If I can't use the pts I bought from a DVC memeber.

Spaceman Spiff

one by one, cleaning the universal boards of riff-
Apr 6, 2000
Can I give them to someone else? How would I go about doing that?

I had a trip to Disney/Universal planned for the 16th-21st of Oct. but now I have to cancel the Disney portion because I have a mid term that I can not miss. I figured I can not get my money back and that it is too late to even ask if I can move the dates around. Plus I think the days had to be used by this November so I would like to give the three days to a friend of the family or someone that could use them. (I forgot who I bought the pts from so I cannot get in contact with him.)

Thanks, Joe
I would call the resort direct or member services, find your' name for the resv., and ask what the member's name was. They will not let you change the resv. name unless the owner of the points calls for you (or the member gives you his member number, which is probably unlikely.) Good luck. I could be wrong about calling to change the name on the resv. yourself, but don't think i am.
Thanks for responding Peterd, I found the person who I had bought the points from and hopefully they can help me out.
The person you rented the points from should be able to work with you, but you will probably need to be very flexible with your rescheduled dates. Good luck!
Were you able to work something out with the member? If not, I might be interested in renting them from you - if that can even be done??? I have posted interest in renting points on the rent/trade board, but have not gotten a response. Thanks!


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