I hate our school district!

Nik's Mom

DIS Veteran
Dec 22, 2001
I'm so frustrated right now. My children are both ASD and in special day classes. Every year, the school district takes FOREVER to place our children into school. We are not informed on their school until a week before classes start! Then I'm left scrambling to get out of work early, get them registered and buy uniforms to fit that school!!!!

Well this is the last straw! My youngest ds starts kindergarten in the fall. I politely asked to be given his school name so I can get the medical form from the right school and turn it in when ds gets his physical for kindergarten. I was told they won't give out that information until the week before classes. I explained that I need the information now becaue I can't take off work during the month of August. They basically said "well, there is nothing we can do".
Am I wrong to be so furious? THis happens every year. Why is it that kids in the mainstreamed classes will know what school they are going to, but the disabled kids cannot be told?

Are we being discriminated against, and what can I do about it?
When you say "The School District" are yo talking administrative people or what. All school districts report to an elected Board of Education or some other lected body. Find out who is one of the elected people and talk to them.
So, even though you have had your IEP, they did not make the decision for your children's placement at that time?? I have never heard of that before.

I agree, go higher up and find out what the deal is. That is not right!

Our IEP has placement info in it. We know what the plan will be before we sign off for the year. Our annual is done in May/June.
Of course plans can always change but we have never been held in limbo like that for the summer - I would be very frustrated too!
I can understand how frustrating this must be for you. Have you considered contacting the Office that administrates Special Services to express your frustration. I agree that parents of children with special needs deserve to have advance notice to begin to prepare their children for their upcoming new experience. I am a special education teacher in CT and I frequently prepare social story books for my students to have over the summer to help them to be less overwhelmed with their new environment and staff. I take digital pictures of their future teacher with them and a variety of pictures inside and outside of the school and of a bus or van depending on their mode of transportation. My parents have found them to be extremely helpful in easing some of their children's anxiety and reservations. Good luck!:flower3:
My son's both have IEP's that place them in special day classes. The problem is that the School district administrators have not told us which school in the school district the children will be assigned to. This happens every year. Even the school office gets frustrated because they know that parents can't always register children one week before classes start. Paperwork is involved, especially for kindergarten. A medical and dental exam is required.

I called my sons current school and begged them to give me a kindergarten registration packet. They were reluctant, but when I explained that the school district was not going to inform me on which school until the week before classes, they gave me the packet.

I think I will write a letter of complaint the school district and find out who is above the Director of Special Education. This woman happened to take part in my youngest son's IEP. It was really devastating news and we were heart-broken. Well, at the end of this meeting, with me in tears over my son's prognosis, this woman starts bragging about how smart her grand daughter is and how much she can read, and she is the same age as my son.:sad2: I just walked away crying and the teacher actually chased me down and gave me words of encouragement.
That is horrible!! She should be ashamed of herself. I would suggest going directly to the Superintendent of Schools. That is typically the head honcho. You have clearly been mistreated. If you have a relationship with the current school principal I would also appeal to them for assistance. Since they know your son, they may be able to justify you continuing in the current placement in your child's best interest. Also, if you have a Developmental Pediatrician, they would also be a good resource to perhaps provide a recommendation that your sons would respond best to consistency and stability. I have never heard of this type of school placement. We have neighborhood schools here which determine a child's school location. There are a few exceptions due to location of very specific programs, but that is clearly communicated at the PPT. Waiting for this information sounds absurd. I hope you are successful in your pursuit of justice.:hug:


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