"I didn't know that was an option!" moments...


Earning My Ears
May 12, 2014
Whenever my wife or I see someone do something just off the wall, we look at each other and say, "I didn't know that was an option!" It seems to happen a lot at WDW, and was wondering about some of the crazier things you've seen people do, for better or for worse.

Some examples-

When I was leaving the Mexico pavilion, as we were walking past the shops, I noticed a silver bracelet on the railing with the tag on it. Obviously it was an item for sale at one of the shops. Well, a man in front of me picked up the bracelet, and without breaking stride, tore the tag off and kept on walking. He gave it to his wife who looked at him with a smile and an "Oh, you shouldn't have!" look, and promptly placed it on her wrist as they walked off together---

"I didn't know that was an option!"

We were waiting at the FP+ line at the Little Mermaid when a man just plowed himself and his entire family through without scanning his MagicBand. The CM said, "Sir, this is the Fastpass line, and you need a Fastpass to go this way." He looked back and replied "Yes! Fastpass! Fastpass!" and held up his band. Meanwhile his entire family had sprinted into the queue.

"I didn't know that was an option!"

My was waiting for me to change DD2's diaper at the baby care station. When I came out, her, DD5 and another little girl were sharing a bag of Goldfish crackers. My wife gestured to a woman talking on the phone about twenty feet away. The woman took another couple of minutes, finished her phone call, looked around, and finally saw her daughter with us. She thanked us for watching her, got her back in the stroller and walked away. Free babysitting?!

"I didn't know that was an option!"

So, what sort of things have you seen people do that just made your jaw drop, shake your head or just laugh? Sorry for the long entry.
Lol my favorite was years ago when we were at a very packed EMH at Magic Kingdom standing in the Buzz Lightyear line. Some kid in front of us had to go to the bathroom and his mom whips out this plastic bowl thing out of Dad's backpack, and the kid did his business right there in the que. I didn't know whether to laugh or be sick!
HaHaHa! Wow -- these about made me spit juice at my computer screen. Great idea for a fun thread!

Of course, there was the drunk guy who climbed the pyramid in the Mexican pavilion last year. That was definitely a "WTH?!?!" moment.
I was in the Tangled bathroom, waiting to wash my hands. The woman in front of me turned around, handed me her infant, washed her hands, dried them, and then collected the baby. Words were never exchanged between us. I think I was too stunned to speak.

At least the baby was quite cute?
Ha ha, the babysitting ones remind me of a non-WDW similar moment. Went skiing on the bunny hill (DD's first time out) and DD made friends with another little girl on the slopes. We saw her with her dad a couple of times and did the "aren't our kids cute making friends so quickly" nod, then after a little while realized he wasn't around anymore. He'd apparently left his 6 year old with us (perfect strangers), on a ski hill, without telling us. I guess he was okay with her being by herself, but we didn't know whether he did or not, had no idea where he was or when he was getting back, so didn't want to leave her alone, didn't want to take her with us off to lunch in case he came back and was looking for her. We were stuck on the bunny hill, unable to even go to lunch, watching this little girl for about 4 hours until her dad finally showed up. Bizarre.
Here's another "attempted" free babysitting one!

My DH, DS (who was 7 at the time) and I were on the Boardwalk around 9 pm one night when we noticed two dads with two boys, around my DS's age, in line to get into Atlantic Dance Hall. I was under the impression that you had to be at least 21 years old to get into the club, but we thought we would stick around to see if they got in as DS and I love to dance. Well, lo and behold, they were turned away because of the children and started walking by us. My DH asked them if they had been turned away because of the age of the kids. One of the dads said yes and then suggested I take care of all three children (we had just met them and they didn't know me from Adam), while the three dads (including my DH) go to Atlantic Dance Hall. Um, yeah, no. To borrow OP's phrase, that was NOT an option. So wrong, for so many reasons. :sad2:

BTW, OP, I LOVE "I didn't know that was an option" and I'm totally stealing it - so funny!!!
Last year oct. We waiting for the boat at MK heading to the WL, around 6pm. I look down and see a little girl, around 3 yrs old. She is bordering on hyperventilating and crying and looking around. I take a look around see no adult looking for a child. I ask her where her parents are and she's too upset to talk to me. I don't see any cast members because were waiting on the boat. So I start yelling really loud lost child. 10 15 min later no parent. As we get ready to board the boat I get one of the cast members on the boat handover the little girl and explain she's not ours. The cast member went to the other line found the parent who was on the phone had not noticed her child was missing and didn't say a word to the cast member when the child was handed over . On the way to WL I asked the cast member how she located the mother so fast, in a low voice she leans over and tells me I usually look for the ones on the phone.


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