I know you love Disney but...really? ~a dis meet in London 5/15

I went back and read all 20 pages !!!So man things to comment on !First the pay toilets !! hey are the reason for the English expression of " I have to spend a penny":rotfl2: Bangers and Mash was a staple for me growing up!!! I grew up in a house that had the pull chain toilets :rotfl2:The Changing of the Guards and the Queens Lifeguards is so magnificent !!! Tat is strange that no fur hat guard was outside for you to try to make him smile :rotfl2: Showers in England were not the thing back when I grew up so I am sure your shower was added to the old 'high" tub . Pub lunches are definitely the way to go to eat in London !!I was actually in London the Day The IRA bombed the Queens Life Guards and those beautiful horses . We drove past the scene in the bus on our way back and it was a sight to see :scared1::scared1: The underground ( tube) is exactly the same in Toronto , I travelled across London enough times to be fairly good at navigating it !!!
Like Rosie I grew up with a toilet with a pull chain flush too :rotfl:

I'm sorry you missed out on your photo op, I hope you went to the Tower of London as I'm sure you can get it there!

We saw a bit of the changing of the guard twice last year but, don't faint, we didn't stop to watch :rotfl2:
Like Rosie I grew up with a toilet with a pull chain flush too :rotfl:

I'm sorry you missed out on your photo op, I hope you went to the Tower of London as I'm sure you can get it there!

We saw a bit of the changing of the guard twice last year but, don't faint, we didn't stop to watch :rotfl2:

You didn't stop and watch?!?!?!!
After our jaunt around London on the double decker we found our way over to the other side of the Thames and Shakespeare's Globe theater....this was a high light for D.Jay, who is a theater technical director.

We took the tour and had a great guide. Even though the original Globe burned down and this is just a replica it was fun to be there and imagine what it must have been like to be there in the 1500's....noisy and stinky are two adjectives that come to mind.

D.Jay dreaming of being in charge...

After our tour we checked out the gift shop and brought home a pack of magnets of some of Shakespeare's best insults...such as....fiend of hell....get the to a nunnery....green eyed fool....thou smell of goat......
they are on our fridge and make me smile.

We headed back across millennium bridge, which is a foot bridge that spans the Thames.....on the other side we ran across this fellow...

Almost the entire walk across the bridge I could smell something that smelled delicious....turned out to be a candied nut cart on the other side.

They smelled so wonderful and I was starving......so I walked over to the cart and trying to be friendly made a statement that haunts me to this day......
"MMMMM, your nuts smell good".

I'll give you a second to picture that.....

Yes, I walked up to a man and told him that his nuts smelled good.

As I was spitting that sentence out my mind was screaming "shut up" but it was too late.

I could feel my face turning tomato red and my mind was spinning trying to think of a way to get out of the situation gracefully........I have no idea what the man thought because I couldn't look up from my shoes as I mumbled.....pulled out the correct change, because one doesn't simply tell a man his nuts smell good and then walk away without purchasing any.

We made it about 2 feet from the cart before D.Jay went into convulsions from holding his laughing in.......he did manage to get out one coherent sentence....."you never say that to me".....before laughing hysterically.

I just started walking as fast as I could to distance myself from the scene of my humiliation ......and eventually began to laugh so hard I thought I wouldn't be able to stop.

Our last stop for the day was Temple Church, which I new about from The DaVinci code.....here's a little history on the church...

The Temple Church is a late-12th-century church in London located between Fleet Street and the River Thames, built for and by the Knights Templar as their English headquarters. In modern times, two Inns of Court (Inner Temple and Middle Temple) both use the church. It is famous for its effigy tombs and for being a round church.

It was hard to find, you have to do a lot of walking through back streets , parking lots , it's definatly not something you would just come across with out looking and I imagine that most vacationers who visit learned about it in the book.

I was disappointed when we got there to learn that it had closed early because it was good Friday. So we didn't get to go inside but we walked around the court yard and rested a bit.

A tomb in the court yard

We spent about an hour resting and enjoying the view before hoping a bus over to Trafalgar square, where we found a restaurant . We were both super tired and just went to the first place we found......which ended up being a Belgian place that specialized in mussels. Wish we would have known that before .

D.Jay hates seafood and I like some of it but mussels aren't one. We found something non mussel on the menu and ordered.

I'm going to take a moment here to complain about how close they like to place the tables in Europe. I like a little privacy when I'm eating, so I can enjoy conversation and not worry that the person at the next table keeps bumping me with their elbow. We noticed it in all the restaurants there......the average seemed to be 1 foot between tables. This also cut into my food picture taking.

When the diners on either side of us got their steaming plates of mussels delivered the smell was so overwhelming, I felt like I was at the beach.

We made it back to our apartment around 9 that night, we were both starting to feel the jet lag setting in. We needed to rest up for our last day in London.

up next.....a dis meet
Hi Cherie! You crack me up! I have done the same type of thing before - Sometimes I can even see Jim looking at me like, "dont' say that, don't say that!" as the words are falling out of my mouth - the last word trails off and I suddenly realize what I've said. Maybe it translates differently in the UK (hopefully.) :rotfl:

We have a Shakespearean theatre in Ashland, OR that is a replica of that one - I had never really the pics of the "real deal" before - I feel like I've been there before looking at yours, because I've been to the OR one. Guess they did a good job on the replicating. :thumbsup2

Fun to see you posting another update!
Hi Cherie! You crack me up! I have done the same type of thing before - Sometimes I can even see Jim looking at me like, "dont' say that, don't say that!" as the words are falling out of my mouth - the last word trails off and I suddenly realize what I've said. Maybe it translates differently in the UK (hopefully.) :rotfl:

We have a Shakespearean theatre in Ashland, OR that is a replica of that one - I had never really the pics of the "real deal" before - I feel like I've been there before looking at yours, because I've been to the OR one. Guess they did a good job on the replicating. :thumbsup2

Fun to see you posting another update!

That is cool that there is a replica in Oregon......kinda like the Stonehenge replica on the Washington side of the Columbia river.....
I'm always sticking my foot in my mouth! My kids always have a running list of my slip ups. :rotfl:
Great Update !! Cherie I never heard " Nuts used in the way you were thinking in England BUT I left 40 years ago !!:rotfl2:The word I recall was "Bollocks " So had you said his Bollocks smelt good he ma have been offended :rotfl2:
Oh Cherie that was hilarious :rotfl2: Oh and Rosie he would have definitely have known why she was laughing :rotfl:

You really did explore London well, you've been so many places I never have!!

Oooh a Dis meet huh, can't wait to see who you met popcorn::
Great Update !! Cherie I never heard " Nuts used in the way you were thinking in England BUT I left 40 years ago !!:rotfl2:The word I recall was "Bollocks " So had you said his Bollocks smelt good he ma have been offended :rotfl2:
bollocks....it isn't used enough here in the states.;)

Oh Cherie that was hilarious :rotfl2: Oh and Rosie he would have definitely have known why she was laughing :rotfl:

You really did explore London well, you've been so many places I never have!!

Oooh a Dis meet huh, can't wait to see who you met popcorn::

Jo, you really should see more of your country!:rotfl: But, I guess it's like me only going to Disneyworld when I could go to New York, or Washington D.C.
Our last day in London started bright and early…we were headed to Greenwich to meet Jo and her girls! After embarrassing myself with the customs lady at the airport over meeting a friend from the internet, I was excited to be able to put Jo in the “friend I’ve actually met in real life” category. It would make my next trip through customs easier.

This is the bus stop near our apartment

We rode the bus from our apartment to what I was sure was the correct stop in Greenwich. I was wrong and ended up with a nice long, but enjoyable walk to the conservatory, where we were meeting….well, it was nice until we started walking up the steep hill.

Here we are stopping to catch our breath about half way up the hill..

Part of the view of the Royal Naval Accademy

By the time we got to the top we were both out of breath but the view from the top was well worth the effort, and even more so was meeting Jo and her girls at the top!

It was so fun to have a voice to go with the person! We hugged, D.Jay and I caught our breath and then we all decided we didn’t want to pay money just to go inside and see the prime meridian, where Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)is calculated from…..but we could see it from outside the gate so I took a picture. Funny how such an insignificant thing sets the worlds clocks.

We toured the old palace near- by and the old Naval Academy , which consists of several old buildings.

Actually, old buildings doesn’t do them justice…..they are huge historical buildings. As we were walking we noticed some old carriages and what looked like an old market place set up

…..and then we saw a guard standing by it. Of course, we were all curious and after some friendly bantering with the guard he told us that it was part of the set for an upcoming movie starring Hugh Jackman…….Les Miserables!!
We went down a little ways more, turned a corner and this is what we saw….

I’m still not sure what a giant elephant has to do with the French revolution.
I also noticed the French flag flying above the Naval Acadamy….not something you see every day in London.

The guard told us we missed seeing any filming because they were on a break for Easter. Bummer, but it was cool to see the setr and walk around. And of course when the movie came out , we spent half the time elbowing each other…..”look, we were there”!

We went into the Church that is there and talked to one of the guides. She told us that quite a few movies have been filmed there including Pirates of the Caribbean 4 .

We had a nice lunch together and Jo gave us a bag of British goodies to take home to our kids….it was so sweet of her!

cont in next post
We said our good byes and D.Jay and I headed up the Thames on a nice relaxing boat ride to Westminster.

Just as we were coming up to the street level from the pier I heard something I’d been waiting to hear…..Big Ben chiming the hour. It was a real pinch me I’m in London moment.

We headed for the British Museum, which I had been very excited to see. They have so many amazing artifacts there….it’s a lot to wrap your head around. Once we got there it was late in the day and so very packed with humanity, it was nearly impossible to move. We hung around for an hour or so but couldn’t get close enough to see any of the big things.
I decided to put both of us out of our misery and head for dinner. So, I can say I’ve been to the British Museum but all I saw were a bunch of tourists.

After dinner, I wanted to make one last attempt to find a guard at Buckingham Palace to pose next to…..but no luck. To heal my wounded travel photograpy dreams, I decided to have D.Jay capture my pure excitement for being in London in a picture.

Here's a more respectful picture....

Looking back, I can only imagine what other people who saw this must have thought…..but it gets better….or worse. In an homage to one of my favorite Brits and fellow pole dancer, Rosie, I decided to test out the poles.

We finished off the day with a walk through St. James park and looked at the Princess Diana memorial there. It was lovely. I spent about 30 minutes feeding a squirrel my half eaten energy bar from breakfast. We threw crumbs to the ducks and swans and just enjoyed where we were. It turned out to be one of my favorite memories from the trip. I’ve found it’s usually the unexpected more simple things that leave the best impressions of a vacation.

On the way out of the park I stopped to use the bathroom…..which a janitor almost locked me into for the night. Now that, would have been a funny story to tell. But much to my relief and his surprise when I started knocking and yelling from inside the bathroom, I made it out just in time.
As with all vacation days, we were exhausted by the time we got to bed….I was even too exhausted to worry about the email from the lady in Paris we were renting an apartment from, saying that instead of meeting us at 6:30 p.m. she’d be there at 9:00 p.m.

Up next….An American in Paris
Oh my, that poor nut vendor. :rolleyes1 Back when I was a teenager, when you ordered an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen the workers would ask you, "do you want crushed nuts?". Now of course to a teenager, that was the most hilarious thing ever. And there was an appropriate reply that was supposed to be given, but I never had the guts to say it, and the DIS wouldn't like it too much I'm sure.

Glad you got to meet Jo, your internet friend, in person. :goodvibes
Cherie I just love your trip reports! I'm so glad to have tagged along on this journey, what fun!

Looks like a nice day! How fun to meet Jo - I see you got a pic so we know it happened! :thumbsup2 Looks like a great way to end your day - love your "joyful" photos.
Oh my, that poor nut vendor. :rolleyes1 Back when I was a teenager, when you ordered an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen the workers would ask you, "do you want crushed nuts?". Now of course to a teenager, that was the most hilarious thing ever. And there was an appropriate reply that was supposed to be given, but I never had the guts to say it, and the DIS wouldn't like it too much I'm sure.

Glad you got to meet Jo, your internet friend, in person. :goodvibes

If you're stupid enough to ask a teenage boy if he would like crushed nuts, you deserve the most likely inappropriate (I know I just screwed up the spelling on that one) response .pirate::laughing:

Cherie I just love your trip reports! I'm so glad to have tagged along on this journey, what fun!

Thanks, Dawn! I'm glad to have you tagging along!

Looks like a nice day! How fun to meet Jo - I see you got a pic so we know it happened! :thumbsup2 Looks like a great way to end your day - love your "joyful" photos.

When I went through my pictures, I couldn't believe there was only 2 with Jo from that day.
Great updates . How jolly good that you got to meet Jo !!!:goodvibesThat was quite a large Pole to be dancing:rotfl2: I just started my latest TR Link is in siggie !!!
Great updates . How jolly good that you got to meet Jo !!!:goodvibesThat was quite a large Pole to be dancing:rotfl2: I just started my latest TR Link is in siggie !!!

yeah, it was a little too big to get my leg around..:rotfl:
It was so great meeting you, I still can't get over that where we arranged to meet was at the top of an enormous hill though :rotfl: I can't believe that it was over 2 years ago too :faint:


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