I need some serious P&PD

Talking Hands

<font color=purple><b>|,,|/</b> DEAF DISNEY LOVER<
Mar 27, 2002
I just got home from my Tupperware Convention to a message from my doctor that I have a lump in my breast. I am really freaked out about it. My doctor is setting up a ultrasound asap. YOu just can't believe how terrified I am about this.
If anyone has any spare prayers and pixie dust I could sure use them about now.
My prayers and best are with you, Lisa. Hoping things go well and prove negative and nothing of worry. Looking forward to a good update when you can.


I've read that a majority of the lumps that are found turn out to be ok.:) I hope that's the case for you. {{hugs}} I'll pray that everything will be ok.
Lisa, what a scary time this must be for you. Prayers and pixie dust are on their way, as well as some great big {{{HUGS}}}.
Prayers and pixie dust coming your way. Please let us know how you make out.
Prayers and PD for you. Please don't panic though. Keep a positive attitude and let us know how things turn out.
Lisa, calm down. Take a deep breath. Okay, better? I'm assuming that you have regular mammo's. So, if this is the case, it's either nothing to worry about or something small and immature enough to take care of. I know that every 6 months my mom goes thru this panic since her first mammo (at age 69!) showed a malignant tumor and had it removed. She is fine now, thank God. I'm just waiting for them to find 'my' lump. Every woman in my family has had bc by the age of 70. Sending you prayers, lots of pixie-dust, and major hugs. Try not to worry too much. Nothing you can do at this point. Yeah, I know...easy for me to say. Hang in there. We're all pulling for you!!!
I agree with goofy4tink.

I know how we can automatically jump into fear.

Have faith.

God bless,

I am sure this is very scary for you. I do hope that it turns out to be nothing to worry about. My prayers are with you {{hugs}}
Sending you tons of PD and good vibes Lisa, but I remind you, I just went through something similar in my arm and it turned out to be a lypoma after all and it disappeared all by itself. Hoping for the same in your case. {{{{hugs}}}}
Lisa, {{{hugs}}}, I know you're worried, but try not to be. Most of the time it's either nothing or something simple.


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