I Just Wanted To Be Athletic - And Now, I Am! (comments welcome)

Hey you. How are you doing?? How's your head? lol! Your training??? Did you get a room? I got an AP rate at Coronado Springs for part of the trip, the last two days at Poly...

Thanks for checking in on me. Hope you are doing ok.

Stacie,Thanks for checking in on me. I have missed a month of training. It's terrible, but true. And necessary. Because every time I'd try to run, I'd have some mental backsliding - increased memory problems, fogginess. So I just stopped. I wished I didn't have to, but it seemed like the only solution.

I do have a room reserved still - at the Boardwalk now - longish story. I have been thinking I should cancel, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I have until 5 days prior to arrival to decide, and I'm not ready to pull the plug yet.

I was at Saratoga Springs over Thanksgiving. I got out for a 2 mile the day after Thanksgiving (I'm trying to take it easy) and it was surprisingly not that bad. I did feel a little bit of mental change after that, but not too bad. The walking in parks did not seem to be a problem at all. I ran again last night and felt like it was OK. 3.6 miles, walk/jog on the treadmill. Not my favorite workout and I have to shut off that voice that says I'm a slacker. I don't know that I'll be able to get the miles in to safely do the half marathon, but I'm not quite ready to give up just yet, you know? I know I won't be running the whole thing at this point, I don't care about my time anymore. I'd just like to go and have fun, stay safe and healthy, and get my much longed for Donald medal. It's not too much to ask, is it? Well, it might be. But I'm not deciding today.

The food has been tougher again. I ate at WDW. I have eaten since I got back. My logging has been marginal. However, the first step is always getting on the scale. And I've gained back 2 lbs :headache: but I can work with that. It felt worse than it actually is, I think.

Holy Crapola! (Is that going to get starred out?) They have changed the Weight Watcher's program since I last looked. The good news is, it happened yesterday, so it's not so ashaming as all that. I wonder if it will be better or worse. goodness knows, they can't just leave things the same! Can't market stagnation!
Wow. Sorry to hear you are still struggling w/ the injury. You still have 4 weeks to get in your training should you decide to proceed. I just did the 10 miler and I came out ok. Even if you cut out the 12 miler and try to make 10 your longest, I think you would be fine. Most training plans only having you going to 10 anyway... I would hate to see you drop out, but you have to do what's best for you. I know the circumstances aren't ideal, but could you mostly walk it and maybe just run 1-2 min every 1/2 mile? Would that jog your brain too much?

I hope that you are better soon and we'll see you there, but worse case... You'll just have to the Princess Half in March! :goodvibes

I hope things continue to improve. Best of luck!

Yeah, I was kind of figuring on seeing if I could get up to 10. I do question whether it makes sense to even try for it or not. I am not a very good fast walker. I always say I'd rather run slowly than walk quickly. :laughing: That might be what I end up doing, though. What kind of intervals are you doing at this point? I remember you said you were switching to more walking, but no further details.

Unfortunately, the princess 1/2 is out of the question. I'm doing tech work on a show that is still running through the first weekend in March. At the time I decided to do it, I thought I was choosing between doing the half and the princess or just the half. Little did I know....

I had actually been thinking of the coast to coast challenge. Not sure if I would do the DL half without having done the WDW half first.

2010 is looking like the read deal - I am not sure if it would be half or full - probably half again at this point. Can you believe registration for that is coming up so soon?
I'm kinda like you on the fast walking vs slow jogging, but I didn't maintain my fitness level throughout the summer and my SIL does mostly fast walking and boy is she fast! We do a fast walk and then at the start of every mile we run 1-2 min at an 11-12 min pace. This keeps our avg around a 15 mpm pace. If things go as planned we are going to do the Princess too (SIL and I, DH and I are doing the Half in Jan), but we just have to check our $$ first.

Yesterday I tried to alternate fast walking w/ a wog of sorts or a race walk techinque. I felt more like I was gliding along or shuffling, for a lack of beter words.

I feel like there is a much better chance of me finishing and being able to go on about my day and do the parks and such and not feel completely, totally out of it. There is NO WAY I could run the entire thing.

If you do have to drop out you can always use your registration for 2010. I think they allow that...delaying it for one year.

If you think you can make it, over on the Events board, they are getting a list together of pace groups. There is a group of walkers that you could try to pace with if you like. It at least helps you keep people in your sight.

Good luck with your decision! Seems like it's always something. Last year, my back, this year my foot is starting to give me trouble. I hope it calms itself down!

Stacie, There's no way I'll be running this whole thing this year!! Maybe we can hang out together during the race, even. I looked for the pacing groups but didn't see any. Do you have a link?

I'm doing 5 minutes of running at a time and it seems like it's working OK. I've done 3 shorter "runs" on the treadmill this week, in the realm of 3 to 4.5 miles. I don't seem to feel any ill effects the next day. My theory on my continuing fogginess is that it is NOT a brain issue, but is instead a neck and bone issue. It seems like when my occipital bone is out of whack, that fog comes over me and I have a harder time. More headaches. Etc. Definitely an issue caused by the incident, but not a brain-problem. Which I find oddly hopeful. I have been stretching my neck according to my chiropractor's instructions and she has given me some neck exercises to do as well. I feel like this is really helping, so far!

I decided not to do the Jingle Bell 5K on Saturday morning for the sake of getting a long run instead. I'm going to aim for 7. And I am tempted to head outside if the weather is good. 7 miles on the treadmill....equals over 2 hours. I'm not sure I have it in me. But it would probably be the safer choice. :sad2: After I do the 7, I feel like I'll have an idea about whether or not it is wise to proceed. I feel pretty good about it so far.

Again, food is hard. I think I got spooked off by the new WW program. "

So my running shoes were literally sighing at me. Did I mention this? I think there must be some kind of leak in the "Air Structure." So I went yesterday to buy a new pair. Except it's version 11 now, and my shoes are version 10's. I am not loving the 11's. I actually changed my shoes after a mile on the TM last night. I think I got the wrong size - I got regular and prefer wides. But they don't have the same kind of cushy feeling as the old version, either. I am going to exchange them for the right size today and I'll try them, but seriously, this is a problem. Fortunately, I found the exact shoe I wanted on Ebay and ordered them. I wish these shoe companies would stop messing with things! Just leave well enough alone, already!:headache:
Hey! Here's the link for the pace groups. http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2024511

They have me listed in the next to the last one for the Half, but honestly, I don't think I'll be that fast. They say you are faster on race day, so we'll see. For my longest (10 miler) I was at a 15:22 pace... I would like to be just under a 15 min pace so I can grab a pic w/ a character or two, but again...I'll just have to wait and see.

I'm glad it doesn't seem to be your brain sloshing around that is giving you the problems! :goodvibes Maybe w/ the continued stretching your neck will improve.

I know the only way I've been able to make it is w/ regular trips to chiro! After my 10 miler, my back and neck were so stiff! I have one more visit and that is after my 12 miler. If I weren't going to Mexico, I would go one last time for good measure, but anyway...

Don't get me started on the whole shoe issue! I feel your pain. Hope you have success at getting the right ones!

Good luck on your 7 miler. Hope it goes well! I can't imagine that long the TM either... Put in a good movie!

Take care! Have a good weekend!
Hey! Just checking in to see how you are doing. Do you think you'll make it in January? How's the brain doing?
Corinna! How are you? Merry Christmas! I have slacked big time on my TR so I have missed seeing you as that is where we often bumped into each other.

How are you feeling? Are you planning on the Half?

I hear you on the treadmill. It is just too cold here for me plus my town stinks at snow/ice removal so I have not run outside in a long time. I did 8 miles on the treadmill. Can you say B-o-r-i-n-g? Tomorrow I am going to attempt 10 and then that is it for long runs for me. I guess I'll just crank the tunes and hope for the best. I am a clock watcher and that makes it worse. I should just tape a piece of paper over the darn thing.

I hope you are feeling better. Neck/back stuff is not fun at all.

Stacie! Hi - I am doing better, I think, than I was. As of right now, I am still IN for January, crazy as it is. I am not going to let a silly little brain injury and month-long derailment stand in MY way! :laughing: Which makes me either incredibly dedicated or incredibly foolish, depending on whom you ask.

Corinna! How are you? Merry Christmas! I have slacked big time on my TR so I have missed seeing you as that is where we often bumped into each other.

How are you feeling? Are you planning on the Half?

I hear you on the treadmill. It is just too cold here for me plus my town stinks at snow/ice removal so I have not run outside in a long time. I did 8 miles on the treadmill. Can you say B-o-r-i-n-g? Tomorrow I am going to attempt 10 and then that is it for long runs for me. I guess I'll just crank the tunes and hope for the best. I am a clock watcher and that makes it worse. I should just tape a piece of paper over the darn thing.

I hope you are feeling better. Neck/back stuff is not fun at all.


Allyson! - It's so nice to see you over here. I had noticed the fall-off in the trip report but as I have had short-term memory problems lately, I've forgotten to stop by and nag you about it. ;) Glad to hear I'm not the only one muddling along with the treadmill. How did that 10 go for you?

I thought of you as I was doing my 10 on Friday, actually. It was a weirdo 10. I have quietly been on a cruise the past week, and I ran the first 7 on the treadmill early, early Friday morning. Then there was to be a Castaway Cay 5K at 9:30, so I cooled down a bit, stretched, had a little snack and went and ran the last 3 on the island. I was the slowest runner, but it was nice to be running on land again. I was able to hang in there with an average of 12 mpm. I did manage 3 workouts last week - one on the track around the ship, (35 minutes, about 3 miles??) one on the eliptical (over an hour, it claimed to be 6 miles!!) and then the 10 on Friday. Not too bad, really.

So my next dilemma is: do I go for a 12 this week or do I start that taper - it hardly feels like I've gotten enough training in to be tapering. I am really feeling that 10 today, also. 3 more miles on top of that 10 I already did? Ugh. I shudder to think.

I do feel like I am still dealing with some fallout from that stupid injury, but I don't feel like the impact from running is setting me back. When I have problems, it seems like it's when I have too much unfamiliar stuff to contend with - I just have a bit of a re-learning curve. Once I am up to speed, I seem to be OK.

So that's where I stand at 2 weeks (TWO WEEKS!!!) till race day. I am definitely not where I wanted to be, but I think I can still finish and finish safely. I am looking forward to it! I kind of feel like I can't back out of this race - I bought the chip! :rotfl:

Have a great weekend!
Wow - what a weekend! I did it - I finished my Dream Race. Here's the little report that I put on the Race Reports thread. I am going to embellish it a little for my own journal, though.

I am pleased to say that I finished the 2009 Half Marathon. This has been my "dream" race, the race that I started running for, the race that kept me going on the treadmill many a time. Not just the WDW Half, but the 2009 WDW Half.

Finishing was even more sweet because I have had a few setbacks this year (it seems like this was a BIG year for life trying to get in the way for WISHers) including a concussion in October that made training out of the question for a month and some bigtime back pain in the past week. So I am just so pleased that I was able to go and finish. I did not really push myself this race - just did a "happy pace" for the 13.1 miles. At the end, I did not feel that "Oh, I'm going to be ill" feeling that I get when I push myself, but that was OK!! I mean, I did not even sprint at the end, I just enjoyed it. My feet were definitely the weakest link, I think because I had not gotten enough miles on them in the previous months. My time was about what I expected it to be, at just under 3 hours. It does not thrill and delight me, but it is truly the best I could hope for this year.

The highlight of the weekend was definitely all the WISH team members that I met and especially those that I saw cheering along the course and at the water stops. I don't always participate the most on the boards, but I so greatly appreciate being part of this team! It was a super-fun race, and I think that the WISH team was part of the reason why. I was traveling alone, but between the POP meet on Friday, the pre-marathon porta-potty wait-group, Laurie and Carol in Corral C, Trading back and forth with Carol for the first half (before I stopped at the Frontierland restrooms and she must have just kept going), the guy in the Sorcerer's Hat and Wish shirt who was literally EVERYWHERE, it seemed, Debra and Jeanne at the water stops, and Liz and Bryan and one other WISHer (whose name I did not catch because it was SO LOUD) who adopted me at Jellyrolls, I can not imagine how this weekend would have been without the support, encouragement and friendship of the WISH team.

I've got some photos - they are mostly pretty bad - and will try post some of them with commentary very soon.

Moving forward - after a crazy weekend, I am getting right back on the WW wagon, discovered that there is a DVD that came with the resistance band I bought (when I couldn't find my old ones - sooo bad) and it seems like a great workout. I'm going to focus more on strengthening my body over the next few months and try to make regular resistance training part of my routine the way that running really has become part of my life. I unfortunately came back from Marathon Weekend a little heavier than when I left (I think it may be retained water, as I am feeling kind of puffy) but regardless, I am not thrilled with how the pictures of myself in the race. I want to be delighted with my photos in 2010. Today is the first day of registration for next year's race and I am so totally in. Anyone else?
Hey Corinna! It's Bryan from Jellyrolls. Sorry for having to bolt out early the other night but I was signed up to work one of the water stops for the full the next day and then drive home so I had to get a little sleep. It was really great meeting you (and all of the WISHers). What a weekend!!

First off, I am most definately in for 2010!!! This was my first Half and I was overwhelmed from the time I got there until...... well, um now! Remember, there was 17,000 people signed up for the Half (12,400 finished). That 17,000 is 2x's the size of the town that I live in. So yeah. It was overwhelming.

Second, you finished in under 3 hours! That is fantastic. I guess you can take the moniker down saying that you want to be athletic. You are!!! My time was 3:07:11. I was happy and disappointed. I was on pace to get under 2:40 but then I got a cut in my toe. That slowed me down by at least 20-30 minutes. Not only was I going to finish but I was going to PR over my training times.:mad: :mad: But I still finished and still got the same medal that the guy got who finished in 1:07.

Third, you looked great!! (The other lady at Jellyrolls was Susan. She is a teacher friend of Liz.) You have nothing to be ashamed about for your pictures. You just did a 13.1 mile run. You completed your dream race. Nothing to be ashamed about there. Enjoy! Be happy! And hopefully, I will see you in 2010!!

Congrats!!! I'm so glad you finished and you did so well! We were SLOW!!! It's a good thing we started in Corral D because our official time was 3:38, a 16.10 pace... ugh. My training was never even that slow. I'm not sure what it was, but regardles... we finished and got our medals. We slept all afternoon on Saturday... literally. We finally made it to the MK around 5pm.

Glad to hear you had a good trip. Can't wait to see your pics!!!

Hi Bryan! It was so nice to meet you at POP and then again at Jellyrolls. I completely understand about leaving Jellyrolls early (though not all THAT early, really) since you were getting up so early again the next morning. I am going to plan to volunteer for the full next year as well, I think.

It was definitely a mega race - did you say this was your first race or had you done a few smaller races previously?

That is such a bummer about your toe - I've had toenail problems myself and have learned the importance of the toenail clipping the hard way. Hope that heals up quickly for you. I'm impressed that you finished even so - it can be tough to keep going with something like that.

Thanks for the support regarding the photos. And the name of our other Jellyrolls friend. I am signed up for the 2010 half as of 2:14 this afternoon, SO, I hope to see YOU there next year, too!

Stacie - you finished and that is the main thing. I don't know about you but I think that I actually slowed down especially in the parks just because I think I wanted to savor it.

For some reason, I could not sleep on Saturday afternoon at all! I don't know what the deal was, but I did a little ice bath, biofreeze and elevation for a little while and then went out to find some lunch and watched Off Kilter and had a Welsh Dragon from the Rose & Crown. Then I set off on a Wild Goose Chase. Sorry I didn't call you - I was in MK for a little while looking for something my son had wanted, but we hadn't gotten for him last time we were there. And they did not have it anymore. I ended up looking in a total of 5 stores in Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Contemporary Resort and Downtown Disney before I gave up and stopped by Jellyrolls on my way back to my room. Well, that was quite a lengthy detour. Hope you had a good time at MK, though! I was surprised to realize that I didn't ride a single ride on this trip!
I had done one 5k locally that had about 200-250 people. So for us to be in a staging area with 17,500 people, it was a good bit overwhelming. I did forge thru just because I wasn't going to drive down there, pay for the event and not finish. I may have been swept but I wasn't going to quit. Yeah, I am hurting today but it was worth it.

I still have to say that the best part of the trip was being able to meet everyone. That and the last stretch going thru EPCOT. That was a bit emotional for me but I don't want to get mushy.

Hopefully, I will see you again next year. Ready, Willing to Run and Able to Finish strong!
:woohoo: Congratulations!!!:woohoo:

I am SO proud of you Corrina!! You are an inspiration to all WISHers!! You did it depite the hand you were dealt in the last months of the year.

I cannot wait to see the photos, you will have to post them soon.

About the momentum plan, I am still working out the gliches for myself. I find that naturally I am a FLEXer and that is that. Since I am doing it online and not attending meetings, I am stuck in my old ways and not changing much - so far they are working for me, so it is hard to change.

Anyway, it sounds like you had a great trip, I am so glad. Keep up the great work!! (Oh and BTW I walked the 2006 Honolulu Marathon and finished in 9:11:30 - yes 9 hours!! I am not a runner, so 3 hours for a half sounds like dream to me. I think you should be proud regardless of your time - You Did It!!)

Bryan, I think that first big race is a heady experience regardless. I agree, running into Epcot, both because it's Epcot and because you KNOW you're going to finish and you've already done most of it - well, it's an emotional moment, for sure!

Amy - THANK YOU! I am proud of myself, too. What a crazy end to the year, eh? You know I debated a hundred times not going on this trip, especially since it was a Solo trip, I felt like it was just kind of questionable. But I am so, so glad that I pushed through and went. It was definitely worth overcoming all the challenges. I'm going to see about getting my report done today. It's -20 here (as a frail Minnesotan, I am just hunkering down today) and I'm just going to remember being warm in Florida today. :cool2:

I hear ya on the new Momentum plan - it's not THAT different. I do think it's weird that it goes through your Flex points before it touches your activity points. But the activity points seem to accumulate for the week now. Well, I can't tell what difference their changes in accounting will make. When I started, you could bank leftover food points from day to day. I loved that! I guess they have to keep coming up with new stuff. I like the filling foods lists, but I don't get the "set points" thing at all.

Here's what's going on right now:

When I got back from the marathon, I was heavier than when I left, by a few pounds. :scared1: I know I had some treats, but I didn't think it would be THAT bad. You'd think running for 3 hours would count for something. :headache: So I just got right back to logging food on Weight Watchers, and between that and rehersal for Cabaret most nights, I've been doing pretty well! I got on the TM on Tuesday and did about 45 minutes with a couple of 5 minute runs in there. I am definitely still recovering from the race and am taking it easy-ish, but I am following the recovery weeks plan in the MFM training plan. I didn't follow most of the plan very well, so why start now? Well, because I can, I guess. I've never done postrace training like this, and it can be easy to just "rest" for a few days and before you know it, a week has gone by!

I also joined (or tried to join) the Biggest Loser challenge here on WISH. I think having a regular weigh in day and someone to report to is going to be beneficial for me. Otherwise, the scale-games start. And I don't feel like playing those if I can avoid it. I have been curious, though, about this post-half-marathon-week's weight fluctuations. I am down 6.5 pounds since I weighed on Monday. Crazy! It seems like most of my post-race weight gain was, in fact, water weight.

OK - I'm off to try to write that report!
At long last, the much anticipated (and highly controversial)
2009 WDW Marathon Weekend Trip and Race Report!

Chapter 1 - Travel and Packet Pick Up! OR Skim and Look at the Pictures!

The week leading up to the Half Marathon trip had been a bit of a crazy one - rehearsal for Cabaret every night, stuff with the kids. I did manage to get myself packed and ready to go on Thursday night, though I don't remember exactly how. I got up very early Friday morning, 4:30am early, and drove myself to the Humphrey Terminal, where I parked and smoothly checked in. I did not have TONS of extra time, nor did I race to the gate only to find they'd just closed the doors. The first flight was uneventful, and I may have even slept a bit. Before we landed, the captain said that this plane was going to continue on to Orlando after the stop in Atlanta. :idea: My connecting flight was 2 hours away, so I talked to the gate agent and she had no problem booking me on the plane I had just been on! This was good news because I had been concerned about how I was going to pick up my packet and make it to the POP meet at...whatever time that was. It eludes me already. 4:30, I think, if my plane was supposed to land at 2pm. A few weeks prior, my flight had been changed from a nonstop to this connecting thing in Atlanta and I didn't like it. Anyhow, it worked out very smoothly, since I was using DME - my bag followed along behind. I grabbed a quick bite in the Orlando airport and got into the LONGEST DME line I'd ever been in! I think a lot of people were coming in that morning for Marathon weekend!

Finally, I got to the Boardwalk and my room was clean and ready, but about 1/2 mile away at the end of a LONG hall, passing right by the creepy twin chairs:

They eyeballed me every time I went by and I had visions of them coming to life and scrambling down the halls in the middle of the night. Which was concerning given that I'd be getting up in the middle of the night!

I walked back down the LONG hall and then out to the front to catch the Expo shuttle - they were running them from the Boardwalk Convention Center pick up area. There was a limo there, but that wasn't it. Oh well. It was very nice not having to get a WWoS bus from DHS, but instead having one direct from the resort. Ah, Marathon Weekend, I love you already.



It's super-exciting to pick up your packet from the Wide World of Sports. The only other time I've done that was at the Minnie and I did not take photos then. This was a different set up. Packet Pick up was fairly uncrowded. I waited for one person ahead of me in my line, I think.

I had never seen this before at either of the other Disney races, but they had a station for checking chips. Now, I had bought the 2009 Marathon Weekend Chip, and had planned on using it, but foolishly had left it in the room on my "race" shoes. Go figure. So I had them check the back-up chip they had provided and ultimately decided to go with that one rather than the one specifically FOR that race! Ridiculous!

I finally figured out how to get over to the expo - you had to go up and out and over and around and into the Josten's center, which was actually connected to the Milk House so that you could hear the Expo from in there, you just had to go way around to get to it!!


Wow, the expo was BUSY, but I was on a mission - the only thing I had not been able to find to pack from home was a pair of running sunglasses. It is unfortunate because I have a couple, but could I find even one to pack? For some reason, no. I had bought a relatively inexpensive pair from a booth at the Minnie and had liked them well, before I was unable to find them, so I was going to find and buy the same thing again. I found the booth, no problem - thank goodness she was there!- and then could not figure out for the life of me which glasses I'd bought before. I found a couple of others on closeout and finally, we decided that it was the older version of the "Driver," and fortunately she had some left in the older style. I bought more sunglasses than I strictly needed.

I got my t-shirt and goodie bag and then looked at the marathon weekend merchandise for a few minutes, but felt like it might be a bit of a jinx or arrogant to buy any before I'd actually finished the race, so I left and caught the bus to POP century for the WISH meet. And on the bus, who do I meet but Maria (Worfiedoodles) and her husband! It was very fun to meet someone from Team Ohana right away!

The WISH meet was lots of fun but a little overwhelming. I met so many WISHers, I don't even remember! I don't have a copy of the big group photo, but I did take one of the people getting ready to take the big group photos, so that's unique!


We also gathered as many of the Ohana family together as we could find after the big photo and took a picture by the 70's O.


Eventually, Debra and I decided that we were going to go inside and get some dinner. While we were in line getting the Baked Ziti Marathon Special, a fabulous team dinner formed! Someone had put together a bunch of tables and we kept adding to it. I wish I had a photo, but I was so hungry, I guess, I didn't even think of it! It was a nice dinner, and included a surprise! Someone (I wish I had caught his name!) came around and gave us all WISH socks! Just gave them to us! They have penguins and a green cuff and say WISH on them!


After the meet, It had gotten a little chilly out, and I had a harder time getting back to the Boardwalk than I would have preferred - it wasn't that bad, but I first tried to take a DHS bus, but apparently DHS had closed. I just took the coach back to the expo and caught a boardwalk bus from there.

The interesting thing about staying at the boardwalk is that it is the last stop in the big ring of the 5 Epcot resorts, so if you are going somewhere, it's great. If you are coming home, it's either a long ride OR you can hop off at the Swan and walk a little ways. I opted for the little walk that night, and it was very nice! I did get a little soft serve ice cream from that candy shop and then walked back to the end of the LONG, long hall, past the creepy chairs, and to my room to get everything set up for the next morning. There was one moment where I thought I had no pins! Agh!!! Fortunately, I found three at the bottom of the goodie bag, which is where they were supposed to be anyhow, I guess. Three is better than none. I set the alarm for very early and then set the wake-up call for not quite as early. Since the busses ran between 3 and 4am, I wanted to be out the door no later than 3:25! Going to bed around 10pm (later than I'd planned), I was going to get a solid 4 hours!:rolleyes:
GREAT report already! Love the bonus socks!! :thumbsup2 And I totally would've had nightmares about those chairs too!

Can't wait to hear about and see pics from the race! Don't leave us hangin!
Loving hearing about your weekend! I wish we had run into each other!

So you are signed up for next year, that is awesome! I want to do it again but I don't think it is in the cards. Getting childcare was not the easiest thing and I don't know if we could pull it off again. I wonder if I could go alone? Hmmmmmmmmm?????

Looking forward to reading more!

Allyson :)

PS Your penguin socks are too cute!


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