I made up the plan. It is MY plan! - A March 2015 TR - update 6/30 Epcot morning

Nice timing! :thumbsup2

Wow, that was quite a delay!

Aww, poor MIL.

I'm having that problem as well. You got some great pics, though. And Anna seems pretty animated in them. :goodvibes

I don't think I've seen this! You had a great view!

Everything you had a Cali Grill looks great! I definitely have to go there someday.

Great updates! :goodvibes

I was happy I got the Splash/BTMRR thing right after we had to miss Buzz that morning.
When iasw first stopped I assumed they were just loading/unloading a disabled passenger, but there must have been another issue.
Yeah, I need to finish this up before I forget everything!
I have never noticed the flower Mickey from the ground and it is blocked by the building from the monorail, so it was really neat to see him from our room.
I think you would really like Cali Grill!
After supper, FIL decided that he was too tired to return to MK. We left D with him and headed back to use our Buzz FP.
If you read my PTR, you know that there was one shirt that I made that I didn't have time to take a picture of before we left. Well, it was now time to deploy that shirt! It is a concept I have never seen before and may be my favorite shirt I have ever made.

We made the walk back to MK and arrived at Buzz around 6:15. We always enjoy this ride. When T was 2, it was the ONLY thing he would ride!

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After Buzz, T declared that he really wanted to go back to the resort to play with his Legos. So, MIL took him back. I went to see what we could get for our 5th FP and settled on the Haunted Mansion. Since FIL didn't use his Buzz and MIL and T weren't continuing with us, it took me a few minutes to figure out how to make our next FP on the kiosk. It isn't as intuitive as it could be. While I was working on that, Gabe took the girls to Monster's Inc Laugh Floor.

We had a few minutes before our HM FP opened, so we asked the girls what they wanted to do next. Of course that means we went here:

I kinda hoped that we would get a CM to comment on her shirt and maybe take a picture with her. We often get comments on our custom outfits, but I couldn't event get the CM at CoP to look at me, much less talk to me. :( I guess that is a pretty boring job and it would be easy to just go through the motions.

After another Great big beautiful tomorrow, we were off to the Haunted Mansion. Even with our FP, there was about a 10 minute wait to get into the stretching room. We had a good ride, but the power went off just as our ghost hitch-hikers were joining us so we had a small delay and missed out on that effect.

The girls then chose to return to Fantasyland and do the things we missed in the morning - Dumbo and Ariel's ride. Both were a total walk-on. It was nice to finally be getting onto some attractions without a wait!

It was now time for the parade to start. I thought maybe the girls would want to hit another ride or two, watch fireworks from Fantasyland and then head back into Tomorrowland and ride until close. - NOPE! They wanted to go back to the room and watch fireworks from there. We tried to take the train back to the front, but with the parade starting, they had already closed it. We walked as quickly as possible from Dumbo to the entrance. That evening, they had opened the new passage behind the Main Street buildings. When we got the point where we had to choose to stay on Main Street or go back there, I turned to take the new passage and completely confused Gabe. Luckily, he stayed with me and quickly understood - it was empty, NO crowds at all! - and every easy to leave. We made it to our room with two minutes to spare before the projection show started.

Once again, we watched fireworks from our balcony and then we headed to bed. We had another early day the next morning!

In the end, we managed 18 attractions plus 5 character meets. We never made it to Adventureland, but we did everything we wanted in Tomorrowland and Fantasyland. I think that FP+ has had the greatest impact on touring in the MK and that I will need a couple more tries before I am really happy with getting around now. It was a good day, but I left with several ideas about how it could have been better. I'm not a FP+ hater, but I had a rhythm that worked for us under the old system and it will take some practice to find a new way to do what we want under this system. Because we are used to doing everything we wanted, it was easy to feel a little disappointed, but it didn't eliminate the magic or any of the other things we love about WDW.
I'm glad you are trying to put a positive spin on things with FP+!! I think 18 attractions and 5 character meets isn't bad at all...but I know what you mean in that it can feel dissapointing to not get in everything you want. I think without adding to the number of days you normally spend, it will make it harder to do it all... and I guess that's part of the point...spread the crowds around and...make everyone stay longer who really wants to do everything...sigh. I'm sure you...and other frequent visitors...will get used to it though and figure out how to better make it work.
I feel the same as you about FP+. We've had 3 trips with it, although one was just DH and I so that was easy. I don't hate it either, although at this point I'm still longing for paper FP........my biggest issue with FP+ is that we were/are repeat riders of the headliners, getting in many rides on them in one day under the old system. It's not that we can't ever do this with the new system; we've managed on some days in some parks, others not so much. Still working on that ;) and as you said, still need some more practice with getting a rhythm down with FP+ that gives us as much as paper FP did. But I agree with KathyM2, 18 attractions and 5 M&G's is a good day!
Think I'd be with your girls on going back to the room and watching Wishes from there again, too lol. Having never stayed at a monorail resort, the idea of being able to see fireworks from my room seems so awesome :cheer2: I can see myself rushing back there every night!
I love the Carousel of Progress shirt!

18 attractions & 5 M&G is great, especially considering the fact that you had a break in the middle of the day! FP+ is definitely an adjustment, but I think it can be made to work. This just gives you a reason to keep going back - you need more practice getting the system to work for you!!
I'm glad you are trying to put a positive spin on things with FP+!! I think 18 attractions and 5 character meets isn't bad at all...but I know what you mean in that it can feel dissapointing to not get in everything you want. I think without adding to the number of days you normally spend, it will make it harder to do it all... and I guess that's part of the point...spread the crowds around and...make everyone stay longer who really wants to do everything...sigh. I'm sure you...and other frequent visitors...will get used to it though and figure out how to better make it work.

So, I just went back and looked at an old trip where I really felt like we did everything we wanted. The difference? One more attraction, 3 more characters, and MSEP. That is it! So, did we do less? Yes. Was it significant? Not really. (BTW, that awesome old trip was pre-New Fantasyland, so while we missed some old favorites this time, we added things that didn't exist then.) We did a big-to-us 10 day trip back in 2010. I am starting to feel the urge to do that again...

I feel the same as you about FP+. We've had 3 trips with it, although one was just DH and I so that was easy. I don't hate it either, although at this point I'm still longing for paper FP........my biggest issue with FP+ is that we were/are repeat riders of the headliners, getting in many rides on them in one day under the old system. It's not that we can't ever do this with the new system; we've managed on some days in some parks, others not so much. Still working on that ;) and as you said, still need some more practice with getting a rhythm down with FP+ that gives us as much as paper FP did. But I agree with KathyM2, 18 attractions and 5 M&G's is a good day!
Think I'd be with your girls on going back to the room and watching Wishes from there again, too lol. Having never stayed at a monorail resort, the idea of being able to see fireworks from my room seems so awesome :cheer2: I can see myself rushing back there every night!

Repeat riding is certainly harder. Luckily, my kids don't want too much of that on the big rides. I LOVED fireworks from our room. There is nothing like a guaranteed seat with no waiting or fighting for your space!

I love the Carousel of Progress shirt!

18 attractions & 5 M&G is great, especially considering the fact that you had a break in the middle of the day! FP+ is definitely an adjustment, but I think it can be made to work. This just gives you a reason to keep going back - you need more practice getting the system to work for you!!

Thank you! It was so fun to make (although a little tricky to stitch around all of the turns in the gears)!
Yep, I need more practice!
Thursday morning, we woke up bright and early for a 7:30 AM ADR at Chef Mickeys! Luckily, that pretty much just meant getting everyone dressed and downstairs.

I am really trying not to complain, but it was another disappointing character meal. This time we were seated on time, got to actually eat our food, and saw all of the characters, but the interaction was lacking. Let's go to pictures and then I will comment more.

OK, as you can see, C is in her Minnie Mouse dress, D is in his Mickey romper, and T is holding his VERY favorite character - sorcerer Mickey. Mickey signed C's book

Let me take this one blurry picture

And then rushed off to wave napkins - never to return. I understand that the napkin thing was starting and he had to go, but I really wanted a picture of just D and Mickey. :(

Minnie was better and almost made up for Mickey

She acknowledged the boys

and engaged with D

and took a less blurry picture

Donald also signed for us

But we didn't get a group picture

Successful group shot with Pluto

So, after this, we have concluded it is time for us to take a break from the character meals. We had so many great character interactions in the park, that we just don't feel like we need the meals to meet the characters anymore. I might change my mind after a couple of trips trying it the other way, but that is the plan for now.

After breakfast, we went back up to our room and packed our bags. It was time to change resorts again. DH and I opted to just put our bags in our car while MIL and FIL had them transferred. The transfer procedure went very well for them and they had their bags in their new room quickly. They had to wait a couple of minutes for the bellhop to come pick them up, we we decided to just head for Epcot and meet them there. We hopped on the monorail and arrived at Epcot at about 9:15. No rope drop, but not bad!
I've heard others say that they're disappointed with the character interactions at meals lately. I guess its the trade off you get ... you don't have to wait in line, but you also don't get as much interaction. I think taking a break from character meals might be a good idea - and after just seeing characters in the park, you can decide which way is better for you.
I'm sorry your breakfast was a bit dissppointing. I've heard that a few times now too. I'm not sure which is worse though...sub-par but no waiting at character meals...or using up a precious FP+ or waiting in a long line to see characters...I guess if you have a long trip maybe makes the meals with characters less worthwhile? They do seem like another thing where you pay a premium for sub-par food just because the characters are there...sigh...You did manage a few good pics though.
I really like your carousel of progress shirt - definitely unique!

I see pros and cons on FP+ but agree the biggest thing is that it is different. A lot of people had the old FP- system down cold for their family and it will be an adjustment ... hopefully in time most people will come to like it even better

sorry you were disappointed with the character meal again. I can see them needing to have a balance between getting good interaction with the characters and the meal not taking forever (been seeing reports of CMs warning people at CP that it will take a minimum of 90 mins for all characters to get to you). For the price, if you haven't been happy definitely think taking a break from them might make sense
I'm still here! I love all your customs! The CoPis especially creative!
It's a shame your character meals weren't as you were expecting. I know how it is when you come to expect a certain level of interaction, very disappointing! But at least you had some good experiences in the parks.
Joining in! and really curious about the next choice of resort!
We are doing a 3 resort stay for out trip in September. Having never stayed onsite, I cannot wait!
Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!
I've heard others say that they're disappointed with the character interactions at meals lately. I guess its the trade off you get ... you don't have to wait in line, but you also don't get as much interaction. I think taking a break from character meals might be a good idea - and after just seeing characters in the park, you can decide which way is better for you.

Exactly. It didn't go the way I wanted. So, next time we will try something different. Character meals used to be great for us, but the kids are getting older and priorities are changing. As much as I would like them to stay little and enjoying the same things that we have on previous trips, it just doesn't work that way.

I'm sorry your breakfast was a bit disappointing. I've heard that a few times now too. I'm not sure which is worse though...sub-par but no waiting at character meals...or using up a precious FP+ or waiting in a long line to see characters...I guess if you have a long trip maybe makes the meals with characters less worthwhile? They do seem like another thing where you pay a premium for sub-par food just because the characters are there...sigh...You did manage a few good pics though.

I actually think breakfast food at Chef Mickey's is fine. There is a lot of variety and I get plenty to eat. My main disappointment was the picture of D with Mickey which I don't think is an unreasonable expectation. But don't worry. I solved that problem. ;)

I really like your carousel of progress shirt - definitely unique!

I see pros and cons on FP+ but agree the biggest thing is that it is different. A lot of people had the old FP- system down cold for their family and it will be an adjustment ... hopefully in time most people will come to like it even better

sorry you were disappointed with the character meal again. I can see them needing to have a balance between getting good interaction with the characters and the meal not taking forever (been seeing reports of CMs warning people at CP that it will take a minimum of 90 mins for all characters to get to you). For the price, if you haven't been happy definitely think taking a break from them might make sense

Thanks! She is ALL about CoP! We managed to fit it twice but she would really have liked twice more. :)

I agree with your assessment of FP+. It isn't bad, just different. For those of us who knew how to best use the old system, it is going to take some time and practice to figure everything out with the new one. I got most of what I wanted this time and with a few tweaks here and there I am certain we can love it again.

I'm still here! I love all your customs! The CoPis especially creative!
It's a shame your character meals weren't as you were expecting. I know how it is when you come to expect a certain level of interaction, very disappointing! But at least you had some good experiences in the parks.

Thanks! I love that the kids will still wear my customs and ask for them every trip! The characters in the parks were awesome for us this time!

Catching back up good updates!

Thanks! I have gotten so behind on the DIS.

Joining in! and really curious about the next choice of resort!
We are doing a 3 resort stay for out trip in September. Having never stayed onsite, I cannot wait!
Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!

:welcome: How fun! I enjoyed staying in 3 resorts. We drive, so I was able to have different suitcases for each one and just a toiletry bag and swim bag that went in everywhere. It made it VERY easy.
When I last left off, we had just arrived at Epcot while MIL and FIL were having their luggage transferred. It was about 9:15 am and we had Soarin' FP for 9:30 so we only had a little time to kill. So, we headed for Imagination first. Figment never has a long line first thing right? Right, because it was down. OK, Plan B. We will go to Living with the Land and be in the building for Soarin'. Sound good? Nope, it is down too. Plan C. Plan C? I don't have a plan C! Well, at this point we are standing next to the character spot and there is only a 5 minute wait. OK, let's see Mickey again! But wait, T doesn't want to and he needs a bathroom. DH agrees to take him while the girls and I take D and head to the characters.

This was the BEST decision. EVERYTHING that I had wanted at CM, I got here! We had the most AWESOME Mickey. (OK, I'll stop yelling now ;) ) He gave special attention to each of the children. Get ready for picture overload. First up, Mickey!
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Continued in the next post.
This next one is my very favorite. We were pretty much done with Mickey and D ran back to give him a hug.

Next up was Goofy.
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Then Minnie. Once again, she was just awesome! She made a big deal about how she was in love with D since he looked like Mickey. She was just such fun!
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Again, she made sure to interact with each kid individually. I really appreciate that! Continued again in the next post!
Last set!
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I love how Minnie had C hold her dress and it was just such a great meet and greet!

When we were done we headed out to meet back up with DH and T. By this point MIL and FIL had made it to the park and joined us too. It was now time for our Soarin' FP, so we headed that way. I made the HUGE mistake of trying to explain to DH how we were going to use the rider swap pass while we were walking. I should know better. All I really needed him to do was to decide if he wanted to ride Soarin' first or be with D first. Instead, he had to understand all of the inner workings of rider swap and couldn't make that decision until he did. So, we found ourselves being THAT family. The one standing right at the FP entrance arguing about who was going in first. MIL decided that we must not have enough FP if we were having this argument so she wouldn't ride and she huffed off. It was a DISASTER! I found myself trying to explain rider swap to DH, keep the kids from blocking the entrance to the attraction, and dealing with MIL who now didn't speak to me for the next hour. Ugh!

Finally, DH understood enough just to take the big 3 kids and go on the ride. I explained to FIL that I was taking D on Living with the Land and they were welcome to join me (which they did - just not talking). When we got out, we used the swap pass and J and C were able to ride again with me, MIL and FIL. T decided to go with daddy and D and do the Land. It was our first time ever getting the front row on Soarin' which was really exciting!

After the great Soarin' debacle, it was pretty much time for our Nemo FP. I don't know if it saved us any time, but this is still one of our favorite attractions. They were doing a manatee presentation as we got off the ride part so we enjoyed that for a while.

There was also a tour group in the dolphin tank that was interacting with the dolphins. My girls were SO jealous! We spent a good amount of time in the Seas pavilion, but we still had a little time before our Spaceship Earth FP. Imagination was now open with a 20 minute posted wait time. DH was sure that couldn't be right. Figment has ALWAYS been a walk-on. Not this time. It was right. I warned him that things had changed since it became a FP attraction.

Oh well. We still had plenty of time for our Spaceship Earth FP. I was happy to have this FP. I think the line was 40 minutes. It was now about 12:15 PM. I love this attraction, but got a really different perspective. I rode with D who was loving the touchscreen. So, I got to do the ride in French. I don't speak French. Spanish or German, I could have figured it out. French, nope. Still a good ride, but I missed the narration.

It was now time to head into the World Showcase. We rode the ride in Mexico and C had to try on this sombrero.

Then we decided it was time for lunch. Everyone wanted Chinese - except me. I went down to Germany for my bratwurst and sauerkraut - and some dessert from the caramel store (YUM!!!!)
:cheer2:Yay for an awesome Meet at the Character Spot! The pictures are way better then at CM anyways! :thumbsup2

The one standing right at the FP entrance arguing about who was going in first. MIL decided that we must not have enough FP if we were having this argument so she wouldn't ride and she huffed off. It was a DISASTER! I found myself trying to explain rider swap to DH, keep the kids from blocking the entrance to the attraction, and dealing with MIL who now didn't speak to me for the next hour. Ugh!
:headache: How immature! And that is partly why I will always be reluctant to share our Disney Trips with Family.

I explained to FIL that I was taking D on Living with the Land and they were welcome to join me (which they did - just not talking).

I rode with D who was loving the touchscreen. So, I got to do the ride in French. I don't speak French.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Little Miss almost did that to us!
Sounds like you had a great Mickey - which must have been perfect after the disappointment at CM. We've always had good interactions at Character Spot, so I'm glad to hear you had a similar experience.

Although that Soarin' debacle ... that must have been lots of fun. At least everyone got to ride!

Maybe I should try French Spaceship Earth next time I go ... I remember a little bit of high school French. But I can definitely see where it would be a little weird if you don't understand the narration ... that's a big part of the ride!


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