I could nev. . .Happy Bir. . .*Beep!Beep!* - A Solo/Birthday Feb. '14 TR *Update: 10/25*

What a great first day! And amazing bus luck too!

I am really familiar with the hangry state of mind...it can get real bad real quick. Glad you got the good CM and a great Birthday button!

There is no better sight than walking turning the corner and seeing the castle. Perfection!

We didn't do the M&G with Tink last trip but I have heard great things about her new meeting spot! I love the nod to Peter Pan on the teacup too!

I would love to see the Electrical Water Pageant. It's on my to-do list for my solo trip (2 years away...totally planning though) along with many other things!
Loved the update, Becky! And I agree, the silver lining to not being the first resort stop is that you get to see others without actually staying there! :thumbsup2

Yay for hitting up Earl of Sandwich - I'm sooo obsessed with that place! I really want to try Puck but I just can't not go to Earl and I don't typically visit DTD more than once each trip. I gotta start taking longer vacations I guess... ;)

Your photopass pictures are beautiful! As are the ones with Tink - your green shirt was spot on!

So glad you got to see the Electric Water Pageant, and without even trying!!!

Happy belated birthday, Becky!!! :bday:
BECKY! I'm so glad you're doing a TR! And I hope youre birthday was amazeballs, too!!! :bday:

I've only been to Earl once, and it was DELICIOUS! but here in my hometown, we have a little local place that does incredible toasted sandwiches, so I've always skipped Earl ever since, opting for eats I can't easily get at home.

Your room at All-Star Music was indeed a handicapped room. they come both with and without roll-in showers. :thumbsup2

I love your photos!! ::yes::

Can't wait to read more!! :goodvibes
Loved the update, Becky! And I agree, the silver lining to not being the first resort stop is that you get to see others without actually staying there! :thumbsup2

Yay for hitting up Earl of Sandwich - I'm sooo obsessed with that place! I really want to try Puck but I just can't not go to Earl and I don't typically visit DTD more than once each trip. I gotta start taking longer vacations I guess... ;)

Your photopass pictures are beautiful! As are the ones with Tink - your green shirt was spot on!

So glad you got to see the Electric Water Pageant, and without even trying!!!

Happy belated birthday, Becky!!! :bday:

Thanks for the birthday wish. Earl was soo good and I am fully okay with taking longer vacations! Every night I would go online to check out my photopass pictures because of how much I adored them!

BECKY! I'm so glad you're doing a TR! And I hope youre birthday was amazeballs, too!!! :bday:

I've only been to Earl once, and it was DELICIOUS! but here in my hometown, we have a little local place that does incredible toasted sandwiches, so I've always skipped Earl ever since, opting for eats I can't easily get at home.

Your room at All-Star Music was indeed a handicapped room. they come both with and without roll-in showers. :thumbsup2

I love your photos!! ::yes::

Can't wait to read more!! :goodvibes

Thanks again for the birthday wish. I was 90% sure that I had a handicap room because of the hand rails in the bathroom despite the roll in shower. Thanks for confirming that.
I am so so sorry for getting away from this TR.

Life got a bit hectic these past few months but now I'm back! Ar you ready for more solo adventures?! I know I am!
Hooray for Hollywood!
This post will be super pic heavy.

This morning my alarm woke me up at 7 am nice and refreshed despite having some weird dreams that night. By the time I was out of bed and ready to go it was around 8:20.

Based on the weather reports for the day, there was a chance of rain and despite that, I almost waled out the door without my poncho.


This was my view outside my room. . .


. . . and to the right. My building was right next to a Calypso building.

I used this pathway everyday. If you made a left at the hedge row there was a path that brought you out to the walkway between the buildings. It saved me a bit of time everyday. This is were the path ended.


Upon arriving at the food court that morning, I began to panic a bit. It was a madhouse in there. I couldn't help but to hope this wasn't a sign of how the rest of the week was going to go. I decided to nix taking my mug with me this morning because I didn't want to take it with me to the park and I was too lazy to go back to my room.


I've only recently started to eat cream cheese so I was a bit surprised when it wasn't a sweet cream cheese. It was still good though.

While I ate I called my mom and tried not to get attacked by greedy birds. Some random girl threw them a piece of something which ended up looking something like this.


By 9 o' clock I was on a bus to make my Hollywood debut! While on the bus, I had a nice conversation with a cute older couple about my pin lanyard and magic band. They also were kind enough to wish me a happy birthday before we went our separate ways.

On my way in, I stopped by the Sorcerer Mickey Topiary for pictures.



When I got to the security line, my guard accused me of trying to hide the fact that it was my birthday. Apparently my button flipped over at some point. After deciding it was an accident, the Security Guard announced my birthday to everyone with in ear shot. I strolled in to the park with a smile on my face after this.



I decided I would wander back towards the Animation Courtyard to start off my day.





There really is nothing quite like walking in to a park shortly after opening. Everything seems so calm and peaceful with nothing but excitement building inside of you for what's in store for the day.



I figured I would snap a pic of what was left of the hat while I was here because I knew this would be the last time I would see any piece of it before it was gone for good.

Once I got back to the animation building, I ventured into the store there.


These stores would be super dangerous if I had more money in my pocket. So instead, I'll just show you some of my favorite pieces.



Plus, how cute is that stand? What better way to display awesome Disney art.

Here is where I started to just go where my feet took me. By doing this I discovered a new (well, new to me) area. It turns out, this was the back entrance to the Animation Gallery. It was nice and quiet back here. So, I just took my time and looked around.






I came out the other side to a very empty Animation building. It was still too early for all of the meet and greet madness to begin. However, while I was here, I figured I would find out which Disney Character I was.


The CM who checked me in was right! I am a princess! :thumbsup2:rotfl:

Once I was done confirming my royal status, I went back out into the park. Pixar Place was calling me!
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Love love your trip report! I'm in! Reading all of these solo reports makes me want to do one also. :flower1:
Hubby would never let me go without taking him! He loves it as much as I do.
They seem so peaceful! So relaxing going at your own pace... making all the decisions. .. sounds heavenly!
While I ate I called my mom and tried not to get attacked by greedy birds. Some random girl threw them a piece of something which ended up looking something like this.
I know exactly the scene you're describing! Those Disney birds are freakin' crazy, dude. :scared: In fact, one time I was sitting in Tomorrowland, minding my own business while eating a turkey leg, and a bird swooped down from the sky and snatched a piece of RIGHT out of my hand! CRAZY! :rotfl2:

When I got to the security line, my guard accused me of trying to hide the fact that it was my birthday. Apparently my button flipped over at some point. After deciding it was an accident, the Security Guard announced my birthday to everyone with in ear shot. I strolled in to the park with a smile on my face after this.
I love this story! I would have been blushing up to my ears, but also smiling wide as can be! :blush:

These stores would be super dangerous if I had more money in my pocket.
Girrrrl, for you and me both. I look and stuff in there and Art of Disney and just daydream about how good some of it would look hanging in my living room. Sigh. Someday! :goodvibes
What a great start to your HS day! I love the pictures with the Sorcerer Mickey topiary!

It sounds like such a relaxing time in the Animation Gallery - such beautiful pieces.
Love love your trip report! I'm in! Reading all of these solo reports makes me want to do one also. :flower1:
Hubby would never let me go without taking him! He loves it as much as I do.
They seem so peaceful! So relaxing going at your own pace... making all the decisions. .. sounds heavenly!

I LOVED not having to worry about what other people wanted to do and trying to make it all work in one plan. I saw so many people on my trip doing just that. It made me glad that I wasn't with them.
I know exactly the scene you're describing! Those Disney birds are freakin' crazy, dude. :scared: In fact, one time I was sitting in Tomorrowland, minding my own business while eating a turkey leg, and a bird swooped down from the sky and snatched a piece of RIGHT out of my hand! CRAZY! :rotfl2:

I love this story! I would have been blushing up to my ears, but also smiling wide as can be! :blush:

Girrrrl, for you and me both. I look and stuff in there and Art of Disney and just daydream about how good some of it would look hanging in my living room. Sigh. Someday! :goodvibes

That bird story is insane! I walk into those art stores and sigh with adoration. I don't even know how many imaginary rooms I've adorned with pieces of Disney art. :cloud9:
Great start to your day at HS!!! Loved the picture of you smiling! :cutie:

Thank you!

What a great start to your HS day! I love the pictures with the Sorcerer Mickey topiary!

It sounds like such a relaxing time in the Animation Gallery - such beautiful pieces.

It was relaxing! I feel like it might be a nice place to get away from crowds. Oh and those weren't even close to half of the pictures I took from the Animation Gallery. :rotfl:
While I ate I called my mom and tried not to get attacked by greedy birds. Some random girl threw them a piece of something which ended up looking something like this.

Yeah, there's a reason they tell you not to feed the birds ... they go crazy sometimes!
Although it's not as bad as when I went to Sea World San Diego, where they tell you to watch your food or the birds will eat it. I have never been so scared to eat a PB&J sandwich in my life.

When I got to the security line, my guard accused me of trying to hide the fact that it was my birthday. Apparently my button flipped over at some point. After deciding it was an accident, the Security Guard announced my birthday to everyone with in ear shot. I strolled in to the park with a smile on my face after this.

I love when the Security Guards are fun. And how great that the Security Guard wanted everyone to know that it's your birthday.

There really is nothing quite like walking in to a park shortly after opening. Everything seems so calm and peaceful with nothing but excitement building inside of you for what's in store for the day.

Totally agree with this.
If you get there before (or right at) opening, it's a little insane with everyone running for the headliners. But if you get there 10-15 minutes later, it's so serene and you have time to just appreciate the park.

These stores would be super dangerous if I had more money in my pocket.

Totally with you on this one!

Sounds like a good start to the morning - I can't wait to read all about what happened the rest of the day!
I also love the parks at open as everything is fresh and clean and just invigorating.

There are so many stores at Disney that are NSFW - Not Safe For Wallet ;)

Also love how one can always find new things at WDW
Totally agree with this.
If you get there before (or right at) opening, it's a little insane with everyone running for the headliners. But if you get there 10-15 minutes later, it's so serene and you have time to just appreciate the park.

Couldn't agree more!

I also love the parks at open as everything is fresh and clean and just invigorating.

There are so many stores at Disney that are NSFW - Not Safe For Wallet ;)

Also love how one can always find new things at WDW

HA! I love that!
Hooray for Hollywood - Part 2

So when we last left off, I had just left the Animation Building after my royalty was confirmed.

Now I was off to visit the place where toys can come to life!


I was curious as to how long the wait for TSMM was. If it was "short" then I would get a ride in before my FP+ later. Well, 80 minutes had me walk right by. But here have some pics anyways!



That poor monkey! The must have been influenced by that darn Sid kid.

I kept on walking towards the Streets of America. This section of the park was still nice and empty too.


Along the way I spotted my very first pressed penny machine. I may have looked stoic on the outside but on the inside?


Yep! I was that bunny! Here's my penny:


Once I was done getting this beauty, I snapped a few shots of what is left of the Back Lot Tour.


Beautiful-ness was everywhere in the park because after this picture I turned around to see this


Nope. Sorry. Let's try moving a bit to the left, shall we?


There she is! This carriage was so detailed and gorgeous. Pictures honestly don't do it justice. So I of course had to get my picture taken in front of it.


(Please pardon my wind blown hair here)

Now one of the tips you may get from people when going to Disney is to take time and just look around (especially in the up direction.) So that's what I did while roaming around.





I can't help but love all of these details! By now the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining. The temperature was nice and there was a gorgeous breeze going. I was in Disney heaven! See?


I noticed a young family of three taking pictures as well. Dad was snapping away while Mom and Son were posed. Well, this just wouldn't do! So I offered to take a picture for them with all three in the shot. They were so happy that I offered. It just added to the great morning I was having.

I've been in the park now for a good while and I haven't been on one ride! This must be fixed!


My timing for this ride couldn't have been better. Shortly after I got in line, the CM close by started adjusting the line to accommodate more people. The overall wait though probably wasn't more than 20 minutes.


I love this movie! My family and I are constantly quoting it. My favorite part by far has to be when the film and sound get out of sync with each other. It never fails to make me smile and I mean how can you not love Gene Kelly.


This is where I realized that my new phone takes really nice pictures in the dark. *hint, hint*
As was with every other time I've been on this ride I ended up with the gangster scene. I apologize if the rest of these are a bit out of order.


:love::love::love:"I'm singin' in the rain! Just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling! I'm happy again!"


"Chim Chiminey, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim Cheree"




After that relaxing trip through the movies, my first FP+ of the day was ready to be used. So I headed back through the Streets of America. I spotted these two on my way back over towards TSMM.


Yep! The Tardis and Merida (a disbounder) were strolling through the park. I really liked their outfits although I'm not sure if the red hair was a wig or not.

As I walked I started "stretching" out my arm to get ready. Its not that easy to do without people noticing. Before I knew it I was shrunk down to the size of a toy.


Again, the details just amaze me. They didn't have to make the crayon tips look like they've been used but there they are none the less.


My only guess is "Hey, Howdy, Hey!" What do you think?

As for the ride itself? It was amazing as usual. I made it all the way to the last bonus round before my arm started cramping up. I guess my stretching didn't really work.


Not too bad! I think my accuracy improved since my last trip.

Where to next?

It's time to play the music!
It's time to light the lights!
It's time to get things started at MUPPET VISION 3-D!





I always enjoy seeing this movie and the animatronics make it all the better. What's not to love about the Muppets? I did notice what people are saying about the quality of the film. I had a group of people around me that must have been there for the first time and it made the whole experience 1000x better.
What was even better was everybody moved all the way down to the end of the rows without any extra reminders from the CMs!

By now I was getting hungry so I decided to find somewhere to eat. I wasn't feeling anything really heavy so no pizza. When I went with my family we ate at ABC Commissary and it was a good meal. I know there are some people who absolutely despise this place but I've never had a bad experience there so I wandered over there.

I settled on a grilled chicken sandwich. My plan was to get broccoli with it but upon ordering I totally forgot to mention it. Don't worry I hadn't used the napkins at this point.


I didn't want to take a table that would seat a family which is pretty much most of the tables in the place. Finally I found a two person table but it was tucked away in a corner behind a plant.


Now if you look closely,you can see a display for "The Goldbergs" on the right side of the picture. It had some of the costumes in it from the show. Well, as I was eating/writing trip notes/taking in everything around me, I realized I was surrounded. :scared:



That's right! The Goldbergs were everywhere! I couldn't help but shake my head when I realized this. Later in the week, I saw a bus with an ad on the side and I had to laugh.

Right when I was finishing up, I started noticing some ponchos outside. Uh oh!
I was curious as to how long the wait for TSMM was. If it was "short" then I would get a ride in before my FP+ later. Well, 80 minutes had me walk right by. But here have some pics anyways!

That line is a killer ... it makes me so sad. TSMM is so fun, I wish it was easier to ride it multiple times.

Yep! I was that bunny! Here's my penny:

I love it!

There she is! This carriage was so detailed and gorgeous. Pictures honestly don't do it justice. So I of course had to get my picture taken in front of it.

It really is so beautiful! You're right, pictures don't do it justice. The picture looks beautiful, though!


My only guess is "Hey, Howdy, Hey!" What do you think?

Makes sense.
I'm terrible that guessing these things, though.

It's time to play the music!
It's time to light the lights!
It's time to get things started at MUPPET VISION 3-D!


That's right! The Goldbergs were everywhere! I couldn't help but shake my head when I realized this. Later in the week, I saw a bus with an ad on the side and I had to laugh.

Yeah, The Goldbergs seems to be one of ABC's big shows now, so I guess it's everywhere!
You found so many great little details - one of the best things about Disney!

TSMM is a great ride - love the queue! It's so much fun!

Hoping you managed to stay dry!
I'm really enjoying your trip report. I will be going on my first solo trip for my birthday this November. I'm so excited, but so very nervous as well:scared: I love reading about the experiences of other solo travelers. I can't wait to see how the rest of your vacation was :teeth:.


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