I need some serious P&PD

I went throught the same thing you are going through a couple of years ago but I found the lump myself on a weekend...even more scarey since I couldn't call a doctor. Prayers and Pixie Dust are on the way, but don't freak out too quickly until you hear what he has to say, I know...easier said then done but all that gets you is more stressed out! You take care, God Bless and Keep us posted!
Major prayers headed your way, Lisa! And lots of {{HUGS}}} as well.................
Impossible not to worry but I hope you find out what is going on as quickly as possible. Hugs and looking for updates.
P & PD coming your way. I hope everything turns out fine.
I will remember you in my prayers. I know it's so hard not to worry about stuff, but my mom always said not to worry until it's time. I think she's 100$ right about that--wait to see what it is before letting your mind play that awful "what if" game with you. {{{HUGS}}}
Prayers being said. Please keep us informed.

Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. I've been there. Mine was cancer (although most aren't anything to worry about) and I'm doing great. Just had another mammogram and I'm still cancer-free. Doctors can do wonderful things, so try not to be too worried.
YOu just can't believe how terrified I am about this.

Oh yes I can. I've been in your spot and more than one time, too.

It is absolutely terrifying to go through this.

{{{HUGS}}} my friend. Hang in there. I'm not going to try to make you feel better because there are just no words in any language that can accomplish that.

Let me say, though, that the many times that I had to go through this, each time it turned out to be fibrocystic disease and nothing scary at all. Eventually I had a reduction mammoplasty and that took care of all of those cysts, I really lucked out.

I'm praying that is true in your case too. Try not to worry about this too much (that is impossible but you can try, can't you?) Can you stay busy and try to keep your mind away from this subject as much as possible?

We're here if you need us, sweetie.

Keeping you in my prayers. Please give us an update as soon as you know something! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
Let us know how things go. In the meantime, lots and lots of P&PD for you!! *HUGS*
Hi Lisa:

I'm so sorry to hear you are going thru this! I had the same scare late last year and it turned out to be ok.

I know it's difficult, but, I can tell you what helped me. I decided that it was bengin until anyone told me different! It worked!! Mine actually disapearred! Hope the same happens for you!
{{{{{{{BIG HUGS!!}}}}}}}}}

Daisimae ;-)
Im sorry, I missed this post until now. Prayers & pixie dust on the way!!!
Sending prayers. I hope all turns out okay.
The doctor set up the ultrasound for May 16. I've decided whatever happens I will continue my classes. I've gone too far to quit and I have a deadline for my performance test. No dropping out. I will deal with whatever comes along.
My favorite aunt died for breast cancer at my age so it does weigh heavy on my mind but I am trying to keep busy and not think about that. It's break from school right now but I go back May 14 and have two really great classes scheduled for the summer. Just got my grades and aced Ed Interpreting and Survey for Deaf Studies. Overall 3.6 GPA. Wow. Wish I had done that well as a young student.
PP&D on the way! I know the fear...had surgery to remove a lump. The surgeon said he normally knows what it is when he removes it. But with this he didn't. Thank goodness pathology came back negative! You'll get through it!
Saying lots of prayers for you, Lisa. Also, sending you lots of positive thoughts. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
Lisa, I know personally how scary that is. I went through that in Nov of 2001. Mine did turn out to be cancer, but you know what--I am doing fine now and the experience was really life changing! I am much more aware of everyday life and am doing a lot more just for me--I discovered that if you don't take care of yourself--it might not get done.

I am sending prayers that your lump turns out to be like most of them--benign. Be sure to let us know.


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