Hypoallergenic Sunblock

Tony M

Remember 1999
Sep 19, 1999
Our Two year old's day at Castaway Cay was ruined when sunblock that we put on her arms was rubbed into her eyes. Then the more she rubbed her eyes the more she rubbed in.
The poor thing. :(
Even after a good rinse she was irritated for quite some time. Anyone know of a good sunblock that is Hypoallergenic that won't cause such a reaction and is still worthy of being called a sunblock?
I have had luck with Banana Boat faces plus. I just looked at the tube though and it says to avoid contact with eyes....
In my experience all sunblocks sting when you get them in your eyes. I try to avoid putting them on the forhead where the sweat will cause them to drip into the eyes.
I have a severe aspirin (acetasalicylic acid) allergy and would like to warn anyone, adult and children alike, that any sunblock containing any form of salicylic acid could cause an allergic reaction if you are sensitive. (It causes my eyes to swell shut.)
Always read the ingredients and know that "hypoallergenic" doesn't always mean for everyone.:eek:
The ONLY sunscreen I use on my son is Avon. Everything else, from "baby sunscreen" to "face" made his eyes swell. I've used a few types of Avon since he was 1, all of them were reaction free!
I have the same problem and use Neautragena UVA/UVB. It is hypoallergenic and also has Parasol 1789. I also have sensitive skin and melanoma skin cancer and this has been the best yet. Good luck!
In regarding allergic reactions to the sunblock, 99% of the time people are allergic to the PABA. I am very allergic to this ingredient and am very careful about the type that I buy. As far as the sunblock getting in eyes, any sunblock, whether hypo-allergenic or not will cause irritation. The kids sport block, PABA free, sweat proof with a SPF of 45 is wonderful. It even comes colored to make sure that you can tell that all parts are covered. The color rubs out as you rub the lotion in. I hope this is help for you, nothing is worse than a sunburn!!!! on a cruise.:D :bounce: :Pinkbounc
FYI: Hypoallergenic isn't a medical term. It was made up by advertisers to make us think that a product is safer than others. Similarly, until recently, the food term "Lite" also didn't have an official meaning; therefore, the food could have been lighter in color or lighter on the vegetables. Want to hear more? Know how Listerine makes us fear the dreaded "hallotosis?" They made that word up because it sounds similar to tuburculosis -- thus, they're putting bad breath on the same scale as a deadly comunicable disease. I took a college class years ago that really pointed out the lies in advertising. It was quite interesting.

The point: hypoallergenic sunblock won't keep your 2-year old from getting boo-boo eyes.

I'd suggest that you avoid sunscreen on hands and near eyes. Use a hat and sunglasses (with a cord to keep them in place) to protect the eye area.
Neutrogena is great. We use it all the time.

And, my dermatologist recommended the Eucerine w/ SPF 15. That works good, too.

I always avoid putting sunscreen on the hands of any child. And, when I put it on the face, I rub it in my hands first, then squish my hands over the child's face.

I hate the normal smell that accompanies regular sun lotions. The ones I mentioned don't have that same smell.
we use the sunscreen sticks. It looks like a fatter lip balm. I know there are a few brands out there but we really like the bullfrog 30+. It's really easy to put on and get close to the eyes with. Also don't forget to go up into the hairline a bit around the face!!


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