I FINALLY hit 2000

Sometimes I feel so alone up here:sad1:
Yes, Denise I think our umbrella guy has got Laurie's story beat.

And keep going Jennifer, go jennifer go.............
Originally posted by sweetpea3812
Why not just come out and call me a liar,, I guess next time I won't share without pictures.... I'm taking that hug back,, until you apologize for hurting my feelings:sad: :sad:

Oh Laurie, don't cry. I'm soooooo sorry (with sugar on top). I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! :hug: Love ya!;)
Originally posted by dtuleya
Oh Laurie, don't cry. I'm soooooo sorry (with sugar on top). I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! :hug: Love ya!;)

You're forgiven :) Denise.. I was being overly sensitive ,, must be the pregnancy hormones :hug: :hug: Love ya back :)
Originally posted by Maleficent2
Hey D!!!! you have more posts than me I gotta get busy!!!!!



Well ya gotta get in the game more! ::yes:: ;)

You're forgiven Denise.. I was being overly sensitive ,, must be the pregnancy hormones Love ya back

Pregnancy hormones????? How did I miss this? Congrats girl! :hug:
I thought so you little sneak...all I have to say is...LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!

But, yes, I still love ya!:p
Geesh! I spend a couple days over on some of the other forums and I come back to find Karen hit a milestone (2000+ posts!), Mal comes out of hiding, Beanie is siding with our Canadian neighbours (not that I find fault in that, supposedly my maiden name is French-Canadian and some of my ancestors came south from Canada), Laurie witnesses some type of naked bathroom "event", ends up pregnant (maybe you've been in one too many bathrooms with naked men?), whoops, take that back she's not pregnant, and Denise is calling "Liar liar!".

Do I need to start hanging out on this forum more and keep you all in line?

No wait that won't work. I've already proclaimed myself to be :crazy: and getting :crazy:ier by the minute. ::yes::

Can you try to behave while I go visit some of the other Dis Forums? :confused:
what the .....is going on here. I too have been back and forth and finally just read this post. I'm with you Michelle. Got to keep these people in line.

All of a sudden I don't feel so lonely with Beanie and Michelle becoming the Sista's I always knew I had..........

Sista K:teeth:
you'll try to behave but it won't happen:p :p

Karen I treated you like a sister,, I gave you money and didn't expect to see it again:teeth: :teeth:

Michelle **maiden name is French-Canadian ** I knew there was something not right with you but I couldn't put my finger on it until now:earseek:

And Mal ,, If by some freak of nature I was pregnant,, You would be the 1st to know,, I'd expect you to come hold my hand and Just shoot me::yes:: ::yes::

Okay Karen started all this,, What was her orginal post about??:teeth: :teeth:
YEAH, Laurie made it over the 300 mark!!!!!

okay Laurie, because you gave me money you can be my Sista too......
Hey Laurie - I never said there wasn't anything wrong with me. Remember? I'm :crazy: Did I ever mention that my dad and his mom moved to the states from England when he was 2? ::yes::

Hey Karen - Can I be the youngest sister? :teeth:
I go to my mom's house for a week and look what happens! All I can say is WOW!

Originally posted by dtuleya
Waaaah! I'm the only one who isn't a sista! :(

I'm not sure where you fit in cause michelle's the baby and I'm the oldest since I have the premenopause curls:rolleyes: :teeth: :teeth: You can be the middle child that gets no attention:teeth: :teeth:
I know they can be the wicked step-sistas:teeth: :teeth:

My real sister called last night to let me know she's coming home for a visit next summer( she could of warned me alittle sooner :)
I didn't bother to tell her we're moving ,, I'll let her figure it out when she gets here::yes:: ::yes:: :teeth: :teeth:
Guess I'm the long-lost (and forgotten about) sister. ;)

Haven't been around much lately. Been busy with the two wee ones, and all. And clearing out my stupid email inbox. :mad:

And as a middle-child, I can tell you it's no fun being one. At least in my family I was the one that got blamed for everything. Maybe it's because I'm the only girl?!?


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