Hurricane Matthew Closes WDW - Reopens Saturday, October 8th

So anyone know anything about this curfew? I have a flight into Tampa late today and was planning to drive to Disney where I have a room (there are no rooms in Tampa :) ) I am a little concerned that I am going to be sleeping in the car if I can't get to Disney.

Glad it's going well. Really concerned for my friends who live in the low coast area of Georgia and South Carolina however!
It's until 7 am Saturday but seeing how we didn't get the eye of Matthew they could end it sooner...
If in fact it turned eastward, we're "getting hit" now (in that 8-9am window), etc - essentially, if it works out much better than anticipated - is it possible they'll lift the curfew early, open parks earlier than anticipated?

CMs were told not to report to work today, so I can't imagine they could get enough of us together to operate the parks. The ride-out crews don't consist of enough people for full operational necessities.

The curfew, I don't know about.
Even "if" they were to open the parks, all the 'outside' rides would have to be thoroughly tested, debris cleared, staff called in (CM's were all told parks closed today). Not an easy feat. They'll need a full day just to do basic clean up...
We are at Swan. Heading to Boardwalk about noon or so I guess. It is really not at all bad out there. Just saw the latest on the local news and it's not going to get worse, just better. We won't have any problem getting over there

Don't know how you missed it. We were at Epcot and they positively announced the closing over the PA system. and from the time we arrived at 11:00, every CM mentioned it too
Like I said I was inside a building. No announcemen inside building speakers.

Wasn't until I logged on here that I found out.

Nobody said anything when we walked in around 11
Question for locals/WDW hurricane veterans...

(and please, no lectures on naïveté - we get pretty wicked winter storms and I know what weather can do. I just also know it can surprise even the best meteorologists and most prepared folks, in positive ways too)

If in fact it turned eastward, we're "getting hit" now (in that 8-9am window), etc - essentially, if it works out much better than anticipated - is it possible they'll lift the curfew early, open parks earlier than anticipated?

I'm not asking for a blood oath or even if there's a chance we make our afternoon FP today ;). We're just only down here 3 days and it looks like most of those will be in our room. I would never suggest safety isn't the priority, just curious if we can hang onto some hope that we COULD, if weather lets up, get to do something after all?
I wondered about that myself. I'm guessing no, that once they made the call to close they'll keep it closed today. Looking out the window right now and while it would be perfectly safe to be out at the park it wouldn't be much fun so I still think they made the right call to close today.

Something has stuck me as funny though, I can see the walking path to HS and right behind the BWI pool they have golf carts parked on the path. Had there been the stronger winds I find it hard to belief they would have been safe there. They aren't even against a building for protection

As for debris, all I see here is 1 palm fronds on the ground
Really? I mean, I am urging people to stay safe, take it seriously etc. But, I have a son who is fascinated by weather phenomena. Is this really the case? (I just want to telll him accurate stuff)

Didn't see if you got a reply. Yes...hurricaines because of the wind; size, etc can measure as much energy as an atomic bomb. Though energy is a more abstract concept not the equivalent of force. Science talks about the energy of storms when discussing alternative energies--like wind energy, etc.
Like I said I was inside a building. No announcemen inside building speakers.

Wasn't until I logged on here that I found out.

Nobody said anything when we walked in around 11
Very strange. They made several announcements, not just 1. We came in IG and they told everyone there, and the boat folks told us too so we already knew

Just goes to show how 2 people on the same park at the same time can have completely opposite experiences
CMs were told not to report to work today, so I can't imagine they could get enough of us together to operate the parks. The ride-out crews don't consist of enough people for full operational necessities.

The curfew, I don't know about.
I wondered exactly what terms WDW used.. Wasnt sure if they told CM's you arent coming in tomorrow, or plan on not coming in tomorrow. I didnt know if they would make it open ended so if damage wasnt as bad, they would be able to call folks in or not. Sounds like they said "we are closed, see you saturday" if that's the case, then yea, I dont see them opening today at all.
At ASMu yesterday they put up a sign that the food court would be close tomorrow (so today). We did had snacks and cereals, but I did not planned for an entire day! So i went to the store and got juice, cheese, more snacks and I got in line in the food court for supper and a large pizza for tomorrow... I waited an hour and 30 minutes at around 4:45PM... Got in my room at 6:30.

My husband went back for milk for the baby at around 8pm and he couldnt get any at the store.
I wondered about that myself. I'm guessing no, that once they made the call to close they'll keep it closed today. Looking out the window right now and while it would be perfectly safe to be out at the park it wouldn't be much fun so I still think they made the right call to close today.

Something has stuck me as funny though, I can see the walking path to HS and right behind the BWI pool they have golf carts parked on the path. Had there been the stronger winds I find it hard to belief they would have been safe there. They aren't even against a building for protection

As for debris, all I see here is 1 palm fronds on the ground

I think you're right. If anything they'll be able to use the day to assess damage, ensure attractions are safe and functional, etc. so they can be fully operating tomorrow.
Very glad as it could've been far worse. But it also is very meme worthy, Fox News warning of us all dying and our children dying - I open the blinds and see a few leaves on the floor. And people say the media is full of hyperbole :upsidedow

So that was a legit broadcast and not something someone cooked up themselves? If that was real, someone needs a talking to :/
Didn't see if you got a reply. Yes...hurricaines because of the wind; size, etc can measure as much energy as an atomic bomb. Though energy is a more abstract concept not the equivalent of force. Science talks about the energy of storms when discussing alternative energies--like wind energy, etc.
Thank you. We have been speaking about the storm, this will be interesting for him to grapple with.
Even "if" they were to open the parks, all the 'outside' rides would have to be thoroughly tested, debris cleared, staff called in (CM's were all told parks closed today). Not an easy feat. They'll need a full day just to do basic clean up...
Based on what I'm looking at right now they won't have any significant clean up. They will need to get all the fixtures back in place. So I tend to agree, they won't open today.
Like I said I was inside a building. No announcemen inside building speakers.

Wasn't until I logged on here that I found out.

Nobody said anything when we walked in around 11

I'm with you. We had a large group spread all over WDW and there were announcements some places, CMs talking at others, no communication at others still.

Unless a poster was somehow everywhere at once, the attitude is unnecessary. ;)
Based on what I'm looking at right now they won't have any significant clean up. They will need to get all the fixtures back in place. So I tend to agree, they won't open today.
There definitely isn't much damage that I can see between the yacht club and Boardwalk. They have people going around on carts constantly checking though.
I'm with you. We had a large group spread all over WDW and there were announcements some places, CMs talking at others, no communication at others still.

Unless a poster was somehow everywhere at once, the attitude is unnecessary. ;)
What attitude? I was at the same park at the same time. I do find it hard to imagine that some one in the same park at the same time couldn't hear what we heard. It was well communicated to us. I am not saying the other person is incorrect and also said this is a good example of 2 people on the same place at the same time and come back with opposite experiences
After living through Katrina, I'm really shaking my head at the posts about no delivered flashlights, extra bath towels and $13 sandwich boxes. While sitting safely At Disneyworld no less.

Really??? Over 230 people have already lost their lives in Matthew and this is what's important? Definitely 1st world problems.

I lived through Katrina and many others. I still think the $13 "lunch" is a bit crazy.
I have never seen Disney sell a $5 meal even on a beautiful day. Children's meals are even more than $5. You can't compare prices to McD, Disney always over charges
I don't think that $13 is gouging, BUT it was a stupid PR move to do so. These meal were not proffered as part of the normal fare of the food service establishments. There were produced in response to a event that generated a lot of worry in the eyes of their guests and also screwed most of the families out of a day in the parks that they had planned on. Disney certainly did a lot of other things that they normally don't do in the resorts in an honest effort to try and make the guests feel better about the situation. They brought in extra CMs, handed out flashlights, offered games, arcades were "no cost", they brought in characters, etc. They easily could have opted to "gone easy" on the pricing of the "box lunches" that they offered as another goodwill gesture. But alas, the management of the local food courts saw an option to ramp up their unit's bottom line, and they went for it.


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