I need a new book series


DIS Veteran
Sep 19, 2006
I need a new series/trilogy and I'm hoping you can suggest one. I like groups of books. Here is what I have enjoyed, maybe you know of another series I would like.

Nora Roberts series
Harry Potter
Fifty shades
JD Robb
Alex Cross series

I find myself re-reading the same books.

I like Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series and JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood in addition to most on your list. I also LOVE Suzanne Brockmann’s Troubleshooters Inc. series.
Do you like fantasy genre? Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series is unbeatable. It's also complete so there's no waiting around for the next installment. The final book was actually written after the death of the author - he had left an outline and specific instructions to his wife that she was to pass along to Brandon Sanderson - another very successful writer of high-fantasy.
Jim Butcher has a couple of series out that are very good.

Laurell K Hamilton has 2 series; Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (which, IMO, went downhill about book 8 or so) and Merry Gentry (faerie).

If you like historical romance, Philippa Gregory has...15 books, I think...on ye olde royalty. The White Queen, The White Princess, and The Spanish Princess (I think that's the name of it) have been made into mini-series.

Beatrice Small was a very good historical romance author. Johanna LIndsey. Jennifer Blake is ok. Glynnis Campbell. Suzan Tisdale.

Joel Rosenberg (make sure to spell it that way, there's another author with same name w/middle initial) wrote a series based on a Dungeons & Dragons game.

Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series

Spider Robinson has a couple of excellent series (Callahan's) as does Robert Asprin (Myth, Phule's). Piers Anthony's Xanth series if you like puns. Raymond E Feist's Magicians series.

Blake Crouch for messed up books (the ones on serial killers are intense; he wrote Wayward Pines); JA Konrath; Jack Kilborn
Did you watch the first season of the TV series based on it called A Discovery of Witches? Even though it wasn’t totally faithful I really liked it.
I did like it. I wish they would have done some things differently but overall I really liked it.
I love cozy mysteries, if that interests you I can name a few for you to check out. Two of my favorite cozy authors are Jaqueline Girdner and Jill Churchill, but their books have been out of print for a while so you'd have to go somewhere like Half Price Books to browse for physical copies, or they are available for Kindle and Nook. Laura Childs writes two great cozy series, the Tea Shop mysteries and Scrapbook mysteries.

If you like fantasy books like Twilight and Harry Potter, you might enjoy the Charlaine Harris True Blood series, it puts an adult spin on vampire romance and incorporates other bits of magic and fantasy. She wrote a few other mystery series as well, it's always nice when you find an author you like that writes prolifically!

Some of the books on your list are romance, one of my favorite Chick Lit authors is Jennifer Crusie and most of her books are sort of contemporary romance. They aren't exactly a series, but some of the characters/settings overlap. I recommend starting with her older books first, then moving up the list in chronological order. I also love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Jennifer Crusie and Janet Evanovich both write outrageously absurd female protagonists that make me laugh out loud at times, I read them when I need a pick-me-up. :)

Also check out the Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series by Julie Kenner. You have to read the series in order or you will be completely lost, but it's a great series that draws you in to a very believable magical world, but still reads like a cozy mystery. And...since you mentioned that you love 50 Shades, Julie Kenner is best known for her romance novels and has a series that seems very similar to the 50 shades books. The first book in that series is called Release Me, there are 6 books total in that series. It's on my list of series to try, but I have to admit that I've never read any of her romance books. Here's the link to her website so you can look into the books for yourself: https://www.juliekenner.com/books/series/stark-series/

Of the series that other people have already recommended to you, I can confirm that the Outlander series is excellent and I re-read it a couple months ago, as well as the Mercedes Thompson series and the Hunger Games. The Maze Runner series is also a good YA series that reminds me of Hunger Games. I am currently re-reading the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, it's one of my favorites!
If you liked Alex Cross, try the Women's Murder Club and Michael Bennett series also by Patterson

I am a mystery junkie......J. A. Jance is a favorite author. She has 3 series........Joanna Brady, J. P. Beaumont and Ali Reynolds

Eragon series?
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. It is commonly referred to as the “Eragon” series since it is the first in the series. Young adult fantasy series with evil king and dragons.

The Artemis Fowl series mentioned above I really loved as well. It is a very well written series and excitingly fun read even though it is geared toward juveniles.

Game of Thrones series by George R. R. Martin, if he ever finishes the series. If not at least HBO finished the series for us.
I mostly gravitate to young adult fantasy or dystopian fiction even though I'm a 42 year old mom. :teeth: One of my favorite's is the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas. It's a fantasy trilogy and each book is loosely based on a fairytale. The first is based on Beauty and the Beast, the second Hades and Persiphone and the third Snow White. Also by Sarah J. Maas is the Throne of Glass series and this comes in a close second to the first series I mentioned. It's just so good!
I really like the Percy Jackson series. Rick Riordan does an amazing job of updating the Greek gods and goddesses for modern times. DS12 was reluctant to read it but I made him try it and now he's hooked. He's reading all of Riordan's books and even those from the Riordan imprint by other authors. I haven't read the Artemis Fowl series but I did have a blast listening to it with my kids in the car. I love seeing how Artemis Fowl's moral character grows and changes throughout the series due to the characters he meets during his adventures. A lot of the most creative fiction coming out these days is YA.


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