"I Love You To the Disneymoon & Back" - Sept 2015 PTR *Updated 5/31*

I had to wait to call at 7 a.m. again since the online website still wasn't working, but we got a reservation at 6:25 p.m. no problem!

So now we've gotten our BOG reservation and our Wine & Dine registrations all on the same day! I'm so excited to try Wine & Dine since that's one of the few seasonal events we though we would be missing during our annual pass year!

So exciting! Lucky you for getting the Wine & Dine registration - it seemed like it was really challenging for a lot of people and sold out super fast!

I definitely felt super lucky being able to get through registration so quickly and easily!


It was an awesome day -- it made it super hard to focus on work though for the rest of the day though since I had Disney on the brain :rotfl:


Welcome!:wave: Thanks for joining in! And thank you for the well wishes :goodvibes
Getting a Little Crafty

As part of our wedding & honeymoon photos, I wanted my fiance and I to have matching bride and groom Mickey ears to wear. I successfully purchased my bridal ears a few weeks ago when I made my side-trip to Downtown Disney, however, David said he didn't like the new groom's ears Disney was selling & would rather have the old top hat style. The only problem was that I couldn't find the top hat ears for sale online anywhere!


I did, however, find an awesome blog about how to create your own top hat ears and it seemed easy enough that even a non-crafty person like myself should be able to pull it off! So, I ordered a regular ear hat that I could cannibalize the ears from and found a fairly nice top at at my local party store. I cut the ears out of the ear hat which did turn out to be a more emotional experience than I thought -- it felt very taboo destroying a Disney icon :scared: While trying to start to cut out the second ear I managed to slip with the scissors and slice my finger open :sad2: My fiance is so hyper-vigilant for my clumsiness-induced injuries that he was dead asleep on the couch, and when I gasped after cutting myself, he immediately woke up and asked "Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Fortunately it didn't need any stitches but it was a near miss.


After bandaging myself up I pinned the ears onto the top hat and sewed the ears on through the grommets. This part of the process was fairly easy and painless. The finished product:

Despite my mishaps it turned out pretty good! I don't think I'll be getting crafty again anytime soon though.

Those are amazing!!

I'm not sure my fiance will go for the ear hats, but I'm pushing for matching cute shirts! Plus hopefully we get buttons :D :D
The ear hat is adorable! Lol my nickname is Graceful. I once tripped walking up the stairs to graduation:) Oops...somebody's got to do it. You've got some great reservations that we want to try so I can't wait to read your reviews.
We had the same issue when we were on our honeymoon, DH didn't like the new style groom ears. It was too late then to make our own. Yours turned out awesome! I love it! I can see how cutting apart Mickey ears could be emotional though. And ouch, but glad your finger cut wasn't worse!

Matching shirts was my backup plan if my fiance didn't end up liking the ear hats at all -- those should be super cute!


Thank you! And oh my gosh that was me -- I tripped walking up the stairs to the stage at graduation! XD


Thank you so much!


Thank you! Sorry you didn't have enough time to make your own :(
Preliminary Itinerary

Sorry for the lack of updates in the past month! It's been absolutely crazy here trying to get all the last minute wedding details hammered out as the day is fast approaching (only 30 days until the wedding!). Between that and work, which has had me working each Saturday for the past 4 weeks in addition to my normal Monday through Friday schedule, I've been pretty much going going going non-stop for the past few weeks.


So, without further ado, I present our preliminary itinerary:

September 12th, 2015 (Saturday)


This is our arrival day at the Animal Kingdom Villas; we'll be driving down and with a departure time around 9 a.m. that morning we should arrive around 1 p.m. While we're waiting for our room to be ready (since check in is not usually until 4 p.m.) we plan to hang out around the pool and grab some quick food for lunch from The Mara. Then, for dinner that night we have a reservation at Jiko for 5:30 p.m. Depending on how tired we are we'll either head to Downtown Disney for some shopping and drinks or we'll try out the night vision goggles at the resort.

September 13th, 2015 (Sunday)


We'll be headed to Universal Studios Islands of Adventures for this day. As this park is my go-with-the-flow fiance's request I intentionally didn't schedule anything specific for this day so he could choose to do whatever he wanted. The only rough plan we have is to have dinner somewhere in City Walk next to the park.

September 14th, 2015 (Monday)


This is our Animal Kingdom Park day. We plan to ride Expedition Everest, Kilimanjaro Safari, and see either the Festival of the Lion King or Finding Nemo: The Musical. For lunch, we're planning on going to Pizzafari since pizza is my fiance's favorite food by far. Since Animal Kingdom closes fairly early, for dinner, we have reservations at California Grill for 7:30 p.m. Hopefully we'll have a good view of the Wishes fireworks (which are one of my favorite things at Disney).

September 15th, 2015 (Tuesday)


This is our designated relaxation day so we don't have too much planned other than hanging out at the resort and probably by the pool as well. We're thinking about going to play mini-golf at the Winter Summertime Miniature Golf Course but not officially planning it yet. For dinner that night, we plan to do the late Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show.

September 16th, 2015 (Wednesday)


Today is one of our earliest days -- our Magic Kingdom day! We have our Keys to the Kingdom Tour scheduled for 8:30 a.m. so we can get in before the park opens to try and get some photos of us on a nearly empty Main Street USA. After our KTTK tour we'll probably hit up our favorite rides and take some time to ride the Walt Disney World railroad loop. For dinner that night we have a reservation at Be Our Guest for 6:30 p.m. which I am super excited for!

September 17th, 2015 (Thursday)


Today is our Epcot day and another early rising day with a breakfast reservation at Ohana at 7:45 a.m. I can't wait to eat some Stitch waffles and get my photo taken with Stitch! We plan to ride our favorite rides at Epcot (Spaceship Earth, Soarin, Test Track, and Livin with the Land) as well as spending some time in the aquarium. Lunch will probably just be some sort of counter service, and knowing my fiance he'll want to eat at the America pavilion so he can grab a hamburger. I'm tempted to schedule a Behind the Seeds tour but I don't want to over-schedule our time too much; both my fiance and I love the Livin With the Land ride so I think it'd be cool to get a behind the scenes look. For dinner we'll be eating some delicious pizza at Via Napoli! Yum!

September 18th, 2015 (Friday)


It's going to be hard to fit in everything we want to do on our Hollywood Studios day since this is both David and my favorite park. The thing I'm looking forward to most is our Dining with an Imagineer lunch at 12 p.m.! Other than that we'll probably spend our time trying to ride our favorite rides (TSMM, RR, ToT), seeing my fiance's favorite show (Lights, Motor, Action), doing the Animation Academy, and trying to catch the Characterpalooza! We have our Fantasmic Dinner Package at Mama Melrose's at 4:50 and then we'll finally see Fantasmic for the first time (up until this point Hollywood Studios has always been our last day park and we've always had to leave early in the afternoon to drive home).

September 19th, 2015 (Saturday)


This our final day in Orlando and I'm sure I'm going to be very say when we finally have to get in the car and head back home. We'll check out from the Animal Kingdom Villas in the morning and then drive to Universal Studios. This is another "Whatever David wants to do" day so I haven't planned anything specific for this day.

In awesome news, only 140 days until our Disneymoon!
Totally missed your last update! Sorry! Your plans look great! I don't know how you are planning a Disney Trip and a Wedding at the same time...my brain would explode!
Okay, did you copy our plans?! We will be at Magic Kingdom, Epcot, & Hollywood Studios on the same days. We are even eating at Via Napoli on our Epcot day! How crazy that we have similar plans. Maybe we will run into each other.
We will also be seeing Fantasmic that night with the Mama Melrose dining deal, but for lunch.
Love your plans so far. Your ADRs are great, and grats on getting that BOG!! I really wanted to try Dining with an Imagineer for my trip, but the BF refused lol. He's not really interested and said he wanted to enjoy his food in private without having to worry about making conversation/faking interest. I'll look forward to hearing about the experience from your TR! Also interested in how your Universal days go, we're spending 2 days there as well.
& the mickey ears top hat you made is SO adorable. :lovestruc

I'm somewhat surprised my brain did stay intact (although I was unusually scatterbrained the 2 weeks leading up the wedding). Now that the wedding it over I feel a bit more sane :teeth:


Great minds think alike! :p Maybe we will see each other!


Thank you for joining in! I hope you'll be able to try Dining with an Imagineer sometime but I can understand why your BF might not enjoy it if he's not a super big behind the scenes Disney fan.
Real Life Update: Our Wedding!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I last updated this PTR! I think that I underestimated how all-consuming wedding planning would be in the last month leading up to the wedding :scratchin. But... it was all worth it in the end since I'm happy to announce that David and I are now officially married!


It was a great day and I still can't believe how quickly the whole thing went by! Although my husband (still feels weird to say that now!) wasn't sold on a fully Disney themed wedding, we did slip some small Disney touches into the day. My vows during our ceremony included this line: "I promise to try to keep my Disney addiction to a manageable level." :rolleyes1 This of course got some laughs from those who know me too well.

We gave away these adorable customized cookies (thank you Etsy!) to our guests. The bow for the bride cookie was green since our wedding colors were green and white.

We had to have this wonderful photo with our mouse ears (this is one taken with just an iPhone; I can't wait to see the photos from our professional photographer!)


We also had this sign for when we walked back down aisle after the ceremony for a little added fairy tale magic. pixiedust:


Our last Disney touches were my getaway dress (being Florida in late May, it got a little too warm by 3:30 to keep wearing my wedding dress) which was a Lauren Conrad Minnie Mouse Dress (splurge!) and our wonderfully decorated getaway vehicle complete with Bride and Groom mouse heads painted on!


I promise I'll have more PTR Disneymoon updates coming soon, especially since we only have 103 days left until our trip! I hope you enjoyed seeing our little Disney touches at our wedding! :bride:

Beautiful!! Congratulations to both of you :D And I love the Disney touches! We're definitely going to end up with more than a little Disney in our wedding too :) I might have to go stalk the Lauren Conrad disney stuff now...
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you so much for sharing these with us! I love all the Disney Touches. :)


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