS dining locations. I'm really looking forward to eating at Sunshine Seasons and trying the Starring Roll Butterfinger Cupcake - am drooling just thinking about it :rotfl2:
Your plans look really good! I go over board in planning and my family has made fun of me. But when things have to change last minute they are impressed that there is another option waiting and no valuable time wasted trying to figure out what to do!

I use Touring Plans and generally go by the park days. I found a few years ago that it worked great and have been gun shy to not look those day predictions up!! In my opinion, early EMH days are not bad when you plan to do the EMH but if you aren't doing the AM EMH, I would definitely avoid that park!!

I totally agree with your CS choices...yum!! And we plan to do 1900 Park Fare and T-Rex too!! :banana:

I can't wait to see those surprise pictures!
LOVE the zombie pics! My kids LOVE monsters, we love Halloween. We love all stuff creepy. The Haunted Mansion is our favorite ride in Disney World.

Your plans look great too. The Trex looks like an amazing restaurant. And your CS choices look pretty identical to mine. I LOVE eating in Disney World. Can't wait.
I love those zombie pictures....very cool and creepy!

Your plans look great, coming along good for someone supposedly studying for exams:lmao::lmao:I work in a college, and I can see very clearly that one of our student workers (a senior) TOTALLY has senior itis..... we are saving the simple stuff for her lately:rotfl:

I am going to make a suggestion that may throw a monkey wrench in your t-rex plans. Since Tracy really wanted to MK but you are right to decline, a dinner at the Poly or even the GF (I have not heard about watching fireworks from GF but have heard about Poly beach) may work out perfectly to let you all relax on a resort beach somewhere to watch the MK fireworks on a lounge chair. Just a suggestion but it looks like you'll have time enough to settle in, unpack, swim, and have a dinner that will be done by fireworks times.

We are also hoping that DHS is not too crazy on the 17th because its very doubtful that we will stick around DHS long enough on the 20th to see F! Maybe we will see you around!!
Ooh how I miss those Uni days when you could party all weekend!! :rotfl:

Yay on getting your ADRs and BBB appointment! :thumbsup2 Love your QS dining locations. I'm really looking forward to eating at Sunshine Seasons and trying the Starring Roll Butterfinger Cupcake - am drooling just thinking about it :rotfl2:
Yesss I am reaping all the benefits of campus life. :woohoo: Might as well live it up while I can right!?! ;)

I have been thinking about the Butterfinger Cupcake a LOT. I'm having trouble imagining what it tastes like...just seems like butterfinger wouldn't mix well with a cupcake, but everyone raves about it!

Your plans look really good! I go over board in planning and my family has made fun of me. But when things have to change last minute they are impressed that there is another option waiting and no valuable time wasted trying to figure out what to do!

I use Touring Plans and generally go by the park days. I found a few years ago that it worked great and have been gun shy to not look those day predictions up!! In my opinion, early EMH days are not bad when you plan to do the EMH but if you aren't doing the AM EMH, I would definitely avoid that park!!

I totally agree with your CS choices...yum!! And we plan to do 1900 Park Fare and T-Rex too!! :banana:

I can't wait to see those surprise pictures!

Well I hope touringplans doesn't let me down, it's my first time using it! Usually stuff like that stresses me out like craaazy but I figure the stress is worth it if the girls have a dream come true vacation. :cloud9:

LOVE the zombie pics! My kids LOVE monsters, we love Halloween. We love all stuff creepy. The Haunted Mansion is our favorite ride in Disney World.

Your plans look great too. The Trex looks like an amazing restaurant. And your CS choices look pretty identical to mine. I LOVE eating in Disney World. Can't wait.
Oh yes, we all take delight in the morbid and grotesque. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, to the extent that our house has been in the local paper several times for best decorated house! :laughing: We definitely go overboard.
I love doing ANYTHING in Disney World, but since eating is one of my favorite activities, it's 10x as awesome in Disney World. :thumbsup2

I love those zombie pictures....very cool and creepy!

Your plans look great, coming along good for someone supposedly studying for exams:lmao::lmao:I work in a college, and I can see very clearly that one of our student workers (a senior) TOTALLY has senior itis..... we are saving the simple stuff for her lately:rotfl:

I am going to make a suggestion that may throw a monkey wrench in your t-rex plans. Since Tracy really wanted to MK but you are right to decline, a dinner at the Poly or even the GF (I have not heard about watching fireworks from GF but have heard about Poly beach) may work out perfectly to let you all relax on a resort beach somewhere to watch the MK fireworks on a lounge chair. Just a suggestion but it looks like you'll have time enough to settle in, unpack, swim, and have a dinner that will be done by fireworks times.

We are also hoping that DHS is not too crazy on the 17th because its very doubtful that we will stick around DHS long enough on the 20th to see F! Maybe we will see you around!!
SSSHHHH...If any of professors ask, ALL I do is study...no partying or trip planning for this gal. ;) Hahaha, I have lots of friends who are seniors and a lot of them don't even go to class anymore! :scared1: I can't imagine being that much of a slacker, but I also can't imagine being in my last year of school forever. :rolleyes: Seems like that day will never come!

Your idea for a Poly/GF plan sounds great and I'm ashamed I didn't think of it myself! I'll recommend it to them, but I have an even bigger wrench to throw in our plans unfortunately. :sad2: (stay tuned...)

Hey maybe we'll see you at HS! I'll be the one quietly hyperventilating over the fact that I've actually step foot in HS on a F! day. :upsidedow Just kidding, I have no doubt we'll have a blast that day, crowds or no crowds.

Stay Tuned Folks...I have to go to class, but as soon as I get back I'll have an update with some Good News and some Bad News....
Yesss I am reaping all the benefits of campus life. :woohoo: Might as well live it up while I can right!?! ;)

I have been thinking about the Butterfinger Cupcake a LOT. I'm having trouble imagining what it tastes like...just seems like butterfinger wouldn't mix well with a cupcake, but everyone raves about it!

Def live it up whilst it lasts!! You'll laugh at 'those days' later on in life! :thumbsup2

Oh, that makes me question it as well :confused3 I'm holding high hopes for it so am hoping it will live up to the hype! Look forward to reading the new update :)
So in case you hadn't figured it out, I've got good news and I've got bad news...

I'll start with the bad news so I can end the update on a high note.

The other day in class my Psych professor announced that due to some conflicts with the schedule and the classrooms being used, his final was being moved from Friday May 13th.... to Monday May 16th. The day I leave for Disney. :headache: D'OH.

I went up to him immediately after class and explained I had already booked a trip and was leaving that day. I politely asked if there was any time during his office hours or whenever it was convenient for him that I could take the final at an earlier time. He said absolutely not and that it was my responsibility to be on campus during Finals Week. But none of my other finals were at any time after the 13th before the rescheduling, and I had been under the impression that the final dates were set in stone. :confused3

I went straight back to my room and began fiddling with flight times...and found that no matter how I cut it it was going to cost me an extra $150.00. :sad2: I emailed my professor and once more pleaded my case, explaining that the sudden schedule change would put me out $150.00 ... he explained that to accommodate me would mean having to accommodate everyone which he couldn't do and that there was no way he could help me. So I'm stuck. :guilty:

I'm trying to be optimistic and not get too bummed out...I still get an awesome Disney trip, I'll only get there a few hours later than the others, we didn't have any major plans that day, I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to go at all...I'm just bummed about the money and most of all, bummed about not getting to be there when the girls lay their eyes on Disney for the first time. :sad1: Super bummed about that...but what can I do? I can't flunk a college course over it. :confused3 So I'm putting on my happy face and I'm in repair mode...

I'll still move out of my dorm on the 13th and get ready over the weekend for the trip. I'll drive BACK to the school that Monday for the exam. My final is from 11:30 to 12:30, I'll leave straight from the school and it will take me about an hour to get to Boston. I managed to snag a flight for the 16th at 5:30pm, and I should get to Orlando at 8:38. I'll be flying Jetblue instead of Airtran. The only thing we really had planned for that evening was T-Rex at 8:30, which obviously I would miss. I talked to Brianna about it and they're going to get back to me on whether or not they want to reschedule T-Rex...but it's completely up to them, I don't want to mess up all of their plans just because mine got uprooted.

Otherwise our plans are staying as is! :yay: I'm hoping this will be the only major bump in the road and that our vacation will be perfect otherwise. :thumbsup2

NOW it's time for the good news....this coming Saturday will begin the 30 Day Countdown to the trip...this is also the day we PLAN ON TELLING THE GIRLS! :woohoo::cool1::banana::yay: We have been SO excited about this, just about as excited about this as the trip itself. Right now the girls have absolutely no idea. Tracy brought them to Disney on Ice in Boston last Thursday, and she said they were going BALLISTIC the whole time...which gets us even more pumped...if they got that excited about one evening at Disney on Ice...how are they going to react when they find out we're spending a whole week at Disney?!!?

So here's the plan we've concocted for the girls finding out. We're all going to be playing in the playroom at the back of the house. The doorbell is going to magically ring(their father will be in charge of that). They will race to answer the door like they always do, but when they open the door...no one will be there! Instead, on the front porch, two mysterious packages wrapped in Disney wrapping paper addressed to them will be sitting all alone.

I am a fool and did not think to photograph all the stuff inside before I wrapped it. :rolleyes: I'll have pics after the big day I guess! Until then I'll just explain what's included...

When they open the packages, inside will be a standard Mickey/Minnie doll, personalized standard Mickey Mouse Ears, personalized all white pillowcases with the Disney princesses on the center, and jumbo pens(the pens and pillowcases will be for getting autographs from the characters). On top of it all will be a card personalized to each. The card has a picture of Mickey and a picture of Tinkerbell on the front. Inside the card, Mickey Mouse has personally invited them to come meet him at Disney World, and Tinkerbell has also sent some love and pixie dust(I wrote the letters from Mickey and Tink. :goodvibes ) The girls will also notice that there's lots of pixie dust(glitter) and Mickey confetti all around the boxes and leaving a trail...

We celebrated my birthday at Tony's Restaurant in August, and when we got to the table it was decorated with Mickey confetti and a cute centerpiece. At the end of the meal our fabulous waitress brought me a ziploc baggie so I could keep the confetti...I wasn't sure what I would do with it then, but I'm glad I kept it because now it will go to good use!

If they follow the trail it will lead them through the garage and into the downstairs family room...where set up as a "surprise" for me, Brianna, and Tracy will be our own personalized Mickey Ear(Tracy doesn't know she's getting Mickey Ears. ;) ) So that way the girls will know that the 5 of us are going to Disney!

And of course, also hanging on the wall in the family room will be Ava and Morgan's 30 Day Countdown Calendar...



Brianna and I spent about 6 hours on this one night. We put together two poster boards, and hid the line between the two with some Mickey ribbon I got with a Disney gift basket from my trip back in '07(have you gathered I hoard ALL my Disney stuff?! :laughing: ). We stole a BUNCH of swatch cards from Home Depot for the Mickey Heads and all the color we used was mostly oil pastel(some poster marker was used for some finishing touches). Brianna, being the amazing artist she is, drew the castle. I wrote the giant "Disney" and did the sky and the pixie dust swirl in the sky. Brianna wrote the "Morgan and Ava's Countdown to..." We both put all of the Mickey Heads on but I colored all of the lower half. We both put all the stickers on. When the girls remove each Mickey head it will reveal how many days are left til the trip, and obviously the big card with Mickey on it is the last card to pull. :goodvibes

We're really proud of the countdown and think the girls will just love it. We wanted to tell them a month beforehand so they could get excited and so that we could watch Disney movies with them to get them amped! We've already made a list and sort of scheduled what movies we'll watch with them each night(I say "scheduled" because I won't be there most nights as I'm still in school, but I've set aside the few movies I want to watch with them as well, so they're saving those for the nights I'm around). We'll be videotaping everything and can't wait to see their reactions. :lovestruc

Anyway, I'll be sure to get pictures of what's in the packages and I'll let you all know how everything goes! Hopefully this will ease the pain of missing their reactions when they arrive at Disney... :sad1:

UP NEXT: The Movie Schedule!
Wow--you have been really busy! I am excited for you and your friend and the girls! I can't wait to see their expressions.

The only thing I wonder is if you can plead your case with the Dean at school and see if they can help you out. I don't know- I had a similar case in college and my professor was overridden by the dean because she tried to change a written syllabus.

Either way, I hope you have fun!
That is bad news about your final getting moved on the day you were supposed to travel to Disney World :hug: Hope you manage to sort it out and still get to go as planned. If not good luck with the final and hope you thoroughly enjoy the time you have in Disney World :)

The packages look cute :cutie: Am looking forward to the girls finding out and their reaction to the news as well as the gifts! Also what a great countdown calendar! :thumbsup2
I’m sorry to hear that your professor isn’t being flexible! You’re right though, that you’ll be able to see the expressions on the girls’ faces when they get presented with their surprise :goodvibes It is a great surprise! You two did a fantastic job on everything!
AWESOME job on the countdown stuff! I just hope that they don't really "poop in pants"!! :lmao: I know they will be so excited! I would be beside myself in anticipation of spilling the beans!!

That stinks about your prof. not be willing to work with you. I work at a college and when there are changes liek that, they generally are flexible sicne it goes against what the calendar states. At least you were able to work it out and seem to have a positive attitude about it! :)
OH I am so excited to hear how the girls react to their surprise. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE The thought and planning and creativity that went into the planning of it.

Interestingly enough someone else on this board posted about once finals are scheduled they cant be pushed back. I would also talk to the dean unless you are not sweating it. Sounds like you've already incurred the expense of changing your flight ....that bites.

I will look for the panicked woman with two four other very exited females at DHS :rotfl::rotfl:

(I am actually going to try to find the lime green mickey heads so if we are not wearing our mickey tie dyes, you'll see my LGMH on my bag. )
Wow that really does suck about the final. Pretty unfair!!!! Your countdown calendar came out awesome. Cant wait to see their reactions over it and the presents at the door. That's a super cute idea.


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